VBA Array Variant - SubScript out of Range - vba

This is my third day programming in VBA for the first time. I have been taught C programming and Java programming in the past for reference. Making a custom Excel Macro from scratch. Struggling with this error. Have spent hours on it...
Purpose of application is to take data, and move it around between worksheets. This is only part of the code.
Error occurs in the IF-ELSE. Occurs in the else first, so the program has never tried to run the if portion yet.
Note that array1 is declared globally. It wont even let me set the first element to 5 for example. But if I try to change the value in the TempArray120 (which already has data stored) it works fine.
^thinking this is a declaration/instantiation issue
array1(i, 1) = ((TempArray120(i, 1) + TempArray277(i, 1)) / 2) 'getting the avg
^this is the line I am having trouble with
array1(1, 1) = 5
^this line also does not work
Dim array1() As Variant 'declare a array. The lower array determined by current
Dim array2() As Variant 'delcare a array. The upper array determined by current
Sub main()
Call DataFetch("Test", False)
Call DataFetch("Test1", True)
End Sub
Sub DataFetch(sheet As String, LowOrUpper As Boolean)
'Instance Variable Declaration
Dim TempArray120() As Variant 'create and array that will hold 10 values and the current for the 120volts
Dim TempArray277() As Variant 'create and array that will hold 10 values and the current for the 277 volts
TempArray120 = Worksheets(sheet).Range("F12:F2").Value 'read in the InPower from Dim lvl of 0Volts to 10volts #120volts
TempArray120(11, 1) = Worksheets(sheet).Range("K2").Value 'read in the OutCurrent at the 10Volt Dim lvl #120volts
TempArray277 = Worksheets(sheet).Range("F23:F13").Value 'read in the InPower from Dim lvl of 0Volts to 10volts #277volts
TempArray277(11, 1) = Worksheets(sheet).Range("K13").Value 'read in the OutCurrent at the 10Volt Dim lvl #277volts
'i belive the .value is correct for array use
'need to average this data and return to a global array. Needs to be the right array. Will check for that.
'LowOrUpper is flase for lower current and true for higher current
If LowOrUpper Then '-if the higher current data
For i = 1 To 11 Step 1
Set array2(i, 1) = ((TempArray120(i, 1).Value + TempArray277(i, 1).Value) / 2) 'set avg value to the global array. Note that this is for the lower array
Next 'end of for loop
Else '-was false and must be the lower current data
For i = 1 To 11 Step 1
array1(i, 1) = ((TempArray120(i, 1) + TempArray277(i, 1)) / 2) 'set avg value to the global array. Note that this is for the lower array
'array1(i, 1) = TempArray120(i, 1)
'this does not work. same error
'array1(1, 1) = 5
'this does not work. same error
Next 'end of for loop
End If
Call DataHandler
End Sub
Sub DataHandler()
'Instance Variable Declaration
'paste data into lower and upper curve. The data will the be generated. This is the First generation
Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("C7:C18").Value = array1 'setting the data values for Lower Curve.Data is in Array1. This should work 5/18/2017 spent a lot of time on this line
Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("K7:K17").Value = array2 'setting the data values for Upper Curve.Data is in Array2
Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("B5").Value = array1(11, 1).Value 'setting the current cell for lower
Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("J5").Value = array2(11, 1).Value 'setting the current cell for upper
Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("F5").Value = Worksheets("Main").Range("B5") 'sets the generated data current to user spec
'handle the data that was just generated => Transfer to the Fine curve
Worksheets("Step 2 - Fine Curve").Range("E3:E13").Value = Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("H7:H17").Value 'this is correct
Worksheets("Step 2 - Fine Curve").Range("A102").Value = ID 'insert the ID at the end of data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUST EDIT
Dim fineData As Range 'this will be sent to the CSV file
Set fineData = Worksheets("Step 2 - Fine Curve").Range("B2:B102").Value 'do not believe this needs a .value??????
'Open new file. Make it visiable.
Dim myFile As String 'will hold path name
myFile = Application.DefaultFilePath & "\" & ID & ".csv" 'determine the pathname for new CSV file
Open myFile For Output As #1 'allows the file to be written to. Can now be refered to as #1 as well
'^if the file already exist it will be deleted and a new file will be created with same name
'now write in the array data
Write #1, fineData.Value
Close #1 'gotta close the file
'note the csv file is saved to the root directory of project
End Sub

You're off-by-one.
Implicitly sized arrays are 0-based*, unless specified otherwise by Option Base 1.
Given your example saying:
array1(1, 1) = 5 'doesn't work either
The only explanation is that you're assuming your arrays are 1-based, when they're 0-based.
*An array obtained from a Range will be 1-based.
Since you have a mix of 0-based implicitly-sized arrays and 1-based Range arrays in the same module, consider specifying Option Base 1 to unify the array bounds and work with 1-based arrays everywhere in the module, or you'll need to offset (-1/+1) array to cell coordinates.


Finding dates and storing ranges in variables

I'm trying to find "blocks" in the worksheet that have dates in the A-column. A block is seperated by lines as you can see from the picture. The whole file is full of these blocks but I only need the blocks that have dates in the A-column. Just to be clear I don't just need the rows with the dates but the full block that contains the date.
A block in my files for example is the Range A172:G192.
Picture of the file:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
How should I continue after selecting the first block? I probably should use the Find function starting from row 184 or the row of ResultDown variable moving down the sheet on "A" Column. However the row needs to be dynamic, so I can use it for the next block. Also I have no idea how many blocks there will be, so I would like to hear from you how to solve this aswell.
I would like to save all the blocks as different variables and then hide all the blocks in the worksheet and then just unhide the blocks that I stored in the variables.
My biggest problem is the last row.
Result2 = Range(Cells(StartcellRow, 1), Cells(1000, 1)).Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range(Cells(StartcellRow, 1))).Select
I keep getting an runtime error 1004
Public Sub FB_MAKRO()
Dim FBwb As Workbook
Dim FBsht As Worksheet
Dim ACol As Range
'Set variables for workbook and sheet
Set FBwb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\Users\l000xxx\Desktop\Makrot\FORCED BALANCE MAKRO\FB HARJOITUS.xls")
Set FBsht = FBwb.Sheets("Forced Balance")
Set ACol = FBsht.Range("A1:A1000")
'I want ACol variable to be the entire A-Column. Any ideas?
'For some reason the range function is not working here?
'This locates the date in A'column, so I can select the correct block
Result = Range("A3:A1000").Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range("A3")).Address
'This is the top left corner of the Block1 selection
ResultUp = Range(Result).End(xlUp).Offset(-1, 0).Address
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell).End(xlDown).Select
'The ResultsDownLastRow variable is for Block2 find function
'ResultDown is the bottom right corner of the Block1
ResultsDownLastRow = Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell).End(xlDown).Address
ResultDown = Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell).End(xlDown).Offset(-2, 6).Address
'First Block assigned. I plan to use this in the end when I hide everything and then unhide these blocks
Block1 = Range(ResultUp, ResultDown).Select
'StartCellRow is the cell that the find function should start looking for Block2
'Result2 is the find function for Block2
StartcellRow = Range(ResultsDownLastRow).Row
Result2 = Range(Cells(StartcellRow, 1), Cells(1000, 1)).Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range(Cells(StartcellRow, 1))).Select
End Sub
'This returns value 194
StartcellRow = Range(ResultsDownLastRow).Row MsgBox StartcellRow
'This should work but doesn't. I get a syntax error
Range(Cells(StartcellRow &","& 1),Cells(1000 & "," & 1)).Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range(Cells(StartcellRow& ","& 1)).Select
This doesn't work either
'StarcellRow gives out value of 194
StartcellRow = Range(ResultsDownLastRow).Row
Result2 = Range("A&:StartcellRow:A648").Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range("A&:StartcellRow")).Select
This doesn't give me a syntax error but it's not working
I would search for all currency header and store their rownumber into an array. For each rownumber in the array i would look into the cell below (rownumber + 1). when there is a date in the cell, i would set the range in the following way:
set rangeWithDate = Range(Cells(actualRowNumberInArray - 1, 1), Cells(nextRowNumberInArray - 2, 7))
Dim array1() As long
Redim array1(5)
For i = 1 To 5
array(i) = i
Next i
Redim array1(10) ' changes the "length" of the array, but deletes old entries
For i = 1 To 10
Feld1(i) = i
Next i
Redim Preserve array1(15) ' changes the "length" of the array without deleting old entries

Assigning values to 2-dimensional array

I'm trying to get some data I input with another macro into a 2-dimensional array so I can then apply a function to that data, but no matter what I try I keep getting errors. The data includes strings and numbers. I could always just reference the cells and forget about the array, but that complicates the function. Here's my code:
Dim nLiens As Byte, nCreditors As Byte
Dim SecurityV As Currency, ASecurityV As Currency
Const adjuster = 0.9
(Relevant subs)
Public Sub VariableDeclaration()
nLiens = InputBox("Enter number of liens in security")
nCreditors = InputBox("Enter number of creditors")
SecurityV = InputBox("Enter security full value")
ASecurityV = adjuster * SecurityV
Call ODebt
End Sub
Sub ODebt()
Dim oDebt() As Variant
ReDim oDebt(1 To nCreditors + 1, 1 To nLiens + 1)
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(nCreditors + 1, nLiens + 1))
oDebt = rg.Value
MsgBox (oDebt)
'>>> ERROR: type mismatch
Call SAllocation
End Sub
I've tried other alternatives, such as setting the content cell by cell with two 'For' loops and LBound and UBound, but nothing seems to work.
You are getting your error not while filling, but at displaying the array.
It is not possible to just Msgbox an array, since Msgbox expects a String argument. You can, in the other hand, display specific positions (e.g. oDebt(1,1)).
If you want to have a look at all of its contents, either use debug mode and the Local window, or print it to some unused cells.
I would copy the values from the datasheet this way:
Dim oDebt As Variant
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(nCreditors + 1, nLiens + 1))
oDebt = rg ' get data from sheet
'... do calculations with oDebt array
rg = oDebt ' put data on sheet
In words: you dimension the array automatically by assigning the range. If you need the numeric boundaries, use
nrows = UBound(oDebt, 1)
ncols = UBound(oDebt, 2)
Here you see the meaning of the dimension as well, index 1 is rows, index 2 is columns.

Create dictionary of lists in vba

I have worked in Python earlier where it is really smooth to have a dictionary of lists (i.e. one key corresponds to a list of stuff). I am struggling to achieve the same in vba. Say I have the following data in an excel sheet:
Flanged_connections 6
Flanged_connections 8
Flanged_connections 10
Instrument Pressure
Instrument Temperature
Instrument Bridle
Instrument Others
Piping 1
Piping 2
Piping 3
Now I want to read the data and store it in a dictionary where the keys are Flanged_connections, Instrument and Piping and the values are the corresponding ones in the second column. I want the data to look like this:
'key' 'values':
'Flanged_connections' '[6 8 10]'
'Instrument' '["Pressure" "Temperature" "Bridle" "Others"]'
'Piping' '[1 2 3]'
and then being able to get the list by doing dict.Item("Piping") with the list [1 2 3] as the result. So I started thinking doing something like:
For Each row In inputRange.Rows
If Not equipmentDictionary.Exists(row.Cells(equipmentCol).Text) Then
equipmentDictionary.Add row.Cells(equipmentCol).Text, <INSERT NEW LIST>
equipmentDictionary.Add row.Cells(equipmentCol).Text, <ADD TO EXISTING LIST>
End If
This seems a bit tedious to do. Is there a better approach to this? I tried searching for using arrays in vba and it seems a bit different than java, c++ and python, with stuft like redim preserve and the likes. Is this the only way to work with arrays in vba?
My solution:
Based on #varocarbas' comment I have created a dictionary of collections. This is the easiest way for my mind to comprehend what's going on, though it might not be the most efficient. The other solutions would probably work as well (not tested by me). This is my suggested solution and it provides the correct output:
'| Sets up the dictionary for equipment |'
inputRowMin = 1
inputRowMax = 173
inputColMin = 1
inputColMax = 2
equipmentCol = 1
dimensionCol = 2
Set equipmentDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set inputSheet = Application.Sheets(inputSheetName)
Set inputRange = Range(Cells(inputRowMin, inputColMin), Cells(inputRowMax, inputColMax))
Set equipmentCollection = New Collection
For i = 1 To inputRange.Height
thisEquipment = inputRange(i, equipmentCol).Text
nextEquipment = inputRange(i + 1, equipmentCol).Text
thisDimension = inputRange(i, dimensionCol).Text
'The Strings are equal - add thisEquipment to collection and continue
If (StrComp(thisEquipment, nextEquipment, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
equipmentCollection.Add thisDimension
'The Strings are not equal - add thisEquipment to collection and the collection to the dictionary
equipmentCollection.Add thisDimension
equipmentDictionary.Add thisEquipment, equipmentCollection
Set equipmentCollection = New Collection
End If
'Check input
Dim tmpCollection As Collection
For Each key In equipmentDictionary.Keys
Debug.Print "--------------" & key & "---------------"
Set tmpCollection = equipmentDictionary.Item(key)
For i = 1 To tmpCollection.Count
Debug.Print tmpCollection.Item(i)
Note that this solution assumes that all the equipment are sorted!
Arrays in VBA are more or less like everywhere else with various peculiarities:
Redimensioning an array is possible (although not required).
Most of the array properties (e.g., Sheets array in a Workbook) are 1-based. Although, as rightly pointed out by #TimWilliams, the user-defined arrays are actually 0-based. The array below defines a string array with a length of 11 (10 indicates the upper position).
Other than that and the peculiarities regarding notations, you shouldn't find any problem to deal with VBA arrays.
Dim stringArray(10) As String
stringArray(1) = "first val"
stringArray(2) = "second val"
Regarding what you are requesting, you can create a dictionary in VBA and include a list on it (or the VBA equivalent: Collection), here you have a sample code:
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set coll = New Collection
coll.Add ("coll1")
coll.Add ("coll2")
coll.Add ("coll3")
If Not dict.Exists("dict1") Then
dict.Add "dict1", coll
End If
Dim curVal As String: curVal = dict("dict1")(3) '-> "coll3"
Set dict = Nothing
You can have dictionaries within dictionaries. No need to use arrays or collections unless you have a specific need to.
Sub FillNestedDictionairies()
Dim dcParent As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim dcChild As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim rCell As Range
Dim vaSplit As Variant
Dim vParentKey As Variant, vChildKey As Variant
Set dcParent = New Scripting.Dictionary
'Don't use currentregion if you have adjacent data
For Each rCell In Sheet2.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Cells
'assume the text is separated by a space
vaSplit = Split(rCell.Value, Space(1))
'If it's already there, set the child to what's there
If dcParent.Exists(vaSplit(0)) Then
Set dcChild = dcParent.Item(vaSplit(0))
Else 'create a new child
Set dcChild = New Scripting.Dictionary
dcParent.Add vaSplit(0), dcChild
End If
'Assumes unique post-space data - text for Exists if that's not the case
dcChild.Add CStr(vaSplit(1)), vaSplit(1)
Next rCell
'Output to prove it works
For Each vParentKey In dcParent.Keys
For Each vChildKey In dcParent.Item(vParentKey).Keys
Debug.Print vParentKey, vChildKey
Next vChildKey
Next vParentKey
End Sub
I am not that familiar with C++ and Python (been a long time) so I can't really speak to the differences with VBA, but I can say that working with Arrays in VBA is not especially complicated.
In my own humble opinion, the best way to work with dynamic arrays in VBA is to Dimension it to a large number, and shrink it when you are done adding elements to it. Indeed, Redim Preserve, where you redimension the array while saving the values, has a HUGE performance cost. You should NEVER use Redim Preserve inside a loop, the execution would be painfully slow
Adapt the following piece of code, given as an example:
Sub CreateArrays()
Dim wS As Worksheet
Set wS = ActiveSheet
Dim Flanged_connections()
ReDim Flanged_connections(WorksheetFunction.CountIf(wS.Columns(1), _
For i = 1 To wS.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Step 1
If UCase(wS.Cells(i, 1).Value) = "FLANGED_CONNECTIONS" Then ' UCASE = Capitalize everything
Flanged_connections(c1) = wS.Cells(i, 2).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub

VBA UBound returns a negative value

I would like to know what I'm doing wrong...
I have a word document open (in word 2010) with three tables in it. I wanted to test basic table extraction in VBA and followed the instructions http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa537149(v=office.11).aspx.
Sub ExtractTableData()
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim tbl As Word.Table
Dim rng As Word.Range
Dim sData As String
Dim aData1() As String
Dim aData2() As String
Dim aDataAll() As String
Dim nrRecs As Long
Dim nrFields As Long
Dim lRecs As Long
Dim lFields As Long
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set tbl = doc.Tables(1)
Set rng = tbl.ConvertToText(Separator:=vbTab, _
' Pick up the delimited text into and put it into a string variable.
sData = rng.Text
' Restore the original table.
' Strip off last paragraph mark.
sData = Mid(sData, 1, Len(sData) - 1)
' Break up each table row into an array element.
aData1() = Split(sData, vbCr)
nrRecs = UBound(aData1())
' The messagebox below is for debugging purposes and tells you
' how many rows are in the table. It is commented out but can
' be used simply by uncommenting it.
'MsgBox "The table contained " & nrRecs + 1 & " rows"
'Process each row to break down the field information
'into another array.
For lRecs = LBound(aData1()) To nrRecs
aData2() = Split(aData1(lRecs), vbTab)
' We need to do this only once!
If lRecs = LBound(aData1()) Then
nrFields = UBound(aData2())
ReDim Preserve aDataAll(nrRecs, nrFields)
End If
' Now bring the row and field information together
' in a single, two-dimensional array.
For lFields = LBound(aData2()) To nrFields
aDataAll(lRecs, lFields) = aData2(j)
End Sub
I'm getting an error at this line: ReDim Preserve aDataAll(nrRecs, nrFields), which is due to "nrFields" being set to a negative value (-1)...
No idea how the upper bound of the array is a negative value... Any help on this would be much appreciated.
I figured it out - I was trying to extract a nested table. I had to cycle through all sub-tables and extract individually. Also, I had to search for and remove ^p before extraction to retain table structure.
After I had figured it out, I noticed that the MS code sample had an error: aData2(j) should actually be aData2(lFields).
Hope this helps some other newbie!
If UBound is -1 and LBound = 0, the array is empty. You can generate an empty array as follows:
Dim EmptyArray() As String
Dim s As String
EmptyArray = Split("")
Debug.Print (UBound(EmptyArray)) ' displays -1
Debug.Print (LBound(EmptyArray)) ' displays 0
In your case I suspect you need to skip the processing if the array is empty:
aData1 = Split(...)
If (UBound(aData1) < LBound(aData1) Then
' UBound is -1 and LBound is 0, array is empty, nothing to do
' Array is non-empty, do your stuff
End If
Although quite bizarre, it is possible for VARIANT SAFEARRAY to have negative lower and upper bound values for any of the dimensions. The array extent is LBound(,dimension) to UBound(,dimension).
What must be true is UBound >= LBound.
To get the array size, use UBound - LBound + 1.
It used to be convention to set the lower bound using an Option Base statement at the top of VBA code although, of course, that didn't affect arrays being returned by 3rd party libraries. Most folk used to use 1 as the lower bound.

WWBasic + SPSS, script to rename value labels

before I start I want to point out that I tagged this question as VBA because I can't actually make a new tag for Winwrap and I've been told that Winwrap is pretty much the same as VBA.
I'm working on SPSS V19.0 and I'm trying to make a code that will help me identify and assign value labels to all values that don't have a label in the specified variable (or all variables).
The pseudo code below is for the version where it's a single variable (perhaps inputted by a text box or maybe sent via a custom dialogue in the SPSS Stats program (call the .sbs file from the syntax giving it the variable name).
Here is the Pseudo Code:
Sub Main(variable As String)
On Error GoTo bye
'Variable Declaration:
Dim i As Integer, intCount As Integer
Dim strValName As String, strVar As String, strCom As String
Dim varLabels As Variant 'This should be an array of all the value labels in the selected record
Dim objSpssApp As 'No idea what to put here, but I want to select the spss main window.
'Original Idea was to use two loops
'The first loop would fill an array with the value lables and use the index as the value and
'The second loop would check to see which values already had labels and then
'Would ask the user for a value label to apply to each value that didn't.
'loop 1
'For i = 0 To -1
'current = GetObject(variable.valuelist(i)) 'would use this to get the value
'Set varLabels(i) = current
'Loop for each number in the Value list.
strValName = InputBox("Please specify the variable.")
'Loop for each number in the Value list.
For i = 0 To varLabels-1
If IsEmpty (varLabels(i)) Then
'Find value and ask for the current value label
strVar = InputBox("Please insert Label for value "; varLabels(i);" :","Insert Value Label")
'Apply the response to the required number
strCom = "ADD VALUE LABELS " & strVar & Chr$(39) & intCount & Chr$(39) & Chr$(39) & strValName & Chr$(39) &" ."
'Then the piece of code to execute the Syntax
objSpssApp.ExecuteCommands(strCom, False)
End If
'intCount = intCount + 1 'increase the count so that it shows the correct number
'it's out of the loop so that even filled value labels are counted
'Perhaps this method would be better?
End Sub
This is in no way functioning code, it's just basically pseudo code for the process that I want to achieve I'm just looking for some help on it, if you could that would be magic.
Many thanks in advance
Winwrap and VBA are almost identical with differences that you can find in this post:
I haven't used winwrap, but I'll try to answer with my knowledge from VBA.
Dim varLabels As Variant
You can make an array out of this by saying for example
dim varLabels() as variant 'Dynamically declared array
dim varLabels(10) as variant 'Statically declared array
dim varLabels(1 to 10) as variant 'Array starting from 1 - which I mostly use
dim varLabels(1 to 10, 1 to 3) 'Multidimensional array
Dim objSpssApp As ?
"In theory", you can leave this as a variant type or even do
Dim objSpssApp
Without further declaration, which is basically the same - and it will work because a variant can be anything and will not generate an error. It is good custom though to declare you objects according to an explicit datatype in because the variant type is expensive in terms of memory. You should actually find out about the objects class name, but I cannot give you this. I guess that you should do something like:
set objSpssApp = new <Spss Window>
set objSpssApp = nothing 'In the end to release the object
'loop 1
For i = 0 To -1
current = GetObject(variable.valuelist(i)) 'would use this to get the value
Set varLabels(i) = current
I don't exactly know why you want to count from 0 to -1 but perhaps it is irrelevant.
To fill an array, you can just do: varLabels(i) = i
The SET statement is used to set objects and you don't need to create an object to create an array. Also note that you did not declare half of the variables used here.
strVar = InputBox("Please insert Label for value "; varLabels(i);" :","Insert Value Label")
Note that the concatenation operator syntax is &.
This appears to be the same in WinWrap:
But you know this, since you use it in your code.
'intCount = intCount + 1 'increase the count so that it shows the correct number
'it's out of the loop so that even filled value labels are counted
'Perhaps this method would be better?
I'm not sure if I understand this question, but in theory all loops are valid in any situation, it depends on your preference. For ... Next, Do ... Loop, While ... Wend, in the end they all do basically the same thing. intCount = intCount + 1 seems valid when using it in a loop.
Using Next (for ... next)
When using a counter, always use Next iCounter because it increments the counter.
I hope this reply may be of some use to you!