Z3 Conditional Statement - conditional-statements

How to write a conditional statement in Z3.
if (a%2==0){
I am trying to achieve this in Z3 Solver by Microsoft Research but so far no luck

Look up SSA form: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_single_assignment_form
Essentially, you'll have to change your program to look something like:
value_0 = 0
value_1 = (a%2 == 0) ? 1 : value_0
Once it is in this so called static single assignment form, you can now translate each line more or less directly; with the latest assignment to value_N being the final value of value.
Loops will be problematic: The usual strategy is to unroll them up to a certain count (bounded model checking), and hope that this suffices. If you detect that the last unrolling isn't sufficient, then you can generate an uninterpreted value at that point; which might cause your proofs to fail with spurious counter-examples; but that's the best you can do without a scheme that involves proper handling of induction and loop-invariants.
Note that this field of study is called "symbolic execution" and has a long history, with active research still being conducted. You might want to read through this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_execution


X and Y inputs in LabVIEW

I am new to LabVIEW and I am trying to read a code written in LabVIEW. The block diagram is this:
This is the program to input x and y functions into the voltage input. It is meant to give an input voltage in different forms (sine, heartshape , etc.) into the fast-steering mirror or galvano mirror x and y axises.
x and y function controls are for inputting a formula for a function, and then we use "evaluation single value" function to input into a daq assistant.
I understand that { 2*(|-Mpi|)/N }*i + -Mpi*pi goes into the x value. However, I dont understand why we use this kind of formula. Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value of -M*pi. Also, I don`t understand why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i. And finally, why need to add -Mpi again? If you provide any hints about this I would really appreciate it.
This is just a complicated way to write the code/formula. Given what the code looks like (unnecessary wire bends, duplicate loop-input-tunnels, hidden wires, unnecessary coercion dots, failure to use appropriate built-in 'negate' function) not much care has been given in writing it. So while it probably yields the correct results you should not expect it to do so in the most readable way.
To answer you specific questions:
Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value
We don't. We can just move the negation immediately before the last addition or change that to a subtraction:
{ 2*(|Mpi|)/N }*i - Mpi*pi
And as #yair pointed out: We are not assigning a value here, we are basically flipping the sign of whatever value the user entered.
Why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i
This gives you a fraction between 0 and 1, no matter how many steps you do in your for-loop. Think of N as a sampling rate. I.e. your mirrors will always do the same movement, but a larger N just produces more steps in between.
Why need to add -Mpi again
I would strongly assume this is some kind of quick-and-dirty workaround for a bug that has not been fixed properly. Looking at the code it seems this +Mpi*pi has been added later on in the development process. And while I don't know what the expected values are I would believe that multiplying only one of the summands by Pi is probably wrong.

Why is the condition in this if statement written as a multiplication instead of the value of the multiplication?

I was reviewing some code from a library for Arduino and saw the following if statement in the main loop:
if ( draw_state >= 14*8 )
draw_state = 0;
draw_state is a uint8_t.
Why is 14*8 written here instead of 112? I initially thought this was done to save space, as 14 and 8 can both be represented by a single byte, but then so can 112.
I can't see why a compiler wouldn't optimize this to 112, since otherwise it would mean a multiplication has to be done every iteration instead of the lookup of a value. This looks to me like there is some form of memory and processing tradeoff.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to why this was done?
Note: I had a hard time coming up with a clear title, so suggestions are welcome.
Probably to explicitly show where the number 112 came from. For example, it could be number of bits in 14 bytes (but of course I don't know the context of the code, so I could be wrong). It would then be more obvious to humans where the value came from, than wiriting just 112.
And as you pointed out, the compiler will probably optimize it, so there will be no multiplication in the machine code.

how to vary a parameter after compiling in modelica

I have written a finite volume model. The parameter n represents the number of volumes. After translating, the parameter can't be modified. Dymola gives this message:
Warning: Setting n has no effect in model.
After translation you can only set literal start-values and non-evaluated parameters.
I think the problem is that the parameter n is used in the equation section. There I use the following code:
for i in 2:n-1 loop
T[i] = some equation
end for
I also use n for the calculation of the initial values of T.
The purpose is to make a script that repeatedly executes the model but with a different n.
How can I do this?
The issue here is that your parameter n affects the number of variables in the problem. Dymola (and all other Modelica compilers I know of) evaluate such parameters at compile time. In other words, they hard code the value at compile time into the model.
One potential workaround in your case is to perform the translation or simulation inside your loop. Note that in the translate and simulate commands in Dymola you can include modifications. Just add them after the model name. For example MyModel would become MyModel(n=10).

Clearing numerical values in Mathematica

I am working on fairly large Mathematica projects and the problem arises that I have to intermittently check numerical results but want to easily revert to having all my constructs in analytical form.
The code is fairly fluid I don't want to use scoping constructs everywhere as they add work overhead. Is there an easy way for identifying and clearing all assignments that are numerical?
EDIT: I really do know that scoping is the way to do this correctly ;-). However, for my workflow I am really just looking for a dirty trick to nix all numerical assignments after the fact instead of having the foresight to put down a Block.
If your assignments are on the top level, you can use something like this:
a = 1;
b = c;
d = 3;
e = d + b;
HoldPattern[lhs_ = rhs_?NumericQ] |
HoldPattern[(lhs_ = rhs_?NumericQ;)] :> Unset[lhs],
This will work if you have a sufficient history length $HistoryLength (defaults to infinity). Note however that, in the above example, e was assigned 3+c, and 3 here was not undone. So, the problem is really ambiguous in formulation, because some numbers could make it into definitions. One way to avoid this is to use SetDelayed for assignments, rather than Set.
Another alternative would be to analyze the names in say Global' context (if that is the context where your symbols live), and then say OwnValues and DownValues of the symbols, in a fashion similar to the above, and remove definitions with purely numerical r.h.s.
But IMO neither of these approaches are robust. I'd still use scoping constructs and try to isolate numerics. One possibility is to wrap you final code in Block, and assign numerical values inside this Block. This seems a much cleaner approach. The work overhead is minimal - you just have to remember which symbols you want to assign the values to. Block will automatically ensure that outside it, the symbols will have no definitions.
Yet another possibility is to use local rules. For example, one could define rule[a] = a->1; rule[d]=d->3 instead of the assignments above. You could then apply these rules, extracting them as say
DownValues[rule][[All, 2]], whenever you want to test with some numerical arguments.
Building on Andrew Moylan's solution, one can construct a Block like function that would takes rules:
SetAttributes[BlockRules, HoldRest]
BlockRules[rules_, expr_] :=
Block ## Append[Apply[Set, Hold#rules, {2}], Unevaluated[expr]]
You can then save your numeric rules in a variable, and use BlockRules[ savedrules, code ], or even define a function that would apply a fixed set of rules, kind of like so:
In[76]:= NumericCheck =
Function[body, BlockRules[{a -> 3, b -> 2`}, body], HoldAll];
In[78]:= a + b // NumericCheck
Out[78]= 5.
EDIT In response to Timo's comment, it might be possible to use NotebookEvaluate (new in 8) to achieve the requested effect.
SetAttributes[BlockRules, HoldRest]
BlockRules[rules_, expr_] :=
Block ## Append[Apply[Set, Hold#rules, {2}], Unevaluated[expr]]
nb = CreateDocument[{ExpressionCell[
Defer[Plot[Sin[a x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}]], "Input"],
ExpressionCell[Defer[Integrate[Sin[a x^2], {x, 0, 2 Pi}]],
BlockRules[{a -> 4}, NotebookEvaluate[nb, InsertResults -> "True"];]
As the result of this evaluation you get a notebook with your commands evaluated when a was locally set to 4. In order to take it further, you would have to take the notebook
with your code, open a new notebook, evaluate Notebooks[] to identify the notebook of interest and then do :
InsertResults -> "True"]]
I hope you can make this idea work.

'if' vs 'when' for making multiplexer

i have been told to use 'when' statement to make multiplexer but not use 'if' statement as it will cause timing errors...
i don't understand this ...
so what is the difference between 'if' and 'when' ? and do they map to the same thing in hardware ?
OK, lets discuss some points at first on the difference between if and when statements:
Both are called Dataflow Design Elements.
when statement
concurrent statement
not used in process, used only in architecture as process is sequential execution
if statement
sequential statement
used in process as it is sequential statement, and not used outside the process
And you know multiplexer is a component don't need process block, as its behavior doesn't change with changing its input, so it will be outside process, so you have to write it using when statement as it is concurrent statement.. And if you wrote it with if statement, timing errors may occur. Also all the references and also Xilinx help (if you are using Xilinx) are writing the Multiplexer block using when statement not if statement
Reference: Digital Design Priciples & Practices, John F. Wakerly, 3rd Edition
See these:
VHDL concurrent statements, which includes when.
VHDL sequential statements, which includes if.
Basically, if is sequential, and when is concurrent. They do not map to the same thing in hardware... This page describes, at the bottom, some of the special considerations needed to synthesize an if statement.
Both coding styles are totally valid.
Let's recall some elements. Starting from HDL, synthesis is done in two main steps :
first, the VHDL is analyzed in order to detect RTL templates (consisting in RTL elements : flip-flops, arithmetic expressions, multiplexers , control logic ). We say that these elements are "infered" (i.e you must code using the right template to get what you wanted initially. You must imagine how these elements are connected, before coding ).
The second step is real logic synthesis, that takes a particular target technology parameters into account (types of gates available, timing, area, power).
These two steps clearly separates RTL functional needs (steering logic, computations) from technology contingencies (timing etc).
Let's come back to the first step (RTL) :
Concerning multiplexers, several coding styles are possible :
using concurrent assignement :
y<= a1 when cond1 else a2 when cond2 else cond3;
using if statement within a process :
if(cond1) then
elsif(cond2) then
end if;
using another concurrent assignment
form, suitable for generic
descriptions : if sel is an integer
and muxin an array of signals, then :
muxout <= muxin(sel); --will infer a mux
Note that the 3 coding styles always work. Note also that they are "a bit more" than simple multiplexer as the coding style force the presence of a priority encoding (if elsif, when else), which is not the case of a simple equation-based multiplexer, really symmetric.
using a case statement
variable cond : std_logic(1 downto 0);
cond := cond2 & cond1;
case cond is
when "01" => y<= a1;
when "10" => y<= a2;
when others => y<=a3;
end case;
using a select statement (in our
example, two concurrent assignements
needed) :
sel <= cond2 & cond1;
y <= a1 WHEN "01",
a2 WHEN "10",
A final remark is about the rising of abstraction, even for RTL design : the synthesizers are now really mature. Have a look at Jiri Gaisler coding styles for LEON2 open source processor for example, as well as his coding styles (see here). He prones a very different approach, yet perfectly valid, from classical books.
You should always understand what the RTL synthesizer will infer.
In the contrary, behavioral synthesis allows you to forget (partially) what the synthesizer will infer. But that's another story.