Excel VBA Autofill across columns - vba

I want to edit the range in Autofill code below but I'm not sure how.
'find last used cell in the row to the right
'auto fill the formula for "Total TV"
ActiveCell.AutoFill Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1))
At present, the code finds the last valid cell in a row, then it autofills one cell to the right.
What I want to do:
I would to find the last valid cell, then select the active cell and the cells from 3 rows below it too and then autofill one cell to the right.
In pictures it would look like this:
find last valid cell in row 59:
select active cell and cells 3 rows below:
Autofill one cell to the right

Here is one way. No need to Select
Sub x()
Dim r As RANGE
Set r = RANGE("B59").End(xlToRight)
r.Resize(4).AutoFill r.Resize(4, 2)
End Sub


finding sum of squares of column using for each

I am a newbie. I want to sum the squares of the numbers in the active column. I am getting an error 'object doesn't support this method'. Here is my code
Sub sum_squares()
Dim total As Integer
Dim c As Range
Dim d As Range
'set d equal to column from active cell down to last non-empty'
d = Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.endxldown)
total = 0
For Each c In d
total = total + c.Value ^ 2
Next c
End Sub
Appreciate the help.
As has been pointed out you've got the syntax of xlDown incorrect.
You should also start at the bottom and move up - xlDown may not find the last cell.
With a value in cell A1:A3 and A1 as the ActiveCell it will correctly return A3.
Same scenario but with A4 left blank and a value in A5 still returns A3.
Same scenario with A1 left blank it returns A2.
This will return a reference from the ActiveCell to the last cell containing a value in that column.
Note that if the ActiveCell is lower down than the last cell containing data you'll get a reference reflecting that.
Set d = Range(ActiveCell, Cells(Rows.Count, ActiveCell.Column).End(xlUp))
A Range can be made up of one or more cell references:
Range("A1") and Range("A1,A3,C5") reference individual cells.
Range("A1:C5") and Range("A1", "C5") reference all cells between the first and last address.
A Cell is a single cell reference that uses row and columns identifiers.
Cells("A1") will return an error as it's a full address.
Cells(1,"A") will return A1 (row 1, column A)
Cells(1,1) will also return A1 (row 1, column 1)
The code above is using two cell addresses to reference all cells between the two.
Range(ActiveCell,....) is the reference to the first cell.
Cells(Rows.Count, ActiveCell.Column) is the reference to the second cell using row numbers and column numbers.
If the ActiveCell is in column B then this is the same as writing Cells(1048573,2).
The End(xlUp) then goes from that cell back up to the first one containing data.
There is a syntax error in your code - .endxldown and add Set before assigning range.
Correct it to -
Set d = Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)

Fill blanks with top cell

Given the following code, I would like to understand how it works:
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"
So what it currently does is it takes the top cell of the row and auto fills it down with formula =A1 relative to that cell on all blank cells below it.
However it stops at the next cell that contains a value and does the same treatment down all the cells below it till the next.
How does this work exactly? How does vba knows to take the formula from the cell above the blanks and not just from the first cell of the column?
Much help is appreciated!
This is how the code works:
Select the entire column A
Now select just the blank cells in column A
Now for every cell we've selected (all the blank cells in column A), input a formula.
The formula roughly equates to: "Equals to the cell immediately above this cell."
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"
The formula is using a relative cell reference, and it literally translates to "Equals Row-1, same Column."

VBA copy value of selected cell in specific column

I've been looking for a way to code in VBA: when I click on a certain cell in range X10:X5000, Excel should copy that cell value to a specific cell B10.
Currently I have the following, but it only works when the cell I select is an actual value. When the cell I select is the outcome of a formula, the target cell shows the value for a fraction of a second and then the cell becomes blank.
So how can I make sure I always copy the value of the selected cell and not the formula? In the example, I did not take into account the range, but only a selected column.
Thanks for the help!
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 19 Then ' check if cell modifed is in column "S"
Target.Copy Range("B10")
End If
End Sub
Try using
Range("B10").Value = Target.Value
instead of
Target.Copy Range("B10")
This should transfer the value across, instead of the formula

How to skip through selected cells in EXCEL, using VBA,

I have a VBA macro which selects several cells based on if it contains conditional formatting. These cells won't all be in the same place on each sheet.
What I am looking for is a command to skip the activecell to the next cell in the range.
The same as pressing TAB on a highlighted range
At the moment I am using sendkeys, as below, however this is messy, and keeps adding Tab spaces in the next line of the vba code (hence the "____Loop")
Do Until Recount = Count
Recount = Recount + 1
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}", True
Any advice would be appreciated
Here's how you can loop over the range:
Dim rng As Range, c As Range
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions)
For Each c In rng
Next c
It's not clear what the aim of your code is though. What are Count and Recount?
Get a list of selected cells and loop through them
Sub loopThroughCells()
Dim r as Range
Set r = Application.Selection
For i = 0 to r.length
Next i
End Sub
Suppose three cells with values 1, 2 and 3 are selected. On running the above macro, you will get message boxes with the values 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
If you only need the command for the tab button, just use the .offset(#of rows you want to offset, #of columns you want to offset). So once you know how to locate the cells you need, which you seem to already have, then you can just put.offset(0,1) to move one cell to the right.

VBA Go to last empty row

I have a project on excel macro, I need to highlight the next last row that has an empty value. example cell A1:A100 have data and the next cell is A101 is empty.
when user click a button it should highlight the cell A101...
If you are certain that you only need column A, then you can use an End function in VBA to get that result.
If all the cells A1:A100 are filled, then to select the next empty cell use:
Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select
Here, End(xlDown) is the equivalent of selecting A1 and pressing Ctrl + Down Arrow.
If there are blank cells in A1:A100, then you need to start at the bottom and work your way up. You can do this by combining the use of Rows.Count and End(xlUp), like so:
Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
Going on even further, this can be generalized to selecting a range of cells, starting at a point of your choice (not just in column A). In the following code, assume you have values in cells C10:C100, with blank cells interspersed in between. You wish to select all the cells C10:C100, not knowing that the column ends at row 100, starting by manually selecting C10.
Range(Selection, Cells(Rows.Count, Selection.Column).End(xlUp)).Select
The above line is perhaps one of the more important lines to know as a VBA programmer, as it allows you to dynamically select ranges based on very few criteria, and not be bothered with blank cells in the middle.
try this:
Sub test()
With Application.WorksheetFunction
Cells(.CountA(Columns("A:A")) + 1, 1).Select
End With
End Sub
Hope this works for you.
This does it:
c = c + 1
Loop While Cells(c, "A").Value <> ""
'prints the last empty row
Debug.Print c