Identifying ExtJS elements with selenium webdriver - selenium

I am having handling a drop down button in EXTJS application which i am trying to automation with selenium web driver.
clicking on the image i will get a list of elements in the form of 's
to click select from
Please help me how i can device a xpath to click this image, which i should not use "id" (as its extjs it might vary every now and then).
if there are any selector i can use for extjs please suggest. Thanks for your help.
<DIV id=ext-gen2337 class=x-form-field-wrap style="WIDTH: 0px"><INPUT id=ext-gen2023 class=" x-form-text x-form-field" style="WIDTH: 297px" readOnly size=24 value="Clients with pending exceptions" name=ext-gen2023 autocomplete="off"><IMG id=ext-gen2338 class="x-form-trigger x-form-arrow-trigger" src="https:REDACTED/com.ssc.epw.gui.EPWHome/clear.cache.gif">

Try below XPath to match required img element:
//input[#value="Clients with pending exceptions"]/following-sibling::img

So if you want to start testing ExtJS app and you don't want to use the best solution for this such as Sencha Test or Bryntum Siesta.
The best way to approach this is to write you own layer between the ExtJS components and the html dom of the site.
You can see more info in my answer here
But what you need to do is to use the Ext.Component.Query, with Selenium you can execute the javascript code on the site. So you execute the ext query and you pass there the Ext selector - for example button[text=something] or panel[name=mainPanel] simply any ExtJS component selector. This will return you the ExtJS object and with it you can simply call .getDom() or .getId() which will return you the actual dom or id used in the HTML. Next you can simply use the webdriver functions for clicking (or something) on the HTML elements in the site.
^^ You need to do this because the ExtJS framework can generate the HTML every-time little bit differently. For example you add new container or you upgrade your ExtJS version and the HTML is changed and your test can stop working. But if you call the Ext components as log as the Ext source code is still the same your tests will be always working.
But doing this is quite a hassle and lot of work. It's much better to use prepared solutions such as Sencha Test where everything is already prepare for testing ExtJS apps.

I would do something like this:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(#class, 'x-form-field-wrap')]//img"));
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//img[contains(#src, 'https://REDACTED/com.ssc.epw.gui.EPWHome/clear.cache.gif')]"));


Robot Framework - Locating input element with accept attribute fails

I am writing an automation script for an avatar upload module with the following CSS locator:
I am using Robot Framework's Wait Until Element Is Visible keyword to look for the locator above but is unsuccessful with the error:
Element 'css=input[accept="image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/bmp"]' not visible after 30 seconds.
Increasing the timeout also doesn't work. Using the same in Chrome Dev Tools would successfully find the element. My guess is that the commas/slashes are messing with Robot's locator parsing. My question is: What is the correct way to write the locator?
Though present in the DOM, an element may not be visible/rendered. This is very often the case with file upload input elements - the UI renders something different, a button, div that had applied styling and fits in better with the overall design.
Thus a check is it visible will rightfully fail. Change your pre-usage approach to validate the input is in the HTML - this is actually the same as what you did in the browser's dev tools - with the Page Should Contain Element keyword, and proceed on success.
There is no problem with the CSS locator your are using. Maybe the element is in another iframe?

Not able to click on ionic specific tags in hybrid app using appium

I am trying to automate a hybrid app build in ionic2/cordova and typescript
HTML page somewhat looks like
<ion-input _ng_somename class="header-signin-part">
<input class="header" placeholder="heading" color="abc">
When I am trying to identify element using Xpath I am not able to
I tried various other combinations but in vain. Can anybody tell me why am I struggling to identify elements. is it something in ionic which is stopping the element identification(ionic specific tags for not identifiable in webview)
Steps whih I am doing
Launching the app using appium
Switching the context with driver.Context="WebView_1";(C# way of switching context)
Opening the safari browser and navigating to "localhost:27753" (Note: I have already started the webkit debug proxy on same port)
Identifying the elements
Also, app gets close everytime after some time without I doing anything. It doesn't hold on to webview
I am using only appium(not protractor) for automation
there are multiple ways you can locate this element:
<ion-content class="scroll-content ionic-scroll has-header">
You can try:
xpath: //ion-content[#class='scroll-content ionic-scroll has-header'] (please bear in mind, it looks like there are two space chars between ionic-scroll and has-header)
xpath: //ion-view[#view-title='Home']/ion-content
css selector: ion-content[class='scroll-content ionic-scroll has-header']
css selector: ion-view[view-title='Home'][class='pane']>ion-content

How to find XPath of an ExtJS element with dynamic ID

All the elements in the application which i am testing have dynanic ID's . The test always passes when i replay it without refreshing the page but as soon as i refresh the page, The Test Fails because Id's of all the elements changes randomly and selenium cannot match the recorded id's with the new ones .
I tried to use Xpath-position, It works for some objects but in case of Dropdown list and Buttons, it dosent work!
Can anyone please tell me how to find the Xpath (Meathods in JAVA or S*elence*) of an object OR How to create a new Locator Finder for Dropdown list and Buttons
I can show the properties (Inspected by Firebug) of the dropdown which is teasing me.
properties of Dropdown :
<div id="ext-gen1345" class="x-trigger-index-0 x-form-trigger x-form-arrow-trigger x-form-trigger-last x-unselectable" role="button" style="-moz-user-select: none;"></div>
properties of Dropdown*Choice*:
<li class="x-boundlist-item" role="option">Rescue</li>
Please search before posting, I have been answering this over and over.
ExtJS pages are hard to test, especially on finding elements.
Here are some of the tips I consider useful:
Don't ever use dynamically generated IDs. like (:id, 'ext-gen1345')
Don't ever use absolute/meaningless XPath, like //*[#class='someclass']/li/ul/li[2]/ul/li[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div
Take advantage of meaningful auto-generated partial ids and class names. (So you need show more HTML in your example, as I can make suggestions.)
For example, this ExtJS grid example: (:css, '.x-grid-view .x-grid-table') would be handy. If there are multiple of grids, try index them or locate the identifiable ancestor, like (:css, '#something-meaningful .x-grid-view .x-grid-table'). In your case, (:css, '#something-meaningful .x-form-arrow-trigger')
Take advantage of button's text.
For example, this ExtJS example: you can use XPath .//li[contains(#class, 'x-boundlist-item') and text()='Rescue']. However, this method is not suitable for CSS Selector or multi-language applications.
The best way to test is to create meaningful class names in the source code. If you don't have the access to the source code, please talk to your manager, using Selenium against ExtJS application should really be a developer's job. ExtJS provides cls and tdCls for custom class names, so you can add cls:'testing-btn-foo' in your source code, and Selenium can get it by (:css, '.x-panel .testing-btn-foo').
Other answers I made on this topic:
How to find ExtJS elements with dynamic id
How to find unique selectors for elements on pages with ExtJS for use with Selenium?
How to click on elements in ExtJS using Selenium?
Using class names in Watir
how to click on checkboxes on a pop-up window which doesn't have name, label
I would suggest you build a xpath from any of the parent of your DIV. you may get messed if there is no immediate parent node has such one.
//*[#id='parentof div']/div
//*[#class='grand parent of div']/div/div
i did even something like this,
But still, its not encouraged to do so.

Test case automation

I am new to test automation and I need help of experts who can help me in proceeding with the current difficulties.
Currently there is a web browser application which is tested manually based on the test cases in an excel.
There is also an automation framework also which uses Selenium and uses WebDriver and runs on Google Chrome.
The test cases(in excel) used for manual are taken up and another set of test cases(in excel) are written which is nothing but the div elements and the action which the framework should do like click or find which the framework will understand.
1.First I need to manually find out each div id for all the elements and put it in excel which the framework understands.How can I avoid this?
2.Also a new version of the application has come in which all the div id for the elements differ.Hence its pain to note the div id again and put them in excel.
How can I write the test cases only once for each case even if the div changes?
Please help.
Follow a design pattern, e.g. Page Objects
If ids will be changed try to use css and xpath selectors that do not stick to ids. The main idea is to specify such selectors that allow tests to find elements on the page using knowledge by their parents, tag names, other attributes that won't change (class and so on).

How to get the content of CKeditor using WebDriver

I'd like to be able to test the content in CKeditor using webdriver.
However there are some hurdles; firstly CKeditor uses Iframes, and there are several Iframes on the page, so not sure how to switch reliably to it using WebDriver as they don't have specific names.
In addition, the content inside the editor is within a <body></body> tag inside the iframe. I'm not sure how to get WebDriver to return the content reliably.
Has anyone actually tried to do this in their tests? If so, how did you achieve it?
You can use the CKEditor api and execute javascript. Not sure which selenium driver you are using but here is the java script you can use to get the HTML for:
"return CKEDITOR.instances['youreditoridhere'].getData();"
u may refer this
hopes this help ;D