Data Merge adobe indesign scripting from unique identifier - sql

Currently I have a document with a rough layout for a catalog that I have developed. However, I would like to try and make it as quick as possible.
I have master pages for each section, and each page is different as you can tell from the image below.
The info id like to pull is an image from a folder, the price, the written section and the bullet points. the codes are highlighted as you can tell.
I was wondering: is there a way, preferably through Adobe scripting and data merge, to get data on each page from either a server or csv document where the user has input a variable(in the red box). It would be kind of like one would do on a html page where you enter a code/unique identifier in a textbox. then the rest of that section populates the data in that textbox.
Is there a way to do it without a 3rd party application that will cost an arm and a leg. If so are there any links that could help explain how this is done.


How can I see the vb code of an UI made Publisher template

I'm using a publisher document as a template to create fitting instructions for our products. Everytime we launch a new product an individual instruction is produced which involves a lot of copy and pasting and then translating the master document into 4 different languages.
Although being individual to the product, there are only 5 sets of instructions with their own wordings (which doesn't change) and pics, the layout of the document is the same across all 5.
I was thinking to create a user form to enter the product name, choose the required set, insert photos and save the new doc as .pub and .pdf (only in English, I want to get this running first)
I tried around with Access and mail merge but it doesn't work the way I need it to. So I reverted to using VB in publisher where I've been basically able to return the text boxes, however, I can't see a way to display the code of the entire document with all text boxes and their formatting. Is this possible or would I have to code the entire document from scratch?
Thanks for reading and your input.

Automation Anywhere: In PDF Integration, Extract Form Fields isn't working properly?

I'm using Extract Form Fields to get data from a PDF. But upon selecting the area where the desired text is located, the "Value" text area in the popup should be automatically populated with desired text, but that isn't the case. The "Value" field is staying blank.
Any idea what might be causing this?
you need to check whether your PDF has handwritten content or it is a scanned file.
if your PDF does not satisfy above criteria you can easily automate your PDF using Automation anywhere by selecting the area. if your PDF is invoice or bill or any type of GST forms better to use IQ Bot.

Is it possible to use variables in a PDF document?

I want to make a editable PDF document – but I want to take it a step further.
Is it possible to create some editable fields on the first page where the user can put in personal information (name, age etc.) and have the document fill itself in where "name" is required?
I need this for some employment contracts and it would be alot faster if the user only needs to fill the information in once, print the PDF and sign it. :)
In PDF a single form field may have multiple widgets. By definition all these widgets have the same content.
E.g. have a look at thie sample document aFieldTwice.pdf. You see two fields. As soon as you edit one of them and press enter, the same content occurs in the other one.
This might be what you look for.

Displaying thumbnail image in a View

I've a database with image (1 document contains 1 image).
This database is used in other application via "PickList" so user can select image they want (right now they just see a filename and that's it). Once user selected an image - we display it in IBM Notes client via html. However the issue is - user must guess if he select the right image and to avoid 'guessing' I would like to show thumbnail version of image in PickList.
So far I found only one way to do that (for every image I've in database I will create a image resource element in design. In that way I can display it in a View (in a column).
What other ways to achieve this you know?
Please consider any ways you know, I'm not limited to using views only, it could be Dialogs, generating something in RTF field dynamically, OLE, Java etc. Basically I'm very very open minded to another solution.
Environment: #IBM Domino/Notes R9.
Since you are using Domino 9, how about developing in XPages? If you are going to switch to an HTML frame in the Notes client to look at the image anyway, you may as well select from an HTML frame, too. You can use XPages for Notes clients, not just web clients.
Using common XPage controls, you can develop dynamic HTML pages from Notes views and documents. You could for example develop an XPage to display a list of choices from a view - including file attachment names and/or the actual file attachments.
It is absolutely doable with XPages. Checkout for lots of examples.

How to create switchable multi-language pdf form?

I want to create a pdf form for two language (Chinese/English) UI, and there's a button(s) or somethings on the form for language switch, is there anyway can make it? and how to do?
Thanks for all reply!
Actually I got a sample like this,
PDF Sample
there're two checkbox on the top-left of the form, one is for English UI, the other is Chinese, I just want to know how to make PDF like that sample? (and I don't see any layers on the sample...)
mkl's comment (which he should turn into a full answer, really) already hinted at the option to use different page templates residing in the same file.
Another option you could explore is this:
put the two language versions into 2 different layers (or 'optional content groups' in PDF parlance)
make the visibility of the two layers toggeable
let the user activate that layer which he/she needs.
Layer activation can be handled through normal Acrobat Reader user interface elements.
The layer switching can be made accessible via a "button" on the PDF page too -- but that requires additional JavaScript to be embedded in the PDF (something many people are not particularly keen about).
As Kurt proposed, I make my comment on Frank's answer an answer in its own right:
Actually there is a pdf feature seldomly used nowerdays, page
templates. Thus, those two forms can reside in the same file in
different page templates, and based on some initially present buttons
("English version", ...) the desired form is spawned.
Unfortunately I don't know how to create page templates using some easy-to-use tool, I only came a cross them in the context of integrated PDF signatures (depending on the signature type, page template instantiation is a document change not breaking the signature) and tested them with low-level tools.
Essentially page templates are PDF objects just like page dictionaries of the normal pages, they are not XFA stuff. They merely are not referenced in the pages tree but instead in the name tree.
There is a JavaScript command which creates a visible page based on such a template --- I don't know which anymore; I may be able to find out when I'm back in office next week. This command would have to be bound to the inital language selection button in the file.
The problem will be in switching the static text - PDF does not allow this.
If I were you, I would split the document into two identical forms in the respective languages. You can use bookmarks and links on the first page to navigate to the right part of the document.
Note that it is possible to assign the same field names to the Enlgish/Chinese versions of your fields. This will make it easier to process the submitted form data because the process path would be independent of the chosen language. It will also simplify any JavaScript (validation, summing, etc.) you plan to add.