WSO2 EI (ESB) - CSV File Data Validation - wso2-esb

I am able to read the csv file using WSO2 EI and insert the csv data into MySQL DB as well. Picked the csv fle from sftp as also and inserted the csv file data into MySQL DB. I have followed the WSO2 doc from official web site.
But I am not able to validate the data. Please suggest how to write a Java class to put validation on CSV File data while reading it.


How do i convert a csv file to a db REACT-NATIVE

I am trying to create an app that pulls and pushes to and from a remote server a bunch CSV and a txt file with data in it and convert it into a SQLLite database that I can read/write/query. The txt file contains timestamps that I will be using so when the app pulls again from the server it'll take only the updated values from the server after that certain timestamp (so I don't have to completely redownload all the data). However, I also want to be able to send data back to the server from the database!
So far, I have successfully implemented the Fetching of the data but I am stuck on how to convert my csv files into a db file for React-Native. I want to use react-native-sqlite-storage to then read/write/query the data.
However, the react-native-sqlite-storage requires a .db file and I only have .csv files.
I was thinking that I could convert the csv file into a JSON and then somehow convert the json into a db?
I'm confused whether or not my approach is efficient or is there any other efficient way to implement this ! Thank you so much

creating file from sql data to csv in mule 4

I need to create file from SQL database and load data into CSV file. After CSV file generated successfully, need to transfer it to another sftp location.
I'm assuming that you are already familiar with Mule 4 applications and flows. In a flow you can query the database using the Database connector, use the Transform component to write a DataWeave transformation to a CSV (output application/csv), then use the SFTP connector to write the file to the SFTP server.
You should get familiar with how each component from the documentation to be able to write the database query, the transformation and the SFTP transfer.

How to read and write data on CSV file using DB connector in Mule 3.8

How to read and write data on CSV file using DB connector in Mulesoft
The DB connector returns Java, so after the connector, you would have a transform message component that converts that Java to a CSV.

Migrate from Azure SQL back to Access

I have a SQL database in Azure. Is there any way of downloading the SQL database in .mdb format?
Is there any way of downloading the SQL database in .mdb format?
Not directly in .mdb format but what you can do is export the database in BACPAC format and save this file in Blob Storage. Once the file is there, you can download this file. You can find more information about this here: If you're doing this from Azure Portal, please read this:
Next step would be to create a local database using this BACPAC file. Please see this link on instructions on how to import a BACPAC File to create a new user database:
Last step would be to export this database and import it in Access. You can make use of SQL Server Import/Export Wizard to do so. Please see this link for more details:

How can I import a csv file into the google cloud sql service (opposed to importing a sql dump)

How can I import csv files into the google cloud sql service (opposed to importing a sql dump)?
Can I in some way use the squirrel client?
I just started using Google Cloud SQL. I connected to my instance with the MySQL Workbench. I created my first table, but then I wanted to import a CSV file into that table, and it was not clear on how to do that from MySQL Workbench. So, here are the steps to do this (thanks Aimon Bustardo):
Convert your CSV file to a SQL file using this site (there are other options to convert to SQL, but this is an easy service):
From MySQL Workbench Navigator for the MySQL instance, click "Data Import/Restore"
Click "Import from Self-Contained File" and then select the SQL file created in Step 1.
Click "Start Import" and your data is uploaded to the Cloud!
Converting it to SQL is your best be until they have a csv importer. There are command line utilities or online services. One of which that is free: