null to listOf(), not null to listOf(value) in Kotlin in one liner? - kotlin

Let f() return a nullable value.
What I want to do is that
if f() is null, get an empty list,
else if f() is not null, get a list of the single item value.
In Scala, we can do something like this:
or more verbosely
Option(f()).map(v => List(v)).getOrElse(List.empty)
In Kotlin, there is no Option (assuming no Funktionale library), and null does not have toList() unlike (None: Option) in Scala.
We have the Elvis operator, but null will be inside the listOf() function, so it will be
listOf(f() ?: /* What can I do here? */)
What we want for null is listOf(/*no argument */), but the Elvis operator requires an argument, so listOf(f() ?: ) will result in a compile error.
At least we can do
val v = f()
if (v == null) listOf() else listOf(v)
but it is a two liner.
Is there some expression for this?
Where I will use this expression is in the class's primary constructor default argument, so if it is not a one liner, it will be enclosed in brackets, so something like this:
class A(
val p1: List<V> = run {
val v = f()
if (v == null) listOf() else listOf(v)
val p2: ... = ...,
This looks pretty ugly, isn't it?

As #Naetmul pointed out, listOfNotNull(f()) is syntactically better to what I originally posted below, and also takes a variable number of arguments, for example
val myList = listOfNotNull(f(), g(), h())
will return a list of all the results that were not null.
I would use let here.
val myList = f()?.let { listOf(it) } ?: emptyList()
Use a ?. safe call on the return value of f(), then use let to run a code block. If f() is null, it won't run this block of code, resulting in a null value. Then we use the ?: elvis operator to fall back to an empty list.
Here it is broken up into several lines for a better understanding
val myValue = f()
val myList: List<Any>
if (myValue != null) {
myList = listOf(myValue)
} else {
myList = emptyList()

For this specific question, I can do


Kotlin compiler nullability check

I'm a kotlin newby and wondering why the kotlin compiler does not recognize that my variable is never going to be null and how to get around it the nicest way possible.
var myString: String? = null
val myList = mutableListOf<String>()
for (element in 1..2) {
if(myString == null) {
myString = if(*somecondition*) "a" else "b"
//compiler error, cannot infer type String? to String
A little explaination and how to handle those cases the best way would be nice!
Because String? and String are two different types of variable (or constant). The value of your variable by the time of accessing it might have been changed by another thread/coroutine. In your case i would do something like:
var myString: String? = null
val myList = mutableListOf<String>()
for (element in 1..2) {
myList.add(myString ?: if (/* condition */) "a" else "b")
After upgrading to the newest compiler version the code mentioned in the question compiles.

Not nullable value required to call 'component1()' function of destructuring declaration initializer

Is it possible to make the following code to compile in Kotlin?
val variable: String? = "string"
val (a, b) = variable?.run {
1 to 2
The compiler does not allow destructuring because the expression on the right-hand side is typed as a nullable Pair<Int, Int>?, and it's unclear what values a and b should get in case variable is null.
To solve this, you need to get a not-null expression after =.
There's a lot of different ways to deal with nullable values and produce a not-null value from a nullable one, see: In Kotlin, what is the idiomatic way to deal with nullable values, referencing or converting them
For example, if you want to provide fallback values for a and b, then use the ?: operator as follows:
val (a, b) = variable?.run {
1 to 2
} ?: (0 to 0)
An alternative, for example, would be to check variable for null first:
val (a, b) = checkNotNull(variable) { "variable should never be null" }.run {
1 to 2
Null doesn't have any destructuring declarations. If you want a value of null to destructure like it's a pair of nulls, you could add these extensions:
operator fun <T> Pair<T, *>?.component1() = this?.component1()
operator fun <T> Pair<*, T>?.component2() = this?.component2()
Otherwise, as the other answer shows, you need to provide a default using the Elvis operator.
It's not automatic because it doesn't know what you want. Depending on what you're doing with it, 0 to 0 may be most appropriate, or maybe -1 to -1 or 0 to null or null to null.
The question is, what do you want to do if your variable is null? If you want to throw an exception, go with require or check as #hotkey suggested.
However I have the case where I just want to return if the value is null. So I wrote myself a little helper function that allows for this:
private inline fun <T> T?.exitIfNull(exitBlock: () -> Nothing): T {
if (this == null)
return this
You can call this function as follows:
val (a, b) = variable?.run {
1 to 2
}.exitIfNull {
A nice little use of the Nothing keyword in Kotlin that I personally find quite fascinating

A better way to assign only if the right side is not null?

In Kotlin, I want to do an assignment only if another variable is not null (otherwise, no op). I can think of two succinct ways:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var x: Int? = null
var n = 0
// ... do something ...
x?.let { n = it } // method 1
n = x ?: n // method 2
However, they don't feel succinct enough, given the frequency I have to do them. The first method seems an overkill. The second method is nagging in requiring an expression after ?:.
I suspect there must be a better way, something like n =? x? Or n = x?? Is there?
Try infix to 'simulate custom infix operations'
// define this
infix fun <T > T.assignFromNotNull(right: T): T = right ?: this
// Demo using
// Now, Kotlin infix-style
fooA assignFromNotNull fooB
barA assignFromNotNull barB
bazA assignFromNotNull bazB
// Old code, Java if-style
if (fooB != null) {
fooA = fooB;
if (barB != null) {
barA = barB;
if (bazB != null) {
bazA = bazB
There's the following:
val x: Int? = null
val n: Int = x ?: return
This compiles perfectly fine, even though n may not be assigned. Even calls that use n after its 'assignment' are allowed, e.g. println(n), because the compiler only knows that n is Int and that's OK. However, any lines following the assignment will never be called, because we return from the scope. Depending on what you want, that's a no-op. We can't continue because n couldn't be assigned, so just return.
Another option is val n: Int = x!! which will throw a NullPointerException if x == null that should be handled elsewhere. I don't recommend this practice, because Kotlin offers cleaner methods to handle nullability.

Kotlin nullability check if-else functional approach...How?

For simple check like
if (variable != null) {
We could change to
variable?.let { doSometing(it) }
However for a case with else
if (variable != null) {
} else {
Is there a way of doing so in a single function? Is there something like either?
You can use the elvis-operator ?: like so:
variable?.let { doSomething(it) } ?: doOtherThing()
However personally I think that this gets quite unreadable very quickly. There is nothing wrong with an if-expression.
Another approach which might ring well with functional style is the use of when, which is very close to pattern matching:
when(variable) {
null -> doOtherThingSomething()
else -> doSomething(variable)
I would argue, however, that you should be careful with abandoning the classic if statement, if what you're after is its natural purpose - conditional execution. If you're calculating a value in two different ways and then using it in the same way, this approach makes sense. But if your code paths diverge at this point and don't meet again, then if provides a clearer intent.
You can map null-able value if not null by using ternary operator to check not null condition with If...Else Statements.
Here, I had wrote some code snippet to check value null or not ,
Case 1: value initialized
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val value:Int ?= 10
val mapped = value?.let { "Value is == $value" } ?: "Value not initialized..."
You gotta result: Value is == 10
Case 2: value set remains null
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val value:Int ?= null
val mapped = value?.let { "Value is == $value" } ?: "Value not initialized..."
You gotta result: Value not initialized...

Compare String Kotlin

I'm studying kotlin, but I'm very disappointed, I can not compare two Strings.
What is the right way to compare.
btn_login.setOnClickListener {
val login = input_email.text.trim()
val pass = input_password.text.trim()
if( login.equals( pass ) ){
if (login?.equals(other = pass)){
if (login == pass){
According to documentation for structual equality use ==. It is translated to a?.equals(b) ?: (b === null).
In you case convert login and pass from SpannableStringBuilder to String.
val login = input_email.text.trim().toString()
Here is the example for matching the two strings using kotlin.
If you are using == (double equals) for matching the string then it's compare the address & return maximum time wrong result as per java documentation so use equals for the same
If you want to use equal ignore case then pass the true in the equals method of String
if (s1.equals(s2,true))
other wise you can just use this without boolean like
if (s1.equals(s2,false)) or if (s1.equals(s2))
compleate code is below
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val s1 = "abc"
val s2 = "Abc"
if (s1.equals(s2,true))
println("Not Equal")
Covert both the SpannableStringBuilder to string with toString, this should work.
val login = input_email.text.trim().toString()
val pass = input_password.text.trim().toString()
if (login == pass){
1. == :
if ( string1 == string2 ){...}
2. equals :
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
Implementations must fulfil the following requirements:
Reflexive: for any non-null reference value x, x.equals(x) should
return true.
Symmetric: for any non-null reference values x and y, x.equals(y)
should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.
Transitive: for any non-null reference values x, y, and z, if
x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then
x.equals(z) should return true
Consistent: for any non-null reference values x and y, multiple
invocations of x.equals(y) consistently return true or consistently
return false, provided no information used in equals comparisons on
the objects is modified.
/** * Returns `true` if this string is equal to [other], optionally ignoring character case. * * #param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when comparing strings. By default `false`. */
public fun String?.equals(other: String?, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean
3. compareTo :
public override fun compareTo(other: String): Int
Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns zero
if this object is equal to the specified other object, a negative
number if it's less than other, or a positive number if it's greater
than other.
public fun String.compareTo(other: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Int
Compares two strings lexicographically, optionally ignoring case
i know this is way too late, but as a newbie learning Kotlin, i had the same doubts.
then i came across this wonderful article that articulates the various string comparison types in Kotlin and the differences between them all.
in short both == and .equals() can be used to compare the value of 2 strings in kotlin.
hopefully that helps
With case checking
String a=.....
String b=.....
if (editText1.text.toString() == editText2.text.toString() ) {
println("Should work now! The same value")
Try the following solution, see if it helps:
val passStr: String = textView.text.toString()
if( loginStr.compareTo(passStr, false) ){
Try this surely will work.
val style = buildString { karthik}
val style2 = buildString { karthik }
var result = style.equals(style2)
if(result){//Do something}