Selenium select folder windows dialog - selenium

There are many examples on what to do with file upload, however I could not find anything in selecting folder. Any ideas how to handle this ?
I have tried 3 different ways but none worked :
the first is using sendkeys(). This does not work because there is no input field. This dialog opens when you click a button.
The second is using AutoIt, which is used in the uploading files dialog. It causes an error when i use it because I am not uploading a file but just selecting a folder.
the third is robot, where I copy the path I want to the clipboard and try to paste it with robot. It did not work for me.
Update 2:
If you open chrome://extensions/ on chrome browser and tick developer mode you will see a load unpacked extensions buttons. This is the button that when you click you get this windows dialog:

There are different ways by which you can handle File Upload :
Way 1:
WebElement fileInput = driver.findElement("uploadfile"));
Way 2:
By using Robot Class API:
Robot r = new Robot();
Hope it will help you

Selenium support is for Web browser and not for windows dialogs.
the only option for you is to write automation using coded UI or Autoit.

Selenium only works on Web browser, You can use AutoIT but I see you already tried it. In that case I would suggest you to use Sikuli.


How to handle window open prompt(native) in

I am using framework. At my application, I have a button that opens a Windows Open prompt (Native), and there I need to choose a folder/file and click Open.
Then returning to my application and continue.
Is there a way to move focus on to this window and control it (Select a path and click Open)?
If not- Is there any other solution someone can offer?
The short answer is probably not, you can't control native dialogs from webdriver.
If it's a file input type for which you want to set a file, you might possibly use webdriver to evaluate a piece of javascript to set the HTMLInputElement.files value of the input element.
This works in modern browsers as mentioned in the mozilla docs

Using selenium drivers to Print to PDF

I am struggling with a problem.
I need to download PDF file when the Print dialog appears.
Here is an example of the dialog
I have tried both the chrome and firefox drivers. But unfortunately still cannot get it working.
I have found the following preference for the firefox
fp.setPreference("print.print_to_file", true);
But it seems that it doesn't work.
It doesn't even get applied into the configuration variables set.
Please suggest any way to automate some actions with selenium and then save to PDF file when this print dialog appears.
Firstly, you need to know selenium is a web automation tool. so it can only operate things belongs to browser. Even that, it can't operate all things belongs to browser, like address bar, favior bar, menu bar of browser.
For most case, the print dialog is not belongs to browser, it supplyed by OS or other software installed on OS. so selenium can't operate it is reasonable.
If your script code by java, you can use java.awt.robot to capture the dialog
and click 'print to file'.
If java.awt.robot can worked as your expect, I think you aslo need to set browser options in your script to give a path for browser to save the printed file, just like when you download file, browse will ask you where to save.
if you not to set that options, i guess it will pop-up another dialog to ask you where to save and this dialog is also not belongs to browser.
it's not easy to use java.awt.robot to set the save path.
Because you need to consider the possbility of script run on different OS, use abosulte path is not workable on different OS. Besides if your script run with seleniu grid, it will make you craze. So if testing print to file feature is not important, i recommend you test it manuall.
You can automate Print to PDF using Testmate as below

How do I open a new private window in Selenium IDE and switch between windows?

I'm trying to make automated tests for a site, using Selenium IDE (not Selenium Server, RC, 2.0, and WebDriver).
I want to be logged in with user 1 in Firefox window 1 and open a Firefox private window to sign in with user 2. I need this because the website I want to test doesn't allow multiple users signed in in the same browser at the same time.
1) Is there a way to open a private/incognito window?
2) How do I then switch back to the main window?
Here's how switching between simple windows looks like:
In the attached image you can see how I solved the problem:
It works fine with Firefox version 42.0 (and earlier versions). With Firefox 43 I have some problems because "openWindow screen2" does not overwrite my window I open with javascript but opens an own window. I'm looking for a solution for this issue.
As far as I'm aware this isn't something that Selenium IDE can do. The best solution I can think of would be to use something like Autohotkey and combine the it with Selenium.
With AHK you can set a script to mimic the keyboard command to open a private window (ctrl+shift+p). When I've used it with selenium in the past I've set the AHK script to start when it detects a certain window title, and then had selenium call a javascript function from the user-extensions to amend the title of the page you're on to the title which will trigger the function when you need the AHK script to run. (Best not to use the default one, otherwise you could end up with countless private windows if it hits that page multiple times).
Try this,
FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile();

Selenium Upload a file using button type and button tag instead of file

I have a webpage where I click on a button and an open dialog it's opened and I should select the file to upload. After that, a pop up is displayed saying OK or KO.
I'm able to upload files when the there are files types. But in this case, the element where I click it's:
button type="button" read-file="_.partial(submitLang, selectedLang)" id="import-lang" class="btn btn-default"><
For the rest of the application, I use this and it works:
WebElement element = getPage().findElementById(id);
But for button types and button tag it doesn't work.
How can I do it? The tests are running on a Linux machine
Thanks a lot!
More info!!
Hi all,
The whole process is: (see image at
Click on Import button
A dialog is opened and I select a .json file and click Open
An alert is displayed saying "Text properties have been updated".
We are using angular for the frontend and all are REST calls.
We don't have any "file=type". All three are buttons. You can found more code at
For a file upload with selenium, you need to find an input tag with the type "file".
Have a look at your HTML and search for it.
When you found it, the rest is pretty straightforward:
Let's say this input-element has id="import"
If you run into problems, please post more of your HTML, then I can have a look at it.
In my case, clicking on the button made an element appear in the HTML code, I assume due to javascript.
I clicked on the element (which both opens a file upload window and adds the to the HTML), and immediately after send the keys to the input element.
This creates the problem of having to close the newly opened file upload window, however this is not a problem when using --headless mode on google chrome.
I do not have a solution to close this window if you are not in headless mode for your chosen browser.

Automating "Browse" button event in Selenium

I need to automate the "Browse" button click from Selenium.
For this, I have tried
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("Css path")).click();
Both gives me org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: exception.
I have seen this link here where the author suggest to use AutoIT, but in step 2, the script, the author has created is for IE. Can someone please suggest, how I can automate the "Browse" button click in firefox?
Any help is much appreciated.
Directly send the file path to the id, like so
The above step is the answer for your first two steps
Click on Browse
Select a file to upload
For the third step(click upload), looking at the screen capture I do not see any button which says "Upload". So just click "Save" and I assume that your file will successfully get uploaded.
There are two things that u need to consider here:
Clicking the browser button: Usually handled by an alert or popup, if the driver is not able to find the element by xpath(which u have acquired from firebug or chrome's inspect element) you should consider looking for iframes in the page source. If an element is in a different frame altogether , u need to switch frames in order to find the element like this
WebElement frame = driver.findElementById("name_of_iframe");
now you can find your element using xpath or css selector like u did. Once completed u can move out of the frame by:- driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
Uploading the file from desktop: Since selenium works only on the html in the browser session u invoked from the driver, it can't perform operations on your desktop.Once you are able to click the browser button u can use Auto it(works only on windows) or Sikuli(works with mac, linux, windows and even android) to simulate your events based on the position of your upload button.
Hope this helps