Selenium Not Catching Timeout Exception -

I have just started with Selenium & quite like it so far but have come across an issue that is driving me insane! No matter what I do, I cannot seem to catch a "OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverTimeoutException was unhandled by user code" exception.
The code I am using is:
Private Sub WaitForLoad(ByRef driver As PhantomJSDriver, ByVal Timeout As TimeSpan, ByVal FindField As IWebElement)
Dim wait As WebDriverWait = New WebDriverWait(driver, Timeout)
Catch ex As OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverTimeoutException
Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
Catch ex As WebDriverException
Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
Catch ex As System.TimeoutException
Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
I simply have the message boxes in there as I have been trying to catch all exception types to check which one would actually catch it but none will.
I am calling the function with, E.g.
WaitForLoad(driver, WaitTimeout, driver.FindElementByName("search"))
I have seen a few other questions similar to this on SO but all with the answer of "add WebDriverTimeoutException" which I have done with no luck as of yet. Hopefully somebody else has overcome this issue before I spend another few hours working out this issue!?!

After enabling "Enable Unmanaged Code Debugging" via Visual Studio this issue was resolved.


Exception handling with Async Task functions

I am beginning to learn about Async / Task functions for running cancellable SQL queries in VB.NET.
I have the following code in a class library which runs two tasks and does not have any exception handling, as I would like to handle this in the application that calls the class library. I have the following code in the class library.
Public Async Function DirectoryList(ct As CancellationToken) As Task(Of List(Of Directory))
Dim ds As DataSet
Dim dirs As List(Of Directory)
Dim ctUnregister As CancellationTokenRegistration
ds = Await Task.Run(Function()
Using newConnection = New SqlConnection(Me.InitializationData.ConnectionString)
Using sqlAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("DirectoryList", newConnection)
ctUnregister = ct.Register(Sub() sqlAdapter.SelectCommand.Cancel())
With sqlAdapter
.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = Me.InitializationData.CommandTimeout
End With
Dim newDataSet As DataSet = New DataSet()
Return newDataSet
End Using
End Using
' Remove the registration we set earlier so the cancellation token can be used normally.
End Function, ct)
dirs = Await Task.Run(Function()
Dim dirsResult As New List(Of Directory)
Dim tbl As DataTable = ds.Tables(0)
For Each row As DataRow In tbl.Select()
' process the data
Return dirsResult
End Function, ct)
Return dirs
End Function
I then call it as follows:
dirs = Await databaseLibrary.DirectoryList(cts.Token)
MsgBox("Query complete!")
Catch ex As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
MsgBox("Cancelled (SQL)")
Catch ex2 As OperationCanceledException
Catch ex3 As Exception
End Try
Functionally it seems to work as expected - I can cancel the requests and exceptions are thrown as expected.
However I would like to handle the exceptions so I can gracefully cancel the tasks, but even when running in Debug mode within the IDE, the app still breaks and the exception (e.g. SqlException) is shown within the IDE. If I step on, eventually the Catch logic runs.
When the application is run outside of the IDE, the exception handling works as expected.
This seems different to the normal behaviour when running in the debugger- normally the exception handling runs but only breaks if the exception is unhandled.
Why is this behaviour different, presumably because of the Async functions?
when running in Debug mode within the IDE, the app still breaks and the exception (e.g. SqlException) is shown within the IDE.
Why is this behaviour different, presumably because of the Async functions?
Exceptions thrown by asynchronous functions are not caught directly by the catch. What actually happens is that the exception is caught by a compiler-generated state machine, and that exception is placed on the returned Task. Later, when that task is awaited, the exception is re-raised, and then can be caught by the catch.
However, this "indirection" in exception handling means that the IDE does kind of freak out when the exception is initially thrown. As far as it can tell, there is no catch in your code that is going to catch it, so that's why it breaks and displays the exception. It doesn't know that the compiler-generated code will catch it. You can tell the IDE not to worry about uncaught exceptions.

Occasional Exception Unhandled thrown although Break option is deactivated

I've set up my exceptions so that an error in the code
Using Client As New WebClient
Client.DownloadFile(sExtract, sDownloadTo)
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.Print("Failed: " + sExtract)
End Try
isn't throw.
This works fine most of the time, but after like 50-100 of errors, the following exception is shown:
According to the checkbox state "Break when this exception type is thrown", which is not-activated, this exception shouldn't be shown this way, right?
What might cause this behaviour, and how could I change it so that this exception isn't thrown?
Here is an additional image of the QuickWatch:
Dim Client As New WebClient
Client.DownloadFile(sExtract, sDownloadTo)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Consequence of using finally from performance point in

While working on windows service that I have inherited I have come across code with try / catch and finally.
Would be the second snippet more efficient while processing?
Consider snippet 1:
Catch Ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Exception: " & Ex.Message)
' not used
End Try
Consider snippet 2:
Catch Ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Exception: " & Ex.Message)
End Try
The answer is simple. Regardless of performance, since it means nothing to you, and you're not using it. Remove the finally... It's not required for a try-catch block.

Double exception throwing in a try / finally block

Here's the code example :
Throw New FirstException()
Throw New SecondException()
End Try
I figured out it only throws SecondException out and FirstException just vanishes.
I thought FirstException would be inside InnerException property of SecondException but it appears it is not.
I'm not blocked on anything as I don't really need the FirstException to show up, I'm just rather intrigued about this behaviour.
Is there a way to know SecondException did get thrown first when
catching it all at upper level ?
If the first exception really is overriden by the second, what is the
reason ?
Does it happen in every other language ? Is it logical ?
I guess the primary explanation for why this works this way is that you are never catching your first exception and passing it along the chain. If you have a situation like the above where you may be throwing several exceptions on the way back to the original caller then you have to either catch them as they are thrown (and include them as an inner exception when creating the next one) :
Dim ex1 As Exception = Nothing
Throw New Exception("first exception")
Catch ex As Exception
ex1 = ex
Throw New Exception("second exception", ex1)
End Try
Or, probably better - just don't throw until you have all of the exceptions figured out:
Dim ex1 As Exception = Nothing
ex1 = New Exception("first exception")
Throw New Exception("second exception", ex1)
End Try
Throwing and catching exceptions is expensive, so it's probably best to not throw until you're ready to return and just log along the way.
One of the limitations of exception handling in .net is that there is no nice way for code in a Finally block to know what exception, if any, caused the code in the Try block to exit, nor is there any normal way for code in a finally block which does have such information to make it available to code which might throw an exception.
In, it's possible to kludge things in a manner that works pretty well, even though it looks a bit ugly.
Module ExceptionDemo
Function CopySecondArgToFirstAndReturnFalse(Of T)(ByRef dest As T, src As T) As Boolean
dest = src
Return False
End Function
Function AnnotateExceptionAndReturnFalse(ex As Exception, TryBlockException As Exception) As Boolean
If ex Is Nothing Then Return False ' Should never occur
If TryBlockException Is Nothing Then Return False ' No annotation is required
ex.Data("TryBlockException") = TryBlockException
Return False
End Function
Sub ExceptionTest(MainAction As Action, CleanupAction As Action)
Dim TryBlockException As Exception = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception When CopySecondArgToFirstAndReturnFalse(TryBlockException, ex)
' This block never executes, but above grabs a ref to any exception that occurs
Catch ex As Exception When AnnotateExceptionAndReturnFalse(ex, TryBlockException)
' This block never executes, but above performs necessary annotations
End Try
End Try
End Sub
Sub ExceptionTest2(Message As String, MainAction As Action, CleanupAction As Action)
Debug.Print("Exception test: {0}", Message)
ExceptionTest(MainAction, CleanupAction)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim TryBlockException As Exception = Nothing
Debug.Print("Exception occurred:{0}", ex.ToString)
If ex.Data.Contains("TryBlockException") Then TryBlockException = TryCast(ex.Data("TryBlockException"), Exception)
If TryBlockException IsNot Nothing Then Debug.Print("TryBlockException was:{0}", TryBlockException.ToString)
End Try
Debug.Print("End test: {0}", Message)
End Sub
Sub ExceptionDemo()
Dim SuccessfulAction As Action = Sub()
Debug.Print("Successful action")
End Sub
Dim SuccessfulCleanup As Action = Sub()
Debug.Print("Cleanup is successful")
End Sub
Dim ThrowingAction As Action = Sub()
Debug.Print("Throwing in action")
Throw New InvalidOperationException("Can't make two plus two equal seven")
End Sub
Dim ThrowingCleanup As Action = Sub()
Debug.Print("Throwing in cleanup")
Throw New ArgumentException("That's not an argument--that's just contradiction")
End Sub
ExceptionTest2("Non-exception case", SuccessfulAction, SuccessfulCleanup)
ExceptionTest2("Exception in main; none in cleanup", ThrowingAction, SuccessfulCleanup)
ExceptionTest2("Exception in cleanup only", SuccessfulAction, ThrowingCleanup)
ExceptionTest2("Exception in main and cleanup", ThrowingAction, ThrowingCleanup)
End Sub
End Module
The module above starts with a couple helper modules which should probably be in their own "Exception helpers" module. The ExceptionTest method shows the pattern for code which might throw an exception in both the Try and Finally block. The ExceptionTest2 method calls ExceptionTest and reports what exception if any comes back from it. ExceptionDemo calls ExceptionTest2 in such a way as to cause exceptions in different combinations of the Try and Finally blocks.
As shown, if an exception occurs during cleanup, that exception will be returned to the caller, with the original exception being an item in its Data dictionary. An alternative pattern would be to catch the exception that occurs on cleanup and include it in the data of the original exception (which would be left uncaught). My general inclination is that it's probably better in many cases to propagate the exception that occurs during cleanup, since any code which was planning to deal with the original exception will probably expect that cleanup succeeded; if such an expectation cannot be met, the exception that escapes should probably not be the one the caller was expecting. Note also that the latter approach would require a slightly different method of adding information to the original exception, since an exception which is thrown in a nested Try block might need to hold information about multiple exceptions that were thrown in nested Finally blocks.

VB 2010 Download file and if 404 happen ignore error

I'm beginner on VB 2010
and I wanna write an app that can downloads file
My question is:
If it gives me 404 or 403 or whatever, I wanna let the app ignore that message, instead of a webexception error
Note: I've already know how to download file with VB
If you want to ignore some errors, but throw others, you can use the HTTP Response status code to decide what to do:
Dim wc As New System.Net.WebClient()
wc.DownloadFile("", "C:\temp\somefilethatdoesntexist.xls")
Catch ex As System.Net.WebException
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = ex.Response
Select Case response.StatusCode
Case System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized
' Do something with not founds or unauthorized
Console.WriteLine("Ignoring : " & ex.ToString())
Case Else
Throw ex
End Select
End Try
You should not swallow errors - you should try to deal with it in some fashion even if it is just to log it.
You need to catch the WebException and then handle it by perhaps logging the error and then do not rethrow it.
'Download file...
Catch ex As WebException
End Try