SSAS Tabular How to Change the connection of a table - ssas

I created a Tabular model using VS 2013 (because later versions don't support BIDS helper (which we use for creating a folder structure organizing all measures and dimensions within the model)). After working on it for a while I noticed that I was missing a table, so I went back to go get it. The only mistake which I made was that I ended up creating a new data connection in the process. Short of dropping those tables and recreating them, is there a simple way for me to change the data source of that new table so that I can delete the redundant connection to my database?

A colleague shared the following link:
While changing the code in this way most certainly comes across as being hacky and is probably not the highly recommended way to do things; it worked! Took me less than 5 minutes to fix and it was as simple as described in the link...
Jakub K (author of the article), thanks, man!

I encountered this issue today. I have VS 2017 and co-worker showed me how to do this.
Create New Data source in the Model(.bim file)
Save and close .bim file
Right click the .bim file and view code . This gives you an editable view.
Edit the connection on all the tables you want changed, not the original connection.
Save and exist .bim file
Open .bim file and confirm change.

In this case I use Tabular Editor.
There is a good article about it Tabular Editor Tricks - Convert to Legacy


Creating a working copy of an old Access 2010 database

I am tasked with fixing some bugs that an access 2010 database, written 10 or so years ago, has. The database has been functioning but has a few bugs in report generation that need to be fixed (ie: bugs are not impeding overall functionality).
Since I am relatively new to access 2010, I wanted to create a working copy of the entire database, VBA and all, so that I could get into the VBA code and figure out what is causing the bugs without accidentally sending some of the automatic emails or changing pertinent information in the data. I have tried saving the database with a new name, copying it in the folder and pasting elsewhere, and creating a backup and saving that elsewhere.
Each attempt yields the same issue: the VBA project not being readable. It gives the following message when I open any copy:
if included picture doesn't load: tl/dr: database cant be opened because VBA project cant be read, if "ok" is clicked vba project will be deleted..I have searched high and low, asked everyone that has used the database, nobody knows how to fix the issue and I do not feel comfortable changing anything in the live copy.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
One option you might try is to create a new blank database file and attempt to import all of the database objects from a copy of your target database into the new database file using the import wizard. If that's successful it won't be an exact replica of the previous database with regards to settings, but will include all of the database objects/code at least.

Fixing a broken database .NET

Okay so I am working in Web Forms but the problem would also apply to MVC I am assuming since both have the option of creating a users database on project creation. I deleted a data table on accident and updated the database instead of deleting the database itself because I was trying to recreate it with the seed data. I didn't realize that deleting a data table would do something different from deleting the database itself. The only backup I have is pretty old, so I would prefer to use a different way to fix things if that exists. How would I fix things?
I have it working now. What I did to fix it was I went to my back up although it could have just been a brand new project, both would have been fine, and I copied the SQL script for the data table that I deleted. Then I went to my broken program and created a new data table in the spot where it was before and replaced the code with the code from the back up. I saved it and hit update and it updated the database for me.

Access is not showing the records I have entered through form

I am new in programming. Am facing a problem in database handling. Am using oledb to deal with database, which is MS Access in my project. I am dealing with queries at the time. Now the problem is that my queries are working well on vb form but are not affecting the actual database. For example, when am adding a record, it displays 'record added successfully', the message I have used for my conformation, but the actual database is not displaying the record I just entered and even got the above conformation message as well. I have checked query in sql editor too, its doing well. I have checked locals in vb debug mode, all are containing correct values.
Am not getting what's the reason behind that. Why it is displaying the success message but not modifying the actual database. Same is the case when am firing delete query, till now. I have not tried Update query yet.
Technology - Visual with MS Access
Am using Access 2007 and Visual Studio 2013
Please Help by your suggestions
Do the controls on your form have the correct control source, i.e. the database table/query from and to which it should be reading and writing to?
Basically the problem was the gap between my understanding and .Net's working.
Here is the solution.
You can include database in two ways:
1.Either importing it directly to your project from the place, for example using drag and drop, or some other such method.
2.Or, by including it via using wizard.
But, the difference lies in connection string you use in your project, if you give absolute path of database, then you will directly see the alterations in database you have done using your application, even in testing and debugging mode via IDE.
connection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\xyz.accdb"
But if you are using connection string provide by wizard, for example,
connection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\xyz.accdb"
what the IDE will be doing is whenever you will be running project for debugging or testing, every time, it will copy the actual database, with its contents as well, in /bin/Debug folder. So, the changes you are performing will only be visible to that copy, not the actual file. So, if you want to verify with the database, like in our case, check the copy of database, which will be present in /bin/Debug folder. You will see the changes there. But, every time you run project for debugging, it will replace that copy with original one.
So, actually I was checking the original database file, not that copy, since the changes were only made to that copy. So that is why I was facing the above problem, not due to any programming fault.

can't see tables in SQuirrel

I am using a HSQL driver to connect to my database. I am able to connect without any errors but I can't see any of my tables in the table tree under public. I am able to create new tables which do appear, but I can't see the already created ones. Also when I check the .script file I can't see the new tables. Something strange is going on but I can’t work out what.
Anyone able to help.
I've worked it out now. It was the format of the connect string for HSQL.
I needed to add :file: in the string like this... jdbc:hsqldb:file:
Also I was using .script at the end of the file name, like this jdbc:hsqldb:.script
This was creating temp files in the format .script.lck .script.log etc.
Dropping the .script at the end of the file name opened up the database and allowed me to see the tables. Now my problem is I can't get any updates to commit. Updates happen with no errors in the console. But when I close the file and check the .script file the data is the same. Permissions I guess.
Only posting this answer to help others that might get stuck at the same point.
Try here:
How can I list all tables in a database with Squirrel SQL?
Where most of us fails is to choose the right schema in the Catalog dropdown. (Just above the Objects tab). But there are other ideas if you follow the related question.

Website Data Source is empty

This is driving me insane. I am trying to get a basic Report to show with Report Viewer but cant get the DataSet to show in the Website Data Source window no matter what I do.
I created a dataset..picked the proc I want, etc. without any problems. I added my RDLC and tried adding a table that I can bind data to but the Windows that contains the Data Sources is empty.
Im using VS 2008. Is there anything im doing wrong? Ive followed some tutorials but cant get further due to this issue.
Ok..figured it out after wasting 1 day on it.
As I said i am running VS 2008 and what I did was remove all the DLL references one by one until the window populated with some datasources. I found out a reference to Entity Spaces cause the problem. So I create the reports and when im down add back the reference. A pain but it now works.