How to use Etsy's updateInventory() call to update Stock/Price for a listing - stock

It is not at all clear to me how to update the price/stock for a listing once it has been created initally using listing->createListing().
To update the stock/price, Etsy's documentation says to call listing->updateInventory(). However, this call requires something called products together with a couple of properties (price_on_property, quantity_on_property and sku_on_property):
products is further defined in their documentation as a combination of property_values and offerings which I have no clue about.
listing_id is returned from the call to createListing() initially.
Etsy's footnote about price_on_property, stock_on_property and sku_on_property adds to the confusion:
price_on_property is an array of the property_ids of the properties which price depends on (if any).
quantity_on_property is an array of the property_ids of the properties which quantity depends on (if any).
sku_on_property is an array of the property_ids of the properties
which sku depends on (if any).
The update will fail if the supplied values for product sku and offering quantity and price are incompatible with the supplied values of the "on_property_*" fields.
When supplying a price, supply a float equivalent to amount divided by
divisor as specified in the Money resource.
The products parameter should be a JSON array of products, even if you only send a single product. All field names in the JSON blob should be lowercase.
Taken from
Given that the starting point for adding things for sale on Etsy is just to call createListing() with details of the item that I wish to sell (inc stock quantity and price), I do not understand how to call updateInventory() to update the stock and/or price of this item and so can anybody provide some clarity on this matter please (and yes, I have contacted Etsy developer support, but it might take a while for them to respond).

In python - I assume you have the etsy_api module from github.
Etsy product listings have the following structure:
ListingProduct = {
"price_on_property": [
"products": [
"quantity_on_property": [],
"sku_on_property": []
To update prices, you need to send back this ListingProduct model, but with the changes you want. Note
price_on_property is required if you have variations.
sku_on_property is optional if you have different skus for different
quantity_on_property is optional if you have different quantities on
The easiest way I have found is to do the following:
Get the listing_id for the product you want to change price on.
Make a call to the inventory URI to get this listing. I'm doing this to avoid having to construct ListingProduct['products']. It has too much going on with it.
listing_id = 'the product's listing_id'
ListingProduct = etsy_api.getInventory(listing_id=listing_id)
ListingProduct['products'] is a list of products for this listing. The size of this list is equal to the number of variations that you have.
Take ListingProduct['products'] and for each variation change the price.
If you take a look at ListingProduct['products'], you will see that the changes that need to be done are,
ListingProducts['products'][0]['offerings'][0]['price'] = NewPrice
If a listing has 2 variations, then change the price on that too
ListingProducts['products'][1]['offerings'][0]['price'] = OtherNewPrice
Once you do this make a call with the data.
data = {
'listing_id': listing_id
'products': json.dumps(ListingProduct['products'])
'price_on_property': 200 #If you have variation

To update the variations for a product in ETSY, you need to use update inventory call from the API (Expecting you are using Etsy module from GitHub).
refer to link
The data you need to send with this call will include --
array (
products => json_encode($products),
price_on_property =>
quantity_on_property =>
price_on_property will include the variation property id provided by etsy
quantity_on_property will be included in case of more than one variation attribute
The products index will include an array of variations with the details --
[0] => (
product_id=> 1234,
property_values" => [
property_id => 500,
property_name => color,
'values => [ green ],
offerings" => [
price => 200
quantity => 1,
[1] => and so on...
Property Id will be provided by etsy for variation attributes.


use include with associations in shopware store-api

I'm fetching all the parent products from the store-api including children/variants.
In my shop the only difference between the parent and the children/variants is the stock and the name.
For the children i add the following association, and it returns the children ( with api_alias product)
"limit" : 100,
I only need the stock and variant name, but it returns all the data like price, images etc.
I can use includes to define what i want back based on the api_alias. But this is product as well. So when i add the stock and options the rest also dissapears on the parent product.
"includes": {
"product" : ["children", "stock", "options"]
I also tried dot notation
"includes": {
"product" : ["children.options", "children.stock"]
That doesn't work either
How can i combine associations with includes, so that on the children i only get stock and options back. ( if this is even possible)
Sadly that is not possible. The includes are applied to all object of that type in the response, and there is not distinction where they appear in the response.
So the workaround for you would be to include all fields for products that you need on the parent and the children and combine them.
The includes collection refers to every instance of the given entity within the serialized json. You can't differentiate whether the entity was serialized in the context of a relation or not.
You could fetch parents only (where parentId is null) check if their childCount is greater 0 to find whether they have variants and then fetch the variants with their respective parentId and use the include in that separate query.

Naming REST API - Get collections of non-member attributes

Let's say that I'm developing an application about shopping. I have defined the following endpoints, which are quite self-explanatory:
GET /items
GET /items/{item-id}
GET /stores
GET /stores/{store-id}
Now, I want to create another endpoint that displays the price of individual item at different stores. This price information is not included in /items/{item-id} since I don't think it's suitable to be an attribute of item, and getting the list of prices requires a bit more calculation as I cannot return the object directly. I will name the endpoint /items/{item-id}/prices and expect a response like this:
"store_id": "store_1",
"price": 13.00
"store_id": "store_2",
"price": 12.99
I want to extend this further and create another endpoint that returns the price information for all items, but I'm having trouble naming this endpoint. So far I've thought of /items/prices or /items?display=prices but the former might be confusing as it matches with /items/{item-id}, and the latter just.. does not seem to make sense for me.
What is the best name to pick for my endpoint so that it stays consistent with the convention?
For all items pricelist endpoint for a single store, I'd recommend GET /stores/{store-id}/prices or GET /stores/{store-id}/pricelist.
For all items/stores pricelist, I'd use GET /items/pricelist or GET /items/*/pricelist, (both special before /items/{item-id}), which could be store-specified on demand by ?store={store-id}.
Adding prices endpoint to items would make no sense as item itself has nothing to do. It is store's responsibility to dictate the price.
I would suggest renaming stores endpoint to /stores/description/{id} and adding prices subcategory /stores/prices/by-item/{id} and /stores/prices/by-store/{id}.
I would say that for sepecfic item /prices/{store-id}/{item-id}
and for all prices /prices/{store-id}

eBay API: retrieve full item listing by SiteID

Does anyone know how to retrieve a full listing of items by Site (, ..) using ebay API?
I am using the Large Merchant Service because I manage thousands of items on each site (about 100k).
1st solution i have tried (Active Inventory Report) According the doc :
Retrieving an Active Inventory Report
The ActiveInventoryReportRequest allows you to download a description
of all of your active listings by SKU. The SKU details include ItemID,
Price, Quantity, SKU, and SiteID.
I have checked with premium support and there is a mistake, SiteID is never included in response.
2nd solution (GetSellerList)
According to the docs:
GetSellerList returns a maximum of 5,000 items per call (this is possible if you do not specify a Detail Level, and thus return the
smallest set of data for each item). However, if you specify any
DetailLevel value (and thus increase the fields returned for each
item), you might need to use Pagination values to obtain the complete
result set. If you use a DetailLevel, the response can contain no more
than 200 items per call.
So can not use this one because of limitation to 5000 items and I do not know when items have been added, a few years ago for a bunch of them.
Any ideas?
You can get lots more than 5,000 results with GetSellerList, but you are right you can only get 200 at a time. The code below is part of a loop iterating through until HasMoreItems is false. The code is written in Perl and uses Net::eBay to connect.
my $result = $eBay->submitRequest( "GetSellerList",
UserID => "$ebay_settings{'ebay_account'}",
GranularityLevel => 'Medium',
EndTimeFrom => "$start_time",
EndTimeTo => "$end_time",
Pagination => {
EntriesPerPage => 200,
PageNumber => $page_number
if( ref $result ) {
$result->{HasMoreItems} eq "false" and $done = "Y";

Bigcommerce Creating new variation product via API

How does one go about creating a new product with variations via the API?
Let's say I want to create a brand new product with 2 types of variation: Size (S, M, L) and Color (Red, Green).
It sounds like to do this, I need to use the SKU endpoint instead of the normal product endpoint. But to create a product SKU, I need to call . To call that API, I need a product ID... so clearly I need to make the product first.
To make the product I call . I want inventory_tracking=sku, but I get an error on a new product saying I cannot do inventory_tracking=sku without skus being enabled. So I guess I need to make a simple product first and update it later?
So I am trying to do something like this as my workflow
1) Create a new product with inventory tracking = simple
2) Create a new Option for Size via a post to /options
3) Add the values, S, M, L via posts to /options/option id from #2/values
4) Create a new Option for Color via a post to /options
5) Add the values Red, Green via posts to /options/option id from #4/values
6) Post to the skus endpoint 6 times, one per combination of Size / Color. For each I list a SKU, Price, option_value_id, product_option_id
"sku": "SKU-RED-SMALL",
"price": 5.00,
"weight": 1.00,
"options": [
"option_value_id": id-for-red,
"product_option_id": id-for-color
"option_value_id": id-for-small,
"product_option_id": id-for-size
7) I go back and update the product inventory_tracking to be SKU
This is the best plan I can figure out to get a single product listed.. but at #6 I am hitting an error "The field 'product_option_id' is invalid." I am guessing it could be because I created an "option" instead of a "product_option", but I do not see a way to create product_options.
Clearly there has to be an easier way? What is the best course to create this single listing with variations via the API?
Hopefully this helps clarify some of the workflow for how you create variants for something like small, medium, large, and red, blue, green. Colors are an option and sizes are an option. Both of these have to be assigned to an option set which is then associated with a product.
Create your option(s).
Create option values associated with the option above.
Create an option set.
Create option set options (associating the option set with the option you created above).

Bigcommerce API - Create Shipment - Include all Items

according to the documentation, the Create Shipment method requires the property "items" - an array of the items being shipped, for example:
"tracking_number": "EJ958083578US",
"comments": "Ready to go...",
"order_address_id": 1,
"items": [
"order_product_id": 15,
"quantity": 2
In our business, a shipment almost invariably contains ALL items from the relevant order.
That being the case, is there a way to create a shipment without listing all items (which would require iterating over the product line-items)? Or, alternatively, a way to include all items by default (without iterating)?
We are simply wishing to automate the process of adding tracking numbers to orders - which (as a manual process) involves uploading a csv with [order_number: tracking_number] - i.e. it self-evidently assumes that all items are being shipped. The API seems not to include that (very sensible) option, but I may be wrong.
From Bigcommerce Support:
There is not a way to add a tracking number without adding a shipment nor a way to default the shipment to include all products. This is a helpful suggestion though that I will be passing on to our Product Team for possible implementation into future versions of the API.
Unfortunately for now it is necessary that you GET to the products subresource of an order and iterate over all of the products to pull their 'id' values and 'order_address_id' values so you can generate your POST request to the shipment subresource. It is not necessary to make a GET request to the shipping address subresource directly unless you want the details of that shipping address. It is also not necessary to make a GET request to the base order object unless you want details found there or you are looking to automate the process of checking for orders ready to ship.
So assuming you know an order ID that you want to ship it should only take 2 requests total to both GET the products subresource and then POST to the shipment resource.