I am having issues with changing return authentication cookie values in postman. I have an environment variable called token and my initial login POST request contains these Tests:
if (postman.getResponseCookie("ccsrftoken")) {
tests["Login successfull"] = responseCode.code === 200;
var token = postman.getResponseCookie("ccsrftoken").value;
var clean_token = token.replace('"','').replace('"','');
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("token", clean_token);
After the request I can see that there is a cookie ccsrftoken available with following value:
ccsrftoken="34FDB4830CE5C33A54566B9BEDEE3B2"; path=/; domain=; Expires=Tue Jan 19 2038 02:14:07 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time);
But the environment variable is set to
Seems my replacement code does not work as expected and the " are still present in the string. I have also tried the replace("\"","") variant with same results.
I think that you don't need to do any replacement actually.
I've been pulling JSESSIONID this way and when you use .value, it already pulls just the "34FDB4830CE5C33A54566B9BEDEE3B2" and skips the rest.
This question already has an answer here:
Is there a way to update the headers in one feature file and use the Auth token from Karate.config.js?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm trying to setup a framework to run Graphql calls and create and E2E environment.
I've got the following setup so far but i can't seem to get the headers part of it working. i have managed to set the auth for each request and it all works but as it logs in for each request it doesn't really work as expected.
I want do the following steps:
run a login Test (different usernames valid/invalid)
run a logout test (Ensure token is removed)
Then login with correct user and extract the "set-cookie" header (to use globally for all future requests)
I was trying to use the following:
karate.callSingle('classpath:com/Auth/common-headers.feature', config);
function fn() {
var headers = {}
headers["set-cookie"] = sessionAccessId
karate.log('Cookie Value: ', headers)
return headers
Feature: Login to Application and extract header
* url serverAuthenticateUri
* header Accept = 'application/json'
Scenario: 'Login to the system given credentials'
Given request { username: '#(username)', password: '#(password)'}
When method post
Then status 200
And match $.success == '#(result)'
And def myResult = response
* def sessionAccessId = responseHeaders['set-cookie'][0]
* configure headers = read('classpath:headers.js')
* print 'headers:', karate.prevRequest.headers
Feature: sample test script
* url serverBaseUri
* def caseResp = call read('classpath:com/E2E/POC/CommonFeatures/CreateCaseRequest.feature')
* def caseReqId = caseResp.response.data.createCaseAndRequest.siblings[0].id
* def caseId = caseResp.response.data.createCaseAndRequest.siblings[0].forensicCaseId
* def graphQlCallsPath = 'classpath:com/E2E/POC/GraphQl/intForensic/'
* def commmonFiles = 'classpath:E2E/CommonFiles/'
Scenario: TC1a - Request Server Details from Config DB (1st Run):
Should handle requesting Server Details Data from Config Database.
* def queryFile = graphQlCallsPath + '20-TC1a_req_req_valid_id.graphql'
* def responseFile = graphQlCallsPath + '20-TC1a_resp_req_valid_id.json'
Given def query = read(queryFile)
And replace query.reqId = caseReqId
And request { query: '#(query)' }
When method post
Then status 200
And json resp = read(responseFile)
And replace resp.reqId = caseReqId
And replace resp.caseID = caseId
And match resp == $
I can log in correctly and i get the set-cookie token but this isn't being passed on the feature-file.feature and i get an error saying "not logged in" in the response.
Any help appreciated! I might be looking at this totally wrong and i have tried to follow the shared-scope as much as i can but can't understand in.
Please make this change and hopefully that works !
headers["set-cookie"] = karate.get('sessionAccessId');
Why is explained here: (read the whole section carefully) https://github.com/intuit/karate#configure-headers
EDIT: one more suggestion:
var temp = karate.callSingle('classpath:com/Auth/common-headers.feature', config);
karate.configure('headers', { 'set-cookie': temp.sessionAccessId });
Some extra suggestions:
If you have just started with Karate - based on your question I would suggest you get one flow working in a single Scenario first without any use of call and with nothing whatsoever in karate-config.js. Hard-code everything and get it working first. Use the header keyword to set any headers you need. I also see you are trying to set a set-cookie header (which may work) but Karate has a special keyword for cookie.
And don't even think about callSingle() to start with :)
Once you get that first "hard-coded" flow working, then attempt to configure headers and then only finally try to do "framework" stuff. You seem to have jumped straight into super-complexity without getting the basics right.
Please read this other answer as well, because I suspect that you or someone in your team is attempting to introduce what I refer to as "too much re-use": https://stackoverflow.com/a/54126724/143475 - try not to do this.
Also note that your question is so complex that I have not been able to follow it, so please ask a simpler or more specifc question next time. If you still are stuck, kindly follow this process: https://github.com/intuit/karate/wiki/How-to-Submit-an-Issue
I am using ABCPdf 11 to convert html to pdf, my html page which needs to be converted required JWT token so that needs to be passed to ABCChrome so it can use the JWT token.
I have tried the following but the auth still fails:
doc.HtmlOptions.HttpAdditionalHeaders = $"Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}";
I followed example from here: https://www.websupergoo.com/helppdfnet/default.htm?page=source%2F5-abcpdf%2Fxhtmloptions%2F2-properties%2Fhttpadditionalheaders.htm
From the description in the above URL, I have also tried the below options:
doc.HtmlOptions.NoCookie = true;
doc.HtmlOptions.Media = MediaType.Screen;
After adding HttpAdditionalHeaders and when I get the http status from the pdf library I do get 401 http status code which confirms the
var imageId = doc.AddImageUrl(model.Url);
var status = doc.HtmlOptions.ForChrome.GetHttpStatusCode(imageId);
The status here is 401 - unauthorized
The HttpAdditionalHeaders property is not currently supported by the ABCChrome Engine. The only HtmlOptions supported by ABCChrome are specified here.
There are a few things you could try:
Check whether the target server supports sending the web token via GET request parameters - I guess you've probably done this already :-)
Make the AddImageUrl request URL to an intermediary web server (even a local HttpServer) to a script which can fetch the page for you based on any GET parameters.
If the service you are attempting to access accepts ajax requests you could try using javascript to inject the response into a page using XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader(). NB if you use a local file (e.g. file://) for this you may come across some Chromium enforced JavaScript security issues.
I do know that WebSupergoo offer free support for all their licenses, including trial licenses.
Good luck.
Emailed ABCPdf support and unfortunately ABCChrome does not support HttpAdditionalHeaders property so the work around is to download the html ourselves and convert that to PDF, see example below:
var imageId = doc.AddImageHtml(html); // <- html downloaded from auth url
Also don't forget to add paging:
// add all pages to pdf
while (doc.Chainable(imageId))
doc.Page = doc.AddPage();
imageId = doc.AddImageToChain(imageId);
for (int i = 1; i <= doc.PageCount; i++)
doc.PageNumber = i;
I'm trying test a few endpoints using Postman.
All endpoint, require a token which can be obtain by log-in.
So I did this :
Request #1
After login success, I have access to the token from the response, then I store that token in my global variable.
let token = pm.response.json().location
console.log('Token : ', token.split("?token=")[1]);
pm.globals.set("token", token)
I need to use that token as Authorization type Bearer Token for my request #2.
I can copy & paste that in the token box, but I tried to avoid doing that manually, is there a way to do it automatically so I can run these 2 requests in sequence?
At first, create an environment ( top right corner of postman - image below ) This
is not a mandatory step by I suggest you to do for better handling of variables
I have modified the script to suit your need
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("ID", jsonData.Location.split("?token=")[1]);
Now this will export the value of the token ( screenshot below )
All you have to do next is to call the variable in request #2
By this you don't have to manually copy, paste into request #2 every single time
NO there isn't any till now. It has to be done manually if you want to have complete value or else you can store it in a variable and use that variable directly for the token.
Is there an option to set cookies while using rest client in Pentaho 5.1?
I read a couple of blogs and it wasnt mentioned anywhere.
I have tried using curl using shell job entry. Got the cookie and used it in my next curl to get data.
I need to do a similar process using rest client transformation entry.
Please let me know if there are any leads I can follow.
i dont know if you can do that with this step, but with the http client step you can set you own http request headers. This works because i use this way.
if you can use the http client step instead the rest client do this:
add a new Script step (the javascript step) and add this js code to your trans (these are sample headers, the most interesting for you is the last one):
//set the headers to next step
var header_accept_charset = "utf-8";
var header_cache_control = "max-age=0";
var header_user_agent = "batman browser";
lal = "lalvalue_fooo";
lel = "lelvalue_meeeh";
var cookie = "lol="+ lol +"; lal="+ lal;
Now make sure the vars are passed to the next step, the http client (click on get variables to fill the rows of "fields"), this should works.
The cookie is just another request header, a string simply built with the concatenation of variables and values with semicolons.
PD:Maybe this method works with the Rest Client step, if works also with this step let me know, i am interested to know that.
you can request the http header to check if a web page has been edited by looking at its date but how about dynamic pages such as - php, aspx- which grabs its data from a database?
Even though you might think it's outdated I've always found Simon Willison's article on Conditional GET to be more than useful. The example is in PHP but it is so simple that you can adapt it to other languages. Here it is the example:
function doConditionalGet($timestamp) {
// A PHP implementation of conditional get, see
// http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/archives/001132.html
$last_modified = substr(date('r', $timestamp), 0, -5).'GMT';
$etag = '"'.md5($last_modified).'"';
// Send the headers
header("Last-Modified: $last_modified");
header("ETag: $etag");
// See if the client has provided the required headers
$if_modified_since = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ?
stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) :
$if_none_match = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) ?
stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) :
if (!$if_modified_since && !$if_none_match) {
// At least one of the headers is there - check them
if ($if_none_match && $if_none_match != $etag) {
return; // etag is there but doesn't match
if ($if_modified_since && $if_modified_since != $last_modified) {
return; // if-modified-since is there but doesn't match
// Nothing has changed since their last request - serve a 304 and exit
header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified');
With this you can use HTTP verbs GET or HEAD (I think it's also possible with the others, but I can't see the reason to use them). All you need to do is adding either If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match with the respective values of headers Last-Modified or ETag sent by a previous version of the page. As of HTTP version 1.1 it's recommended ETag over Last-Modified, but both will do the work.
This is a very simple example of how a conditional GET works. First we need to retrieve the page the usual way:
GET /some-page.html HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
First response with conditional headers and contents:
200 OK
ETag: YourETagHere
Now the conditional get request:
GET /some-page.html HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
If-None-Match: YourETagHere
And the response indicating you can use the cached version of the page, as only the headers are going to be delivered:
304 Not Modified
ETag: YourETagHere
With this the server notified you there was no modification to the page.
I can also recommend you another article about conditional GET: HTTP conditional GET for RSS hackers.
This is the exact purpose of the ETag header, but it has to be supported by your web framework or you need to take care that your application responds properly to requests with headers If-Match, If-Not-Match and If-Range (see HTTP Ch 3.11).
You can if it uses the http response headers correctly but it's often overlooked.
Otherwise storing a local md5-hash of the content might be useful to you (unless there's an easier in-content string you could hook out). It's not ideal (because it's quite a slow process) but it's an option.
Yes, you can and should use HTTP headers to mark pages as unexpired. If they are dynamic though (PHP, ASPX, etc.) and/or database driven, you'll need to manually control setting the Expires header/sending HTTP Not Modified appropriately. ASP.NET has some SqlDependency objects for this, but they still need to be configured and managed. (Not sure if PHP has something just like it, but there's probably something in PEAR if not...)
The Last-Modified header will only be of use to you if the programmer of the site has explicitly set it to be returned.
For a regular, static page Last-Modified is the timestamp of the last modification of the HTML file. For a dynamically generated page the server can't reliably assign a Last-Modified value as it has no real way of knowing how the content has changed depending on request, so many servers don't generate the header at all.
If you have control over the page, then ensuring the Last Modified header is being set will ensure a check on Last-Modified is successful. Otherwise you may have to fetch the page and either perform a regex to find a changed section (e.g. date/time in the header of a news site). If no such obvious marker exists, then I'd second Oli's suggestion of an MD5 on the page content as a way to be sure it has changed.