How do I get the current date in GML? - gml

I need to be able to get the current date, it doesn't really matter what format it is. Is there a function, or perhaps an API i can use?

You can get the current date a number of ways in GML. The easiest of which is probably using the variables current_second, current_minute, current_hour, current_day, current_weekday, current_month, current_year
Here's an example that draws the day, month, and year.
draw_text(32, 32, "Today is " + string(current_day) + "/" + string (current_month) + "/" + string(current_year) +".");
You can change the timezone using date_set_timezone(timezone);
The available timezones are timezone_utc and timezone_local.
Another way to get the date is using date_current_datetime();
myhour = date_get_hour(date_current_datetime());
myday = date_get_day(date_current_datetime());

It exists some ways to do it. If you only need to show the current datetime you can use this:
show_message("Today is " + string(current_day) + "/" + string (current_month) + "/" + string(current_year) + " - " + string(current_hour) + ":" + string(current_minute) + "." + string(current_second) +".");
This will return something like: "Today is 3/6/2017 - 23:40:15."


pine script: how do you get the length of a series?

How can I get the number of days for a tickerid? For example, how long is the 'close' series in a simple default script? Or how can I get the first date availble for the current tickerid? If I had that I think that I can compute the number of days available.
This will show the information you requested in a label on the last bar.
If you set the timeframe to Daily, you'll get the number of (trading) days.
study("My Script", overlay=true)
var string firstDate = na
if barstate.isfirst
firstDate := tostring(dayofmonth(time)) + "/" + tostring(month(time)) + "/" + tostring(year(time))
if barstate.islast, high, "First date = " + firstDate + "\nNumber of bars = " + tostring(bar_index+1), yloc=yloc.abovebar)

token expression in flat file connection

I have loaded the variables in the format for example:
where produkt = 'Muj zivot2 R' and uraz = 'Uraz'
and I need the output in the file name to be:
Muj zivot2 R_Uraz
token worked for me, but it doesn't work in this case
" + TOKEN(" #[User::where] ","''",2) + "_" + TOKEN(" #[User::where] ","''",4) + "
You can use the following expression:
TOKEN(#[User::where],"'",2) + "_" + TOKEN(#[User::where],"'",4)
Muj zivot2 R_Uraz

Dynamic dates in where parameter

Am I able to use a dynamic date range for the "where" parameter? I'd like to get all the data changed in the last 30 mins.
All I can find in the documentation is using static dates:
You could try using the query string in the Where Clause.
For Ex.
string querystr = "Date >= " +
"DateTime(" + dateFrom.Year.ToString() + ",
" + dateFrom.Month.ToString() + ", " + dateFrom.Day.ToString() + ") " +
"&& Date <= " +
"DateTime(" + dateTo.Year.ToString() + ", "
+ dateTo.Month.ToString() + ", " + dateTo.Day.ToString() + ")";
Passing this querystring to retrieve user defined date rage Invoices

automatic date and time picking -React Native

In React-native i want to automatically pick system date and time and display in two Textinput place. how can i do this? both time and date must assigned to variables.
you can use JS Date as usual
for example:
var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = "Current date: " + currentdate.getDate() + "/"
+ (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/"
+ currentdate.getFullYear() + " # "
+ currentdate.getHours() + ":"
+ currentdate.getMinutes() + ":"
+ currentdate.getSeconds();

SQL to_date function

im modifying an oracle table using the following line of code:
db.execute("INSERT INTO "+dbOwner+"tbl_name VALUES('" + id+ "','" + studID+ "','"+"TO_DATE('"+ dateStr +"','MM/DD/YY)");
dateStr value: 2014-04-25
var now = new Date(),
dateStr = now.getFullYear() + "-",
monthCode = now.getMonth() + 1;
dateStr += ((monthCode < 10) ? ("0" + monthCode) : ("" + monthCode));
dateStr += "-" + ((now.getDate() < 10) ? ("0" + now.getDate()) : ("" + now.getDate()));
use bind variables. your insert statement will be 'visible'. there would be no problem to add quotes for variables (it will be automatic). and bonus: it is safer and faster.
Also, you can pass date as date, without transformation to/from string.
It will not work only for schema name (dbOwner).
according to what you write in the question
dateStr value is: 2014-04-25
so you should modify the date format in your code to be: