Why is Intellij IDEA highlighting text in standard out like a hyperlink? - intellij-idea

I am printing out the contents of a shapefile with ordinary printf statements and for some reason Intellij IDEA Ultimate is underlining and coloring blue a fragment of the output as though it thinks it is a hyperlink:
If I hover the mouse over the blue text, the cursor changes to a finger, like it is a hyperlink. Of course, nothing happens if I click it because it is obviously not a hyperlink. What is going on?
It seems to have something to do with the colons. If I delete them, then the text is no formatted. Also if I use only one colon like this:
X: -71.545101 Y 42.345041
Then there is also no formatting. Only if both colons are present does the blue underlining appear.

org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.execution.filters.GrCompilationErrorsFilterProvider does that using the following pattern: (file:)?(^|[\W])(?<file>(?:\p{Alpha}\:|/)[0-9 a-z_A-Z\-\\./]+): (?<line>[0-9]+).*
Report a bug or disable Groovy plugin.


Intellij: delete all blank space until next non-blank character

There is no easier way to explain what I want to do than a picture:
I would like to reduce the time it takes me to refactor HTML code by deleting all the white space behind (or before, doesn't matter that much) my caret until the next non-blank character, emphasized by the highlighted blue whitespace I would like to delete. I found a way to do this on vim, but I want to do this on Intellij.
Try Ctrl+Alt+J (⌃⇧J on Mac) on the <a>... line to perform the 'Join Lines' action.
More information on the feature can be found here and here.

How to shift multiple lines of code in IntelliJ by a single space?

Am trying to shift multiple lines of code in intellij IDEA by a single space using Tab shortcut but it always shifts by 4 spaces rather than a space. I have tried Edit > Convert Indent > To spaces but to no avail.
How do you shift multiple lines of code by a single space without messing with the default configuration for the file?
As #Andrey already suggested, I would use the Multi Cursor feature that has been around since intellij idea version 13.
I like the Add selection on Next Occurrence feature very much. It helps me to edit multiple lines very fast.
This screenshot shows the action in the Settings -> Keymap screen.

How to select a text and put it directly on the search and replace bar of IntelliJ

I'm an IntelliJ user since years and I work on a Mac.
For a long I was able to execute like an automata the following procedure:
select a portion of a text in a file using the mouse
pressing a combination of keys
seeing the selected text in the find & replace bar of the IDE.
Now, I can't remember how to do it.
I have search through the docs of the search & replace in a file, but I cannot see that option.
Just to avoid confusion, the toolbar I'm talking about is the following
I am using IntelliJ on linux (Keymap : Default for xwin) and to select text I use Ctrl+W or Mouse double click. Then ctrl+R will put this text in replace text box
Probably it's a kind of bug. It should work by selecting the text and pressing cmd+r.
Cases when it works:
I select a piece of text in a line and I press cmd+R.
I select the whole line (including white spaces/tabs at the beginning)
Case when does not work:
I select a line from the first character to the last.
More context. I use IntelliJ 2017.2.5 on Mac Os Sierra.

Intellij Idea Code wrapping when formatted

I am new to Intellij Idea. I didn't find any information on how to wrap the code after certain characters (ex: 150 characters, break the line)
I want to break the code after the vertical line, the following code must come in next line.
Note: I used Reformat code option, but it did just realigned the code with some white spaces etc, but not wrapping up the code. It's difficult to see the end of the code.
You go to Settings (alt+ctrl+s) then select Code Style - General
Here you can configure your margins and if you want the code to wrap after it reaches the end of it

Add quotation marks to selected word via shortcut

Is there any way (Plugin, Script) to add quotation marks (or square brackets or parentheses) at the beginning and the end of selected text via a keyboard shortcut in the Kate editor?
I think of something like selecting a word and then pressing Ctrl-U (this would upcase the selected word). Is there something similar for quotation marks?
The "Configure Shortcuts" menu does not provide this option.
This should be possible to do by using Kate's Javascript plugin system: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kde-baseapps/kate/advanced-editing-tools-scripting.html.
By finding the word at the current cursor position and inserting text before and after, you could create a “surround with quotation marks” function.
For an example of a Kate script, see here: http://kucrut.org/move-cursor-to-next-prev-paragraph-in-kate/.
One solution would be the following:
Go to Settings > Configure Kate > Editing
Activate the Auto brackets option
Now you are able to wrap the selected text with brackets.
Though there is one drawback. The Auto brackets option is "always on", meaning that once you type "(" the corresponding ")" also comes up.