storing query outputs dynamically TSQL - sql

I have a loop over different tables which returns results
with different number of columns.
Is it possible to store the output of a query without creating a concrete table?
I've read some posts regarding temporary tables so I tried this simple example:
create table #temp_table1 (id int)
insert into #temp_table1 ('select * from table1')
table1 above could be any table
I get the following error message:
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
Is there anyway to avoid having hard code table definitions exactly matching the output of your query?

You could do a select into - that will create the temporary table automatically:
FROM TableName
The problem is that since you are using dynamic SQL , your temporary table will only be available inside the dynamic SQL scope - so doing something like this will result with an error:
EXEC('SELECT * INTO #Temp FROM TableName')
FROM #Temp -- The #Temp table does not exists in this scope!
To do this kind of thing using dynamic SQL you must use a global temporary table (that you must drop once done using!):
EXEC('SELECT * INTO ##GlobalTempFROM TableName')
FROM ##GlobalTemp -- Since this is a global temporary table you can use it in this scope
DROP TABLE ##GlobalTemp


How do we insert data into a table?

I'm attempting to insert data into a table:
#one_files =
EXTRACT //all columns
FROM "/1_Main{suffixOne}.csv"
USING Extractors.Text(delimiter : '|');
CREATE TABLE A1_Main (//all cols);
INSERT INTO A1_Main SELECT * FROM #one_files;
Within the same script I'm attempting to SELECT data:
#finalData =
SELECT //mycols
FROM A1_Main AS one;
OUTPUT #finalData
TO "/output/output.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv();
Here's the exception I get:
What am I doing wrong? How do I select from my table? Can we not insert and query in the same script?
Some statements have restrictions on how they can be combined inside a script. For example, you cannot create a table and read from the same table in the same script, since the compiler requires that any input already physically exists at compile time of the query.
Check this:

How can I view the definition of a temporary table?

I make a temporary table in SQL Server:
create table #stun (name varchar(40),id int,gender varchar(40))
How can I view its definition afterwards?
you can check this way-
INTO #TempTable
FROM table_name -- any table from database
EXEC tempdb..sp_help '#TempTable'
Solution 1 :
You can query data against it within the current session :
Sometimes, you may want to create a temporary table that is accessible across connections. In this case, you can use global temporary tables.
Unlike a temporary table, the name of a global temporary table starts with a double hash symbol (##).
CREATE TABLE ##global_temp (
Solution 2 :
Using SSMS, you can find the table in the left pane >> Design >> get the table structure.

Cloning a table definition to a table variable in SQL Server

Is there a way to clone the table definition from an existing table and recreate as a table variable?
DECLARE #TempTable1 TABLE (ID INT, Description VARCHAR(256))
I need to recreate a set of tables with same number of columns and definitions without repeating the DECLARE TABLE statement.
This process is available on MySQL as below.
CREATE TABLE TempTable1 LIKE TempTableMain;
Is it possible to do this is Microsoft SQL Server?
Please note that the actual scenario contains more that 60 columns in the #TempTable and need to create more than 10 instances from the original table.
I am not talking about data insertion or SELECT ion from another table as below. I need to create the table definition.
DECLARE #TempTable TABLE(ID INT, Description VARCHAR(100))
VALUES (1, 'Test1'), (1, 'Test1');
INTO #TempTable2
FROM #TempTable1
SELECT * FROM #TempTable2
Create a user defined type with the columns of your table, lets say like that:
CREATE TYPE MyTableType AS TABLE (ID INT, Description VARCHAR(256));
And then declare your table variables using this type:
DECLARE #Table1 MyTableType;
DECLARE #Table2 MyTableType;
DECLARE #Table3 MyTableType;
SQL Server management studio gives you the option to create a sql script to create an already existing table.
Right click your table -> script table as -> CREATE To -> New Query Editor window
This way you dont have to write out the whole query every single time.
You could even create a stored procedure which takes as argument the name of your to be created table and run this from a while loop.
You can perform the following command:
SELECT * INTO #MyTable_tmp FROM MyTable
Then modify your MyTable, and copy your data back in. Other approaches I've seen is to create a new table calling it Mytable_Tmp (Not a temp table), which will be your new table.
Then copy your data doing any migrations you need. Then you will drop the original table and do a rename on Mytable.
When you run SELECT * INTO #MyTable FROM MyTable, SQL Server creates a new temporary table called #MyTable that matches each column and data type from your select clause. In this case we are selecting * so it will match MyTable. This only creates the columns it doesn't copy defaults, constraints indexes or anything else.
If you are using table variables, it means that you don't want to use them in long period of time, as they will be "forgotten" after every script completion.
So, easiest in my opinion is to use such construct:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmpTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #tmpTable;
SELECT * INTO #tmpTable FROM MyPrimaryTable
It creates temporary table exactly like yours, if you want empty table, you can just use:
SELECT * INTO #tmpTable FROM MyPrimaryTable WHERE 1 = 0
Then, temporary table will have exact same schema as your primary table.
You can apply as many times as you need (create as many temporary tables as you need).
You could use regular tables instead of temporary tables as well.
If you want to re-create table after dropping the existing table then you can use the below query.
Create brands table
-- Old block of code
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[TOY].[BRANDS]') AND type in (N'U'))
-- New block of code
-- Add new table
-- Load the table with data
(1, 'Ford'),
(2, 'Chevy'),
(3, 'Dodge'),
(4, 'Plymouth'),
(5, 'Oldsmobile'),
(6, 'Lincoln'),
(7, 'Mercury');

Is it possible to apply SELECT INTO a temporary table from another SELECT?

For some performance improvements, I am looking at using a temporary table rather than a table variable
I am currently putting 100,000s or rows into a table variable using INSERT INTO #table EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQLString (where #SQLString returns a string 'SELECT 'INSERT INTO LiveTable Values('x','y','z') build by dynamic SQL so that the x,y,z values are from the real records)
The INSERT INTO takes a bit of time and I was wondering if, having read about how much better SELECT * INTO #tempTable is, can you do a SELECT * INTO with another SELECT as the source?
So something like
SELECT * INTO #tempTable FROM (SELECT * FROM Table2)
The problem with your query is that all subqueries need a table alias in SQL:
INTO #tempTable
FROM (SELECT * FROM Table2) t;
Short answer is yes (I believe I have done this before, awhile ago, but I don't recall any issues). You can get some more information from this post on msdn:
SELECT * INTO #tempTable FROM Table2
SELECT * INTO #TempTable
FROM table_name
Yes you can do this, Point to be noted is this #TempTable will be created on the fly, meaning if there is a Temp table that already exists using this error will throw an error as it will try to create a Temp table 1st and then insert the data into it.
To insert data into a table that already exist you will have to use INSERT INTO syntax, something like
INSERT INTO #TempTable --<-- When using this syntax it is best practice to always
SELECT Col1, COl2, .... -- mention the Column names in INSERT INTO and SELECT
FROM TableName -- rather then using SELECT * to makes sure data is being
-- selected from and insert into the RIGHT columns
since you have mentioned you are using it with a stored procedure and would like to use make use of this syntax with store procedure, Im sorry you will not be able to do anything like
SELECT * INTO #Temp Execute usp_Proc
for this you will have to stick with
INSERT INTO #TempTable Execute usp_Proc
The Temp table has to exists before you can insert data into it from a stored Procedure.

Best way to create a temp table with same columns and type as a permanent table

I need to create a temp table with same columns and type as a permanent table. What is the best way to do it? (The Permanent table has over 100 columns)
Usually I create table like this.
member_id INT,
reason varchar(1),
record_status varchar(1) ,
record_type varchar(1)
But is there any way to do it without mentioning the column names and type, but mention the name of another table with the required columns?
select top 0 *
into #mytemptable
from myrealtable
I realize this question is extremely old, but for anyone looking for a solution specific to PostgreSQL, it's:
CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_table AS SELECT * FROM original_table LIMIT 0;
Note, the temp table will be put into a schema like pg_temp_3.
This will create a temporary table that will have all of the columns (without indexes) and without the data, however depending on your needs, you may want to then delete the primary key:
ALTER TABLE pg_temp_3.tmp_table DROP COLUMN primary_key;
If the original table doesn't have any data in it to begin with, you can leave off the "LIMIT 0".
This is a MySQL-specific answer, not sure where else it works --
You can create an empty table having the same column definitions with:
And you can create a populated copy of an existing table with:
And the following works in postgres; unfortunately the different RDBMS's don't seem very consistent here:
Sortest one...
select top 0 * into #temptable from mytable
Note : This creates an empty copy of temp, But it doesn't create a primary key
select * into #temptable from tablename where 1<>1
Clone Temporary Table Structure to New Physical Table in SQL Server
we will see how to Clone Temporary Table Structure to New Physical Table in SQL Server.This is applicable for both Azure SQL db and on-premises.
Demo SQL Script
DROP TABLE #TempTable;
SELECT 1 AS ID,'Arul' AS Names
SELECT * FROM #TempTable;
SELECT * INTO TempTable1 FROM #TempTable WHERE 1=0;
EXEC SP_HELP TempTable1;
SELECT TOP 0 * INTO TempTable1 FROM #TempTable;
EXEC SP_HELP TempTable1;