react-navigation from react-community is triggering transition with delay - react-native

Below is the c/p of the code I'm using.
I'm using react-community/react-navigation and redux store to dispatch actions. One of actions is navigate from NavigationActions which is part of the react-navigations package.
As you can see, I've defined a custom transition (simple fade) from one
screen to another.
The problem is that transition starts with a little bit of delay. Even if I specify transitionSpec in the TransitionConfiguration with Animated.timing and duration of 100ms it makes no difference.
Also, when navigating back using back action from NavigationActions it needs about half a second to a second for the scene to become responsive.
Please see attached gif.
Note #1 - same is happening on a real iPhone6,7.
Note #2 - same think if I remove transitionConfig: TransitionConfiguration
It works, but it doesn't feel anything that you can experience in native apps.
// Transition definition
const FadeTransition = (index, position) => {
const inputRange = [index - 1, index, index + 1];
const opacity = position.interpolate({
outputRange: [0, 1, 1],
return {
// Transition configurator
const TransitionConfiguration = () => {
return {
screenInterpolator: (sceneProps) => {
const {position, scene} = sceneProps;
const {index, route} = scene;
return FadeTransition(index, position);
// Active scenes
const appScenes = {
Demo: {
screen: Demo
Foo: {
screen: Foo
// Basic stack navigator
import { StackNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
const AppNavigator = StackNavigator(appScenes, {
headerMode: 'none',
transitionConfig: TransitionConfiguration
import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
routeName: 'Foo',
params: {
transition: 'fade'
I would appreciate any advice given.

const MyTransitionSpec = ({
duration: 200,
// Transition configurator
const TransitionConfiguration = () => {
return {
transitionSpec: MyTransitionSpec,
screenInterpolator: (sceneProps) => {
const {position, scene} = sceneProps;
const {index, route} = scene;
return FadeTransition(index, position);


How to navigate to a screen when opening push notification in React Native?

const MypageStack = createStackNavigator(
initialRouteName: 'Mypage',
const postLoginNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator({
Mypage: MypageStack,
const AppNavigator = createStackNavigator({
PostLogin: postLoginNavigator,
}, {
mode: 'card',
headerMode: 'none',
initialRouteName: 'Loading',
defaultNavigationOptions: {
gestureEnabled: false,
const AppContainer = createAppContainer(AppNavigator);
export default class App extends React.Component {
async componentDidMount() {
subscribeNotification = (notification) => {
const { screen = null } = data;
// screen = 'News'
if (notification.origin === 'selected') {
if (screen) {
dispatch(NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: screen }));
render() {
return (
<AppContainer />
What I'm trying to do
When opening notification, I want to navigate to News screen.
But, dispatch(NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: screen })); doesn't work.
I got an error.
can't find variable: dispatch
I don't know how to navigate. I would appreciate it if you could give me any advice.
To dispatch a navigation action you have to use a root navigation object from you props like this =>
const resetAction = StackActions.reset({
index: 0,
actions: [NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'HOME_SCREEN' })] });
But I found it more convenient to create a common file called NavigationService.js to manage your navigation actions, like this one
import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
let _navigator;
function setTopLevelNavigator(navigatorRef) {
_navigator = navigatorRef;
function navigate(routeName, params) {
function getCurrentRoute() {
let route = _navigator.state.nav
while (route.routes) {
route = route.routes[route.index]
return route
// add other navigation functions that you need and export them
export default {
Update your <AppContainer/> to pass the navigation refs to NavigationSerive file
<AppContainer ref={ref => NavigationService.setTopLevelNavigator(ref) }
And then anywhere in your app just import and call whatever you need
import NavigationService from './NavigationService';
NavigationService.navigate(routeName, { ...yourParams })
Happy Coding

React Native Navigation different animation depending on origin

I'm trying to get the following to work.
There are 3 screens:
Screen A
Screen B
Screen C
I want a different animation for when A goes to C than when B goes to C. Does anyone know how to do that?
You can use this library : rn-transitions . SO as per the docs you can add specific transitions to specific pages like :
import { fromLeft, zoomIn, zoomOut } from 'react-navigation-transitions'
const handleCustomTransition = ({ scenes }) => {
const prevScene = scenes[scenes.length - 2];
const nextScene = scenes[scenes.length - 1];
// Custom transitions go there
if (prevScene
&& prevScene.route.routeName === 'ScreenA'
&& nextScene.route.routeName === 'ScreenB') {
return zoomIn();
} else if (prevScene
&& prevScene.route.routeName === 'ScreenB'
&& nextScene.route.routeName === 'ScreenC') {
return zoomOut();
return fromLeft();
const PrimaryNav = createStackNavigator({
ScreenA: { screen: ScreenA },
ScreenB: { screen: ScreenB },
ScreenC: { screen: ScreenC },
}, {
transitionConfig: (nav) => handleCustomTransition(nav)
hope this helps. feel free for doubts

How to pass localization info from this.context in react component to its child consts?

I have implemented localization for React-native app according to this file as LocalizationContext.js:
import React from 'react';
import Translations, {DEFAULT_LANGUAGE} from '../constants/Translations';
import AsyncStorage from '#react-native-community/async-storage';
import * as RNLocalize from 'react-native-localize';
const APP_LANGUAGE = 'appLanguage';
export const LocalizationContext = React.createContext({
setAppLanguage: () => {},
initializeAppLanguage: () => {},
export const LocalizationProvider = ({children}) => {
const [appLanguage, setAppLanguage] = React.useState(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
const setLanguage = language => {
AsyncStorage.setItem(APP_LANGUAGE, language);
const initializeAppLanguage = async () => {
const currentLanguage = await AsyncStorage.getItem(APP_LANGUAGE);
if (!currentLanguage) {
let localeCode = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
const supportedLocaleCodes = Translations.getAvailableLanguages();
const phoneLocaleCodes = RNLocalize.getLocales().map(
locale => locale.languageCode,
phoneLocaleCodes.some(code => {
if (supportedLocaleCodes.includes(code)) {
localeCode = code;
return true;
} else {
return (
setAppLanguage: setLanguage,
and it works fine in different screens but App.js file which is something like:
const MainTabs = createBottomTabNavigator(
Profile: {
screen: ProfileStack,
navigationOptions: {
// tabBarLabel: Translations.PROFILE_TAB,
HomePage: {
screen: HomeStack,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarLabel: Translations.HOME_TAB,
initialRouteName: 'HomePage'
export default class App extends Component {
// static contextType = LocalizationContext;
render() {
// const Translations = this.context.Translations;
// console.log(Translations.PROFILE_TAB);
return (
<SafeAreaView style={{flex: 1}}>
<AppNavigator />
I do access Translation in App component as you can find them in commented lines, but how can I pass related information to some const like tab titles? Translations.PROFILE_TAB is undefined.
I ended up changing this into a service.
Also I use redux and pass the store in to get user preferences and set them:
import * as RNLocalize from 'react-native-localize';
import { saveUserOptions } from '../actions/login';
import LocalizedStrings from 'react-native-localization';
export const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'ar';
let _reduxStore;
function setStore(store){
_reduxStore = store
const _translations = {
en: {
WELCOME_TITLE: 'Welcome!',
STEP1: 'Step One',
SEE_CHANGES: 'See Your Changes',
CHANGE_LANGUAGE: 'Change Language',
LANGUAGE_SETTINGS: 'Change Language',
BACK: 'Back'
ar: {
WELCOME_TITLE: 'صباحك فُل!',
let translation = new LocalizedStrings(_translations);
const setAppLanguage = language => {
const initializeAppLanguage = async () => {
const currentLanguage = _reduxStore.getState().login.user_language
if (!currentLanguage) {
let localeCode = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
const supportedLocaleCodes = translation.getAvailableLanguages();
const phoneLocaleCodes = RNLocalize.getLocales().map(
locale => locale.languageCode,
phoneLocaleCodes.some(code => {
if (supportedLocaleCodes.includes(code)) {
localeCode = code;
return true;
} else {
export default {
I need to first setup things in my top main component:
// add the below to componentDidMount by which time persisted stores are populated usually
where I need to get strings I do:
import LocalizationService from '../../utils/LocalizationService';
static navigationOptions = () => {
// return here was needed otherwise the translation didn't work
return {
title: LocalizationService.translation.WELCOME_TITLE,
to force update of title you will need to set a navigation param:
this.props.navigation.setParams({ otherParam: 'Updated!' })
** Further Edit **
The props navigation change hack only works for the current screen, if we want to refresh all screens we need to setParams for all screens. This could possibly be done using a listener on each screen or tying the screen navigationOptions to the redux state.
I'm using NavigationService (see so I've created the following function to run through my screens and setparam on all of them and force an update on all:
function setParamsForAllScreens(param, value) {
const updateAllScreens = (navState) => {
// Does this route have more routes in it?
if (navState.routes) {
navState.routes.forEach((route) => {
// Does this route have a name?
else if (navState.routeName) {
// Does it end in Screen? This is a convention we are using
if (navState.routeName.endsWith('Screen')) {
// this is likely a leaf
const action = NavigationActions.setParams({
params: {
[param]: value
key: navState.key,
if (_navigator && _navigator.state)

Confirm/warn dialog on back

Like in the web browser, we have onBeforeUnload (vs onUnload) to show a alert or some warning "there is unsaved data - are you sure you want to go back".
I am trying to do the same. I couldn't find anything in the docs of react-navigation.
I thought of doing something real hacky like this, but I don't know if its the right way:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { StackNavigator } from 'react-navigation'
export default function ConfirmBackStackNavigator(routes, options) {
const StackNav = StackNavigator(routes, options);
return class ConfirmBackStackNavigatorComponent extends Component {
static router = StackNav.router;
render() {
const { state, goBack } = this.props.navigation;
const nav = {
goBack: () => {
.then(didConfirm => didConfirm && goBack(state.key))
return ( <StackNav navigation = {nav} /> );
React navigation 5.7 has added support for it:
function EditText({ navigation }) {
const [text, setText] = React.useState('');
const hasUnsavedChanges = Boolean(text);
() =>
navigation.addListener('beforeRemove', (e) => {
if (!hasUnsavedChanges) {
// If we don't have unsaved changes, then we don't need to do anything
// Prevent default behavior of leaving the screen
// Prompt the user before leaving the screen
'Discard changes?',
'You have unsaved changes. Are you sure to discard them and leave the screen?',
{ text: "Don't leave", style: 'cancel', onPress: () => {} },
text: 'Discard',
style: 'destructive',
// If the user confirmed, then we dispatch the action we blocked earlier
// This will continue the action that had triggered the removal of the screen
onPress: () => navigation.dispatch(,
[navigation, hasUnsavedChanges]
return (
placeholder="Type something…"
On current screen set
needUserConfirmation: true,
In your Stack
const defaultGetStateForAction = Stack.router.getStateForAction;
Stack.router.getStateForAction = (action, state) => {
if (state) {
const { routes, index } = state;
const route = get(routes, index);
const needUserConfirmation = get(route.params, 'needUserConfirmation');
if (
needUserConfirmation &&
['Navigation/BACK', 'Navigation/NAVIGATE'].includes(action.type)
) {
Alert.alert('', "there is unsaved data - are you sure you want to go back", [
text: 'Close',
onPress: () => {},
text: 'Confirm',
onPress: () => {
delete route.params.needUserConfirmation;
state.routes.splice(index, 1, route);
// Returning null from getStateForAction means that the action
// has been handled/blocked, but there is not a new state
return null;
return defaultGetStateForAction(action, state);
Navigating without the navigation prop
function dispatch(...args) {
This can be accomplished by displaying a custom back button in the header, and capturing the hardware back-event before it bubbles up to the navigator.
We'll first configure our page to show a custom back button by overriding the navigation options:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Button } from 'react-native'
function showConfirmDialog (onConfirmed) { /* ... */ }
class MyPage extends Component {
static navigationOptions ({ navigation }) {
const back = <Button title='Back' onPress={() => showConfirmDialog(() => navigation.goBack())} />
return { headerLeft: back }
// ...
The next step is to override the hardware back button. For that we'll use the package react-navigation-backhandler:
// ...
import { AndroidBackHandler } from 'react-navigation-backhandler'
class MyPage extends Component {
// ...
onHardwareBackButton = () => {
showConfirmDialog(() => this.props.navigation.goBack())
return true
render () {
return (
<AndroidBackHandler onBackPress={this.onHardwareBackButton}>
{/* ... */}

React Native - React Navigation transitions

I'd like to use React Navigation in my new react native app but I can't find any example showing how to create custom view transitions in there. Default transitions are working fine but I'd like to be able to customize them in few places and the docs don't come very helpfull in this subject.
Anyone tried that already? Anywhere I could see a working example?
Thanks in advance.
You can find detailed version of this post on this link
I hope this is clear enough with step-by-step for how to create custom transition.
Create a Scene or Two to navigate
class SceneOne extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Text>{'Scene One'}</Text>
class SceneTwo extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Text>{'Scene Two'}</Text>
Declare your app scenes
let AppScenes = {
SceneOne: {
screen: SceneOne
SceneTwo: {
screen: SceneTwo
Declare custom transition
let MyTransition = (index, position) => {
const inputRange = [index - 1, index, index + 1];
const opacity = position.interpolate({
outputRange: [.8, 1, 1],
const scaleY = position.interpolate({
outputRange: ([0.8, 1, 1]),
return {
transform: [
Declare custom transitions configurator
let TransitionConfiguration = () => {
return {
// Define scene interpolation, eq. custom transition
screenInterpolator: (sceneProps) => {
const {position, scene} = sceneProps;
const {index} = scene;
return MyTransition(index, position);
Create app navigator using Stack Navigator
const AppNavigator = StackNavigator(AppScenes, {
transitionConfig: TransitionConfiguration
Use App Navigator in your project
class App extends Component {
return (
<AppNavigator />
Register your app in eq. index.ios.js
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
AppRegistry.registerComponent('MyApp', () => App);
Update #1
As for the question on how to set transition per scene, this is how I'm doing it.
When you navigate using NavigationActions from react-navigation, you can pass through some props. In my case it looks like this
routeName: 'SceneTwo',
params: {
transition: 'myCustomTransition'
and then inside the Configurator you can switch between these transition like this
let TransitionConfiguration = () => {
return {
// Define scene interpolation, eq. custom transition
screenInterpolator: (sceneProps) => {
const {position, scene} = sceneProps;
const {index, route} = scene
const params = route.params || {}; // <- That's new
const transition = params.transition || 'default'; // <- That's new
return {
myCustomTransition: MyCustomTransition(index, position),
default: MyTransition(index, position),