How to show Server down or Unavailable alert in jaxrs - jax-rs

I am working with Jaxrs restful webservice.Can anybody give me an idea how to implement service unavailable alert.particularly when server is down.

If you are hosting your server on the Google Cloud Platform, I would suggest Google Stackdriver
It can monitor your instances and give you warnings by email or SMS.
I assume there are similar services for other IaaS.


Register Externally hosted app in PCF Service Registry

I am trying to add an ASP.NET 4.x app hosted externally (using AWS Elastic Beanstalk) into the Service-registry of an existing PCF.
Edit: Is this possible? If so, can someone give me an example about how this can be done
Assuming you have network connectivity in all directions between apps in PCF and the external app, yes this should be quite possible.
However, if you're using Spring Cloud Eureka, your externally-hosted app will need to get valid OAuth credentials so that it can authenticate prior to registering.
The comment by Daniel Mikusa is very appropriate for how I achieved this.
For Pivotal SCS, you would want to create a service instance (if you
don't have one already), then create a service key for your external
app. That will give you all of the binding info/creds you need to
connect from your remote service. A service key is the same as binding
a service to an app, except it's not tied to an app so it works well
for situations like this. Just give your service key a good name, so
you know that it's being used by an external app when you come back
and see it a year from now

IBM API Management and Secure Gateway

I created the secure gateway in my space and connected it to the client on my laptop (Mac Installer), I also created the destination (localhost, port 3000, TCP), now I need to create some APIs with API Management service but I am not able to see the APIs deployed in My laptop form the APIM Service.
Do I Need to configure something special to be able to connect it to my local APIs? I also need to do the same for some SOA services with WSDL.
Any help or info about how to configure this connections will be really appreciated.
Thank you very much!
#Luis Florez
Please see the section Importing or composing APIs in the page
and it will provide some pointers to expose APIs in API management service.

Adding Application Insights to a WCF service on a locked down IIS box

We have a server in our DMZ that we use to host our WCF web services on for some external clients.
This server only accepts connections from a single IP address to make it more secure.
Does anyone know if this it is possible to add application insights to a service that only accepts connections from a single IP? would I need to make changes to allow application insights to work?
Application Insights collects telemetry and sends it out to back-end servers hosted in Azure. So, till you have outbound connectivity to Azure, your web services will work fine with Application Insights.

How to monitor all lync users instant message via C# console application?

I have created UCMA trusted application using C# console application.
I want to monitor all Lync Users instant messaging calls (in one place) as well as store their conversations in the database via this console application.
Is it possible?.
If possible, please give an idea or any url.
UCMA trusted applications will only respond to traffic to the endpoints associated with that application so if you want to monitor all instant message traffic it would be the wrong API.
I would suggest using SIP Application API to create a server application. This will also require the use of MSPL documented here
As Dai has asked - is the console application a requirement or will a windows service be ok?
Try our this sample application SipSnoop it basically shows all the metadata passing throught the lync server, you can tweak around it according to your requirement.

Is there a service for monitoring secured WCF endpoints in the same way that HTTP monitoring services do?

A service I have in WCF occasionally goes down due a problem with a COM component. While I am troubleshooting I would like to setup another host to make regular calls to this service to monitor availability.
It is slightly more complicated that a simple HTTP call though as the service is secured by SSL and WCF authentication (username / password). I'd also like to be able to parse successful calls to see if they return warning / fail states from my code.
Would you recommend any monitoring providers for this or is it beyond the simple monitoring they normally provide?
You could enable WCF logging and auditing facilities either on the server or the client to produce a log of all traffic. Then you can analyze the results using the WCF Service Trace Viewer Tool provided in .NET Framework 3.0 and 3.5 SDK.
In your situation I would probably enable logging only at the message level. This will reduce the amount of information that ends up in the log file and will help you focus on analyzing the data that's actually being sent back and forth from the services.