Microsoft Word VBA multiple addresses - text box - vba

Apologies in advance if this is already a question.
I've developed a user form to auto populate some of the letters we send to stakeholders. I currently have an address section in the userform - textboxstreet textboxsuburb etc.
User form
in certain circumstances I need to have:
Address A - the address we are sending the letter to
Address B - the address we sent the letter to previously
For example:
John Smith
15 Madeup Street
Faketown Australia
this is a follow up letter to advise we have sent your previous letter to 33 Fake Place Nowhere Australia.
My conclusion is that I obviously need an Address A section and an Address B section to break the addresses up. Is there a way though - if address a and address b are the same, that address a populates at the bookmarks set for Address B?
If address' are different:
(bookmarkaddressA) = textboxaddressA
(bookmarkaddressB) = textboxaddressB
If address' are the same:
(bookmarkaddressA) = textboxaddressA
(bookmarkaddressB) = textboxaddressA
Ideally I would like it to function like the
"is the postal address the same as the residential address?" checkbox - and just grey out/lock textboxaddressb and fill the info from textboxaddressa
Any suggestions welcome.
full code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If (CheckBox1.Value = True) Then TextBoxStreet2 = TextBoxStreet
If (CheckBox1.Value = True) Then TextBoxSuburb2 = TextBoxSuburb
If (CheckBox1.Value = True) Then TextBoxPostcode2 = TextBoxpostcode
If (CheckBox1.Value = True) Then ComboBoxState2 = ComboBoxState
If (CheckBox1.Value = False) Then TextBoxStreet2 = Null
If (CheckBox1.Value = False) Then TextBoxSuburb2 = Null
If (CheckBox1.Value = False) Then TextBoxPostcode2 = Null
If (CheckBox1.Value = False) Then ComboBoxState2 = Null
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBoxTitle_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButtonCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButtonClear_Click()
TextBoxFN.Value = Null
TextBoxGN.Value = Null
ComboBoxState.Value = Null
ComboBoxTitle.Value = Null
TextBoxStreet.Value = Null
TextBoxSuburb.Value = Null
TextBoxpostcode.Value = Null
TextBoxCD.Value = Null
TextboxMPN.Value = Null
TextBoxMPDD.Value = Null
TextBoxNPN.Value = Null
TextBoxNPDD.Value = Null
ComboBoxState2.Value = Null
TextBoxStreet2.Value = Null
TextBoxSuburb2.Value = Null
TextBoxPostcode2.Value = Null
CheckBox1.Value = False
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButtonOk_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks("Title").Range.Text = ComboBoxTitle.Value
.Bookmarks("GN").Range.Text = TextBoxGN.Value
.Bookmarks("FN").Range.Text = TextBoxFN.Value
.Bookmarks("FN2").Range.Text = TextBoxFN.Value
.Bookmarks("Street").Range.Text = TextBoxStreet.Value
.Bookmarks("Suburb").Range.Text = TextBoxSuburb.Value
.Bookmarks("State").Range.Text = ComboBoxState.Value
.Bookmarks("PostCode").Range.Text = TextBoxpostcode.Value
.Bookmarks("Street2").Range.Text = TextBoxStreet2.Value
.Bookmarks("Suburb2").Range.Text = TextBoxSuburb2.Value
.Bookmarks("State2").Range.Text = ComboBoxState2.Value
.Bookmarks("PostCode2").Range.Text = TextBoxPostcode2.Value
.Bookmarks("CD").Range.Text = TextBoxCD.Value
.Bookmarks("MPN").Range.Text = TextboxMPN.Value
.Bookmarks("MPN2").Range.Text = TextboxMPN.Value
.Bookmarks("MPN3").Range.Text = TextboxMPN.Value
.Bookmarks("MPN4").Range.Text = TextboxMPN.Value
.Bookmarks("MPN5").Range.Text = TextboxMPN.Value
.Bookmarks("MPDD").Range.Text = TextBoxMPDD.Value
.Bookmarks("NPN").Range.Text = TextBoxNPN.Value
.Bookmarks("NPDD").Range.Text = TextBoxNPDD.Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With ComboBoxState
.AddItem "QLD"
.AddItem "NSW"
.AddItem "ACT"
.AddItem "VIC"
.AddItem "TAS"
.AddItem "SA"
.AddItem "WA"
.AddItem "NT"
End With
With ComboBoxTitle
.AddItem "Mr"
.AddItem "Mrs"
.AddItem "Miss"
.AddItem "Ms"
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub TextBoxMPN_Change()
TextboxMPN = UCase(TextboxMPN)
End Sub
Private Sub TextBoxNPN_Change()
TextBoxNPN = UCase(TextBoxNPN)
End Sub
Private Sub TextBoxFN_Change()
TextBoxFN = UCase(TextBoxFN)
End Sub

Since you asked, this is what i might have done (some code not included for clarity):
'disable "address B" controls is user selects to use same address for both
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
Dim en As Boolean
en = Not CheckBox1.Value
EnableControls Array(TextBoxStreet2, TextBoxSuburb2, _
ComboBoxState2, TextBoxPostcode2), en
End Sub
'utility sub: enable/disable controls
Private Sub EnableControls(cons, bEnable As Boolean)
Dim con
For Each con In cons
With con
.Enabled = bEnable
.BackColor = IIf(bEnable, vbWhite, RGB(200, 200, 200))
End With
Next con
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButtonOk_Click()
Dim useAforB As Boolean
useAforB = CheckBox1.Value
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks("Street").Range.Text = TextBoxStreet.Value
.Bookmarks("Suburb").Range.Text = TextBoxSuburb.Value
.Bookmarks("State").Range.Text = ComboBoxState.Value
.Bookmarks("PostCode").Range.Text = TextBoxpostcode.Value
.Bookmarks("Street2").Range.Text = IIf(useAforB, _
TextBoxStreet.Value, TextBoxStreet2.Value)
.Bookmarks("Suburb2").Range.Text = IIf(useAforB, _
TextBoxSuburb.Value, TextBoxSuburb2.Value)
.Bookmarks("State2").Range.Text = IIf(useAforB, _
ComboBoxState.Value, ComboBoxState2.Value)
.Bookmarks("PostCode2").Range.Text = IIf(useAforB, _
TextBoxpostcode.Value, TextBoxPostcode2.Value)
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Unload Me
End Sub


Microsoft Excel VBA - Run-Time Error 438

I appear to be having an error which I am struggling to figure out the reason. I have tried the help sections and also tried researching it online but have not come up with any results. I am hoping someone may be able to assist me in the matter.
I have created multiple forms for different sheets on my spreadsheet. I have made forms which can be used to hide/show select column(s) by user discretion. I have two forms which work perfectly fine, but on the third.
I get
Run-Time Error 438 "Object doesn't support this property or method"
What does this mean? The code is the exact same as the other forms. The only difference in them is that the names of the sheets are different.
I will paste the code below for the sheets. Hopefully you can distinguish which is which. I will try and do my best to explain.
Code below
Main sheet - contains button to form open form
Private Sub openUserForm_Click()
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub hideCol(C As Integer)
If Controls("CheckBox" & C) = True Then
Columns(C).Hidden = True
Columns(C).Hidden = False
End If
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
End Sub
Private Sub chkP1_Click()
If Me.chkP1.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("T:W").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk1.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP1.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("T:W").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk1.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP2_Click()
If Me.chkP2.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("X:AA").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk2.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP2.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("X:AA").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk2.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP3_Click()
If Me.chkP3.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AB:AE").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk3.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP3.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AB:AE").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk3.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP4_Click()
If Me.chkP4.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AF:AI").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk4.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP4.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AF:AI").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk4.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP5_Click()
If Me.chkP5.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AJ:AM").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk5.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP5.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AJ:AM").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk5.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP6_Click()
If Me.chkP6.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AN:AQ").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk6.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP6.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AN:AQ").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk6.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP7_Click()
If Me.chkP7.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AR:AU").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk7.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP7.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AR:AU").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk7.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP8_Click()
If Me.chkP8.Value = True Then
Sheets("Coomst").Columns("AV:AY").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk8.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP8.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AV:AY").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk8.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP9_Click()
If Me.chkP9.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AZ:BC").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk9.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP9.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("AZ:BC").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk9.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP10_Click()
If Me.chkP10.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("BD:BG").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk10.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP10.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("BD:BG").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk10.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP11_Click()
If Me.chkP11.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("BH:BK").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk11.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP11.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("BH:BK").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk11.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP12_Click()
If Me.chkP12.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("BL:BO").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk12.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP12.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("BL:BO").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk12.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkP13_Click()
If Me.chkP13.Value = True Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("BP:BS").Hidden = True
Sheets("chkCooms").chk13.Value = True
ElseIf Me.chkP13.Value = False Then
Sheets("Cooms").Columns("BP:BS").Hidden = False
Sheets("chkCooms").chk13.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.chkP1.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk1.Value
Me.chkP2.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk2.Value
Me.chkP3.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk3.Value
Me.chkP4.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk4.Value
Me.chkP5.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk5.Value
Me.chkP6.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk6.Value
Me.chkP7.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk7.Value
Me.chkP8.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk8.Value
Me.chkP9.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk9.Value
Me.chkP10.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk10.Value
Me.chkP11.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk11.Value
Me.chkP12.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk12.Value
Me.chkP13.Value = Sheets("chkCooms").chk13.Value
End Sub
I hope this all makes sense and that someone is able to assist me in this matter. If you need further explanation then please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you very much for your assistance.
Check the name of your userform its probably spelt incorrectly
For information about the error check this amazing description

how to memorize and randomize the questions in MCQ?

I'm looking for assistance in visual basic with respect to multiple choices questions (MCQ).
by using visual basic for Visual Studio 2015
apply the codes without using database:
1- how to Not make any duplications in the questions?(for memorizing purpose... what is wrong and what is right?) E.g. Assuming I open the program and the first question is the word “rich” ,and I chose the correct answer, which is “IT”, I don’t want to see “rich” again until I finish with the whole list. However, if I make the wrong choice for “rich” for anything else e.g. “HR”, I want the word “rich” to appear after a while until I get the question correct. The point here to make the person memorize “rich” is “IT”.
Please write the codes down in your comment (the point you answering)
sorry for asking long question
Thank you
Public Class Form1
Private Structure questionsNanswers
Public Q As String
Public A As String
Public QT As Integer
Public QC As Integer
End Structure
Private wstart As Integer = 0
Private adad As Integer = 10
Private QA(9999) As questionsNanswers
Private word(15) As String
Private aray(15) As Integer
Private Sub RandomizeArray(a As Integer, ByRef array() As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim tmp As Integer
For i = 0 To a - 1
j = Int((6 - i + 1) * Rnd() + i)
tmp = array(i)
array(i) = array(j)
array(j) = tmp
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' next
wstart = wstart + 1
If wstart >= adad Then
wstart = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
' previous
wstart = wstart - 1
If wstart < 0 Then
wstart = adad - 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckEntry()
RadioButton1.Visible = True
RadioButton2.Visible = True
RadioButton3.Visible = True
RadioButton4.Visible = True
RadioButton1.ForeColor = Color.Black
RadioButton2.ForeColor = Color.Black
RadioButton3.ForeColor = Color.Black
RadioButton4.ForeColor = Color.Black
RadioButton1.Checked = False
RadioButton2.Checked = False
RadioButton3.Checked = False
RadioButton4.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub WriteText()
Dim out As Boolean = False
For kk = 0 To 6
aray(kk) = kk
RandomizeArray(7, aray)
Do Until out
For j = 0 To 3
If out = False Then
If aray(j) = QA(wstart).QT Then
out = True
Exit Do
End If
End If
For kkk = 0 To 6
aray(kkk) = kkk
RandomizeArray(7, aray)
RadioButton1.Text = word(aray(0))
RadioButton2.Text = word(aray(1))
RadioButton3.Text = word(aray(2))
RadioButton4.Text = word(aray(3))
Label1.Text = CStr(wstart + 1) & ") " & QA(wstart).Q
' ==============================
Dim go As Boolean = False
If go Then
Dim msg As String
For ll = 0 To 6
msg = msg + CStr(aray(ll)) + "|"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
word(0) = "TA"
word(1) = "GR"
word(2) = "HR"
word(3) = "FIN"
word(4) = "commercial"
word(5) = "Proc"
word(6) = "IT"
QA(0).Q = "rich"
QA(0).A = word(6)
QA(0).QT = 6
QA(0).QC = -1
QA(1).Q = "Tal"
QA(1).A = word(1)
QA(1).QT = 1
QA(1).QC = -1
QA(2).Q = "sau"
QA(2).A = word(2)
QA(2).QT = 2
QA(2).QC = -1
QA(3).Q = "pat"
QA(3).A = word(3)
QA(3).QT = 3
QA(3).QC = -1
QA(4).Q = "del"
QA(4).A = word(5)
QA(4).QT = 5
QA(4).QC = -1
End Sub
End Class
Procedures :
1•Store the questions in a database(E.g. MySql/MSSQL/EXCEL)
2•In the database, create a table of 6 columns(column 1 for questions,column 2 for mcq option1,column 3 for mcq option 2, column 4 for mcq option 3,column 5 for mcq option 4 and finally column 6 for mcq answer )
3•Add 1 label and 4 Radio buttons
Now all you have to do is follow this and use the code..
That'll do the work

Make a Group Shape appear/disapear based on Input

If the input in "C18" is 1, Group 1/2/3/4 (groups of lines) should disappear. Doesn't happen.
Private Sub Design_Click()
Dim TorsionGroup As ShapeRange
Dim Toption As Integer
Set Toption = Range("C18")
Set TorsionGroup = Shapes.Range(Array("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3", "Group 4"))
If Toption = 1 Then
ActiveSheet.TorsionGroup.GroupItems().Visible = False
ActiveSheet.TorsionGroup.GroupItems().Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Design_Click()
Shapes.Range(["Group "&column(a:d)]).Visible = [C18] = 1
End Sub
or if you group the groups into a single group, just:
Public Sub Design_Click()
[Group 5].Visible = [C18] = 1
End Sub

Simplify toggle button change BackColor Code VBA

im new in VBA making, so all code below is still working tho but it takes a lot of line of codes. Even it is easier to maintain but if someone can simplify my noob-code to cut some lines and more eye-pleasing?
there are more than 20 toggle buttons in my userform
this is the example of my code, need help for make it simpler
Private Sub tgglC_Result1_Click()
If tgglC_Result1.Value = True Then
tgglC_Result1.BackColor = &HFF00&
tgglNC_Result1.Enabled = False
lblResult1.Caption = Now
lblResult1.Visible = True
tgglC_Result1.BackColor = &H8000000F
tgglNC_Result1.Enabled = True
lblResult1.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub tgglC_Result2_Click()
If tgglC_Result2.Value = True Then
tgglC_Result2.BackColor = &HFF00&
tgglNC_Result2.Enabled = False
lblResult2.Caption = Now
lblResult2.Visible = True
tgglC_Result2.BackColor = &H8000000F
tgglNC_Result2.Enabled = True
lblResult2.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub tgglC_Result3_Click()
If tgglC_Result3.Value = True Then
tgglC_Result3.BackColor = &HFF00&
tgglNC_Result3.Enabled = False
lblResult3.Caption = Now
lblResult3.Visible = True
tgglC_Result3.BackColor = &H8000000F
tgglNC_Result3.Enabled = True
lblResult3.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub tgglC_Result4_Click()
If tgglC_Result4.Value = True Then
tgglC_Result4.BackColor = &HFF00&
tgglNC_Result4.Enabled = False
lblResult4.Caption = Now
lblResult4.Visible = True
tgglC_Result4.BackColor = &H8000000F
tgglNC_Result4.Enabled = True
lblResult4.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
best way should be using a Class
but a more "conventional" way could help you reducing typing burden, too:
define a unique toggle control handling sub
Private Sub tgglC_Result_Click()
Dim NC As Control
With Me
Set NC = .Controls(VBA.Replace(.ActiveControl.Name, "tgglC", "tgglNC")) '<--| set the "counter part" toggle button control of the "Active" control (i.e. the one being currently toggled)
With .ActiveControl
.BackColor = IIf(.Value, &HFF00&, &H8000000F)
NC.Enabled = Not .Value
End With
End With
End Sub
call it from any of your event handler
Private Sub tgglC_Result1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub tgglC_Result2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub tgglC_Result3_Click()
End Sub
Not really a simplifying solution, but this is what I used when I needed to supply logic to 60+ controls on an Access subform (similar task to yours):
Sub makeCode()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 4
Debug.Print "Private Sub tgglC_Result" & i & "_Click()"
Debug.Print "tgglC_Result" & i & ".BackColor = &HFF00&"
Debug.Print "tgglNC_Result2.Enabled = False"
Debug.Print "lblResult" & i & ".Caption = Now"
Debug.Print "lblResult" & i & ".Visible = True"
Debug.Print "End Sub"
Debug.Print ""
End Sub
Copy the result from the Immediate window into the code editor. It's easy to change all the subroutines, too: just change the loop body, run it, and replace old code.

VBA Variable as CommandButton#

I'm rewriting some code and had a thought, but can't seem to get my syntax right to execute it properly. I want to use a for loop to populate an array of commandbuttons as well as control their visibility. I just need help with my syntax to define which CommandButton number I'm working on in the loop. For instance, CommandButton1, CommandButton2, etc.
Public Sub LoadLots(sName As String, streamLots() As String)
Label1.Caption = sName
For o = 1 To 9
If streamLots(o) <> "" Then
CommandButton& o &.Caption = streamLots(o)
CommandButton& o & .Visable = True
CommandButton& o & .Visable = False
End If
End Sub
Use the Userform.Controls collection to reference the commandbuttons by name.
Public Sub LoadLots(sName As String, streamLots() As String)
Dim btn As MSForms.CommandButton
Label1.Caption = sName
For o = 1 To 9
Set btn = Me.Controls("CommandButton" & o)
If streamLots(o) <> "" Then
btn.Caption = streamLots(o)
btn.Visible = True
btn.Visible = False
End If
End Sub