I am trying to write a simple siddhi query which detects a pattern
eg: "Ice" "cream" "x" "y" "apple" "water"
where events Ice & cream both should be together and apple water should be together and x y are any random values in the window.length(6)
problem is the following query is not restricting the window.length(6) how can i achieve this?
from every (( s1=windowedStream[s1.val=='ice']-> s2= windowedStream[s2.val=='cream'] )
-> ( a1=windowedStream[a1.val=='apple'] -> a2 = windowedStream[a2.val =='water'] ))
select s1.meta_timestamp, s1.val
insert into filteredStream
As per the existent notations, Siddhi allows you to restrict a pattern based on a time window only. Please refer the following.
As a workaround to restricting the patterns based on a length window, you may introduce a 3rd attribute called index to the "windowedStream", where index reflects the order of event arrival (i.e. index of the 1st event is 1, index of the 2nd event is 2 and so on). Then the following query would capture the patterns occurring within a length window of 6 events.
from every (( s1=tempStream[s1.val=='ice']-> s2= tempStream[s2.val=='cream'] )
-> ( a1=tempStream[a1.val=='apple'] -> a2 = tempStream[a2.val =='water' and a2.index- s1.index <= 6]))
select s1.meta_timestamp, s1.val
insert into filteredStream;
Hope this helps.
this may be a basic question but I just couldn't figure it out. Sample data and query could be found here. (under the "First-touch" tab)
I'll skip the marketing terminology here but basically what the query does is attributing credits/points to placements (ads) based on certain rule. Here, the rule is "first-touch", which means the credit goes to the first ad user interacted with - could be view or click. The "FLOODLIGHT" here means the user takes action to actually buy the product (conversion).
As you can see in the sample data, user 1 has one conversion and the first ad is placement 22 (first-touch), so 22 gets 1 point. User 2 has two conversions and the first ad of each is 11, so 11 gets 2 points.
The logic is quite simple here but I had a difficult time understanding the query itself. What's the point of comparing prev_conversion_event.event_time < conversion_event.event_time? Aren't they essentially the same? I mean both of them came from UNNEST(t.*_path.events). And attributed_event.event_time also came from the same place.
What does prev_conversion_event.event_time, conversion_event.event_time, and attributed_event.event_time evaluate to in this scenario anyway? I'm just confused as hell here. Much appreciate the help!
For convenience I'm pasting the sample data, the query and output below:
Sample data
/* Substitute *_paths for the specific paths table that you want to query. */
AS STRUCT attributed_event.placement_id,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY attributed_event.event_time ASC) AS rank
UNNEST(t.*_paths.events) AS attributed_event
attributed_event.event_type != "FLOODLIGHT"
AND attributed_event.event_time < conversion_event.event_time
AND attributed_event.event_time > (
MAX(prev_conversion_event.event_time) AS event_time
UNNEST(t.*_paths.events) AS prev_conversion_event
prev_conversion_event.event_type = "FLOODLIGHT"
AND prev_conversion_event.event_time < conversion_event.event_time),
0)) ) AS attributed_event_metadata
attributed_event_metadata.rank = 1) AS placement_id,
COUNT(*) AS credit
adh.*_paths AS t,
UNNEST(*_paths.events) AS conversion_event
conversion_event.event_type = "FLOODLIGHT"
placement_id IS NOT NULL
credit DESC
It is a quite convoluted query to be fair, I think I know what are you asking, please correct me if not the case.
What's the point of comparing prev_conversion_event.event_time < conversion_event.event_time?
You are doing something like "I want all the events from this (unnest), and for every event, I want to know which events are the predecessor of each other".
Say you have [A, B, C, D] and they are ordered in succession (A happened before B, A and B happened before C, and so on), the result of that unnesting and joining over that condition will get you something like [A:(NULL), B:(A), C:(A, B), D:(A, B, C)] (excuse the notation, hope it is not confusing), being each key:value pair, the Event:(Predecessors). Note that A has no events before it, but B has A, etc.
Now you have a nice table with all the conversion events joined with the events that happened before that one.
I have a pivot table chart in QlikView that has a dimension and an expression. The dimension is a column with 5 possible values: 'a','b','c','d','e'.
Is there a way to restrict the values to 'a','b' and 'c' only?
I would prefer to enforce this from the chart properties with a condition, instead of choosing the values from a listbox if possible.
Thank you very much, I_saw_drones! There is an problem I have though. I have different expressions defined depending on the category, like this:
IF( ([Category]) = 'A' , COUNT( {<[field1] = {'x','y'} >} [field2]), IF ([Category]) = 'B' , SUM( {<[field3] = {'z'} >} [field4]), IF (Category='C', ..., 0)))
In this case, where would I add $<Category={'A','B','C'} ? My expression so far doesn't help because although I tell QV to use a different formula/calculation for each category, the category overall (all 5 values) represents the dimension.
One possible method to do this is to use QlikView's Set Analysis to create an expression which sums only your desired values.
For this example, I have a very simple load script:
Category, Value
A, 1
B, 2
C, 3
D, 4
E, 5
I then have the following Pivot Table Chart set up with a single expression which just sums the values:
What we need to do is to modify the expression, so that it only sums A, B and C from the Category field.
If I then use QlikView's Set Analysis to modify the expression to the following:
=sum({$<Category={A,B,C}>} Value)
I then achieve my desired result:
This then restricts my Pivot Table Chart to displaying only these three values for Category without me having to make a selection in a Listbox. The form of this expression also allows other dimensions to be filtered at the same time (i.e. the selections "add up"), so I could say, filter on a Country dimension, and my restriction for Category would still be applied.
How this works
Let's pick apart the expression:
=sum({$<Category={A,B,C}>} Value)
Here you can recognise the original form we had before (sum(Value)), but with a modification. The part {$<Category={A,B,C}>} is the Set Analysis part and has this format: {set_identifier<set_modifier>}. Coming back to our original expression:
{: Set Analysis expressions always start with a {.
$: Set Identifier: This symbol represents the current selections in the QlikView document. This means that any subsequent restrictions are applied on top of the existing selections. 1 can also be used, this represents the full set of data in your document irrespective of selections.
<: Start of the set modifiers.
Category={A,B,C}: The dimension that we wish to place a restriction on. The values required are contained within the curly braces and in this case they are ORed together.
>: End of the set modifiers.
}: End of the set analysis expression.
Set Analysis can be quite complex and I've only scratched the surface here, I would definitely recommend checking the QlikView topic "Set Analysis" in both the installed helpfile and the reference manual (PDF).
Finally, Set Analysis in QlikView is quite powerful, however it should be used sparingly as it can lead to some performance problems. In this case, as this is a fairly simple expression the performance should be reasonable.
Woa! a year later, but what you are loking for is osmething near this:
Go to the dimension sheet, then select the Category Dimension, and click on the Edit Dimesnion button
there you can use something like this:
= If(Match(Category, 'a', 'b', 'c'), Category, Null())
This will make the object display only a b and c Categories, and a line for the Null value.
What leasts is that you check the "Suppress value when null" option on the Dimension sheet.
c ya around
Just thought another solution to this which may still be useful to people looking for this.
How about creating a bookmark with the categories that you want and then setting the expressions to be evaluated in the context of that bookmark only?
(Will expand on this later, but take a look at how set analysis can be affected by a bookmark)
By user sorting I mean that as a user on the site you see a bunch of items, and you are supposed to be able to reorder them (I'm using jQuery UI).
The user only sees 20 items on each page, but the total number of items can be thousands.
I assume I need to add another column in the table for custom ordering.
If the user sees items from 41-60, and and he sorts them like:
41 = 2nd
42 = 1st
43 = fifth
I can't just set the ordering column to 2,1,5.
I would need to go through the entire table and change each record.
Is there any way to avoid this and somehow sort only the current selection?
Add another column to store the custom order, just as you suggested yourself. You can avoid the problem of having to reassign all rows' values by using a REAL-typed column: For new rows, you still use an increasing integer sequence for the column's value. But if a user reorders a row, the decimal data type will allow you to use the formula ½ (previous row's value + next row's value) to update the column of the single row that was moved. You
have got two special cases to take care of, namely if a user moves a row to the very beginning or end of the list. In that case, just use min - 1 rsp. max + 1.
This approach is the simplest I can think of, but it also has some downsides. First, it has a theoretical limitation due to the datatype having only double-precision. After a finite number of reorderings, the values are too close together for their average to be a different number. But that's really only a theoretical limit you should never reach in practical applications. Also, the column will use 8 bytes of memory per row, which probably is much more than you actually need.
If your application might scale to the point where those 8 bytes matter or where you might have users that overeagerly reorder rows, you should instead stick to the INTEGER column and use multiples of a constant number as the default values (e.g. 100, 200, 300, ..). You still use the update formula from above, but whenever two values become too close together, you reassign all values. By tweaking the constant multiplier to the average table size / user behaviour, you can control how often this expensive operation has to be done.
There are a couple ways I can think of to do this. One would be to use a SELECT FROM SELECT style statement. As in something like this.
SELECT col1, col2, col3...
FROM ...
) as Table_A
The second option would be to use temp tables such as:
INSERT INTO temp_table_A SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... LIMIT n,m;
SELECT * FROM temp_table_A ORDER BY ...
Another option to look at would be jQuery plugin like DataTables
one way i can think of is:
Add a new column (if feasible) or create a new table for holding the order of the items.
On any page you will show around 20 items based on the initial ordering.
Using the jquery's Draggable you can send updates to this table
I think you can do this with an extra column.
First, you could prepopulate this new column with a default sort order and then allow the user to interactively modify it with the drag and drop of jquery-ui.
Lets say this user has 100 items in the table. You set the values in the order column to [1,2,3,...,99,100]. I suggest that you run a script on the original table to set all items to a default sort order.
Now going back to your example where the user is presented with items 41-60: the initial presentation in their browser would rank those at orders [41,42,43,...,59,60]. You might also need to save the lowest order that appears in this subset, in this case 41. Or better yet, save the entire array of rankings and restore the exact same numbers in the new order. This covers the case where they select a set of records that are not already consecutively ordered, perhaps because they belong to someone else.
To demonstrate what I mean: when they reorder them in the page, your javascript reassigns those same numbers back to the subset in the new order. Like this:
item A : 41
item B : 45
item C : 46
item D : 47
item E : 51
item F : 54
item G : 57
then the user changes them to this order, but you reassign the numbers like this:
item D : 41
item F : 45
item E : 46
item A : 47
item C : 51
item B : 54
item G : 57
This should also work if the subset is consecutive.
i'm facing a recurring problem. I've to let a user reorder some list that is stored in a database.
The fist straightforward approach i can think is to have a "position" column with the ordering saved as a integer. p.e.
Data, Order
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
Problem here is that if i have to insert FOO in position 2, now my table become
Data, Order
A 1
B 3
C 4
D 5
So to insert a new line, i have to do one CREATE and three UPDATE on a table of five elements.
So my new idea is using Real numbers instead of integers, my new table become
Data, Order
A 1.0
B 2.0
C 3.0
D 4.0
If i want to insert a element FOO after A, this become
Data, Order
A 1.0
FOO 1.5
B 2.0
C 3.0
D 4.0
With only one SQL query executed.
This would work fine with theoretical Real Numbers, but floating point numbers have a limited precision and i wondering how feasible this is and whether and how can i optimize it to avoid exceeding double precision with a reasonable number of modifications
this is how i implemented it now in python
def get_middle_priority(cls, p, n):
p = Decimal(str(p))
n = Decimal(str(n))
m = p + ((n - p)/2)
i = 0
while True:
m1 = round(m, i)
if m1 > p and m1 < n:
return m1
i += 1
def create(cls, data, user):
prev = data.get('prev')
if prev is None or len(prev)<1:
first = cls.list().first()
if first is None:
priority = 1.0
priority = first.priority - 1.0
prev = cls.list().filter(Rotator.codice==prev).first()
next = cls.list().filter(Rotator.priority>prev.priority).first()
if next is None:
priority = prev.priority + 1.0
priority = cls.get_middle_priority(prev.priority, next.priority)
r = cls(data.get('codice'),
return r
If you want to control the position and there is no ORDER BY solution then a rather simple and robust approach is to point to the next or to the previous. Updates/inserts/deletes (other than the first and last) will require 3 operations.
Insert the new Item
Update the Item Prior the New Item
Update the Item After the New Item
After you have that established you can use a CTE (with a UNION ALL) to create a sorted list that will never have a limit.
I have seen rather large implementations of this that were done via Triggers to keep the list in perfect form. I however am not a fan of triggers and would just put the logic for the entire operation in a stored procedure.
You may use a string rather then numbers:
item order
A ffga
B ffgaa
C ffgb
Here, the problem of finite precision is handled by the possibility of growing the string. String storage is theoretically unlimited in the database, only by the size of the storage device. But there is no better solution for absolute-ordering items. Relative-ordering, like linked-lists, might work better (but you can't do order by query then).
The linked list idea is neat but it's expensive to pull out data in order. If you have a database which supports it, you can use something like connect by to pull it out. linked list in sql is a question dedicated to that problem.
Now if you don't, I was thinking of how one can achieve an infinitely divisable range, and thought of sections in a book. What about storing the list initially as
and then to insert between 1 and two you insert a "subsection under 1" so that your list becomes
If you want to insert another one between 1.1 and 2 you place a second subsection under 1 and get
and lastly if you want to add something between 1.1 and 1.2 you need to introduce a subsubsection and get
Maybe using letters instead of numbers would be less confusing.
I'm not sure if there is any standard lexicographic ordering in sql databases which could sort this type of list correctly. But I think you could roll your own with some "order by case" and substringing. Edit: I found a question pertaining to this: linky
Another downside is that the worst case field size of this solution would grow exponentially with the number of input items (You could get long rows like etc). But in the best case it would be linear or almost constant (Rows like 1.934856.1).
This solution is also quite close to what you already had in mind, and I'm not sure that it's an improvement. A decimal number using the binary partitioning strategy that you mentioned will probably increase the number of decimal points between each insert by one, right? So you would get
1,2 -> 1,1.5,2 -> 1,1.25,1.5,2 -> 1,1.125,1.25,1.5,2
So the best case of the subsectioning-strategy seems better, but the worst case a lot worse.
I'm also not aware of any infinite precision decimal types for sql databases. But you could of course save your number as a string, in which case this solution becomes even more similar to your original one.
Set all rows to a unique number starting at 1 and incrementing by 1 at the start. When you insert a new row, set it to count(*) of the table + 1 (there are a variety of ways of doing this).
When the user updates the Order of a row, always update it by calling a stored procedure with this Id (PK) of the row to update and the new order. In the stored procedure,
update tableName set Order = Order + 1 where Order >= #updatedRowOrder;
update tablename set Order = #updatedRowOrder where Id = #pk;
That guarantees that there will always be space and a continuous sequence with no duplicates. I haven't worked you what would happen if you put silly new Order numbers of a row (e.g. <= 0) but probably bad things; that's for the Front End app to prevent.
Cheers -
To put this work in context... I'm trying to filter a database of objects and build descriptions which can be verbalized for a speech UI. To minimise the descriptions I want to find the shortest way to describe an object, based on the idea of Grices Maxims.
It's possible in code by iterating through the records, and running through all permutations, but I keep thinking there ought to be a way to do this in SQL... so far I haven't found it. (I'm using PostGRES.)
So I have a table that looks something like this:
id colour position height
(int) (text) (text) (int)
0 "red" "left" 9
1 "red" "middle" 8
2 "blue" "middle" 8
3 "blue" "middle" 9
4 "red" "left" 7
There are two things I wish to find based on the attributes (excluding the ID).
a) are any of the records unique, based on the minimum number of attributes?
=> e.g. record 0 is unique based on colour and height
=> e.g. record 1 is the only red item in the middle
=> e.g. record 4 is unique as its the only one which has a height of 7
b) how is a particular record unique?
=> e.g. how is record 0 unique? because it is the only item with a colour red, and height of 9
=> e.g. record 4 is unique because it is the only item with a height of 7
It may of course be that no objects are unique based on the attributes which is fine.
Answer for (a)
So the only way I can think to do this in SQL is to start off by testing a single attribute to see if there is a single match from all records. If not then add attribute 2 and test again. Then try attributes 1 and 3. Finally try attributes 1,2 and 3.
Something like this:-
single column test:
select * from griceanmaxims
where height=(Select height from griceanmaxims
group by height
having (count(height)=1))
(Select relpos
from griceanmaxims
group by relpos
having (count(relpos)=1))
(Select colour
from griceanmaxims
group by colour
having (count(colour)=1))
double column tests:
(Select colour,relpos
from griceanmaxims
group by colour,relpos
having (count(colour)=1))
(Select colour,height
from griceanmaxims
group by colour,height
having (count(colour)=1))
I'm not sure if there's a better way or how to join up the results from the double column tests.
Also if anyone has any suggestions on how to determine the distinguishing factors for a record (as in question b), that would be great. My guess is that (b) would require (a) to be run for all of the field combinations, but I'm not sure if there's a better way.
Thanks in advance for any help on this one....
I like the idea of attacking the problem using a General Purpose Language eg C#:
1) Iterate through and see if any have 1 attribute which is unique eg ID = 4, which is unique because height is 7. Take ID 4 out of the 'doing' collection, and put into 'done' collection with appropriate attribute
Use a unit testing tool eg MSUNIT to prove the above works
2) Try and extend to n attibutes
Unit Test
3) See if any can be unique with 2 attributes. Take those IDs out of doing and into done with the pairs of attributes
Unit Test
4) Extend to m attributes
Unit Test
3) Refactor maybe using recursion
Hope this helps.