Is there any way to get variable importance with Keras? - tensorflow

I am looking for a proper or best way to get variable importance in a Neural Network created with Keras. The way I currently do it is I just take the weights (not the biases) of the variables in the first layer with the assumption that more important variables will have higher weights in the first layer. Is there another/better way of doing it?

Since everything will be mixed up along the network, the first layer alone can't tell you about the importance of each variable. The following layers can also increase or decrease their importance, and even make one variable affect the importance of another variable. Every single neuron in the first layer itself will give each variable a different importance too, so it's not something that straightforward.
I suggest you do model.predict(inputs) using inputs containing arrays of zeros, making only the variable you want to study be 1 in the input.
That way, you see the result for each variable alone. Even though, this will still not help you with the cases where one variable increases the importance of another variable.

*Edited to include relevant code to implement permutation importance.
I answered a similar question at Feature Importance Chart in neural network using Keras in Python. It does implement what Teque5 mentioned above, namely shuffling the variable among your sample or permutation importance using the ELI5 package.
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasClassifier, KerasRegressor
import eli5
from eli5.sklearn import PermutationImportance
def base_model():
model = Sequential()
return model
X = ...
y = ...
my_model = KerasRegressor(build_fn=basemodel, **sk_params),y)
perm = PermutationImportance(my_model, random_state=1).fit(X,y)
eli5.show_weights(perm, feature_names = X.columns.tolist())

It is not that simple. For example, in later stages the variable could be reduced to 0.
I'd have a look at LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations). The basic idea is to set some inputs to zero, pass it through the model and see if the result is similar. If yes, then that variable might not be that important. But there is more about it and if you want to know it, then you should read the paper.
See marcotcr/lime on GitHub.

This is a relatively old post with relatively old answers, so I would like to offer another suggestion of using SHAP to determine feature importance for your Keras models. SHAP also allows you to process Keras models using layers requiring 3d input like LSTM and GRU while eli5 cannot.
To avoid double-posting, I would like to offer my answer to a similar question on Stackoverflow on using SHAP.


Dealing with missing values in tensorflow

I need some guidance on the approach to imputation in tensorflow/deep learning. I am familiar with how scikit-learn handles imputation, and when I map it to the tensorflow ecosystem, I would expect to use preprocessing layers in keras or functions in tensorflow transform to do the imputation. However, at least to my knowledge, these functions do not exist. So I have a few questions:
Is there a reason tied to how deep learning works that these functions do not exist (for example, dense sampling needs to be as accurate as possible, and you have a large amount of data, hence imputation is never required)
If it is not #1, how should one handle imputation in tensorflow? For example, during serving, your input could be missing data, and there's nothing you can do about that. I would think integrating it into preprocessing_fn would be the thing to do.
Is it possible to have the graph do different things during training and serving? For example, train on no missing values data, and if during serving you encounter that situation, do something like ignore that value or set it to a specified default.
Thank you!
Please refer to Mean imputation for missing data to impute missing values from your data with mean.
In the example below, x is a feature, represented as a tf.SparseTensor in the preprocessing_fn. In order to convert it to a dense tensor, we compute its mean, and set the mean to be the default value when it is missing from an instance.
Answering your third question, TensorFlow Transform builds transformations into the TensorFlow graph for your model so the same transformations are performed at training and inference time.
For your mentioned use-case, the below example for imputation would work, because default_value param sets values for indices if not specified. And if default_value param is not set, it defaults to Zero.
Example Code:
def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
return {
'x_out': tft.sparse_tensor_to_dense_with_shape(
inputs['x'], default_value=tft.mean(x), shape=[None, 1])

How to make a keras model take a (None,) tensor as Input

I am using the tf.keras API and I want my Model to take input with shape (None,), None is batch_size.
The shape of keras.layers.Input() doesn't include batch_size, so I think it can't be used.
Is there a way to achieve my goal? I prefer a solution without tf.placeholder since it is deprecated
By the way, my model is a sentence embedding model, so I want the input is something like ['How are you.','Good morning.']
Currently, I can create an input layer with layers.Input(dtype=tf.string,shape=1), but this need my input to be something like [['How are you.'],['Good morning.']]. I want my input to have only one dimension.
Have you tried tf.keras.layers.Input(dtype=tf.string, shape=())?
If you wanted to set a specific batch size, tf.keras.Input() does actually include a batch_size parameter. But the batch size is presumed to be None by default, so you shouldn't even need to change anything.
Now, it seems like what you actually want is to be able to provide samples (sentences) of variable length. Good news! The tf.keras.layers.Embedding layer allows you to do this, although you'll have to generate an encoding for your sentences first. The Tensorflow website has a good tutorial on the process.

Tensorflow Embedding for training and inference

I am trying to code a simple Neural machine translation using tensorflow. But I am a little stuck regarding the understanding of the embedding on tensorflow :
I do not understand the difference between tf.contrib.layers.embed_sequence(inputs, vocab_size=target_vocab_size,embed_dim=decoding_embedding_size)
dec_embeddings = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([target_vocab_size, decoding_embedding_size]))
dec_embed_input = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(dec_embeddings, dec_input)
In which case should I use one to another ?
The second thing I do not understand is about tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper and tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper. I know that in the case of translation, we use mainly TrainingHelper for the training step (use the previous target to predict the next target) and GreedyEmbeddingHelper for the inference step (use the previous timestep to predict the next target).
But I do not understand how does it work. In particular the different parameters used. For example why do we need a sequence length in the case of TrainingHelper (why do we not used an EOS)? Why both of them do not use the embedding_lookup or embedding_sequence as input ?
I suppose that you're coming from this seq2seq tutorial. Even though this question is starting to get old, I'll try to answer for the people passing by like me:
For the first question, I looked at the source code behind tf.contrib.layers.embed_sequence, and it is actually using tf.nn.embedding_lookup. So it just wraps it, and creates the embedding matrix (tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([target_vocab_size, decoding_embedding_size]))) for you. Although this is convenient and less verbose, by using embed_sequence there doesn't seem to a direct way to access the embeddings. So if you want to, you have to query for the internal variable used as the embedding matrix by using the same name space. I have to admit that the code in the tutorial above is confusing. I even suspect he's using different embeddings in the encoder and the decoder.
For the second question:
I guess it is equivalent to use a sequence length or an embedding.
The TrainingHelper doesn't need the embedding_lookup as it only forwards the inputs to the decoder, GreedyEmbeddingHelper does take as a first input the embedding_lookup as mentioned in the documentation.
If I understand you correctly, the first question is about the differences between tf.contrib.layers.embed_sequence and tf.nn.embedding_lookup.
According to the official docs (,
Typical use case would be reusing embeddings between an encoder and decoder.
I think tf.contrib.layers.embed_sequence is designed for seq2seq models.
I found the following post:
where #ispirmustafa mentioned:
embedding_lookup doesn't support invalid ids.
Also, in another post: tf.contrib.layers.embed_sequence() is for what?
#user1930402 said:
When building a neural network model that has multiple gates that take features as input, by using tensorflow.contrib.layers.embed_sequence, you can reduce the number of parameters in your network while preserving depth. For example, it eliminates the need for each gates of the LSTM to perform its own linear projection of features.
It allows for arbitrary input shapes, which helps the implementation be simple and flexible.
For the second question, sorry that I didn't use TrainingHelper and can't answer your question.

Reducing false positive in CNN (Conv1D) text classification model

I created a char-based CNN model for text classification on keras + tensorflow - mainly using Conv1D, mainly based on:
The model is performing very good with 80%+ accuracy on test data set. However I'm having problem with false positive. One of the reason could be that the final layer is a Dense layer with softmax activation function.
To give an idea of how the model is performing, I train the model with data set with 31 classes with 1021 samples, the performance is ~85% on 25% test data set
However if you include false negative the performance is pretty bad (I didn't run another test data with false negative since it's pretty obvious just testing by hand) - every input has a corresponding prediction. For example a sentence acasklncasdjsandjas can result in a class ask_promotion.
Are there any best practice on how to deal with false positive in this case?
My idea is to:
Implement a noise class where samples are just a set of totally random text. However this doesn't seem to help since the noise doesn't contain any pattern thus it would be difficult to train the model
Replace softmax with something that doesn't require all output probability to 1 so small values can stay small regardless of other values. I did some research on this but there's not much information on changing the activation function for this specific case
That sounds like the issue of imbalanced data, where two classes have completely different supports (the number of instances in each class). This issue is particularly crucial in the task of hierarchical classification in which some classes with a deep hierarchy tend to have much more instances than the others.
Anyway, let's simply the issue as binary classification, and name the class with much more support Class-A and the other one with less support Class-B. Generally speaking, there are two popular ways to circumvent this issue.
Under-sampling: You fix Class-B as is. Then you sample instances from Class-A for the same amount as Class-B. Combine these instances and train your classifier with them.
Over-sampling: You fix Class-A as is. Then you sample instances from Class-B for the same amount as Class-A. The same goes with Choice 1.
For more information, please refer to this KDNuggets page.
Hope this helps. :P

Tensorflow: jointly training CNN + LSTM

There are quite a few examples on how to use LSTMs alone in TF, but I couldn't find any good examples on how to train CNN + LSTM jointly.
From what I see, it is not quite straightforward how to do such training, and I can think of a few options here:
First, I believe the simplest solution (or the most primitive one) would be to train CNN independently to learn features and then to train LSTM on CNN features without updating the CNN part, since one would probably have to extract and save these features in numpy and then feed them to LSTM in TF. But in that scenario, one would probably have to use a differently labeled dataset for pretraining of CNN, which eliminates the advantage of end to end training, i.e. learning of features for final objective targeted by LSTM (besides the fact that one has to have these additional labels in the first place).
Second option would be to concatenate all time slices in the batch
dimension (4-d Tensor), feed it to CNN then somehow repack those
features to 5-d Tensor again needed for training LSTM and then apply a cost function. My main concern, is if it is possible to do such thing. Also, handling variable length sequences becomes a little bit tricky. For example, in prediction scenario you would only feed single frame at the time. Thus, I would be really happy to see some examples if that is the right way of doing joint training. Besides that, this solution looks more like a hack, thus, if there is a better way to do so, it would be great if someone could share it.
Thank you in advance !
For joint training, you can consider using tf.map_fn as described in the documentation
Lets assume that the CNN is built along similar lines as described here
def joint_inference(sequence):
inference_fn = lambda image: inference(image)
logit_sequence = tf.map_fn(inference_fn, sequence, dtype=tf.float32, swap_memory=True)
lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(128)
output_state, intermediate_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=lstm_cell, inputs=logit_sequence)
projection_function = lambda state: tf.contrib.layers.linear(state, num_outputs=num_classes, activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid)
projection_logits = tf.map_fn(projection_function, output_state)
return projection_logits
Warning: You might have to look into device placement as described here if your model is larger than the memory gpu can allocate.
An Alternative would be to flatten the video batch to create an image batch, do a forward pass from CNN and reshape the features for LSTM.