Query amount of VRAM or GPU clock speed - vulkan

I am writing code to pick a physical device, but I want to put in some logic to prefer newer devices (more VRAM or higher clock speed) in case multiple ones fit my minimum feature requirements.
Is this possible?

Vulkan has no specific API calls to get such GPU details, for that you'd need to go with vendor specific APIs like NVAPI. The only hint may be deviceType member of VkPhysicalDeviceProperties that returns whether it's an integraed, discrete or virtual GPU.
The VRAM size though can be determined by finding the memory heap with the DEVICE_LOCAL bit set using vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. The VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties returned by that function contains all available memory heaps in the memoryHeaps member. The configuration differs esp. between discrete and integrated GPUs, so this may not always be what you're looking for, e.g. on integrated GPUs with shared memory.
Heaps for a discrete GPU: http://vulkan.gpuinfo.org/displayreport.php?id=1432#memoryheaps
Heaps for an integrated GPU: http://vulkan.gpuinfo.org/displayreport.php?id=1200#memoryheaps


"portable" way to determine GPU core occupancy with Vulkan

For writing GPU computation kernels (aka "compute shaders" in GL/Vulkan), it is useful to query various shader parameters such as register usage and shared memory usage that determine how much individual threads may get scheduled to a single streaming multiprocessor (SM with nVidia, CU with AMD, etc.).
For AMD GPUs, we have an appropriate extension that contains vkGetShaderInfoAMD, using which one can reach some information about occupied VGPR/SGPRs and shared memory (aka LDS) and thus calculate a good estimate of the core occupancy.
Is there any such possibility/extension for nVidia and Intel (and possibly other) GPUs, or a workaround to measure the properties of a GLSL shader on a particular hardware in some other way? At least for nVidia cards, the functionality is implemented in CUDA, but that doesn't help much with debugging GLSL shaders stuff.

Is it possible to use system memory instead of GPU memory for processing Dask tasks

We have been running DASK clusters on Kubernetes for some time. Up to now, we have been using CPUs for processing and, of course, system memory for storing our Dataframe of around 1,5 TB (per DASK cluster, split onto 960 workers). Now we want to update our algorithm to take advantage of GPUs. But it seems like the available memory on GPUs is not going to be enough for our needs, it will be a limiting factor(with our current setup, we are using more than 1GB of memory per virtual core).
I was wondering if it is possible to use GPUs (thinking about NVDIA, AMD cards with PCIe connections and their own VRAMS, not integrated GPUs that use system memory) for processing and system memory (not GPU memory/VRAM) for storing DASK Dataframes. I mean, is it technically possible? Have you ever tried something like this? Can I schedule a kubernetes pod such that it uses GPU cores and system memory together?
Another thing is, even if it was possible to allocate the system RAM as VRAM of GPU, is there a limitation to the size of this allocatable system RAM?
Note 1. I know that using system RAM with GPU (if it was possible) will create an unnecessary traffic through PCIe bus, and will result in a degraded performance, but I would still need to test this configuration with real data.
Note 2. GPUs are fast because they have many simple cores to perform simple tasks at the same time/in parallel. If an individual GPU core is not superior to an individual CPU core then may be I am chasing the wrong dream? I am already running dask workers on kubernetes which already have access to hundreds of CPU cores. In the end, having a huge number of workers with a part of my data won't mean better performance (increased shuffling). No use infinitely increasing the number of cores.
Note 3. We are mostly manipulating python objects and doing math calculations using calls to .so libraries implemented in C++.
Edit1: DASK-CUDA library seems to support spilling from GPU memory to host memory but spilling is not what I am after.
Edit2: It is very frustrating that most of the components needed to utilize GPUs on Kubernetes are still experimental/beta.
Dask-CUDA: This library is experimental...
NVIDIA device plugin: The NVIDIA device plugin is still considered beta and...
Kubernetes: Kubernetes includes experimental support for managing AMD and NVIDIA GPUs...
I don't think this is possible directly as of today, but it's useful to mention why and reply to some of the points you've raised:
Yes, dask-cuda is what comes to mind first when I think of your use-case. The docs do say it's experimental, but from what I gather, the team has plans to continue to support and improve it. :)
Next, dask-cuda's spilling mechanism was designed that way for a reason -- while doing GPU compute, your biggest bottleneck is data-transfer (as you have also noted), so we want to keep as much data on GPU-memory as possible by design.
I'd encourage you to open a topic on Dask's Discourse forum, where we can reach out to some NVIDIA developers who can help confirm. :)
A sidenote, there are some ongoing discussion around improving how Dask manages GPU resources. That's in its early stages, but we may see cool new features in the coming months!

Does TensorFlow use all of the hardware on the GPU?

The NVidia GP100 has 30 TPC circuits and 240 "texture units". Do the TPCs and texture units get used by TensorFlow, or are these disposable bits of silicon for machine learning?
I am looking at GPU-Z and Windows 10's built-in GPU performance monitor on a running neural net training session and I see various hardware functions are underutilized. Tensorflow uses CUDA. CUDA has access, I presume, to all hardware components. If I know where the gap is (between Tensorflow and underlying CUDA) and whether it is material (how much silicon is wasted) I can, for example, remediate by making a clone of TensorFlow, modifying it, and then submitting a pull request.
For example, answer below discusses texture objects, accessible from CUDA. NVidia notes that these can be used to speed up latency-sensitive, short-running kernels. If I google "TextureObject tensorflow" I don't get any hits. So I can sort of assume, barring evidence to the contrary, that TensorFlow is not taking advantage of TextureObjects.
NVidia markets GPGPUs for neural net training. So far it seems they have adopted a dual-use strategy for their circuits, so they are leaving in circuits not used for machine learning. This begs the question of whether a pure TensorFlow circuit would be more efficient. Google is now promoting TPUs for this reason. The jury is out on whether TPUs are actually cheaper for TensorFlow than NVidia GPUs. NVidia is challenging Google price/performance claims.
None of those things are separate pieces of individual hardware that can be addressed separately in CUDA. Read this passage on page 10 of your document:
Each GPC inside GP100 has ten SMs. Each SM has 64 CUDA Cores and four texture units. With 60 SMs,
GP100 has a total of 3840 single precision CUDA Cores and 240 texture units. Each memory controller is
attached to 512 KB of L2 cache, and each HBM2 DRAM stack is controlled by a pair of memory
controllers. The full GPU includes a total of 4096 KB of L2 cache.
And if we read just above that:
GP100 was built to be the highest performing parallel computing processor in the world to address the
needs of the GPU accelerated computing markets serviced by our Tesla P100 accelerator platform. Like
previous Tesla-class GPUs, GP100 is composed of an array of Graphics Processing Clusters (GPCs), Texture
Processing Clusters (TPCs), Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs), and memory controllers. A full GP100
consists of six GPCs, 60 Pascal SMs, 30 TPCs (each including two SMs), and eight 512-bit memory
controllers (4096 bits total).
and take a look at the diagram we see the following:
So not only are the GPCs and SMS not seperate pieces of hardware, but even the TPCs are just another way to reorganize the hardware architecture and come up with a fancy marketing name. You can clearly see TPC doesn't add anything new in the diagram, it just looks like a container for the SMs. Its [1 GPC]:[5 TPCs]:[10 SMs]
The memory controllers are something all hardware is going to have in order to interface with RAM, it happens that more memory controllers can enable higher bandwidth, see this diagram:
where "High bandwidth memory" refers to HBM2 a type of video memory like GDDR5, in other words, video RAM. This isn't something you would directly address in software with CUDA any more than you would do so with X86 desktop machines.
So in reality, we only have SMs here, not TPCs an GPCs. So to answer your question, since Tensor flow takes advantage of cuda, presumably its going to use all the available hardware it can.
EDIT: The poster edited their question to an entirely different question, and has new misconceptions there so here is the answer to that:
Texture Processing Clusters (TPCs) and Texture units are not the same thing. TPCs appear to be merely an organization of Streaming Multiprocessors (SM) with a bit of marketing magic thrown in.
Texture units are not a concrete term, and features differ from GPU to GPU, but basically you can think of them as the combination of texture memory or ready access to texture memory, which employs spatial coherence, versus L1,L2,L3... cache which employ temporal coherence, in combination of some fixed function functionality. Fixed functionality may include interpolation access filter (often at least linear interpolation), different coordinate modes, mipmapping control and ansiotropic texture filtering. See the Cuda 9.0 Guide on this topic to get an idea of texture unit functionality and what you can control with CUDA. On the diagram we can see the texture units at the bottom.
Clearly these are completely different from the TPCs shown in the first picture I posted, which at least according to the diagram have no extra functionality associated with them and are merely a container for two SMs.
Now, despite the fact that you can address texture functionality within cuda, you often don't need to. The texture units fixed function functionality is not all that useful to Neural nets, however, the spatially coherent texture memory is often automatically used by CUDA as an optimization even if you don't explicitly try to access it. In this way, TensorFlow still would not be "wasting" silicon.

Max size of thread local memory of a GPU thread (C++ AMP)

I'd like to create an integer array of 100 and an another one of ~10-100 integers (varies by user input) on every thread. I will reuse the data in the array_views several times on a thread so I want to copy the content of the aray view as local data to enhance memory access time. (Every thread is responsible for its "own" 100 elements of the array_view, creating one thread for every element is not possible with my algorythm) If it is not possible, tile static memory will do the trick too, but the thread local one would be better.
My question is, how many bytes can I allocate on a thread as local variable/array(a minimum amount which will work on most GPU s)?
Also, with which software can I query the capabilites of my GPU (Number of registers per thread, size of static memory per tile, etc.) The CUDA SDK has an utility app which queries the capabilities of the GPU, but I have an AMD one, Radeon HD 5770, and it won't work with my GPU if I am correct.
Opencl api can query gpu or cpu devices for capabilities of opencl programs but results should be similar for any natively optimized structure. But if your C++ AMP is based on HLSL or similar, you may not be able to use LDS.
32kB LDS and 24kB constant cache per compute unit means you can have 1kB LDS + 0.75kB per thread when you choose 32 threads per compute unit. But drivers may use some of it for other purposes, you can always test for different sizes. Look at constant cache bandwidth, its 2x performance of LDS bw.
If you are using those arrays without sharing with oter threads (or without any synchronization), you can use 256kB register space per compute unit(8kB per thread (setup of 32 threads per cu)) with six times wider bandwidth than LDS. But there are always some limits so actual usable value may be half of this.
taken from appendix - d of http://developer.amd.com/wordpress/media/2013/07/AMD_Accelerated_Parallel_Processing_OpenCL_Programming_Guide-rev-2.7.pdf

Meaning of bandwidth in CUDA and why it is important

The CUDA programming guide states that
"Bandwidth is one of the most important gating factors for performance. Almost all changes to code should be made in the context of how they affect bandwidth."
It goes on to calculate theoretical bandwidth which is in the order of hundreds of gigabytes per second. I am at a loss as to why how many bytes one can read/write to global memory is a reflection of how well optimised a kernel is.
If I have a kernel which does intensive computation on data stored in shared memory and/or registers, with only a single read at the start and write out at the end from and to global memory, surely the effective bandwidth will be small, while the kernel itself may be very efficient.
Could any one further explain bandwidth in this context?
most all nontrivial computational kernels, in CPU and GPU land, memory bound.
GPU has very high computational intensity and throughput, but access to main memory is very slow and has high latency, few hundred cycles per read/store versus four cycles for mmany arithmetic operations.
It sounds like your kernel is computation bound, so your luck. However you still have to watch out for shared memory bank conflict, which can serialize portions of code unexpectedly.
Most kernels are memory bound so maximising memory throughput is critical. If you're lucky enough to have a compute bound kernel then optimizing for computation is generally easier. You do need to look out for divergence and you should still ensure you have enough threads to hide memory latency.
Check out the Advanced CUDA C presentation for more information, including some tips for how to compare your realised performance with theoretical performance. The CUDA Best Practices Gude also has some good information, it's available as part of the CUDA toolkit (download from the NVIDIA site).
Typically kernels are fairly small and simple and perform the same operation on a lot of data. You might have a bunch of kernels that you invoke in sequence to perform some more complex operation (think of it as a processing pipeline). Obviously the throughput of your pipeline will depend both on how efficient your kernels are and whether you are limited by memory bandwidth in any way.