Using CacheCow to Cache Based On Parameter -

I have a webapi endpoint that looks like the following in my Controller:
public IHttpActionResult GetPerson(
string term = null,
string workspace = null)
logger.Info("AvPerson start: " + DateTime.Now);
if (term == null)
return BadRequest();
ICoreAVData api = MvcApplication.Container.Resolve<ICoreAVData>();
List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();
persons.AddRange(api.GetAllPersonsForTerm(term, workspace));
if (persons == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(persons);
catch (Exception)
return InternalServerError();
The term parameter can vary constantly but the workspace parameter displays what is relevant to the user. The user will not leave his own workspace, so that parameter will be constant from a user perspective.
I wonder if it is possible to have CacheCow cache based on the workspace parameter. ie. If workpace1 then cache it, if workspace2 then cache that separately.
I recognize that I will have to have add some kind of logic to invalidate that workspace specific cache. I'm not asking about that, because I believe I know how I might do that. I want to know if I can have a separate cache entry per workspace parameter.
Here is my routing setup for this controller:
name: "avperson",
routeTemplate: "api/v1/avperson/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "avperson", id = RouteParameter.Optional }
Any ideas?

So the solution is to change the routing.
name: "avperson",
routeTemplate: "api/v1/{workspace}/avperson/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "avperson", workspace = "all", id = RouteParameter.Optional }
Doing this will create a separate cached entry for each workspace which can then be validated or invalidated according to need.


mvc api does not reach Controller get method

I have a simple api written in MVC 4,when i run it write the address,it does not reach the controller:
here is my controller:
public IEnumerable<tenMinsStatcs> Get()
string id="";
string dttimeFrom="05082019";
string dttimeTo="08082019";
string format = "ddMMyyyy";
DateTime fromdate = DateTime.ParseExact(dttimeFrom, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
DateTime todate = DateTime.ParseExact(dttimeTo, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
TestClasscs ts = new TestClasscs();
ts.m_turbine_id = IPAddress.Parse("");
ts.m_time_stamp = Convert.ToDateTime("2019-08-07 5:20:30");
ts.m_wind_speed = 5;
ts.norm_wind_max = 3;
ts.norm_wind_min = 2;
ts.norm_wind_speed = 3;
ts.norm_wind_speed_without_ntf = 1;
List<TestClasscs> myTur = new List<TestClasscs>();
// mm.m_time_stamp = Convert.ToDateTime("2019-08-07");
//// mm.m_turbine_id = "";
// tst.Add(mm);
IPAddress turip = IPAddress.Parse(id);
// var rslt = _context.tenmins.Where(s => s.m_turbine_id ==turip && s.m_time_stamp >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)).Take(2).ToList();
var rslt = (from m in _context.stat10
where m.m_turbine_id == turip && m.m_time_stamp >= fromdate && m.m_time_stamp <= todate
select new tenMinsStatcs
m_time_stamp = m.m_time_stamp,
// m_turbine_id = m.m_turbine_id.ToString(),
m_wind_speed = m.m_wind_speed
return rslt;
here is my webApiConfig:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
// Uncomment the following line of code to enable query support for actions with an IQueryable or IQueryable<T> return type.
// To avoid processing unexpected or malicious queries, use the validation settings on QueryableAttribute to validate incoming queries.
// For more information, visit
// To disable tracing in your application, please comment out or remove the following line of code
// For more information, refer to:
any idea where im doing wrong?
when I run my code, after localhost i write api/Values ,considering this it should reach the controller right?
You need to change configuration in RouteConfig.cs file in which routes patterns as defined and ASP.Net MVC routes request as per below cofiguration. api literal prefix only in Web API not for MVC action method why you are appending api litteral after host name. ASP.Net MVC action method can be execute when you type URL- HTTP sheme://domain name:port/litteral/Controller Name/Action Name
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = UrlParameter.Optional }

OData service with multiple routes while using unbound functions

Does anyone know how to get OData v4 hosted in a .NET service to work with multiple routes?
I have the following:
config.MapODataServiceRoute("test1", "test1", GetEdmModelTest1());
config.MapODataServiceRoute("test2", "test2", GetEdmModelTest2());
Each of the GetEdmModel methods have mapped objects.
I can get to the service as following (this is working fine):
But if I try to call a function like the following (will not work):
public int TestFunction1()
{ return 1; }
It will throw the following error:
The path template 'test1/TestFunction1()' on the action 'TestFunction1' in controller 'Testing' is not a valid OData path template. Resource not found for the segment 'test1'.
Yet if I remove the "MapODataServiceRoute" for "test2" so there is only one route, it all works.
How do I get this to work with multiple routes?
** I have posted a full example of the issue at the following **
** I have tried the OData version sample listed below with the following issues **
I have tried the "OData Version" example before and it did not work.
It seems that unbound (unbound is the goal) does not follow the same routing rules are normal service calls.
Ex. If you download the "OData Version" example and do the following.
In V1 -> WebApiConfig.cs add
In V2 -> WebApiConfig.cs add
In V1 -> ProductsV1Controller.cs add
public string Test()
{ return "V1_Test"; }
In V2 -> ProductsV2Controller.cs add
public string Test()
{ return "V2_Test"; }
Now call it by this. " /versionbyroute/v1/Test() " and you will get "V2_Test"
The problem is that "GetControllerName" does not know how to get the controller when it is using unbound functions / actions.
This is why most sample code I have found fails when trying to "infer" the controller.
Have a look at OData Versioning Sample for a primer.
The key point of trouble is usually that the DefaultHttpControllerSelector maps controllers by local name, not fullname/namespace.
If your entity types and therefore controller names are unique across both EdmModels you will not have to do anything special, it should just work out of the box. The above sample takes advantage of this concept by forcing you to inject a string value into the physical names of the controller classes to make them unique and then in the ODataVersionControllerSelector GetControllerName is overridden to maps the incoming route to the customised controller names
If unique names for the controllers seems to hard, and you would prefer to use the full namespace (meaning your controller names logic remains standard) then you can of course implement your own logic to select the specific controller class instance when overriding DefaultHttpControllerSelector. simply override SelectController instead. This method will need to return an instance of HttpControllerDescriptor which is a bit more involved than the sample.
To show you what I mean, I will post the solution to a requirement from an older project, that was a little bit different to yours. I have a single WebAPI project that manages access to multiple databases, these databases have similar schema, many Entity names are the same which means that those controller classes will have the same names. The controllers are structured by folders/namespaces such that there is a root folder called DB, then there is a folder for each database, then the controllers are in there.
You can see that this project has many different schemas, they effectively map to versions of an evolving solution, the non-DB namespaces in this image are a mix of OData v4, v3 and standard REST apis. It is possible to get all these beasts to co-exist ;)
This override of the HttpControllerSelector inspects the runtime once to cache a list of all the controller classes, then maps the incoming route requests by matching the route prefix to the correct controller class.
/// <summary>
/// Customised controller for intercepting traffic for the DB Odata feeds.
/// Any route that is not prefixed with ~/DB/ will not be intercepted or processed via this controller
/// <remarks>Will instead be directed to the base class</remarks>
/// </summary>
public class DBODataHttpControllerSelector : DefaultHttpControllerSelector
private readonly HttpConfiguration _configuration;
public DBODataHttpControllerSelector(HttpConfiguration config)
: base(config)
_configuration = config;
// From:
private Dictionary<string, HttpControllerDescriptor> _controllerMap = null;
private List<string> _duplicates = new List<string>();
/// <summary>
/// Because we are interested in supporting nested namespaces similar to MVC "Area"s we need to
/// Index our available controller classes by the potential url segments that might be passed in
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private Dictionary<string, HttpControllerDescriptor> InitializeControllerDictionary()
if(_controllerMap != null)
return _controllerMap;
_controllerMap = new Dictionary<string, HttpControllerDescriptor>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Create a lookup table where key is "namespace.controller". The value of "namespace" is the last
// segment of the full namespace. For example:
// MyApplication.Controllers.V1.ProductsController => "V1.Products"
IAssembliesResolver assembliesResolver = _configuration.Services.GetAssembliesResolver();
IHttpControllerTypeResolver controllersResolver = _configuration.Services.GetHttpControllerTypeResolver();
ICollection<Type> controllerTypes = controllersResolver.GetControllerTypes(assembliesResolver);
foreach (Type t in controllerTypes)
var segments = t.Namespace.Split(Type.Delimiter);
// For the dictionary key, strip "Controller" from the end of the type name.
// This matches the behavior of DefaultHttpControllerSelector.
var controllerName = t.Name.Remove(t.Name.Length - DefaultHttpControllerSelector.ControllerSuffix.Length);
var key = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}", segments[segments.Length - 2], segments[segments.Length - 1], controllerName);
// Check for duplicate keys.
if (_controllerMap.Keys.Contains(key))
_controllerMap[key] = new HttpControllerDescriptor(_configuration, t.Name, t);
// Remove any duplicates from the dictionary, because these create ambiguous matches.
// For example, "Foo.V1.ProductsController" and "Bar.V1.ProductsController" both map to "v1.products".
// CS: Ahem... thats why I've opted to go 3 levels of depth to key name, but this still applies if the duplicates are there again
foreach (string s in _duplicates)
return _controllerMap;
/// <summary>
/// Because we are interested in supporting nested namespaces we want the full route
/// to match to the full namespace (or at least the right part of it)
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private Dictionary<string, HttpControllerDescriptor> _fullControllerMap = null;
private Dictionary<string, HttpControllerDescriptor> InitializeFullControllerDictionary()
if(_fullControllerMap != null)
return _fullControllerMap;
_fullControllerMap = new Dictionary<string, HttpControllerDescriptor>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Create a lookup table where key is "namespace.controller". The value of "namespace" is the last
// segment of the full namespace. For example:
// MyApplication.Controllers.V1.ProductsController => "V1.Products"
IAssembliesResolver assembliesResolver = _configuration.Services.GetAssembliesResolver();
IHttpControllerTypeResolver controllersResolver = _configuration.Services.GetHttpControllerTypeResolver();
ICollection<Type> controllerTypes = controllersResolver.GetControllerTypes(assembliesResolver);
foreach (Type t in controllerTypes)
var segments = t.Namespace.Split(Type.Delimiter);
// For the dictionary key, strip "Controller" from the end of the type name.
// This matches the behavior of DefaultHttpControllerSelector.
var controllerName = t.Name.Remove(t.Name.Length - DefaultHttpControllerSelector.ControllerSuffix.Length);
var key = t.FullName;// t.Namespace + "." + controllerName;
_fullControllerMap[key] = new HttpControllerDescriptor(_configuration, t.Name, t);
return _fullControllerMap;
/// <summary>
/// Select the controllers with a simulated MVC area sort of functionality, but only for the ~/DB/ route
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public override System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerDescriptor SelectController(System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage request)
string rootPath = "db";
IHttpRouteData routeData = request.GetRouteData();
string[] uriSegments = request.RequestUri.LocalPath.Split('/');
if (uriSegments.First().ToLower() == rootPath || uriSegments[1].ToLower() == rootPath)
#region DB Route Selector
// If we can find a known api and a controller, then redirect to the correct controller
// Otherwise allow the standard select to work
string[] knownApis = new string[] { "tms", "srg", "cumulus" };
// Get variables from the route data.
/* support version like this:
* config.Routes.MapODataRoute(
routeName: "ODataDefault",
routePrefix: "{version}/{area}/{controller}",
model: model);
object versionName = null;
routeData.Values.TryGetValue("version", out versionName);
object apiName = null;
routeData.Values.TryGetValue("api", out apiName);
object controllerName = null;
routeData.Values.TryGetValue("controller", out controllerName);
* */
// CS: we'll just use the local path AFTER the root path
// db/tms/contact
// db/srg/contact
// Implicity parse this as
// db/{api}/{controller}
// so [0] = ""
// so [1] = "api"
// so [2] = "version" (optional)
// so [2 or 3] = "controller"
if (uriSegments.Length > 3)
string apiName = uriSegments[2];
if (knownApis.Contains(string.Format("{0}", apiName).ToLower()))
string version = "";
string controllerName = uriSegments[3];
if (controllerName.ToLower().StartsWith("v")
// and the rest of the name is numeric
&& !controllerName.Skip(1).Any(c => !Char.IsNumber(c))
version = controllerName;
controllerName = uriSegments[4];
// if the route has an OData item selector (#) then this needs to be trimmed from the end.
if (controllerName.Contains('('))
controllerName = controllerName.Substring(0, controllerName.IndexOf('('));
string fullName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}", apiName, version, controllerName).Replace("..", ".");
// Search for the controller.
// _controllerTypes is a list of HttpControllerDescriptors
var descriptors = InitializeControllerDictionary().Where(t => t.Key.EndsWith(fullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
if (descriptors.Any())
var descriptor = descriptors.First().Value;
if (descriptors.Count > 1)
descriptor = null;
// Assume that the version was missing, and we have implemented versioning for that controller
// If there is a row with no versioning, so no v1, v2... then use that
// if all rows are versioned, use the highest version
if (descriptors.Count(d => d.Key.Split('.').Length == 2) == 1)
descriptor = descriptors.First(d => d.Key.Split('.').Length == 2).Value;
else if (descriptors.Count(d => d.Key.Split('.').Length > 2) == descriptors.Count())
descriptor = descriptors
.Where(d => d.Key.Split('.').Length > 2)
.OrderByDescending(d => d.Key.Split('.')[1])
if (descriptor == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(
"Multiple controllers were found that match this un-versioned request."));
if (descriptor != null)
return descriptor;
if (_duplicates.Any(d => d.ToLower() == fullName.ToLower()))
throw new HttpResponseException(
"Multiple controllers were found that match this request."));
#endregion DB Route Selector
// match on class names that match the route.
// So if the route is odata.tms.testController
// Then the class name must also match
// Add in an option to doing a string mapping, so that
// route otms can mapp to odata.tms
// TODO: add any other custom logic for selecting the controller that you want, alternatively try this style syntax in your route config:
// name: "Default",
// url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
// defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "RegisterNow", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
// namespaces: new[] { "YourCompany.Controllers" }
// Because controller path mapping might be controller/navigationproperty/action
// We need to check for the following matches:
// controller.navigationproperty.actionController
// controller.navigationpropertyController
// controllerController
string searchPath = string.Join(".", uriSegments).ToLower().Split('(')[0] + "controller";
var descriptors = InitializeFullControllerDictionary().Where(t => t.Key.ToLower().Contains(searchPath)).ToList();
if (descriptors.Any())
var descriptor = descriptors.First().Value;
if (descriptors.Count > 1)
descriptor = null;
// In this mode, I think we should only ever have a single match, ready to prove me wrong?
if (descriptor == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(
"Multiple controllers were found that match this namespace request."));
if (descriptor != null)
return descriptor;
return base.SelectController(request);
You can use a Custsom MapODataServiceRoute.
The below is an example from WebApiConfig.cs
The controllers are registered with the CustomMapODataServiceRoute and its a bit cumbersome having to include typeof(NameOfController) for every controller. One of my endpoints has 22 separate controllers, but thus far it's worked.
Registering Controllers - Showing two separate OData endpoints in the same project, both containing custom functions
// Continuing Education
ODataConventionModelBuilder continuingEdBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
continuingEdBuilder.Namespace = "db_api.Models";
var continuingEdGetCourse = continuingEdBuilder.Function("GetCourse");
routeName: "odata - Continuing Education",
routePrefix: "contEd",
model: continuingEdBuilder.GetEdmModel(),
controllers: new[] { typeof(ContinuingEducationController) }
// Active Directory OData Endpoint
ODataConventionModelBuilder adBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
adBuilder.Namespace = "db_api.Models";
// CMS Groups
var cmsGroupFunc = adBuilder.Function("GetCMSGroups");
// Departments
var deptUsersFunc = adBuilder.Function("GetADDepartmentUsers");
var adUsersFunc = adBuilder.Function("GetADUser");
var deptFunc = adBuilder.Function("GetADDepartments");
var instDeptFunc = adBuilder.Function("GetADInstructorDepartments");
var adTitleFunc = adBuilder.Function("GetADTitles");
var adOfficeFunc = adBuilder.Function("GetADOffices");
var adDistListFunc = adBuilder.Function("GetADDistributionLists");
routeName: "odata - Active Directory",
routePrefix: "ad",
model: adBuilder.GetEdmModel(),
controllers: new[] { typeof(DepartmentsController), typeof(CMSGroupsController)
Creating Custom Map OData Service Route
public static class HttpConfigExt
public static System.Web.OData.Routing.ODataRoute CustomMapODataServiceRoute(this HttpConfiguration configuration, string routeName,
string routePrefix, Microsoft.OData.Edm.IEdmModel model, IEnumerable<Type> controllers)
var routingConventions = ODataRoutingConventions.CreateDefault();
// Multiple Controllers with Multiple Custom Functions
routingConventions.Insert(0, new CustomAttributeRoutingConvention(routeName, configuration, controllers));
// Custom Composite Key Convention
//routingConventions.Insert(1, new CompositeKeyRoutingConvention());
return configuration.MapODataServiceRoute(routeName,
new System.Web.OData.Routing.DefaultODataPathHandler(),
defaultHandler: System.Net.Http.HttpClientFactory.CreatePipeline( innerHandler: new System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.HttpControllerDispatcher(configuration),
handlers: new[] { new System.Web.OData.ODataNullValueMessageHandler() }));
public class CustomAttributeRoutingConvention : AttributeRoutingConvention
private readonly List<Type> _controllers = new List<Type> { typeof(System.Web.OData.MetadataController) };
public CustomAttributeRoutingConvention(string routeName, HttpConfiguration configuration, IEnumerable<Type> controllers)
: base(routeName, configuration)
public override bool ShouldMapController(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerDescriptor controller)
return _controllers.Contains(controller.ControllerType);

Can I get a the RouteTemplate from AspNetCore FilterContext?

In AspNetCore, given a FilterContext, I'm looking to get a route template e.g.
In Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi I could get the route template from:
In System.Web.Mvc I could get this from:
ControllerContext.RouteData.Route as RouteBase
In AspNetCore there is:
However, not all routes are attribute routes.
Based on inspection if the attribute is not available, default routes and/or mapped routes can be assembled from:
but I'm looking for a documented or a simply better approach.
Update (24 Jan 2021)
There is a much much simpler way of retrieving the RoutePattern directly via the HttpContext.
FilterContext filterContext;
var endpoint = filterContext.HttpContext.GetEndpoint() as RouteEndpoint;
var template = endpoint?.RoutePattern?.RawText;
if (template is null)
throw new Exception("No route template found, that's absurd");
GetEndpoint() is an extension method provided in EndpointHttpContextExtensions class inside Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http namespace
Old Answer (Too much work)
All the route builders for an ASP.NET Core app (at least for 3.1) are exposed and registered via IEndpointRouteBuilder, but unfortunately, this is not registered with the DI container, so you can't acquire it directly.The only places where I have seen this interface being exposed, are in the middlewares.
So you can build a collection or dictionary out of one of those middlewares, and then use that for your purposes.
Extension class to build your endpoint collection / dictionary
internal static class IEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions
internal static void BuildMap(this IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints)
foreach (var item in endpoints.DataSources)
foreach (RouteEndpoint endpoint in item.Endpoints)
/* This is needed for controllers with overloaded actions
* Use the RoutePattern.Parameters here
* to generate a unique display name for the route
* instead of this list hack
if (Program.RouteTemplateMap.TryGetValue(endpoint.DisplayName, out var overloadedRoutes))
Program.RouteTemplateMap.Add(endpoint.DisplayName, new List<string>() { endpoint.RoutePattern.RawText });
public class Program
internal static readonly Dictionary<string, List<string>> RouteTemplateMap = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
/* Rest of things */
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
/* all other middlewares */
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
//Use this at the last middlware exposing IEndpointRouteBuilder so that all the routes are built by this point
And then you can use that Dictionary or Collection, to retrieve the Route Template from the FilterContext.
FilterContext filterContext;
Program.RouteTemplateMap.TryGetValue(filterContext.ActionDescriptor.DisplayName, out var template);
if (template is null)
throw new Exception("No route template found, that's absurd");
/* Use the ActionDescriptor.Parameters here
* to figure out which overloaded action was called exactly */
Console.WriteLine(string.Join('\n', template));
To tackle the case of overloaded actions, a list of strings is used for route template (instead of just a string in the Dictionary)
You can use the ActionDescriptor.Parameters in conjunction with RoutePattern.Parameters to generate a unique display name for that route.
These are the assembled versions, but still looking for a better answer.
AspNetCore 2.0
FilterContext context;
string routeTemplate = context.ActionDescriptor.AttributeRouteInfo?.Template;
if (routeTemplate == null)
// manually mapped routes or default routes
// todo is there a better way, not 100% sure that this is correct either
IEnumerable<string> segments = context.RouteData.Routers.OfType<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteBase>()
.FirstOrDefault()?.ParsedTemplate.Segments.Select(s => string.Join(string.Empty, s.Parts
.Select(p => p.IsParameter ? $"{{{(p.IsCatchAll ? "*" : string.Empty)}{p.Name}{(p.IsOptional ? "?" : string.Empty)}}}" : p.Text)));
if (segments != null)
routeTemplate = string.Join("/", segments);
AspNetCore 3.0 with Endpoint Routing
RoutePattern routePattern = null;
var endpointFeature = context.HttpContext.Features[typeof(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IEndpointFeature)]
as Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IEndpointFeature;
var endpoint = endpointFeature?.Endpoint;
if (endpoint != null)
routePattern = (endpoint as RouteEndpoint)?.RoutePattern;
string formatRoutePart(RoutePatternPart part)
if (part.IsParameter)
RoutePatternParameterPart p = (RoutePatternParameterPart)part;
return $"{{{(p.IsCatchAll ? "*" : string.Empty)}{p.Name}{(p.IsSeparator ? " ? " : string.Empty)}}}";
else if (part.IsLiteral)
RoutePatternLiteralPart p = (RoutePatternLiteralPart)part;
return p.Content;
else if(part.IsSeparator)
RoutePatternSeparatorPart p = (RoutePatternSeparatorPart)part;
return p.Content;
throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown Route PatterPart");
if (routePattern != null)
routeString = string.Join("/", routePattern.PathSegments.SelectMany(s => s.Parts).Select(p => formatRoutePart(p)));

Web.API and FromBody

I'm a bit confused. I have a controller (derived from ApiController) that has the following method:
public string GetUserName(string name)
return "TestUser";
My routing is set up like this:
name: "ActionApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
I kept getting a 400 error when I try to hit /api/mycontroller/getusername/test with a GET in fiddler.
I found that everything worked when I added [FromBody] to the name parameter in GetUserName.
I was somehow thinking that [FromBody] was used for HttpPost, signalling that the parameter was in the body of the post, and would therefore not be needed for a GET. Looks like I was wrong though.
How does this work?
You need to either change your routing to:
name: "ActionApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{name}",
defaults: new { name = RouteParameter.Optional }
or change the name of your parameter to:
public string GetUserName(string id)
return "TestUser";
Note: Additional routing parameters must match method parameter names.
You could also do the following if it is closer to what you were looking for:
// GET api/user?name=test
public string Get(string name)
return "TestUser";
This assumes you are using an ApiController named UserController and allows you to pass your name parameter as a query string. This way, you don't have to specify the ActionMethod but rather rely on the HTTP verb and matching route.

Multiple HttpRoute in ASP.NET MVC 4

I'm trying to make a RouteConfig in Web API, that allows following patterns:
/api/{controller}/{id} (int, optional)
/api/{controller}/{action}/{id} (int, optional)
Use cases:
/api/profile/ (get all profiles)
/api/profile/13 (get profile number 13)
/api/profile/sendemail/ (send email to all profiles)
/api/profile/sendmail/13 (send email to profile number 13)
What I'm trying is the following:
name: "ControllerAndID",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: null,
constraints: new { id = #"^\d+$" } // Dekkar heiltölur eingöngu í id parameter
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { action = "Get", id = RouteParameter.Optional }
The error I'm getting is:
Multiple actions were found that match the request:
\r\nMinarSidur.Models.DataTransfer.UserProfileDTO sendmail(System.String)
on type
sendpaycheck(System.String) on type MinarSidur.Controllers.ProfileController
Can you help me accomplishing this?
Your exception was actually complaining about their being a conflict between these two methods on the Profile controller:
Not the Get and Get(?); although this would also be an issue.
Really, when carrying out RPC actions that make changes or trigger actions you should use the POST verb. By doing this your routing issues mentioned above should be resolved.
Have you considered a more resource centric approach to your problem? In all cases here the resource is "Profile" and it appears to have a unique id of x. It appears to also have two other possible unique id's email and ssn?
If these were acceptable URL's to you
you could use:
public class ProfileController : ApiController
public string Get(int id)
return string.Format("http://localhost/api/profile/{0}", id);
public string Get([FromUri] string email = null, [FromUri] int? ssn = null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
return string.Format("http://localhost/api/profile/?email={0}", email);
if (ssn.HasValue)
return string.Format("http://localhost/api/profile/?ssn={0}", ssn.Value);
return "http://localhost/api/profile";
With just the standard webapi routing:
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
If you did want to carry on with /email and /ssn you may have issues with the email... specifically with the "." in the email address and this can confuse the routing engine... for this to work you must put a trailing slash i.e. http://localhost/api/profile/email/ I think you will find http://localhost/api/profile/email/ wont work.
This supports:
I would try this and use (NB. the use of the name rpcId to differentiate the routes):
public class ProfileController : ApiController
public string Get(int id)
return string.Format("http://localhost/api/profile/{0}", id);
public string Get()
return "http://localhost/api/profile";
public string Ssn(int rpcId)
return string.Format("http://localhost/api/profile/ssn/{0}", rpcId);
public string Email(string rpcId)
return string.Format("http://localhost/api/profile/email/{0}", rpcId);
My routing would then be:
name: "ProfileRestApi",
routeTemplate: "api/profile/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional, Controller = "Profile" }
name: "PrfileRpcApi",
routeTemplate: "api/profile/{action}/{rpcId}",
defaults: new { Controller = "Profile" }
The rules overlap. Would the validation of the Id in routing be a great loss? You could still have the Id parameter as an int within your Get actions. If that's the case I think you can remove ControllerAndID entirely and just use the second which will match all your use cases.