Docker API - Exec start returns "Page not found" - api

I'm trying to execute a command in a running docker container through the Docker Engine API with cURL. I'm following the instructions in the API doc.First I create an exec instance and as a response I receive the ID of the created exec.
Then I use the this ID when I try to send a request to start this exec, which looks as follows:
$ curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock -H "Content-Type: application/json" -x POST "http:/v1.29/exec/myExecID/start"
But the response from that request is:
{"message":"page not found"}
This is my Docker version:
Version: 17.05.0-ce
API version: 1.29
Go version: go1.7.5
Git commit: 89658be
Built: Thu May 4 22:10:54 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 17.05.0-ce
API version: 1.29 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.7.5
Git commit: 89658be
Built: Thu May 4 22:10:54 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
In the code in the Moby's repository, they call the absolutely same address.
Anyone else faced this problem ever before? I'll be glad if you share your experience.

Maybe it happens because you did not include the request body like this :
-d '{"Detach": false, "Tty": false}'
If you even get an error like below :
{"message":"No such exec instance '<ID>' found in daemon"}
That means you have not created an instance for exec. If so, you need to create a new instance
curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": true, "AttachStderr": true, "DetachKeys": "ctrl-p,ctrl-q", "Tty": false, "Cmd": ["date"], "Env": ["FOO=bar", "BAZ=quux"]}' \
-X POST http:/v1.29/containers/fafe141c1a2b/exec
Output (example) :
After that then you can do exec as shown below :
curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"Detach": false, "Tty": false}' \
-X POST http:/v1.29/exec/70f08c296d460d2fe254ecd0f8e0416777a6b938bb74a325ffc76405d33d3526/start
I've tried that way and it works, hopefully can help!


Github actions temporary variable cant be interpreted

in my Github action I use a temporary variable for a timestamp and want to send this variable in a webhook, but github cant interpret the $var in string. Can someone pls help me?
The code looks like this:
- name: Posting Rocketchat
if: failure()
run: |
TS=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"text":"❌ Test: Leads Testing Desktop 💻","image_url":"$TS-1.png"}'
Use instead
- name: Posting Rocketchat
if: failure()
run: |
echo "TS=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"text":"❌ Test: Leads Testing Desktop 💻","image_url":"${{ env.TS }}-1.png"}'

How do I create a job in Rundeck to test a website login?

I am a beginner with Rundeck, I would like to create a job to test logins in a specific website.
How do I do that?
You can create a job with an inline script step that calls the site API using CURL.
For example, to test against rundeck itself you can use the following script inside a rundeck job:
curl -v -c cookie -b cookie -d j_username=admin -d j_password=admin http://localhost:4440/j_security_check \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
And the job definition, you can copy it and save it as a YAML file, then import it to your project to test.
- defaultTab: nodes
description: ''
executionEnabled: true
id: 2dc15b18-5b2c-4081-be72-17eb3618d68c
loglevel: INFO
name: Login
nodeFilterEditable: false
ExecutionLifecycle: null
scheduleEnabled: true
- fileExtension: .sh
interpreterArgsQuoted: false
script: |-
curl -v -c cookie -b cookie -d j_username=admin -d j_password=admin http://localhost:4440/j_security_check \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
http://localhost:4440/api/38/system/info/ | jq
scriptInterpreter: /bin/bash
keepgoing: false
strategy: node-first
uuid: 2dc15b18-5b2c-4081-be72-17eb3618d68c

GitLab CI variables in job api?

I am using rest API to run manual jobs in GitLab CI. When i start a manual job from UI I am able to define custom variables that i can use during the job. How can i define them when running job through API?
Could not find any documentation on it. Or not even a single question in forums.
This is how i currently run my job
curl -k --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: abc"
I tried adding:
--form variables[TEST]=hello
But this didnt work.
A bit more information on what im doing. So my pipeline has two stages. Build and deploy. On each commit I want build to run once and then i want to be able to deploy this result to multiple different servers. Because the server list is dynamic and there are a lot of them I want to have the IP address of the server as an variable I can give to my deploy job.
Instead of starting a job you can start a pipeline and set the variables from there. Here's an example of how to do this from the GitLab documentation:
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{ "ref": "master", "variables": [ {"key": "VAR1", "value": "hello"}, {"key": "VAR2", "value": "world"} ] }' \
This is the way how I'm using it, didn't find a way to use API tokens for it though.
curl -X POST \
-F token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
-F "ref=some_branch" \
-F "variables[VAR1]=abc" \
-F "variables[VAR2]=cde" \
Where -F "variables[VAR1]=abc" for example is set in .gitlab-ci.yml.
- $VAR1
The idea was to create some manual CI jobs and tell the devs they can run them via API call, but since I can only use the project token here, it's absolutely not secure.
It would be really handy to run it via
curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>"
Passing variables is documented in gitlab-org/gitlab issue 2772, but more about triggering pipeline (not job)
See if that syntax would work, for trigger variables (syntax variables[xxx]=yyy):
# gitlab-ci.yml
- curl --request POST --form "variables[PRE_CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE]=$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE" --form "token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN" --form ref=master
Or simply for regular variables --form key=value:
curl --request POST --form "token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN" --form ref=master
It looks like that as of Jan 25, 2021 this feature not yet supported. There is a feature request I found here:
Update 2022-03:
After you create a trigger token, and create trigger_pipeline step in pipeline, like this
image: alpine:latest
stage: deploy
you can use it to trigger pipelines with a tool that can access the API
curl --request POST \
--form token=TOKEN \
--form ref=main \
--form "variables[MANUAL]=true" \
or a webhook:<ref_name>/trigger/pipeline?token=<token>
for example for manual run.

Create a BitBucket Team repository using the api

I need to create a Team repository usign Bitbucket's API.
To create a user repository I use to do so:
$ curl -k -X POST -u username:passwd "" -d "name=myrep"
How would I do the same but for a team?
This explains how it works with the repositories endpoint of API 2:
$ team=myteam
$ repo=repository
$ curl -X POST -v -u username:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" \${team}/${repo} \
-d '{"scm": "git", "is_private": "true", "fork_policy": "no_public_forks" }'
The difference from API 1 regarding how the data (-d) is handled is that API2 uses JSON format.

React Native Sentry Source maps not working

I have tried to get source maps working with react native and sentry but I keep getting this type of output with no meaningful line numbers:
[native code]
I did the following to create and upload the source maps for my release:
1. Create map/bundle artifacts
curl -o
curl -o index.ios.bundle
2. Edit last link in index.ios.bundle to point to map
WAS: `//# sourceMappingURL=/`
NOW: `//#`
3. Create Release on Sentry
curl -u "username": -X POST -d '{"version": "version_num"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
4. POST artifacts to Sentry release
curl -u "username": -X POST -F file=#index.ios.bundle
curl -u "username": -X POST -F
Have I missed something? Been playing around with this for some time and can't get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks