Etsy API, including images in a section listing - jsonp

So far I've been able to filter the call to only obtain products within a section with this url:,title,shop_section_id,description,state,item_width,item_height)&fields=title
The problem is Etsy api doesn't accept Images association for ShopSection:
So how can I list products with thumbnails within a section?
Bonus Question: Etsy always returns null for item_height and item_width even if the product actually has a height and a width, is this a bug?

Found the solution, turns out you can just add a second level of listing for the images in the url:,title,shop_section_id,description,state,item_width,item_height)/Images(url_570xN)&fields=title


How can I create a metafield with the type: product, for a shopify input?

I have made several metafields with the type as product, so I know they work, but in this section they don't show up for this link. I can hardcode the link to a specific product, but I want it to be dynamic using metafields. I'm using the palo alto theme.
and this is the result when I click the dynamic source button:
I'd rather leave any theme customization or coding as a last resort.
A link would take a metafield of type url but you are trying to add a metafield of type product. Type product stores the product object with all its data that's not what you need here if you just need to link to the product page.
Id just set up another metafield of type url and pop the url of the product in there.
I'm not familiar with where you are adding this in the Palo Alto theme but unless this is a section that appears on multiple pages, like product pages or blog pages, where you need to link to a different product on each page you may not need a metafield at all.

Liquid - get product ID and display custom/specific information dynamically

I am trying to add a small 'lockup' / promo to a page that loads information dynamically based on page.metafield information. Replacing images, video ID's etc. Which all works just fine.
My client is asking for a small area to display a product that relates to this dynamically changing content and I am struggling to come up with a good way to do this.
The current setup is that we have 30 pages with a set of 8 metafields each page. Each one of these pages must show a different , single product with an image, title, price, buy button and another button that links out to a partner site.
I can create snippet and load almost all of this info through metafields manually (price, title etc the client could just add to another metafield) but I would prefer to load a product to pull this info so it can be added to cart. Although I can add product data manually, I still don't actually know which product will get added to the cart, because I'm on a 'page' not a 'product'.
The products themselves are using a custom template that is different to the rest of the site so that seems like its not an option. The template for this content page is just 'page' but surely I can call the product object someway? If the client entered a product ID in the metafields, is there a way of pulling that IDs data easily?
Whatever you mean by pulling ID's, but there are a couple of ways of dealing with this. One, you have a Storefront API token, allowing you to freely and securely call Shopify with JS and get back all the data about the ID you're interested in. Or, you have an App installed in the store, in which case you can setup and callback an App Proxy, providing that ID, and getting back all the info you need. Lots of options!

Different URLs in category and product page in PrestaShop

I'm new in Prestashop and I've got annoying problem.
Here is url for the product:
And it's fine.
But for the category page i've got:
I know that I can't remove the number, but I want to add that number to product page like in category page.
I want to have:
How to do this?
It's impossible within the default features. You can try to change your URLs in admin panel Configure->Shop Parameters->Traffic & SEO-> SEO & URLs->Schema of URLs and find Route to products, but, unfortunately, by default, you can use only that keywords which are listed below the field and there is no category_id field. So to reach this you need to override some classes like Dispatcher, Link and maybe more or you can get some module which will do this for you

How to add a metafield to Shopify product pages that displays a video?

I would like to create a way for an admin to add a different video on each product page. Such as a field that would take a YouTube embed code. Video needs to be underneath the product description (not part of the description or in place of the product image). Is there an easy way to do this?
If you are using Google chrome you have an extension "ShopifyFD" to add metafields.
There are other apps and API (useful for bulk) that will also help you in adding metafields to product.
Once done you can use {{ product.metafields.___.___ }} format to call the metafield value.

Bigcommerce stencil suggested cart content

I can't figure out how to show suggested products on the cart page of a Bigcommerce Stencil theme. I'm following the documentation, but it doesn't seem to be working. How do I do this correctly?
Currently, at the top of my templates/pages/cart.html file, I have the following front-matter:
limit: 10
Then, in the body of the same file, I am trying to print the suggested product data to see if it's working. The docs mention 2 attributes that seem to be identical, so I'm trying both because I don't know which is correct or if there is a difference. Either way, neither is working:
{{json cart.suggested_products}}
{{json cart.suggestive_content}}
Both of the statements print nothing. There should be suggested data because I added a product to cart and the url is:
What is the correct way to retrieve this content?
This is currently a bug that you should see resolved within the next 48 hours. It is labeled under MERC-722. The Stencil documentation is also being revised.