How does Tensorflow Batch Normalization work? - tensorflow

I'm using tensorflow batch normalization in my deep neural network successfully. I'm doing it the following way:
if apply_bn:
with tf.variable_scope('bn'):
beta = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.0, shape=[out_size]), name='beta', trainable=True)
gamma = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1.0, shape=[out_size]), name='gamma', trainable=True)
batch_mean, batch_var = tf.nn.moments(z, [0], name='moments')
ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.5)
def mean_var_with_update():
ema_apply_op = ema.apply([batch_mean, batch_var])
with tf.control_dependencies([ema_apply_op]):
return tf.identity(batch_mean), tf.identity(batch_var)
mean, var = tf.cond(self.phase_train,
lambda: (ema.average(batch_mean), ema.average(batch_var)))
z = tf.nn.batch_normalization(z, mean, var, beta, gamma, 1e-3)
self.z.append(z), var, beta, gamma))
And it works fine both for training and testing phases.
However I encounter problems when I try to use the computed neural network parameters in my another project, where I need to compute all the matrix multiplications and stuff by myself. The problem is that I can't reproduce the behavior of the tf.nn.batch_normalization function:
feed_dict = {
self.tf_x: np.array([range(self.x_cnt)]) / 100,
self.keep_prob: 1,
self.phase_train: False
for i in range(len(self.z)):
# print 0 layer's 1 value of arrays
self.z_prebn[i][0][1], # before bn[i][0][1], # mean[i][1][1], # var[i][2][1], # offset[i][3][1], # scale
self.z[i][0][1], # after bn
], feed_dict=feed_dict))
# prints
# [-0.077417567, -0.089603029, 0.000436493, -0.016652612, 1.0055743, 0.30664611]
According to the formula on the page
bn = scale * (x - mean) / (sqrt(var) + 1e-3) + offset
But as we can see,
1.0055743 * (-0.077417567 - -0.089603029)/(0.000436493^0.5 + 1e-3) + -0.016652612
= 0.543057
Which differs from the value 0.30664611, computed by Tensorflow itself.
So what am I doing wrong here and why I can't just calculate batch normalized value myself?
Thanks in advance!

The formula used is slightly different from:
bn = scale * (x - mean) / (sqrt(var) + 1e-3) + offset
It should be:
bn = scale * (x - mean) / (sqrt(var + 1e-3)) + offset
The variance_epsilon variable is supposed to scale with the variance, not with sigma, which is the square-root of variance.
After the correction, the formula yields the correct value:
1.0055743 * (-0.077417567 - -0.089603029)/((0.000436493 + 1e-3)**0.5) + -0.016652612
# 0.30664642276945747


Convert Tensorflow 1.x code with custom loss into 2.x

Suppose I have the following code written in Tensorflow 1.x where I define custom loss function. I wish to remove .compat.v1., Session, placeholder etc. and convert it into Tensorflow 2.x.
How to do so?
import DGM
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as spstats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm.notebook import trange
# Option parameters
phi = 10
n = 0.01
T = 4
# Solution parameters (domain on which to solve PDE)
t_low = 0.0 - 1e-10
x_low = 0.0 + 1e-10
x_high = 1.0
# neural network parameters
num_layers = 3
nodes_per_layer = 50
# Training parameters
sampling_stages = 2500 # number of times to resample new time-space domain points
steps_per_sample = 20 # number of SGD steps to take before re-sampling
# Sampling parameters
nsim_interior = 100
nsim_boundary_1 = 50
nsim_boundary_2 = 50
nsim_initial = 50
x_multiplier = 1.1 # multiplier for oversampling i.e. draw x from [x_low, x_high * x_multiplier]
def sampler(nsim_interior, nsim_boundary_1, nsim_boundary_2, nsim_initial):
''' Sample time-space points from the function's domain; points are sampled
uniformly on the interior of the domain, at the initial/terminal time points
and along the spatial boundary at different time points.
nsim_interior: number of space points in the interior of U
nsim_boundary_1: number of space points in the boundary of U
nsim_boundary_2: number of space points in the boundary of U_x
nsim_initial: number of space points at the initial time
# Sampler #1: domain interior
t_interior = np.random.uniform(low=t_low, high=T, size=[nsim_interior, 1])
x_interior = np.random.uniform(low=x_low, high=x_high*x_multiplier, size=[nsim_interior, 1])
# Sampler #2: spatial boundary 1
t_boundary_1 = np.random.uniform(low=t_low, high=T, size=[nsim_boundary_1, 1])
x_boundary_1 = np.ones((nsim_boundary_1, 1))
# Sampler #3: spatial boundary 2
t_boundary_2 = np.random.uniform(low=t_low, high=T, size=[nsim_boundary_2, 1])
x_boundary_2 = np.zeros((nsim_boundary_2, 1))
# Sampler #4: initial condition
t_initial = np.zeros((nsim_initial, 1))
x_initial = np.random.uniform(low=x_low, high=x_high*x_multiplier, size=[nsim_initial, 1])
return (
t_interior, x_interior,
t_boundary_1, x_boundary_1,
t_boundary_2, x_boundary_2,
t_initial, x_initial
def loss(
t_interior, x_interior,
t_boundary_1, x_boundary_1,
t_boundary_2, x_boundary_2,
t_initial, x_initial
''' Compute total loss for training.
model: DGM model object
t_interior, x_interior: sampled time / space points in the interior of U
t_boundary_1, x_boundary_1: sampled time / space points in the boundary of U
t_boundary_2, x_boundary_2: sampled time / space points in the boundary of U_x
t_initial, x_initial: sampled time / space points at the initial time
# Loss term #1: PDE
# compute function value and derivatives at current sampled points
u = model(t_interior, x_interior)
u_t = tf.gradients(ys=u, xs=t_interior)[0]
u_x = tf.gradients(ys=u, xs=x_interior)[0]
u_xx = tf.gradients(ys=u_x, xs=x_interior)[0]
diff_u = u_t - u_xx + phi**2 * (tf.nn.relu(u) + 1e-10)**n
# compute average L2-norm for the PDE
L1 = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=tf.square(diff_u))
# Loss term #2: First b. c.
u = model(t_boundary_1, x_boundary_1)
bc1_error = u - 1
# Loss term #3: Second b. c.
u = model(t_boundary_2, x_boundary_2)
u_x = tf.gradients(ys=u, xs=x_boundary_2)[0]
bc2_error = u_x - 0
# Loss term #3: Initial condition
u = model(t_initial, x_initial)
init_error = u - 1
# compute average L2-norm for the initial/boundary conditions
L2 = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=tf.square(bc1_error + bc2_error + init_error))
return L1, L2
# initialize DGM model (last input: space dimension = 1)
model = DGM.DGMNet(nodes_per_layer, num_layers, 1)
# tensor placeholders (_tnsr suffix indicates tensors)
# inputs (time, space domain interior, space domain at initial time)
t_interior_tnsr = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
x_interior_tnsr = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
t_boundary_1_tnsr = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
x_boundary_1_tnsr = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
t_boundary_2_tnsr = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
x_boundary_2_tnsr = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
t_initial_tnsr = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
x_initial_tnsr = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
# loss
L1_tnsr, L2_tnsr = loss(
t_interior_tnsr, x_interior_tnsr,
t_boundary_1_tnsr, x_boundary_1_tnsr,
t_boundary_2_tnsr, x_boundary_2_tnsr,
t_initial_tnsr, x_initial_tnsr
loss_tnsr = L1_tnsr + L2_tnsr
# set optimizer
starting_learning_rate = 3e-4
global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
lr = tf.compat.v1.train.exponential_decay(
optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize(loss_tnsr)
# initialize variables
init_op = tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer()
# open session
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session()
print("Loading from checkpoint.")
print("Checkpoint not found.")
# for each sampling stage
for i in trange(sampling_stages):
# sample uniformly from the required regions
t_interior, x_interior, \
t_boundary_1, x_boundary_1, \
t_boundary_2, x_boundary_2, \
t_initial, x_initial = sampler(
nsim_interior, nsim_boundary_1, nsim_boundary_2, nsim_initial
# for a given sample, take the required number of SGD steps
for _ in range(steps_per_sample):
loss, L1, L2, _ =
[loss_tnsr, L1_tnsr, L2_tnsr, optimizer],
feed_dict = {
t_interior_tnsr: t_interior,
x_interior_tnsr: x_interior,
t_boundary_1_tnsr: t_boundary_1,
x_boundary_1_tnsr: x_boundary_1,
t_boundary_2_tnsr: t_boundary_2,
x_boundary_2_tnsr: x_boundary_2,
t_initial_tnsr: t_initial,
x_initial_tnsr: x_initial,
if i % 10 == 0:
print(f"Loss: {loss:.5f},\t L1: {L1:.5f},\t L2: {L2:.5f},\t iteration: {i}")
I tried searching how to implement custom loss functions with model as an argument, but couldn't implement it.
For model.compile there is a loss argument for which you can pass the Loss function. May be a string (name of loss function), or a tf.keras.losses.Loss instance. For example
If you have created your custom loss function you can also pass that loss function to the loss argument by providing the name of that loss function. For example
def my_loss_fn(y_true, y_pred):
squared_difference = tf.square(y_true - y_pred)
return tf.reduce_mean(squared_difference, axis=-1)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=my_loss_fn)
Thank You.

GradientTape for variable weighted sum of two Sequential models in TensorFlow

Suppose we want to minimize the following equation using gradient descent:
min f(alpha * v + (1-alpha)*w) with v and w the model weights and alpha the weight, between 0 and 1, for the sum resulting in the combined model v_bar or ū (here referred to as m).
alpha = tf.Variable(0.01, name='Alpha', constraint=lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t, 0, 1))
w_weights = tff.learning.ModelWeights.from_model(w)
v_weights = tff.learning.ModelWeights.from_model(v)
m_weights = tff.learning.ModelWeights.from_model(m)
m_weights_trainable = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda v, w: alpha*v + (tf.constant(1.0) - alpha)*w, v_weights.trainable, w_weights.trainable)
tf.nest.map_structure(lambda v, t: v.assign(t), m_weights.trainable, m_weights_trainable)
In the paper of Adaptive Personalized Federated Learning, formula with update step for alpha suggests updating alpha based on the gradients of model m applied on a minibatch. I tried it with the watch or without, but it always leads to No gradients provided for any variable
with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape:[alpha])
outputs_m = m.forward_pass(batch)
grad = tape.gradient(outputs_m.loss, alpha)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip([grad], [alpha]))
Some more information about the initialization of the models:
The m.forward_pass(batch) is the default implementation from tff.learning.Model (found here) by creating a model with tff.learning.from_keras_model and a tf.keras.Sequential model.
def model_fn():
keras_model = create_keras_model()
return tff.learning.from_keras_model(
input_spec = element_spec,
loss = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(),
metrics = [tf.keras.metrics.MeanSquaredError(),
w = model_fn()
v = model_fn()
m = model_fn()
Some more experimenting as suggested below by Zachary Garrett:
It seems that whenever this weighted sum is calculated, and the new weights for the model are assigned, then it loses track of the previous trainable variables of both summed models. Again, it leads to the No gradients provided for any variable whenever optimizer.apply_gradients(zip([grad], [alpha])) is called. All gradients seem to be None.
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
alpha = tf.Variable(0.01, name='Alpha', constraint=lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t, 0, 1))
m_weights_t = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda w, v: tf.math.scalar_mul(alpha, v, name=None) + tf.math.scalar_mul(tf.constant(1.0) - alpha, w, name=None),
m_weights = tff.learning.ModelWeights.from_model(m)
tf.nest.map_structure(lambda v, t: v.assign(t), m_weights.trainable,
outputs_m = m.forward_pass(batch)
grad = tape.gradient(outputs_m.loss, alpha)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip([grad], [alpha]))
Another edit:
I think I have a strategy to get it working, but it is bad practice as manually setting trainable_weights or _trainable_weights does not work. Any tips on improving this?
def do_weighted_combination():
def _mapper(target_layer, v_layer, w_layer):
target_layer.kernel = v_layer.kernel * alpha + w_layer.kernel * (1-alpha)
target_layer.bias = v_layer.bias * alpha + w_layer.bias * (1-alpha)
tf.nest.map_structure(_mapper, m.layers, v.layers, w.layers)
with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
predictions = m(x_data)
loss = m.compiled_loss(y_data, predictions)
g1 = tape.gradient(loss, v.trainable_weights) # Not None
g2 = tape.gradient(loss, alpha) # Not None
For TensorFlow auto-differentiation using tf.GradientTape, operations must occur within the tf.GradientTape Python context manager so that TensorFlow can "see" them.
Possibly what is happening here is that alpha is used outside/before the tape context, when setting the model variables. Then when m.forwad_pass is called TensorFlow doesn't see any access to alpha and thus can't compute a gradient for it (instead returning None).
Moving the
alpha*v + (tf.constant(1.0) - alpha)*w, v_weights.trainable, w_weights.trainable
logic inside the tf.GradientTape context manager (possibly inside m.forward_pass) may be a solution.

setting bias for multiclass classification python tensorflow keras

Attached model shows how to add bias in case of the unbalanced classification problem initial_bias = np.log([pos/neg]). Is there a way to add bias if you have multi-class classification with unbalanced data, Say 5 classes where classes are have distribution (0.4,0.3, and 0.02)
2) also how to calculate and use class weights in such case?
update 1
I found a way to apply weights, still not sure how to use bias
#####adding weights 20 Feb
weight_for_0 = ( 1/ 370)*(370+ 977+ 795)/3
weight_for_1 = ( 1/ 977)*(370+ 977+ 795)/3
weight_for_2 = (1 / 795)*(370+ 977+ 795)/3
#array([0, 1, 2]), array([370, 977, 795])
class_weights_dict = {0: weight_for_0, 1: weight_for_1, 2:weight_for_2}
callbacks=[MyCustomCallback()],verbose=2,validation_data=test_dataset, class_weight=class_weights_dict)
Considering that you're using 'softmax':
softmax = exp(neurons) / sum(exp(neurons))
And that you want the results of the classes to be:
frequency = [0.4 , 0.3 , 0.2 , 0.08 , 0.02]
Biases should be given by the equation (elementwise):
frequency = exp(biases) / sum(exp(biases))
This forms a system of equations:
f1 = e^b1 / (e^b1 + e^b2 + ... + e^b5)
f2 = e^b2 / (e^b1 + e^b2 + ... + e^b5)
f5 = e^b5 / (e^b1 + e^b2 + ... + e^b5)
If you can solve this system of equations, you get the biases you want.
I used excel and test-error method to determine that for the frequencies you wanted, your biases should be respectively:
[1.1 , 0.81 , 0.4 , -0.51 , -1.9]
I don't really know how to solve that system easily, but you can keep experimenting with excel or another thing until you reach the solution.
Adding the biases to the layer - method 1.
Use a name when defining the layer, like:
self.last_dense = layers.Dense(units=3, activation="softmax", name='last_layer')
You may need to build the model first, so:
dummy_predictions = model.predict(np.zeros((1,) + input_shape))
Then you get the weights:
weights_and_biases = model.get_layer('last_layer').get_weights()
w, b = weights_and_biases
new_biases = np.array([-0.45752, 0.51344, 0.30730])
model.get_layer('last_layer').set_weights([w, new_biases])
Method 2
def bias_init(bias_shape):
return K.variable([-0.45752, 0.51344, 0.30730])
self.last_dense = layers.Dense(units=3, activation="softmax", bias_initializer=bias_init)
Just in addition to #Daniel Möller's answer, to solve the system of equations
f1 = e^b1 / (e^b1 + e^b2 + ... + e^b5)
f5 = e^b5 / (e^b1 + e^b2 + ... + e^b5)
You don't need excel or anything. Just compute bi = ln(fi).
To calculate fi = e^bi / (sum of e^bj), note that fi/fj = e^(bi-bj). Suppose the lowest frequency is fk. You can set bk= 0 and then compute every other class bias with bi = bj + ln(fi/fj).
A complete answer is here:
### To solve that set of nonlinear equations, use scipy fsolve
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from math import exp
# define the frequency of different classes
f=(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.08, 0.02)
# define the equation
def eqn(x, frequency):
sum_exp = sum([exp(x_i) for x_i in x])
return [exp(x[i])/sum_exp - frequency[i] for i in range(len(frequency))]
# calculate bias init
bias_init = fsolve(func=eqn,
To put all things together
def init_imbalanced_class_weight_bias(df:pd.DataFrame, lable:str):
"""To handle imbalanced classification, provide initial bias list and class weight dictionary to 2 places in a tf classifier
1) In the last layer of classifier: tf.keras.layers.Dense(..., bias_initializer = bias_init)
2), #x=dict(X_train), y=y_train,
validation_data= valid_ds, #(dict(X_test), y_test),
class_weight:dict, e.g. {0: 1.6282051282051282, 1: 0.7604790419161677, 2: 0.9338235294117647}
bias_init:list e.g. [0.3222079660508266, 0.1168690393701237, -0.43907701967633633]
class_weight, bias_init = init_imbalanced_class_weight_bias(df=train_df, lable=label)
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from math import exp
# to deal with imbalance classification, calculate class_weight
d = dict(df[label].value_counts())
m = np.mean(list(d.values()))
class_weight = {k:m/v for (k,v) in d.items()} #e.g. {0: 1.6282051282051282, 1: 0.7604790419161677, 2: 0.9338235294117647}
# define classes frequency list
frequency = list(list(d.values())/sum(d.values()))
# define equations to solve initial bias
def eqn(x, frequency=frequency):
sum_exp = sum([exp(x_i) for x_i in x])
return [exp(x[i])/sum_exp - frequency[i] for i in range(len(frequency))]
# calculate init bias
bias_init = fsolve(func=eqn,
return class_weight, bias_init
class_weight, bias_init = init_imbalanced_class_weight_bias(df=train_df, lable=label)
I will post a colab notebook if anyone interested.
In case your tf classifier complains about ValueError: ('Could not interpret initializer identifier:', then add the tf.keras.initializers.Constant() around bias_init:
def init_imbalanced_class_weight_bias(...)
return class_weight, tf.keras.initializers.Constant(bias_init)

How do I discover the values for variables of an equation with keras/tensorflow?

I have an equation that describes a curve in two dimensions. This equation has 5 variables. How do I discover the values of them with keras/tensorflow for a set of data? Is it possible? Someone know a tutorial of something similar?
I generated some data to train the network that has the format:
sample => [150, 66, 2] 150 sets with 66*2 with the data something like "time" x "acceleration"
targets => [150, 5] 150 sets with 5 variable numbers.
Obs: I know the range of the variables. I know too, that 150 sets of data are too few sample, but I need, after the code work, to train a new network with experimental data, and this is limited too. Visually, the curve is simple, it has a descendent linear part at the beggining and at the end it gets down "like an exponential".
My code is as follows:
def build_model():
model = models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Dense(512, activation='relu', input_shape=(66*2,)))
model.add(layers.Dense(5, activation='softmax'))
return model
def smooth_curve(points, factor=0.9):
return smoothed_points
#load the generated data
train_data = np.load('samples00.npy')
test_data = np.load('samples00.npy')
train_targets = np.load('labels00.npy')
test_targets = np.load('labels00.npy')
#normalizing the data
mean = train_data.mean()
train_data -= mean
std = train_data.std()
train_data /= std
test_data -= mean
test_data /= std
#k-fold validation:
k = 3
num_val_samples = len(train_data)//k
num_epochs = 100
all_mae_histories = []
for i in range(k):
val_data = train_data[i * num_val_samples: (i + 1) * num_val_samples]
val_targets = train_targets[i * num_val_samples: (i + 1) * num_val_samples]
partial_train_data = np.concatenate(
[train_data[:i * num_val_samples],
train_data[(i + 1) * num_val_samples:]],
partial_train_targets = np.concatenate(
[train_targets[:i * num_val_samples],
train_targets[(i + 1) * num_val_samples:]],
model = build_model()
#reshape the data to get the format (100, 66*2)
partial_train_data = partial_train_data.reshape(100, 66 * 2)
val_data = val_data.reshape(50, 66 * 2)
history =,
validation_data = (val_data, val_targets),
epochs = num_epochs,
batch_size = 1,
verbose = 1)
mae_history = history.history['val_mean_absolute_error']
average_mae_history = [
np.mean([x[i] for x in all_mae_histories]) for i in range(num_epochs)]
smooth_mae_history = smooth_curve(average_mae_history[10:])
plt.plot(range(1, len(smooth_mae_history) + 1), smooth_mae_history)
plt.ylabel('Validation MAE')
Obviously as it is, I need to get the best accuracy possible, but I am getting an "median absolute error(MAE)" like 96%, and this is inaceptable.
I see some basic bugs in this methodology. Your final layer of the network has a softmax layer. This would mean it would output 5 values, which sum to 1, and behave as a probability distribution. What you actually want to predict is true numbers, or rather floating point values (under some fixed precision arithmetic).
If you have a range, then probably using a sigmoid and rescaling the final layer would to match the range (just multiply with the max value) would help you. By default sigmoid would ensure you get 5 numbers between 0 and 1.
The other thing should be to remove the cross entropy loss and use a loss like RMS, so that you predict your numbers well. You could also used 1D convolutions instead of using Fully connected layers.
There has been some work here: which tries to solve DEs and might be relevant to your work.

Custom loss for coordinate/landmark prediction

I am currently trying to get a landmark predictor running and thought about the loss function.
Currently the last (dense) layer has 32 values with the 16 coordinates encoded as x1,y1,x2,y2,...
Up until now I was just fiddling with Mean Squared Error or Mean Absolute Error losses but thought the distance between the ground truth and the predicted coordinate would be far more expressive of the correctness of the values.
My current implementation looks like:
def dst_objective(y_true, y_pred):
vats = dict()
for i in range(0, 16):
true_px = y_true[:, i * 2:i * 2 + 1]
pred_px = y_pred[:, i * 2:i * 2 + 1]
true_py = y_true[:, i * 2 + 1:i * 2 + 2]
pred_py = y_pred[:, i * 2 + 1:i * 2 + 2]
vats[i] = K.sqrt(K.square(true_px - pred_px) + K.square(true_py - pred_py))
out = K.concatenate([
vats[0], vats[1], vats[2], vats[3], vats[4], vats[5], vats[6], vats[7],
vats[8], vats[9], vats[10], vats[11], vats[12], vats[13], vats[14],
return K.mean(out,axis=0)
It does seem to work when I evaluate it but it does look "hacky" to me. Any suggestions how I could improve on this?
The same calculation expressed as tensor operations in Keras, without separating the X and Y coordinates, because that's basically unnecessary:
# get all the squared difference in coordinates
sq_distances = K.square( y_true - y_pred )
# then take the sum of each pair
sum_pool = 2 * K.AveragePooling1D( sq_distances,
pool_size = 2,
strides = 2,
padding = "valid" )
# take the square root to get the distance
dists = K.sqrt( sum_pool )
# take the mean of the distances
mean_dist = K.mean( dists )