Change month name to month number in SSIS - sql

I have a source file which has 50 columns. One of the columns is TransDateTime and the value in it is of format 22-MAY-2017 02:31:15.00. Now before loading this source file to final destination table i want it to be converted to the format 22-05-2017 02:31:15.00 so that i can use the data type datetime for that column.
I have seen ways to convert month name to month number if the column just contains the month value like below.
I am not sure how to work around this scenario in my case. Any solutions?

Well one solution would be to REPLACE. Simply replace "MAY" with "05" and you get the desired outcome from your sample input.
Nest 12 REPLACE functions in one expression and you will handle every possible scenario.

Use a script component. Convert the input column to your desired format like this in C#:
DateTime.Parse("22-MAY-2017 02:31:15.00").ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.ff");
For example, if your input column is MyDate and Out put column is OutPutCol then:
OutPutCol = DateTime.Parse(Row.MyDate).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.ff");
You can check the code here.

If your destination column datatype is datetime, so you are not looking to reformat your date string. but you are looking to convert this string into date value.
You can add a Script COmponent in the dataflow task, with an output column of type DT_DBTIMESTAMP and mark TransDateTime Column as input. and use the following code: (i used VB.NET)
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Output0Buffer)
Row.OutDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Row.TransDateTime,"dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.ff",New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB"))
End Sub
If your destination column is of type string then you have to follow the same steps but the output column should be of type DT_STR and you have to use the following code:
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Output0Buffer)
Row.OutDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Row.TransDateTime,"dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.ff",New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB")).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.ff")
End Sub


Append zeros to ssis derived column

Hi I am loading data from flat file to my table through SSAS I want to derive a conditional column to append zeros to is numeric data in the zip code column when the length is <5
Derived Column Expression I am using : (CustomerZipCode!="[A-Za-z]")&&(LEN(CustomerZipCode) < 5) ? RIGHT(("00000" + CustomerZipCode),5) : CustomerZipCode
the above expression is not working,request to guide me
Thank you.
Is this for SSIS? My last answer assumed that this was an SSAS column because the SSAS tag. If this is a date load via SSIS, you can use a Script Component to do this instead of a Derived Column. The example below uses C# and the CustomerZipCode column will need to be added in the Input Columns pane with the ReadWrite usage type. The TryParse method checks if the column is numeric and will return false if the column contains any text. The String constructor is used to create the zeroesToAppend string, which is set to the number of zeroes below 5 that the length of the column is, and afterwards this is added to the beginning of the column. This will go in the Input0_ProcessInputRow method, which is executed once for each row from the input.
public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
int i;
if (int.TryParse(Row.CustomerZipCode, out i) && Row.CustomerZipCode.Length < 5)
string zeroesToAppend = new String('0', 5 - Row.CustomerZipCode.Length); = String.Concat(zeroesToAppend, Row.CustomerZipCode);

Update Query to get rid of "AM" & "PM" in string

I wrote a basic update query:
Update WA SET WA.Time_Updated = Replace(Time_Updated, 'PM', ' ');
to which I don't get any real error message other than
Microsoft can't update 251 records etc due to type conversion error
There are 5000 records in there. I have the date column as Date/Time and all my other columns (non-dates) as Short Text. The query just does not update anything in the table and keeps it previously was. Any ideas?
Just convert your text times to Date values:
Select *, TimeValue([Time_Updated]) As TimeUpdated From WA
Then, when you display TimeUpdate, format the value as you like.
Can deal with the imported structure.
Hour("12:03:00 PM") + Minute("12:03:00 PM")/60 + Second("12:03:00 PM")/3600
This calculates to 12.05
So don't change the raw data, calculate in query. Just use your field name in place of the static value in the expression.

SSRS comparing dates in an expression

I have some basic expressions to highlight certain fields:
=IIF(Fields!Failure.Value > 0, "Red", "Transparent")
However, I have another field that contains dates in the following format:
22/08/2016 22/08/2016 - each field can contain multiple dates.
This is stored in SQL as a VARCHAR.
I need to run a similar expression in my report to achieve the following:
If the date is 1 day older than the date the report is run, highlight the field. If the date is greater than 1 day older, highlight the field a different colour.
I#m familiar with basic expressions, but I can't think of an easy way to obtain the current date, and then compare between the two.
As others have said, you really shouldn't be using hacks like this...
But, this should work for you:
=iif(Len(Replace(Replace(Fields!DateField.Value," ",""), Format(Today, "dd/MM/yyyy"),"")) = 0, "Transparent" ,iif(Len(Replace(Replace(Replace(Fields!DateField.Value," ",""), Format(Today, "dd/MM/yyyy"),""), Format(Today().AddDays(-1), "dd/MM/yyyy"),"")) = 0, "Green", "Red"))
Essentially, remove the joining character (in this case, space) and then replace all instances of the current date in the given format. If there are any characters left, you have a date that doesn't match today. Then take that value and repeat for any instances of yesterday.
Obviously this will fall down if your date formatting changes.
But then you already knew that comparing dates as strings was a bad idea, right...
You can use the Split function to generate an array of values. Of course, you'll still need to select one of those to test. The following may get you going again.
"21/08/2016, 22/08/2016",
) < Today,
If, however, you are dealing with a date string that can contain any number of dates and you to test all of them then a simple SSRS expression won't handle that. Fortunately we can use a bit of custom code.
Right-click the report background and select report properties. Click the 'Code' item and paste the following into code box
Public Function TestDate(DateString As String) As String
Dim DatesArray() As String = Split(DateString)
Dim ReturnValue As String = "Transparent"
For Each d As String In DatesArray
If Date.Parse(d) = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -1, Date.Today) Then
ReturnValue = "Red"
End If
If Date.Parse(d) < DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -1, Date.Today) Then
ReturnValue = "DarkRed"
End If
Return ReturnValue
End Function
Now change the expression as below
=Code.TestDate("21/08/2016 22/08/2016")
I've used Date.Today in the VB to restrict the comparison of the date to the day. If you wanted to be more precise ie: the exact time, use Date.Now instead

SQL Server comma delimiter for money datatype

I import Excel files via SSIS to SQL-Server. I have a temp table to get everything in nvarchar. For four columns I then cast the string to money type and put in my target table.
In my temp table one of those four columns let me call it X has a comma as the delimiter the rest has a dot. Don't ask me why, I have everything in my SSIS set the same.
In my Excel the delimiter is a comma as well.
So now in my target table I have everything in comma values but the X column now moves the comma two places to the right and looks like this:
537013,00 instead of 5370,13 which was the original cell value in the temp and excel column.
I was thinking this is a culture setup problem but then again it should or shouldn't work on all of these columns.
a) Why do I receive dot values in my temp table when my Excel displays comma?
b) how can I fix this? Can I replace the "," in the temp table with a dot?
I think I found the reason but not the solution:
In this X column in excel the first three cells are empty - the other three columns all start with 0. If I fill these three cells of X with 0s then I also get the dot in my temp table and the right value in my target table. But of course I have to use the Excel file as is.
Any ideas on that?
Try the code below. It checks whether the string value being converted to money is of numeric data type. If the string value is of numeric data type, then convert it to money data type, otherwise, return a NULL value. And it also replaces the decimal symbol and the digit grouping symbol of the string value to match the expected decimal symbol and digit grouping symbol of SQL Server.
DECLARE #MoneyString VARCHAR(20)
SET #MoneyString = '$ 1.000,00'
SET #MoneyString = REPLACE(REPLACE(#MoneyString, '.', ''), ',', '.')
THEN #MoneyString
As for the reason why you get comma instead dot I have no clue. My first guess would be cultural settings but you already checked that. What about googling, did you get some results?
First the "separator" in SQL is the decimal point: its only excel that is using the comma. You can change the formatting in excel: you should format the excel column as money and specify a decimal point as the separator. Then in the SSIS import wizard split out the transformation of the column so it imports to a money data type. Its a culture thing, but delimiter tends to be used in the context of signifying the end of one column and the start of the next (as in csv)
Well thats a longstanding problem with excel. It uses the first 30 or so rows to infer data type. It can lead to endless issues. I think your solution has to be to process everything as a string in the way Yaroslav suggested, or supply an excel template to have data predefined and formatted data type columns, which then have the values inserted. Its a pita.

How to exclude one value from a grouping sum, based on a value of another field?

How do I exclude one value from a grouping sum, based on a value of another field?
ie I open Report=> Report Properties=>Code and insert my Custom Code, but how would I change the below code to exclude a numeric value of another field for the below case?
Public Function ChangeWord(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim strBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder(s)
If s.Contains("Others") Then
strBuilder.Replace("Others", "Other NOT INCL")
Return strBuilder.ToString()
Else : Return s
End If
End Function
I'm assuming you want to exclude a numeric value from a sum where the string value of a cell on the same row includes "Others", and that the function you've supplied is used as the grouping criteria for a table in the report. Apologies if this isn't correct.
It's not going to be possible to do this without using a second piece of logic, either a function or an Iif condition. I don't have SSRS available to test this at the moment, but (assuming your value column is an integer, the code will look something like:
Public Function ExcludeOthers(rowDesc As String, rowVal as integer)
if ChangeWord(rowDesc) = "Other NOT INCL"
Return 0
Return rowVal
end if
End Function
Then, in the cell where you want the conditional sum to appear:
Alternatively, you could do this without the function by using Iif in the cell where the conditional sum will appear:
=Sum(Iif(ChangeWord(Fields!desc.Value) = "Other NOT INCL",0,Fields!desc.Value))
Depending on the nature of your source data, you could also do this by adding calculated columns to the report's source query.
I would favour the second or third option - custom code seems like overkill for this purpose.