custom loss function different than default - tensorflow

I am trying to understand how to build a custom loss function and the first thing I've tried is to reimplement the binary_crossentropy function in keras.
In my code if I do:
model.compile(Adam(lr=learning_rate), loss=losses.binary_crossentropy, metrics=['accuracy'])
the model compiles ok and trains quickly reaching an accuracy of over 95% in the first epoch and a loss of 0.2
When I create a custom loss function that basically replicates losses.binary_crossentropy:
def custom_loss(y_true,y_pred):
return K.mean(K.binary_crossentropy(y_pred, y_true), axis=-1)
and then:
model.compile(Adam(lr=learning_rate), loss=custom_loss, metrics=['accuracy'])
when I fit the loss is quite high (0.65) and accuracy low (0.47). The fitting procedure and data are the same on both cases so it seems that I am not correctly declaring my loss function.
I am using latest versions of keras with tensorflow backend and my model is a simple vgg16 full convolutional model (fcn 32).


How to define combine loss function in keras?

My model arch is
I have two outputs, I want to train a model based on two outputs such as mse, and cross-entropy. At first, I used two keras loss
model1.compile(loss=['mse','sparse_categorical_crossentropy'], metrics = ['mse','accuracy'], optimizer='adam')
it's working fine, the problem is the cross entropy loss is very unstable, sometimes gives accuracy 74% in the next epoch shows 32%. I'm confused why is?
Now if define customer loss.
def my_custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
mse = mean_squared_error(y_true[0], y_pred[0])
crossentropy = binary_crossentropy(y_true[1], y_pred[1])
return mse + crossentropy
But it's not working, it showed a negative loss in total loss.
It is hard to judge the issues depending on the information given. A reason might be a too small batch size or a too high learning rate, making the training unstable. I also wonder, that you use sparse_categorical_crossentropy in the top example and binary_crossentropy in the lower one. How many classes do you actually have?

Implementing custom loss that makes use of training batch data with Keras

I am trying to implement a GAN called the SimGAN proposed by Apple researchers. The SimGAN is used to refine labelled synthetic images so that they look more like the unlabelled real images.
The link to the paper can be found on arXiv here.
In the paper, the loss function of the combined model, which comprises the generator and the discriminator, has a self-regularization component in the form of an L1 loss that penalizes too great a difference between the synthetic images and the images after refinement. In other words, the refinement should not be too drastic.
I would like to know how I can implement this self-regularization loss in Keras. Here is what I tried:
def self_regularization_loss(refined_images, syn_images):
def l1loss(y_true, y_pred):
return keras.metrics.mean_absolute_error(refined_images, syn_images)
return l1loss
However, I do not think I can compile the model in the way below as the batches of refined and synthetic images change during training time.
model.compile(loss=[self_regularization_loss(current_batch_of_refined, current_batch_of_synthetic),
What is the way to implement this loss?
Trying using the tf.function decorator and tf.GradientTape():
def train_step(model, batch):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
refined_images, syn_images = batch
loss = self_regularization_loss(model, refined_images, syn_images)
gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)
self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_variables))
your training loop can look something like:
for image_batch in dataset:
train_step(model, image_batch)
Here it is assumed that model is of type tf.keras.Model. More details to the model class can be found here. Note that model is also passed to self_regularization_loss. In this function your model recieves both images as inputs and then gives you the respective output. Then you calculate your loss.

Different results for Categorical crossentropy as loss and as accuracy metric in keras model training

I am training and optimizing my multi classification CNN with the following compile method of keras.
metrics=['accuracy', 'categorical_crossentropy'])
I used categorical_crossentropy as loss as well as metric to watch. After training the model for 10 epochs, I get the following values.
Evn though I have chosen categorical_crossentropy as loss and a metric, what can be the possible reasons for their values to be different?

How to build a Neural Network in Keras using a custom loss function with datapoint-specific weight?

I want to train a Neural Network for a classification task in Keras using a TensorFlow backend with a custom loss function. In my loss, I want to give different weights to different training examples. I have some datapoints I consider important and some I do not consider as important. I want my loss function to take this into account and punish errors in important examples more than in less important ones.
I have already built my model:
input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(16,))
hidden_layer_1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', activation='relu')(input)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='softmax')(hidden_layer_1)
model = tf.keras.Model(input, output)
model.compile(loss=custom_loss(input), optimizer='adam', run_eagerly=True, metrics = [tf.keras.metrics.Accuracy(), 'acc'])
and the currrent state of my loss function is:
def custom_loss(input):
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
return ...
return loss
I'm struggling with implementing the loss function in the way I explained above, mainly because I don't exactly know what input, y_pred and y_true are (KerasTensors, I know - but what is the content? And is it for one training example only or for the whole batch?). I'd appreciate help with
printing out the values of input, y_true and y_pred
converting the input value to a numpy ndarray ([1,3,7] for example) so I can use the array to look up my weight for this specific training data point
once I have my weigth as a number (0.5 for example), how do I implement the computation of the loss function in Keras? My loss for one training exaple should be 0 if the classification was correct and weight if it was incorrect.

Approximating a smooth multidimensional function using Keras to an error of 1e-4

I am trying to approximate a function that smoothly maps five inputs to a single probability using Keras, but seem to have hit a limit. A similar problem was posed here (Keras Regression to approximate function (goal: loss < 1e-7)) for a ten-dimensional function and I have found that the architecture proposed there, namely:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(128,input_shape=(5,), activation='tanh'))
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mae')
gives me my best results, converging to a best loss of around 7e-4 on my validation data when the batch size is 1000. Adding or removing more neurons or layers seems to reduce the accuracy. Dropout regularisation also reduces accuracy. I am currently using 1e7 training samples, which took two days to generate (hence the desire to approximate this function). I would like to reduce the mae by another order of magnitude, does anyone have any suggestions how to do this?
I recommend use utilize the keras callbacks ReduceLROnPlateau, documentation is [here][1] and ModelCheckpoint, documentation is [here.][2]. For the first, set it to monitory validation loss and it will reduce the learning rate by a factor(factor) if the loss fails to reduce after a fixed number (patience) of consecutive epochs. For the second also monitor validation loss and save the weights for the model with the lowest validation loss to a directory. After training load the weights and use them to evaluate or predict on the test set. My code implementation is shown below.
checkpoint=tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=save_loc, monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True,
save_weights_only=True, mode='auto', save_freq='epoch', options=None)
lr_adjust=tf.keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau( monitor="val_loss", factor=0.5, patience=1, verbose=1, mode="auto",
min_delta=0.00001, cooldown=0, min_lr=0)
callbacks=[checkpoint, lr_adjust]
history = model.fit_generator( train_generator, epochs=EPOCHS,
validation_steps=VALIDATION_STEPS, callbacks=callbacks)
model.load_weights(save_loc) # load the saved weights
# after this use the model to evaluate or predict on the test set.
# if you are satisfied with the results you can then save the entire model with