How to bind input field and update vuex state at same time - vue.js

Im coming from a React background and it's simply enough to set your state from a prop and you could call setState({...}) to update the state, so, with vue / vuex, I find it difficult.
To simplify:
Vuex State
name: "Foo bar"
Vuex Action
I can change the state no problem but I need to bind an input field and when change, the state is updated. Think of this as an update form where the user details are already pre-filled and they can change their name.
<input #change="addName(newName) v-model="newName" />
I could add a watch to watch for newName and update the state but, I need to pre-fill the input with the state. Ha! I could use beforeMount() but my state is not loaded as yet.
computed: {
beforeMount() {
// this.newName =
console.log('Mounted') // Shows in console
console.log( // nothing
Name shows in templete <pre>{{ name }}</pre>

Yo can use a computed setter
get: function(){
set: function(newName){
enter code here
And set the v-model to the computed property name in your <input> tag :
<input v-model="name" />
Here is the working jsfiddle


vuex: do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation

I have the following scenario:
Component Textfield:
I get the current value via:
data() {
return {
form: {
profile: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.$store.getters["user/Profile"])),
I have a submit button that calls this method:
updateUserProfile() {
this.$store.dispatch("user/updateProfile", this.form.profile);
Everything works perfect. On my store dispatch I make the API call and update the store via my mutation:
context.commit('UPDATE_PROFILE', profile);
No errors until this step.
But if I change the form input again - after I pressed the submit button, I get:
vuex: do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation
But I don't want to change the vuex store just when I change the value on my form input.
It should only be updated if someone hits the submit button.
v-model provides 2-way data binding. Changing anything in the view will automatically attempt to update the model directly, rather than through a mutation. Thankfully, Vue allows get and set on computed properties to help us past that.
What you should do on your textfield component is add a computed property with get and set methods. It will look something like this:
computed: {
userProfile: {
get() {
set() {
// only commit the changes to the form, do not submit the action that calls the API here.
this.$store.commit("user/updateProfile", this.form.profile)
Your v-model attribute should then be set to this newly created property, and any 'set' operations (read: a user changing the input value) will call the action as opposed to attempting to set the value in the Store directly.
Here is a live example: CodePen
I solved it this way:
form: {
profile: _.cloneDeep(this.$store.getters['user/Profile'])
and added a watch handler:
form: {
handler: _.debounce(function (form) {
console.log("watch fired");
}, 500), deep: true
so if the user changes the value, nothing happens (except my console.log action).
if he presses the submit button, the store dispatch action will be fired.

Reseting a config option on vue-flatpickr programatically

I have a vue date component that is composed of a vue-flatpickr-component. When I pass config options in as props, of course, they work as expected, however, if want to change one of the config options which should be possible, it won't propagate down. I'm not a Vue guru, any advice would be helpful.
I'm using a page component in a Laravel app, it shouldn't be relevant, however, just in case someone answers with vuex or vue-router, those won't work here.
Here are the form elements in play from page.vue:
<div class="w-1/2">
label="Appointment date"
enable: this.appointmentDates,
<pre>{{ this.appointmentDates }}</pre>
Here is the computed property driving the config change:
computed: {
if(this.form.specialist !== null){
return this.availableDates[this.form.specialist - 1]
return []
When a different home visit specialist is chosen, it will update with Vue's reactivity.
I have a computed property changing the config options. Here are the props data and the relevant computed property from the MaterialDate.vue file:
import flatPickr from 'vue-flatpickr-component';
import 'flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.css';
export default {
components: {
props: {
value: String,
label: String,
validationError: String,
name: {required:true},
optional: {
default: false
externalOptions: {}
data() {
return {
defaults: {disableMobile: true,},
options: this.externalOptions
computed: {
return Object.assign({}, this.defaults, this.options)
This will of course never update the enabled dates option because the prop is immutable, I need to get access to the set(option, value) section of the wrapped by vue-flatpickr-component. However, my Vue kungfu is not really strong enough to source dive it to see how I might access it and programatically call set('enabled', [new dates]).
Sometimes, you shouldn't code when you are tired :) But Hopefully this will help someone at some point. I was over thinking this. Data is passed down through props, and if controlling data changes it has to be reflected in the propagated data. Much like v-model with it's value prop.
So instead of binding the config object on this.options which doesn't stay hooked to it's prop value that it was initialized from, the computed function should be calculated from the prop which will change based on the new passed in options prop.
so simply change the computed function to:
computed: {
return Object.assign({}, this.defaults, this. externalOptions)
and remove the data element.
... Elementary
Sorry for the cheese it's late and I feel relieved.

How to reset form elements with VueJS and Vuex

I have a "Question and Answer" component written in VueJs, with a Vuex store. Each answer is a <textarea> element, such as the following:
<textarea class="form-control" rows="1" data-answer="1" :value="answer(1)" #change="storeChange"></textarea>
As you can see the value of the control is set by calling an answer() method and passing the question number as a parameter.
When the answer is changed the storeChange method is called and the changes are cached in a temporary object (this.changes) per the following code:
props : [
methods : {
answer(number) {
if (this.questionnaire.question_responses &&
(number in this.questionnaire.question_responses)) {
return this.questionnaire.question_responses[number];
return null;
storeChange(e) {
save() {
// removed for clarity
reset() {
// what to do here?
If the user clicks the save button I dispatch an action to update the store.
If the user wants to reset the form to its original state, I need to clear this.changes, which is no problem, but I also need to 'refresh' the values from the store. How do I do this?
Note that the source of the initial state, questionnaire, comes via a prop, not a computed property that maps directly to the store. The reason for this is that there can be multiple "Question and Answer" components on one page, and I found it easier to pass the state this way.
we can by using refs reset form , example
form textarea
<form ref="textareaform">
<button #click="reset">reset</button>
reset() {
// ref='textareaform'
// reset() method resets the values of all elements in a form
// document.getElementById("form").reset();

vuejs pass model from parent component to children component and allow mutation

Currently I have a vue-multiselect component which requires a v-model.
I want to wrap this component so that I can build one single-select component and one multi-select component.
While working on the single select component I encountered the following warning
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "model"
They are right but in my case I really need to change the value from the parent (like I replace my single-select code with the vue-multiselect code) component and I also do not want this warning.
Here is the code for my component:
Vue.component('single-select', {
props: {
model: {
required: true
template: '<multiselect\n' +
' v-model="model"\n' +
...>\n' +
One solution would be to pass a function as a model parameter and return the field from the parent but I really hope for a better solution.
Vue has a shortcut for 2 way binding called .sync modifier.
How it works in your case:
add .sync when you pass model as prop
<single-select :model.sync="..."></single-select>
emit an update:model in the child's input event
Vue.component('single-select', {
props: {
model: {
required: true
template: `<multiselect :value="model" #input="$emit('update:model', $event)"> </multiselect>`
Just give the internal model reference a different name, and the in the Vue component's data function map it manually:
Vue.component('single-select', {
props: {
model: {
required: true
data: function() {
return {
singleSelectModel: this.model
template: '<multiselect v-model="singleSelectModel"></multiselect>';
This is of course, assuming that you do not want to mutate the parent data, but simply making a copy of model and giving the child component the freedom to change it whenever it wants.
If what you want is to also update the parent data from the child, you will have to look into emitting events from the child and listening in the parent.

how to get the updated value when saving in vue

In my component I get some props from state like this:
computed: mapGetters({
id: 'downloadId',
pageLimit: 'pageLimit',
pageMaxSize: 'pageMaxSize',
cleaningInterval: 'cleaningInterval'
and I bind the property:
<input type="number" v-model.number="pageLimit" id="pageMaxSize" />
Save method:
methods: {
onSave () {
alert('Your data: ' + JSON.stringify(this.pageLimit))
When a value is entered into the input field and the save button is clicked, this.pageLimit remains the initial value
how do I get the updated value?
There is two issues with your code:
v-model should be used with data only and not with computed. a computed property value in Vue.js can not be changed unless the value or one of the values it depends on has changed.
You can not update the state directly. This is one of vuex rules. To update it you have to use a vuex mutation for that.
So the solution is:
Create a data property called tempPageLimit and bind it to the input using v-model.
In the store, Create a mutation that update the pageLimit with the value of the tempPageLimit and map it to your component using mapMutations.
Execute this mutation inside the onSave method.
look here if you want to read about vuex mutations.