Choosing initial values for variables and parameters for optimizers in tensorflow - tensorflow

How do people typically choose initial values for their variables and parameters? Do we just tinker till it works?
I was following the Getting Started tutorial for tensorflow, and was able to train the linear model in it. However, I noticed that the starting values for the variables W, b were reasonably close to the ground truth.
When I change the data to make the ground truth values much further away, the gradient descent optimizer gives me NaN values for W, b.
However, in general, I don't think it would be reasonable to be able to guess the initial values of the variables in the model. Seems like I should be able to choose any arbitrary starting point and get to where I want.
I was thinking my choice in my parameters might be bad. However, I am not sure in what way to adjust this. The default was 0.01, I've tried values from 0.001 to 100.
Would there be a discussion of optimization parameter choices and initial values for model variables in a general machine learning book? Really I am just looking for resources.

Some of the famous initializers for Convolutional Neural Networks:
Glorot Normal: Also called Xavier. Normal distribution centered on 0 with stddev = sqrt(2 / (fan_in + fan_out)) where fan_in is the number of input units in the weight tensor and fan_out is the number of output units in the weight tensor.
Lecun Uniform: Uniform distribution within [-limit, limit] where limit is sqrt(3 / fan_in) where fan_in is the number of input units in the weight tensor.
He Normal:
Truncated normal distribution centered on 0 with stddev = sqrt(2 / fan_in) where fan_in is the number of input units in the weight tensor.
Along with these initializers, one have to search for learning rate, momentum and other hyperparameters.


What is the significance of normalization of data before feeding it to a ML/DL model?

I just started learning Deep Learning and was working with the Fashion MNIST data-set.
As a part of pre-processing the X-labels, the training and test images, dividing the pixel values by 255 is included as a part of normalization of the input data.
training_images = training_images/255.0
test_images = test_images/255.0
I understand that this is to scale down the values to [0,1] because neural networks are more efficient while handling such values. However, if I try to skip these two lines, my model predicts something entire different for a particular test_image.
Why does this happen?
Let's see both the scenarios with the below details.
1. With Unnormaized data:
Since your network is tasked with learning how to combine inputs through a series of linear combinations and nonlinear activations, the parameters associated with each input will exist on different scales.
Unfortunately, this can lead toward an awkward loss function topology which places more emphasis on certain parameter gradients.
Or in a simple definition as Shubham Panchal mentioned in comment.
If the images are not normalized, the input pixels will range from [ 0 , 255 ]. These will produce huge activation values ( if you're using ReLU ). After the forward pass, you'll end up with a huge loss value and gradients.
2. With Normalized data:
By normalizing our inputs to a standard scale, we're allowing the network to more quickly learn the optimal parameters for each input node.
Additionally, it's useful to ensure that our inputs are roughly in the range of -1 to 1 to avoid weird mathematical artifacts associated with floating-point number precision. In short, computers lose accuracy when performing math operations on really large or really small numbers. Moreover, if your inputs and target outputs are on a completely different scale than the typical -1 to 1 range, the default parameters for your neural network (ie. learning rates) will likely be ill-suited for your data. In the case of image the pixel intensity range is bound by 0 and 1(mean =0 and variance =1).

Understanding and tracking of metrics in object detection

I have some questions about metrics if I do some training or evaluation on my own dataset. I am still new to this topic and just experimented with tensorflow and googles object detection api and tensorboard...
So I did all this stuff to get things up and running with the object detection api and trained on some images and did some eval on other images.
So I decided to use the weighted PASCAL metrics set for evaluation:
And in tensorboard I get some IoU for every class and also mAP and thats fine to see and now comes the questions.
The IoU gives me the value of how well the overlapping of ground-truth and predictes boxes is and measures the accuracy of my object detector.
First Question: Is there a influencing to IoU if a object with ground-truth is not detected?
Second Question: Is there a influencing of IoU if a ground-truth object is predicted false negativ?
Third Question: What about False Positves where are no ground-truth objects?
Coding Questions:
Fourth Question: Has anyone modified the evaluation workflow from the object detection API to bring in more metrics like accuracy or TP/FP/TN/FN? And if so can provide me some code with explanation or a tutorial you used - that would be awesome!
Fifth Question: If I will monitor some overfitting and take 30% of my 70% traindata and do some evaluation, which parameter shows me that there is some overfitting on my dataset?
Maybe those question are newbie questions or I just have to read and understand more - I dont know - so your help to understand more is appreciated!!
Let's start with defining precision with respect to a particular object class: its a proportion of good predictions to all predictions of that class, i.e., its TP / (TP + FP). E.g., if you have dog, cat and bird detector, the dog-precision would be number of correctly marked dogs over all predictions marked as dog (i.e., including false detections).
To calculate the precision, you need to decide if each detected box is TP or FP. To do this you may use IuO measure, i.e., if there is significant (e.g., 50% *) overlap of the detected box with some ground truth box, its TP if both boxes are of the same class, otherwise its FP (if the detection is not matched to any box its also FP).
* thats where the #0.5IUO shortcut comes from, you may have spotted it in the Tensorboard in titles of the graphs with PASCAL metrics.
If the estimator outputs some quality measure (or even probability), you may decide to drop all detections with quality below some threshold. Usually, the estimators are trained to output value between 0 and 1. By changing the threshold you may tune the recall metric of your estimator (the proportion of correctly discovered objects). Lowering the threshold increases the recall (but decreases precision) and vice versa. The average precision (AP) is the average of class predictions calculated over different thresholds, in PASCAL metrics the thresholds are from range [0, 0.1, ... , 1], i.e., its average of precision values for different recall levels. Its an attempt to capture characteristics of the detector in a single number.
The mean average precision is mean of average previsions over all classes. E.g., for our dog, cat, bird detector it would be (dog_AP + cat_AP + bird_AP)/3.
More rigorous definitions could be found in the PASCAL challenge paper, section 4.2.
Regarding your question about overfitting, there could be several indicators of it, one could be, that AP/mAP metrics calculated on the independent test/validation set begin to drop while the loss still decreases.

How am I getting 92% accuracy after initialising parameters with zeros in a simple one layer neural network?

This is from one of the tensorflow examples
Even though the gradients are non-zero, they must be identical and all the ten weight vectors corresponding to the ten classes should be exactly same and produce the same output logits and hence same probabilities. The only case I could think this is possible is while calculating the accuracy using tf.argmax(), whose output is ambiguous in case of ties, we are getting lucky and resulting in 92% accuracy. But then I checked the values of y after training is complete and they give perfectly different outputs indicating the weight vectors of all classes are not same. Can someone explain how this is possible?
Although it is best to initialize the parameters to small random numbers to break symmetry and possibly accelerate learning, it does not necessarily mean you will get same probabilities for all classes if you initialize the weights to zeros.
The reason is because the cross_entropy function is a function of weights, inputs, and correct class labels. So the gradient will be different for each output 'neuron', depending on the correct class label, and this will break the symmetry.

Use tf.layers.batch_normalization to preprocess inputs for SELU activation function?

The SELU activation function ( requires the input to be normalized to have the mean value of 0.0 and the variance of 1.0. Therefore, I tried to apply tf.layers.batch_normalization (axis=-1) on the raw data to meet that requirement. The raw data in each batch have the shape of [batch_size, 15], where 15 refers to the number of features. The graph below shows the variances of 5 of these features returned from tf.layers.batch_normalization (~20 epochs). They are not all close to 1.0 as expected. The mean values are not all close to 0.0 as well (graphs not shown).
How should I get the 15 features all normalized independently (I expect every feature after normalization will have mean = 0 and var = 1.0)?
After reading the original papers of batch normalization ( and SELU (, I have a better understanding of them:
batch normalization is an "isolation" procedure to ensure the input (in any mini-batch) to the next layer has a fixed distribution, therefore the so called "shifting variance" problem is fixed. The affine transform ( γ*x^ + β ) just tunes the standardized x^ to another fixed distribution for better expressiveness. For the simple normalization, we need to turn the center and scale parameters to False when calling tf.layers.batch_normalization.
Make sure the epsilon (still in tf.layers.batch_normalization) is set to at least 2 magnitudes less than the lowest magnitude of the all input data. The default value of epsilon is set to 0.001. For my case, some features have values as low as 1e-6. Therefore, I had to change epsilon to 1e-8.
The inputs to SELU have to be normalized before feeding them into the model. tf.layers.batch_normalization is not designed for that purpose.

dropout with relu activations

I am trying to implement a neural network with dropout in tensorflow.
tf.layers.dropout(inputs, rate, training)
From the documentation: "Dropout consists in randomly setting a fraction rate of input units to 0 at each update during training time, which helps prevent overfitting. The units that are kept are scaled by 1 / (1 - rate), so that their sum is unchanged at training time and inference time."
Now I understand that this behavior if dropout is applied on top of sigmoid activations that are strictly above zero. If half of the input units are zeroed, the sum of all the outputs will be also halved so it makes sense to scale them by factor of 2 in order to regain some kind of consistency before the next layer.
Now what if one uses the tanh activation which is centered around zero? The reasoning above no longer holds true so is it still valid to scale the output of dropout by the mentioned factor? Is there a way to prevent tensorflow dropout from scaling the outputs?
Thanks in advance
If you have a set of inputs to a node and a set of weights, their weighted sum is a value, S. You can define another random variable by selecting a random fraction f of the original random variables. The weighted sum using the same weights of the random variable defined in this way is S * f. From this, you can see the argument for rescaling is precise if the objective is that the mean of the sum remains the same with and without scaling. This would be true when the activation function is linear in the range of the weighted sums of subsets, and approximately true if the activation function is approximately linear in the range of the weighted sum of subsets.
After passing the linear combination through any non-linear activation function, it is no longer true that rescaling exactly preserves the expected mean. However, if the contribution to a node is not dominated by a small number of nodes, the variance in the sum of a randomly selected subset of a chosen, fairly large size will be relatively small, and if the activation function is approximately linear fairly near the output value, rescaling will work well to produce an output with approximately the same mean. Eg the logistic and tanh functions are approximately linear over any small region. Note that the range of the function is irrelevant, only the differences between its values.
With relu activation, if the original weighted sum is close enough to zero for the weighted sum of subsets to be on both sides of zero, a non-differentiable point in the activation function, rescaling won't work so well, but this is a relatively rare situation and limited to outputs that are small, so may not be a big problem.
The main observations here are that rescaling works best with large numbers of nodes making significant contributions, and relies on local approximate linearity of activation functions.
The point of setting the node to have an output of zero is so that neuron would have no effect on the neurons being fed by it. This would create sparsity and hence, attempts to reduce overfitting. When using sigmoid or tanh, the value is still set to zero.
I think your approach of reasoning here is incorrect. Think of contribution rather than sum.