I use a laptop with AMD processor. I've tried install react, but problematic on its haxm. Is there any other way for me to install react-native on AMD?
You can install all the dependencies needed to use React-Native on a computer with AMD processors. The problem is that, at the moment, Android Studio has no emulators running the requiered version of Android that are also compatible with AMD architecture; so you won't be able to test your application on the Virtual Device provided by Android Studio.
You may either:
A) Use a physical device (mobile phone) to run your application
B) Download a different emulator and use it as if it was connected through USB
As you won't be using Android Studio emulator, you donĀ“t need to install HAXM
So I just started out to learn react-native but I found out that to build both iOS and Android requires OS X. I use Ubuntu but I haven't heard or read from somewhere about Linux writing react-native applications.
You can't build iOS app without XCode. Maybe you can do this using virtual machine.
I'd like to know how I can develop using linux (for example debian 9) and use my iPhone to see what I am developing.
I don't want to use macOS to do this and the best would be to see the result under Android and iOS without simulator, directly on phones.
Thanks for help !
If you want to stuck with Linux OS. You can test you app on android variant only (on both emulator or physical device)
In order to test your app on iOS you need to have a mac machine to generate / build the project.
If you don't have a mac system you can go with Expo SDK.
Expo is a free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android projects using JavaScript and React.
You can easily get started here
Is it possible to build app in React Native using Windows instead of linux ?
I am a really beginner. On the official website ReatNative we can read:
Assuming that you have Node installed, you can use npm to install the
create-react-native-app command line utility:
npm install -g create-react-native-app Then run the following commands
to create a new React Native project called "AwesomeProject":
create-react-native-app AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject npm start
But how to do that on windows ?
There is no information about that
Take a look at this page - Getting Started
Please note that you have to select Building Projects with Native Code Tab. Then you can select Windows and Android
On Windows you can only develop react native app for Android. Then if you want to build apps for iOS you need a IDE called Xcode. And Xcode is only available on mac OS. Other way to build apps for iOS is creating a mac OS virtual machine that runs on Windows. your pc / laptop must have enough computing power to run it. I think 8GB RAM, and SSD and a Intel i5 7x series would be enough.
For installing Node.js and other tools you need for your development on Windows you have to use the command prompt. That is what you was asking for. I hope it helps you. Let me know if you have success.
Take a look here
How to use the Windows command line
Getting Started with React Native Development on Windows
Everytime I try to launch a react native project I got this error
Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for
details. Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device
connected and have set up your Android development environment
I reinstalled nodejs, python and jdk using choco as suggested on official docs. Every single packages is installed as well as sdk 23.0.1
I can see my virtual device if I run adb devices USB debugging is activated and it's running android 6.
I setup ANDROID_HOME path in environment variables, I'm using same sdk path as you can see in the picture. I also setup another one for JAVA_HOME and Python.
My PATH looks like this:
I just don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I'm using a surface pro 4, Windows 10. I can run projects using expo. I literally tried everything, restart computer, start cmd using admin, create new virtual devices, uninstall everything and start from scratch, it just don't work.
You have pointed out two issues; first, make sure you have an android emulator running. To do that, you run adb devices and you say you can see you device.
The other issue is with the environment. To make sure your environment is setup properly for android, go to the root of your react-native project. Open the android project using android studio.
All errors with your environment will show up, use the automatic fixes provided by android studio. Clean the project in android studio. Close studio and go back to command line, run react-native run-android
Everything should work now.
When doing react-native start it will intentionally hang at "Loading dependency graph" (its not really hanging, its just waiting to receive build/bundle signals). This is correct. You have to open a second terminal then do react-native run-android.
If you get errors, then cd android in your project folder then run ./gradlew clean, then after that do another react-native start then react-native run-android.
Solution is to delete all java JDK and reinstall v8 / change JAVA_HOME to the new path.
Also changing gradle-wrapper.propertiesfile for each project you want to run
# update gradle to latest version
Sometimes it dosen't compile with v4 so I have to use v3. React native is definitely confusing.
after install dan update environment JDK now I can install app on my device
Every time i try to create a new app ( trying to look at cross platform apps) in visual studio I get this error:
I have installed the android SDK , is there something else I should be installing?
It seems you installed the android SDK but didn't run it to install the platform tools and the SDK APIs.
Run the "android" command on your computer, it will start the android SDK manager.
Then you have to install The android SDK tools and android platform for at least SDK 19.
One quick way is to just click the install button on the bottom right of the window, it should install automatically the latest SDK tools and paltform tools.
If you're short on disk space I recommend you uncheck all that's not usefull if you only want to use Cordova and not plan to do native dev :
the samples
the system images (unless you want to use the emulator, in this case just install one, don't need all)
the documentations
This is simply telling you that the x86 emulator system image is missing. If you do not plan on using the Android Emulator or will only be using an ARM image, you can ignore this warning. We're working to ensure messaging is more nuanced in this area in the future.