awk variable passed to a field in a file - awk

I have a problem using an awk variable to insert into a field 2 of a file. This is my data:
I want to insert the value of variable ds in field 2 of my file. So I written some test code to view the behavior in awk:
$ echo "$data" | awk -F'|' -v tmp="$ds" '{print $1}'
AAA <== that works ... now I try to print my variable
$ echo "$data" | awk -F'|' -v tmp="$ds" '{print $1 $tmp}'
AAAAAA||CCC|DDD|EEE|FFF <== output but I was expecting AAA|BBB
I also tried this:
$ echo "$data" | awk -F'|' -v tmp="$ds" '{print $tmp}'
AAA||CCC|DDD|EEE|FFF <== output but I was expecting BBB
What am I doing wrong??

In awk, you don't put $ in front of a variable to get its value like you do in bash. Just put the variable name:
$ echo "$data" | awk -F'|' -v tmp="$ds" '{print tmp}'
The $ is only used to get the value of a field (as in $1, $2, etc.). When putting $var, the field is based on the numeric value of var. If the value of var is 7, e.g., $var is the value of the 7th field. If var is 0 or some non-numeric value, $var is the same as $0, which is the whole line as you saw in your attempts.


awk to store value of specific row and column of csv in variable

I am trying to store the Date value in the 3rd row, second column (always this position) in var using awk. The code executes and echo the current result, not the desired. If I understand the code the value in the 3rd row, second column is printed and stored in var. Thank you :).
echo var
echo var
one 1/1/2015 xxx
var=$(awk -F, -v r=3 -v c=2 '{print $c}' file)
this program will get the output you need:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}/Date/ {print $2}' file
awk -F, '/Date/ {print $2}' file
(option 01) the solution you need is:
var=$(awk -F, '/Date/ {print $2}' file)
echo "$var"
based in solution you proposed, you can print only the third row:
awk -F, -v r=3 -v c=2 '{if(NR==r)print $c}' file
(option 02)
var=$(awk -F, -v r=3 -v c=2 '{if(NR==r)print $c}' file)
echo "$var"

Need to retrieve a value from an HL7 file using awk

In a Linux script program, I've got the following awk command for other purposes and to rename the file.
cat $edifile | awk -F\| '
{ OFS = "|"
print $0
} ' | tr -d "\012" > $newname.hl7
While this is happening, I'd like to grab the 5th field of the MSH segment and save it for later use in the script. Is this possible?
If no, how could I do it later or earlier on?
Example of the segment.
What I want to do is retrieve the path and file name in MSH 5 and concatenate it to the end of the new file.
I've used this to capture the data but no luck. If fpth is getting set, there is no evidence of it and I don't have the right syntax for an echo within the awk phrase.
cat $edifile | awk -F\| '
{ OFS = "|"
print $0
} ' | tr -d "\012" > $newname.hl7
any suggestions?
Thank you!
filename=`awk -F'|' '{print $5}' $edifile | head -1`
You can skip the piping through head if the file is a single line
First of all, it must be mentioned that the awk line in your first piece of code, has zero use:
$ cat $edifile | awk -F\| ' { OFS = "|"; print $0 }' | tr -d "\012" > $newname.hl7
This is totally equivalent to
$ cat $edifile | tr -d "\012" > $newname.hl7
because OFS is only used to redefine $0 if you redefine a field.
$ echo "a|b|c" | awk -F\| '{OFS="/"; print $0}'
$ echo "a|b|c" | awk -F\| '{OFS="/"; $1=$1; print $0}'
I understand that you have a hl7 file in which you have a single line starting with the string "MSH". From this line you want to store the 5th field: this is achieved in the following way:
fpth=$(awk -v outputfile="${newname}.hl7" '
BEGIN{FS="|"; ORS="" }
($1 == "MSH"){ print $5 }
{ print $0 > outputfile }' $edifile)
I have replaced ORS to an empty character set, as it is equivalent to tr -d "\012". The above will work very nicely if you only have a single MSH in your file.

Replace end of line with comma and put parenthesis in sed/awk

I am trying to process the contents of a file from this format:
to this format:
The result should be a single line.
As of now I have come up with this circuit of commands that works fine:
cat myfile | sed -e 's/,/\(/g' | sed -e 's/$/\)/g' | tr '\n' , | awk '{print substr($0, 0, length($0)- 1)}'
Is there a simpler way to do the same by just an awk command?
Another awk:
$ awk -F, '{ printf "%s%s(%s)", c, $1, $2; c = ","} END { print ""}' file
Following awk may help you on same.
awk -F, '{val=val?val OFS $1"("$2")":$1"("$2")"} END{print val}' OFS=, Input_file
Toying around with separators and gsub:
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS="";ORS=")\n"}{gsub(/,/,"(");gsub(/\n/,"),")}1' file
$ awk '
RS="" # record ends in an empty line, not newline
ORS=")\n" # the last )
gsub(/,/,"(") # replace commas with (
gsub(/\n/,"),") # and newlines with ),
}1' file # output
Using paste+sed
$ # paste -s will combine all input lines to single line
$ seq 3 | paste -sd,
$ paste -sd, ip.txt
$ # post processing to get desired format
$ paste -sd, ip.txt | sed -E 's/,([^,]*)(,?)/(\1)\2/g'

AWK: Apply filter only if field separator is present

I surprisingly found that when you do this:
echo "hello" | awk -F'|' '{print $1;}'
you get:
How to return nothing given that the field separator '|' is absent in the line ?
I do this to extract dates in beginning of log lines, but some lines don't start with a date and then give me this problem. Thanks, I am quite new in awk.
You can do this
echo "hello" | awk -F'|' 'NF>1 {print $1}'
echo "hello|1" | awk -F'|' 'NF>1 {print $1}'
Only when you have more than one field, return the first field
On a file
cat testing
awk -F'|' 'NF>1 {print $1}' testing
Alternatively, you could use
awk -F'|' '$1==$0'
If no separator is present, then field one will contain the whole line.

multiple field separator in awk

I'm trying to process an input which has two field seperators ; and space. I'm able to parse the input with one separator using:
echo "10.23;7.15;6.23" | awk -v OFMF="%0.2f" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {print $1,$2,$3}'
For an input with two seperators, I tried this and it doesn't parse both the seperators:
echo "10.23;7.15 6.23" | awk -v OFMF="%0.2f" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";" || " "} {print $1,$2,$3}'
You want to set FS to a character list:
awk -F'[; ]' 'script' file
and the other builtin variable you're trying to set is named OFMT, not OFMF:
$ echo "10.23;7.15 6.23" | awk -F'[; ]' -v OFMT="%0.2f" '{print $1,$2,$3}'
10.23 7.15 6.23
$ echo "10.23;7.15 6.23" | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[; ]"; OFS=";"; OFMT="%0.2f"} {print $1,$2,$3}'