ReportViewer v11.0.0.0 Runtime Error during excel export - reportviewer

I'm running into a Runtime error when I try to export a report to excel in ReportViewer that goes beyond 110 seconds.
The only solution to this problem that has worked, which I have found on here and numerous other sites, was setting the executionTimeout under httpRuntime in the root web.config file.
Now while this does work it isn't ideal for the project and it would be preferable if only the ReportViewer had a longer runtime timeout.
My question then is there any way to have a executionTimeout set for only the ReportViewer?
Things I've tried that still timeout
Applying an executionTimeout to the area where the ReportViewer is located in the root web.config
<location path="Areas/Reporting">
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="600" maxRequestLength="2097151"/>
Setting the following timeouts in the code behind of the ReportViewer
Server.ScriptTimeout = 600;
ScriptManager.GetCurrent(this).AsyncPostBackTimeout = 600;
if (!IsPostBack)
reportViewer.ServerReport.Timeout = reportViewerServerReportTimeoutMilliseconds;


In IIS 8.5, is there a setting in the Manager GUI that adds the Location and Authentication tags to the applicationHost.config file?

I've inherited a IIS 8.5 installation with a lengthy applicationHost.config file; I'm not familiar with all the options and am trying not to mess with it as it is working.
When I set up a new web application, to get it work, I'm having to go into C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
and manually add the following for each application:
<location path="Default Web Site/MyNewAppPath">
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<basicAuthentication enabled="true" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
Or I get an error - "Access is denied Error message 401.2.: Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration..."
Lots of posts/comments saying to fix it this way by manually adding the location and other tags, but this seems hacky.
Isn't there an option/function inside IIS Manager somewhere that handles these tags?
FYI IIS Manager is adding below tags to the config file (on its own) for each app. Hoping somehow it can do similar for the location etc tags.
<application path="/MyNewAppPath" applicationPool=".NET 4.5">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyNewAppPath" />
Thanks for any help!
Sub-application's authentication are only allowed in applicationhost.config by default. If you go to config manager, you will see this
If you try to set it in other place like root web.config or <location path='webapp'>, IIS will report the application has already been locked and everything grayed out.
You can set authentication via IIS manager or command line and it will add these configuration to applicationhost.config automatically. I think this is just common operation instead of hacky.

ASP.Net using wrong web.config for virtual directory

We're running IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003 R2.
We want to add a virtual directory that runs under .NET 4.0 to a site that runs under .NET 2.0. We've given the virtual directory its own app pool, and we've configured the virtual directory to run under 4.0.
The parent site works fine, but the virtual directory throws errors that reference the parent site's web.config file. We need the virtual directory to use its own web.config file.
The GUI in the IIS Manager says that the virtual directory is using its own web.config file, but the error messages we get refer to items in the parent's web.config file.
I'm not sure how to solve the problem. My best lead so far is from a post on another site said that the problem could be solved with something like this:
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
Again, I'm not sure this will fix things, and I'm not sure how to figure out where to put it or what it ought to contain. The parent site is built on top of a CMS system, and its web.config file is reasonably complex.
I got this to work, so I want to leave the answer for the next person.
The location tags I mentioned in my question did the job. I got them to work by using them to enclose a system.web section:
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
(the stuff that made the site in the virtual directory break)

How to separate static content on ASP.NET MVC in Apache mod-mono

I have already a project that built top of the ASP.NET MVC 2.0 and it's working.
I tried to run it on Ubutuntu 10.4 Server on Apache2 and Mod mono.
As you know, when you created a new project on VS.NET it creates a Content folder for holds static content such as css, js, images etc.
Also my project has working with Forms authentication, and i separated some path of my project with below location element in web.config.
<location path="Content">
<allow users="*"/>
But above configuration hasn't worked on Apache.
The question is; how can i pass authentication for static contents on apache - mod mono ?
Thank you

IIS6 Virtual Directory not accessible as an app

I have a WinSrv2k3 box with IIS6 hosting a series of sites, one of which is a VB/.NET2 site. Inside this I have created a virtual directory and pointed it at a very simple C#/.NET3.5 site's directory. I was expecting the site to allow me to view the pages as a normal site (there is only one ASMX in the virtual directory) but when accessing the page from a browser, I get:
Server Error in '/TestVbSite' Application.
Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'IMSControls' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (D:\sites\TestVbSite\web.config line 211)
Source Error:
Line 209: </httpHandlers>
Line 210: <httpModules>
Line 211: <add name="UrlRewritingModule" type="IMS.Controls.HttpModules.UrlRewritingModule, IMSControls" />
Line 212: </httpModules>
Line 213: </system.web>
Source File: D:\sites\TestVbSite\web.config Line: 211
The issue I see there, is that the web.config throwing the exception appears to be the parent web site's .config, not the web.config in the virtual directory. But I don't understand why.
When accessing regular pages within the website (not under the virtual directory) they render and perform as normal, indicating that the IMSControls DLL is unable to load from the virtual directory, but again, I don't understand why this would even be involved in the process.
Ok, well, after some false starts, heavy googling gave me the correct thing to look for: web.config inheritance.
Basically, to stop a virtual directory from inheriting the attributes of it's parent site's web.config (and therefore any problems from it) the parent site's web.config needs to have its <system.web> element wrapped in a new (to me) tag:
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
Useful links:

Users being forced to re-login randomly, before session and auth ticket timeout values are reached

I'm having reports and complaints from my user that they will be using a screen and get kicked back to the login screen immediately on their next request. It doesn't happen all the time but randomly. After looking at the Web server the error that shows up in the application event log is:
Event code: 4005
Event message: Forms authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired.
Everything that I read starts out with people asking about web gardens or load balancing. We are not using either of those. We're a single Windows 2003 (32-bit OS, 64-bit hardware) Server with IIS6. This is the only website on this server too.
This behavior does not generate any application exceptions or visible issues to the user. They just get booted back to the login screen and are forced to login. As you can imagine this is extremely annoying and counter-productive for our users.
Here's what I have set in my web.config for the application in the root:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".TcaNet"
requireSSL="false" />
I have also read that if you have some locations setup that no longer exist or are bogus you could have issues. My path attributes are all valid directories so that shouldn't be the problem:
<location path="js">
<allow users="*" />
<location path="images">
<allow users="*" />
<location path="anon">
<allow users="*" />
<location path="App_Themes">
<allow users="*" />
<location path="NonSSL">
<allow users="*" />
The only thing I'm not clear on is if my timeout value in the forms property for the auth ticket has to be the same as my session timeout value (defined in the app's configuration in IIS). I've read some things that say you should have the authentication timeout shorter (40) than the session timeout (45) to avoid possible complications. Either way we have users that get kicked to the login screen a minute or two after their last action. So the session definitely should not be expiring.
Update 2/23/09: I've since set the session timeout and authentication ticket timeout values to both be 45 and the problem still seems to be happening.
The only other web.config in the application is in 1 virtual directory that hosts Community Server. That web.config's authentication settings are as follows:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".TcaNet"
requireSSL="true" />
And while I don't believe it applies unless you're in a web garden, I have both of the machine key values set in both web.config files to be the same (removed for convenience):
validation="SHA1" />
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. This seems to be one of those problems that yields a ton of Google results, none of which seem to be fitting into my situation so far.
It may also be worth checking the Maximum Worker Processes property for your application pool. If you are using in memory session and have more than one as the max worker process you can find session issues as a users request is handled by a different thread that is unaware of their session.
Since you have noted that you are using a very specific FQDN for your site, do you have any other .Net applications running under the same FQDN just different virtual paths? The name of the auth cookie might be the same for both applications, but the token will be different. So if I log into and then to, I will no longer have correct authentication for app1.
1.) Check how often your iis process gets recycled. (Turn on logging and check your settings). After a recycle, using the default in proc session store, the session is lost.
2.) Does your application spawn Threads that may throw an Exception (which are btw not displayed to the user)? Because if that situation exists the iis recycles processes far more often.
I have just finished dealing with this precise problem, exactly as described in the question and the issue was some missing config in web.config.
When using formsAuthentication, you need to stop having the session handle authentication, as the cookie is now responsible for it.
This line needs to be added (or updated) in your web config, in the "system.web" element
<sessionState mode="Off">
sessionState and formsAuthentication should not both be active. I don't understand the fine details of how they interfere with each other, but in this case, it produced random log outs of random users at random times.
Our site has stumbled with the same problem for years, but yesterday we found a fix, see my question. As a commenter suggested, I tried adding this to web.config:
<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="60" />
Apparently, the timeout must be set both in sessionState and in the ticket. See also ms docu in
To more accurately measure the actual timeout while in debug mode, I found it handy to add Debug.WriteLine calls in file Global.asax.cs in methods Session_Start() and Session_End(), with millisecond time added using
string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss.fff} - {1}", DateTime.Now, strMessage);
so that you can login, go for lunch, let the session time out, and read the time stamps at some convenient moment in the VisualStudio Output window.