SAP BODS error Correlation name '' not found - sap

I am working with SAP Data Services at the moment. I need to load a load procedure from the sql file. And i'm getting this error:
SQL submitted to ODBC data source resulted in error <[Sybase][ODBC Driver][Sybase IQ]Correlation name 't_table' not
found>. The SQL submitted is .
Had someone the same error? I spent 2 days already and can't find any solution!
P.S.: all aliases are OK

Function call wasn't correct. Now it running correct


REGEX isn't working after upgrade of HANA database from version to

We recently upgraded our HANA database from version to After the upgrade all of my SQLs using regular expressions, such as LIKE_REGEXPR, do not work. I am getting the following error message when I run in HANA studio:
Could not execute 'SELECT stuff ...' in 2 ms 710 µs . SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error: [6968] Evaluator: syntax error in expression string.
I've researched on the interweb, but so far have not identified a solution.
I expect regular expressions to work in HANA 2; they worked just fine in HANA 1.
I would really appreciate some feedback on what the issue is and how to correct it. Thank you!
Please post one query which is not working. We faced a similar issue and were able to fix it with the code below.
CAST(A.value AS nvarchar) LIKE_REGEXPR '[a-z]|[A-Z]' FLAG 'sx'

What causes error "Procedure unknown"

So at my company we use a billing system which connects to a Firebird database that we have no back-end access to. I am quite new at this company so my familiarity with the Firebird database is not too great. We keep getting this error :
ERROR: Database Engine Error
Sender Class: TGLPreviewBtn
Exception Class: EIBODBError.
IBO ErrorERRCODE=335544569 SQLCODE=-204
Error Message:
ISC ERROR CODE:335544569
Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -204
Procedure unknown
At line 3, column 60
This has been a recurring thing since I've been hired (I've been here for about 45 days), and we've reported this error to the company which hosts the billing system that we use to access the database. The company keeps saying that it's a network issue on our end, however I cannot see any indication of a connection drop on our end.
I have to reiterate that we have no back-end access to this database so I have no way of going to see what GET_SUB_CONTACTLIST even refers to.
Any help will be appreciated, I am just out of college and this is my first job in a position like this so I will use this as a great learning experience.
This cannot be a network error on your end. The error literally means that Firebird was asked to execute a stored procedure called GET_SUB_CONTACTLIST, and that stored procedure does not exist at that time.
So either someone (or something) is creating and dropping stored procedures on the fly, or part of the application is calling a stored procedure that simply does not exist.
As an aside: error 335544569 (aka isc_dsql_error) covers a broad range of error conditions with 'dynamic' SQL (in other words: most SQL related errors...), unfortunately a lot of client libraries do not communicate the more specific error code 335544581 (or isc_dsql_procedure_err).

Firebird select statement gives SQLSTATE = 42S02

I've made a very simple database and am trying
select * from klant;
I've verified the table exists, and last week was able to see data in it. Today however I keep getting
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42S02
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQL error code = -204
-Table unknown
-At line 1, column 15
The same select query in flameRobin gives the following error:
Error: *** IBPP::SQLException ***
Context: Database::Statistics
Message: isc_database_info failed
SQL Message : -902
can't format message 13:98 -- message file C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\firebird.msg not found
Engine Code : 335544727
Engine Message :
Error writing data to the connection.
I have copied the firebird.msg to the system32 folder so it should be able to find it there.
Any pointers toward the solution would be greatly appreciated. Similar question all seem to point toward issues with transactions, I can't see that being the problem here.
I'm using the included ISQL tool from firebird and start the session by connecting to the database that includes my table. Same for flamerobin, first connect to database, I can see the table that i want to select from but it gives this error.
Finally reinstalled Firebird making sure I gave it admin right, which I think it had before, but wasn't sure about. This seems to have fixed it.

Syntax error on executing a script in Sybase database

I created a Sybase database emp_details using SQL Anywhere and Sybase Central. I had given emp/emp as dba username/password while creating.
The db got created and the files were generated in the given folder.
When I tried running the below script using Ineractive SQL:
use master
if exists (select 1 from master..sysdatabases where name='emp_details')
checkpoint emp_details
It threw the following exception
Could not execute statement.
Syntax error near 'checkpoint' on line 2
SQLCODE=-131, ODBC 3 State="42000"
Line 4, column 1
Haven't been able to figure out what exactly the syntax issue is and have been stuck up with this for a while.
Any ideas?
First of all, you may want to think about posting your SQL Anywhere questions to the forum. It's a forum dedicated to the SQL Anywhere product line.
Is there any possibility that the two periods together might be causing your syntax issue?
Normally you're not going to get an exact area where the error is coming from. See if that helps. Also check out the other forum as well.

SSRS Execution Log updating problem

Hi All,
When i tried to execute RSExecutionLog_Update.dtsx to update my execution log data. it throws me this error. Can anyone help with this issue with me?
The problem is the line: Invalid object name "ExecutionLog"
Could be that the table (or database) hasn't been created, or there's a permissions problem.
You haven't posted any information on the tables you are using or actual step that failed. You will be able to see in the SSIS package exactly which step failed and look for more detail.