Unable to set up ExternalIp port forwarding in openshift orgin pods - ssh

I have a use case where I am running services on my local machine which is behind a router behind a NAT, so I can't port forward to my public IP. The only way to do it is via ssh tunneling or a VPN, for both I would need an exposed port to connect from my local
i tried setting up my yml config with external ip,
and it looks like this :
- name: 8022-tcp
protocol: TCP
port: 8022
targetPort: 8022
nodePort: 31043
- name: 8080-tcp
protocol: TCP
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
nodePort: 30826
deploymentconfig: remote-forward
type: LoadBalancer
sessionAffinity: None
If I understand correctly here, is the IP I will need to connect to from my local ssh on port 31043 which then forwards it to the service port 8022 which then forwards to container port 8022 where the ssh server is running.
The problem is that I am not able to connect to this external IP.
ssh logs:
"debug1: connect to address port 31043: Connection timed out"
I got this external IP from the pod -> dashboard page -> external IP. Is this external IP needs to be configured anywhere or is my above config has any issue with the setup?


Traefik entrypoint redirect to scheme and port

I'm running traefik in docker-compose with network_mode: host to get an accurate remote_ip. My docker hosts ports 80 and 443 are occupied so traefik uses 5080 and 5443 web and websecure entry points. I've forwareded 5080/5443 to my routers 80/443 so my.domain.me routes to traefik. https://my.domain.me works correctly, but http://my.domain.me redirects to port 5443. How can I configure traefik to redirect to port 443?
version: '3.3'
image: traefik:v2.4
# use host network for accurate remote_ip
network_mode: host
command: # CLI arguments
- --providers.docker=true
# ports 80 and 443 are used by another process.
- --entryPoints.web.address=:5080
- --entryPoints.websecure.address=:5443
- --entrypoints.web.http.redirections.entrypoint.to=websecure
- --entrypoints.web.http.redirections.entrypoint.scheme=https

How to restrict direct access from internet to Azure Public LoadBalancer backend pool VM with NSG

As the question at title, I'm setup the following architecture on Azure Cloud and having trouble at restricting direct access from the internet to VMs.
Here are architecture requirements:
Both VMs must have public ips (for SysAdmin to access via SSH)
Direct traffics from Internet to WebService on VMs (via port 80) must be denied
The web traffics from Internet must go thru Public LB to VMs
Suppose that both VMs are in WebASG (Application Security Group), in the NSG setting that applied to VM's Subnet, I've add some rules (which have higher priority than 3 Azure NSG default rules):
Scenario A (adding 1 custom rule):
Port: 80 - Protocol: Tcp - Source: Internet - Destination:
WebASG - Action: Allow
With this NSG setting, I could access WebService from LoadBalancer IP (satisfy #3 requirement), but WebService on port 80 of both VMs will be exposed to Internet (that violates #2 requirement)
Scenario B (adding 2 custom rules):
Port: 80 - Protocol: Tcp - Source: AzureLoadBalancer -
Destination: WebASG - Action: Allow
Port: 80 - Protocol: Tcp - Source: Internet - Destination:
WebASG - Action: Deny
With this NSG setting, #2 requirement is satisfied, but I could not access WebService when visit LoadBalancer IP (violates #3 requirement)
Please note that: using AGW (Azure Application Gateway, I could make all the requirements happened by these NSG configuration:
RuleName: AllowSSH Port: 22 - Protocol: Tcp - Source:
sys-admin-ip-address - Destination: WebASG - Action: Allow
RuleName: DenyInternet2Web Port: Any - Protocol: Any -
Source: Internet - Destination: WebASG - Action: Deny
RuleName: AllowProbe2Web Port: 80 - Protocol: Tcp -
Source: VirtualNetwork - Destination: WebASG - Action:
RuleName: AllowProbe2Web Port: 80 - Protocol: Tcp -
Source: VirtualNetwork - Destination: WebASG - Action:
I dont want using AGW because it would cost more money than Azure LoadBalancer (actually the Basic LoadBalancer is free). So, how could I change NSG to satisfy all requirements when using LoadBalancer?
Thank in advance for any help!
I don't think there are NSG rules that will satisfy all requirements because of the #1 and #2 requirements are contradictory.
If the VMs must have public IP addresses, it actually has a chance to expose to the Internet. Any clients could access the VMs via the public IP. It works the same if you want to access the VMs through the load balancer frontend IP. Read the https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/load-balancer/load-balancer-overview#load-balancer-concepts
Load Balancer doesn't terminate or originate flows, interact with the
payload of the flow, or provide any application layer gateway
function. Protocol handshakes always occur directly between the client
and the back-end pool instance. A response to an inbound flow is
always a response from a virtual machine. When the flow arrives on the
virtual machine, the original source IP address is also preserved.
In this case, you could remove the backend-instance IP address, just use the load balancer frontend for the web traffic and SSH connection. If so, You could configure port forwarding in Azure Load Balancer for the SSH connections to individual instances and a load balancer rule for the web traffic following this quickstart, which works with standard LB. You can only allow port 80 and 22 from your clients' IP addresses. The NSG will look like this,
Port: 80,22 - Protocol: Tcp - Source: client's IP list - Destination: WebASG - Action: Allow

asp.net core application docker swarm hosted client IP

I want to log my client's requests IP address and I have a docker service of asp.net core on Linux.
now we always have docker network IP address!
how can I get my clients real IP address?
You can get the real IP address of the clients if you change your mode to host. Below is an example of how to do this:
image: traefik:1.4.3-alpine
- target: 80
published: 80 #for redirect to HTTPS
protocol: tcp
mode: host #to bypass ingress mesh, to preserve client ip
- target: 443
published: 443
protocol: tcp
mode: host #to bypass ingress mesh, to preserve client ip
There is an open issue here about this.

Traefik - Unable to expose redis docker containers with the same port for different domains

I'm trying to set up a Redis with docker-compose for different environments.
Therefore I need to expose two domains with traefik on the same port:
I can't expose those ports on the container, because they are running on the same server.
My docker-compose file (for domain-dev) looks like this:
version: '2'
container_name: redis-signalr-dev
image: redis
- ./redis-signalr-data:/data
restart: always
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.backend=redis-signalr-dev
- traefik.frontend.rule=Host:domain-dev.com
- traefik.port=6379
- traefik.docker.network=traefik_default
- traefik.frontend.entryPoints=redis
- traefik_default
external: true
I also tried to configure the treafik to use the following endpoint:
--entrypoints='Name:redis Address::6379'
When connecting to "domain-dev.com:6379" a connection cannot be astablished.
Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
Traefik is a reverse proxy for http, not a tcp load balancer. So traefik itself (usually) opens ports 80 and 443 for ingress and forwards incoming http requests to the given http-able backends. The port you specify in your compose service labels is the port of the container, the traffic should be passed to.
So if you run a nodejs (http) server on port 3000, you would connect to http://yourdomain:80 and traefik would forward the requests to your nodejs container on port 3000. This means that by specifying a port on a compose service, you will not open this port on your host.
In your example running redis with its custom protocol, traefik is not a solution as traefik only does http proxying. To expose redis on your host (if you really want to do that), just use regular docker port mappings and point your domains to your docker hosts. Doing this, there is no way to use the same port with different domains, just specify two different ports for your both instances. For http this works by traefik inspecting the http requests and doing routing based on the host header.
Traefik 2.0 will have TCP support: https://github.com/containous/traefik/pull/4587
Until then you'd have to use NGINX or similar.

AWS Beanstalk and Docker ports = what manner of tomfoolery is this?

So I have a docker application that runs on port 9000, and I'd like to have this accessed only via https rather than http, however I don't appear to be making any sense of how amazon handles ports. In short I'd like only expose port 443 and not 80 (on the load balancer layer and the instance layer), but haven't been able to do this.
So my Dockerfile has:
and my Dockerrun.aws.json has:
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1",
"Ports": [{
"ContainerPort": "9000"
and I cannot seem to access things via port 9000, but by 80 only.
When I ssh into the instance that the docker container is running and look for the ports with netstat I get ports 80 and 22 and some other udp ports, but no port 9000. How on earth does Amazon manage this? More importantly how does a user get expected behaviour?
Attempting this with ssl and https also yields the same thing. Certificates are set and mapped to port 443, I have even created a case in the .ebextensions config file to open port 443 on the instance and still no ssl
Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
GroupName: {Ref : AWSEBSecurityGroup}
IpProtocol: tcp
ToPort: 443
FromPort: 443
The only way that I can get SSL to work is to have the Load Balancer use port 443 (ssl) forwarding to the instance port 80 (non https) but this is ridiculous. How on earth do I open the ssl port on the instance and set docker to use the given port? Has anyone ever done this successfully?
I'd appreciate any help on this - I've combed through the docs and got this far with it, but this just plain puzzles me. In short I'd like only expose port 443 and not 80 (on the load balancer layer and the instance layer), but haven't been able to do this.
Have a great day
It's known problem, from http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/create_deploy_docker_image.html:
You can specify multiple container ports, but Elastic Beanstalk uses only the first one to connect your container to the host's reverse proxy and route requests from the public Internet.
So, if you need multiple ports, AWS Elastic Beanstalk is probably not the best choice. At least Docker option.
Regarding SSL - we solved it by using dedicated nginx instance and proxy_pass'ing to Elastic Beanstalk environment URL.