VueJS - Accessing store data inside mounted - vue.js

I'm having trouble understanding the following:
I have a store which contains variables needed for the application. In particular, there is a globalCompanies which stores:
globalCompanies: {
current: [],
all: [],
currentName: "",
Inside another component, I want to do the following:
mounted() {
this.$store.dispatch( "fetchUsers" );
var currentName = this.$store.state.globalCompanies.currentName;
However, this just shows as empty. I know the value is there because I have computed which returns the currentName and it works fine inside the view itself. It just doesn't like the fact that it's in the mounted component.
Where am I going wrong and what can I do to resolve this issue? I really need to capture the companies Name in order to use it for some real time events.

As a result of our discussion:
In the question Vuex state value, accessed in component's mounted hook, returns empty value, because it is set in an async action which does not resolve before mounted executes.
When you need to trigger some function when async action in Vuex resolves with a value, you can achieve it using watch on a computed property, which returns a value from your Vuex state. When a value in store changes, the computed property reflects these changes and watch listener executes:
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
globalCompanies: {
test: null
mutations: {
setMe: (state, payload) => {
state.globalCompanies.test = payload
actions: {
pretendFetch: ({commit}) => {
setTimeout(() => {
commit('setMe', 'My text is here!')
}, 300)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
computed: {
cp: function() { // computed property will be updated when async call resolves
return this.$store.state.globalCompanies.test;
watch: { // watch changes here
cp: function(newValue, oldValue) {
// apply your logic here, e.g. invoke your listener function
console.log('was: ', oldValue, ' now: ', newValue)
mounted() {
// console.log(this.cp, this.$store.state.globalCompanies.test); // null
// var cn = this.$store.state.globalCompanies.test; // null
// console.log(cn) // null
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
{{ cp }}

VueJS - Accessing Store Data Inside Mounted
Ran into this issue and it turned out to be a scope issue.
export default () => {
currentName: "Something"
ok: "Here you go"
export default {
return state.globalCompanies;
Mounted: This works...
mounted() {
// Initialize inside mounted to ensure store is within scope
const { getters } = this.$store;
const thisWorks = () => {
const globalCompanies = getters.getGlobalCompanies;
This is Bad: Reaching for the store outside the mounted scope
mounted() {
function ThisDontWork() {
const { getters } = this.$store; // this.$store == undefined


Computed properties are not reacting to state change

I am working on a product overview page, that send out an API-call based on the current Category you are looking at:
store.dispatch("tweakwise/fetchAPIAttributesLayeredNavigation", {
In my Store, the data from this API-call will be set in the following VueX Store State:
this.$store.state.tweakwise.tweakwiseLayeredNavigationAttributes: []
I want to react to this data in my front-end but my Computed methods do not seem to react to this change. As you can also see in the function below I added a Catch to prevent a "Non defined" error. The function, however, will not be called after the state has been set.
This computed property is also added to the Mount() op the component
computed: {
initialFetchProducts() {
this.$store.state.tweakwise?.tweakwiseLayeredNavigationAttributes || []
make computed property for state you want to watch,
than create watch() for this prop. In watch you can react on computed property change.
<div v-for="product in products"></div>
export default {
data: {
return {
products: [],
computed: {
tweakwiseLayeredNavigationAttributes() {
return this.$store.state.tweakwise.tweakwiseLayeredNavigationAttributes;
watch: {
// on every tweakwiseLayeredNavigationAttributes change we call fetchProducts
tweakwiseLayeredNavigationAttributes: {
handler(newValue, oldValue) {
deep: true, // necessary for watching Arrays, Object
immediate: true, // will be fired like inside mounted()
methods: {
async fetchProducts(params) {
const products = await axios.get('/api', params);
this.products = products;

Clone / Copy state is returning empty state

I am having an issue using lodash's cloneDeep to clone the user object passed in from the store. When I attempt to render the data in the template {{ user }} shows the data retrieved from the store and {{ userCopy }} shows the empty store. I am not sure why this is happening, I am new to Vue.
import StaffService from '~/services/StaffService.js'
export const state = () => ({
user: {
offers: '',
legal: ''
export const mutations = {
SET_USER(state, user) {
state.user = user
export const actions = {
fetchUser({ commit, getters }, id) {
const user = getters.getUserById(id)
if (user) {
commit('SET_USER', user)
} else {
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
console.log('There was an error:', error.response)
export const getters = {
getUserById: (state) => (id) => {
return state.staff.find((user) => === id)
{{ user }} // will display the whole object
{{ userCopy }} // will only display empty store object
import _ from 'lodash'
data() {
return {
userCopy: _.cloneDeep(this.$store.state.staff.user)
computed: {
...mapState({ user: (state) => state.staff.user })
created() {
this.$store.dispatch('staff/fetchUser', this.$
My guess would be that a Vue instance's data is initialized before state becomes available. While computed props are populated/updated as their data source change.
If the component doesn't need to change the value of user during runtime, I'd suggest turning it into a computed property.
If your component does change the value during runtime (such as when it's v-model'd to an input), there are two approaches you can do.
Method 1: Using mounted hook
This is done by placing user in data property and then assigning a value when the instance is mounted, like so:
mounted () {
this.$data.userCopy = _.cloneDeep(this.$store.state.staff.user)
Method 2: Using computed with getter and setter functions.
Normally, you shouldn't change a computed value. But it can be done using a setter function. With this, when Vue detects an attempt to change a computed prop it will execute set() with the old and new values as arguments. This function would change the value at its source, allowing get()'s returned value to reflect this. For example:
computed: {
userCopy: {
get () {
return _.cloneDeep(this.$store.state.staff.user)
set (newValue) {
this.$store.commit('updateStaff', newValue) // Replace this line with your equivalent state mutator.

The prop object's property is undefined in refresh function

I use Vue.js and have a component. I pass a prop "request" to that component:
In the component I'm able to do this:
It works that is the value of "id" is displayed.
In props section of component:
props: {
request: Object
In mounted hook of component:
async mounted () {
await this.refresh()
In refresh function of component:
async refresh () {
console.log(' =',
if ( {
const data = await requestApi.getRequestResultAdjustmentByReqId(
The is undefined.
I'm not sure why.
If the request property is asynchronously available to the component then, you have to use combination of watchers like:
// adjustments-list component
new Vue({
props: {
request: Object
data() {
return {
apiData: null
watch: {
request(newValue, _oldValue) {
mounted: function () {
// Do something here
methods: {
refresh (request) {
if ( {
// Using promise instead of async-await
.then(() => this.apiData = data);
Also, note that, mounted should be a plain old JS function and not an async function. That's the lifecycle method of the component supposed to behave in particular way.

VueJS: Computed Property Is Calculated Before Created in Component?

I have a component, which looks like this:
export default {
name: 'todos',
props: ['id'],
created () {
data() {
return {
computed: {
todos () {
return this.$store.state.todos[]
methods: {
async fetchData () {
if (!this.$store.state.todos.hasOwnProperty( {
await this.$store.dispatch('getToDos',
This is what's happening:
The component receives an id via props.
When the component loads I need to fetch some data based on the id
I have a created() hook from where I call a function fetchData() to fetch the data.
In methods, the fetchData() function dispatches an action to get the data. This gets and stores the data in Vuex store.
The computed property todos gets the data for this id.
The problem is that when the page first loads, the computed property todos shows up as undefined. If I change the page (client side) then the computed property gets the correct data from the store and displays it.
I am unable to understand why computed property doesn't update?
You could use following approach:
component.vue (and just render todoItem)
methods: {
async fetchData () {
const _this = this;
if (!this.$store.state.todos.hasOwnProperty( {
this.$store.dispatch('getToDos', {id:, callback: () => {
_this.todoItem = _this.$store.state.todos[]
actions: {
getToDos: (context, payload) => {
// simulate fetching externally
setTimeout(() => {
context.commit("getToDos__", {newId:, task: "whatever" });
}, 2000);
Base on here
When this hooks is called, the following have been set up: reactive data, computed properties, methods, and watchers. However, the mounting phase has not been started, and the $el property will not be available yet.
I think what might solve it is if you create a getter for todos.
So in your VueX Store add:
getters: {
todos(state) {
return state.todos;
And than in your computed use:
computed: {
todos () {
return this.$store.getters.todos[]

Vue-tables-2(vuex) reactivity not working

I've several components using vue-tables-2 but one of them is not updating the table until I change the route.
<div class="table-responsive" >
<v-client-table ref="table" name="vCardTable"
import { mapState } from "vuex";
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
name: "VCard",
computed: {
...mapState("commons", ["user"]),
...mapGetters({ vCardTableData: "vCard/vCardTableData" })
mounted() {
var self = this;
self.$nextTick(() => {
self.$store.dispatch("vCard/getVCards"); <-- GET TABLE DATA
const state = {
vCardTableData: {
data: [],
headers: [
options: {
filterable: false,
preserveState: false,
headings: {
texts: {
pagination: {
dropdown: true,
templates: {
const getters = {
vCardTableData: state => state.vCardTableData
const actions = {
getVCards({commit, dispatch}) {
return api.request("get", "getvcards").then(response => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
}).catch(error => {
const mutations = {
clearTableData: (state) => {
if ( { = [];
setVCardTableData : (state, vCardTableData) => = vCardTableData
As you can see in this image the table has data:
But the view is refreshed when the route changes:
Well now I've seen that if I modify the state directly in the component with promises it works:
this.$store.dispatch("vCard/getVCards", []).then((responseData)=>{
this.$ = responseData;
Does anyone know why?
Thank you
My last answer was wrong, I did not remember that I had changed the vuex parameter of the table to false. I don't know why but doing a push it works:
setVCardTableData : (state, vCardTableData) => {
vCardTableData.forEach(tableData => {;
This is a probably a reactivity issue. (See for detailed explanation.)
Changing how you set the object value in your mutation to this should solve the problem
setVCardTableData: (state, vCardTableData) => state.vCardTableData = {
data: vCardTableData
Basically, this creates a new object so that Vue knows that the object has been updated. In Javasript, object is passed by reference, meaning that vCardTableData don't store the object, it stores the reference to the object. You could think of it as a pointer/address that points to the object in memory. When you change a child property in the object, the reference remains unchanged, so Vue does not know that the object has been updated. Creating a new object makes sure that the object reference is updated.
This is also explained in Mutations Follow Vue's Reactivity Rules
I have had similar issues. Like others have already mention it is probably a reactivity problem. You can use Vue.set() to ensure that your properties are reactive when setting the state values.
setVCardTableData: (state, vCardTableData) => {
Vue.set(state.vCardTableData, 'data', vCardTableData);
Check the official documentation for this method.
Since it's a deep object, you need to use Object.assign in your mutation
setVCardTableData: (state, vCardTableData) => Object.assign(, vCardTableData)