sum revenue based on criteria form another table Powerpivot - powerpivot

I have a model where I have Revenue table that has revenue2016 column
another table Programs where i have
program | min
I would like to add a calculated column to programs table so that it sums revenue that is grater than the min like so
=CALCULATE(SUM(Revenue[revenue2016 ]),Revenue[revenue2016]>=Programs[min])
this gave me an error
The data should look like this
program | min | summed rev
a | 10 | 5550
b | 100 | 5500
c | 1000 | 5000

Just After I posted it I found the answer, I'll share it if someone else came across same issue


Select value based on computation of column value and aggregate

I'm trying to build a Grafana Dashboard to understand what SQL queries are processed by my PostgreSQL server. I'm using the pg_stats_statements extension.
This is the query I currently have:
FROM pg_stat_statements
ORDER BY calls DESC limit 3;
Which gets me these results:
query | calls
Query 1 | 500000
Query 2 | 250000
Query 3 | 250000
Now, I'd like to select an additional value, in addition to calls, to see the share of each calls value compared to sum(calls) on all rows. This is the expected output:
query | calls | share
---------+--------+------ # 1 000 000 total calls
Query 1 | 500000 | 0.5 # 500 000 / 1 000 000
Query 2 | 250000 | 0.25 # 250 000 / 1 000 000
Query 3 | 250000 | 0.25 # 250 000 / 1 000 000
Is it possible to do that and if yes, how can I rewrite my query to get this output?
(select sum(calls) as call_sum from pg_stat_statements)
avg(round((ps.total_time/ps.calls)::numeric,2)) as mean_time,
sum(ps.calls) / (select call_sum from sum_query) as "share"
from pg_stat_statements ps
group by ps.query
In this query, I use WITH AS MATERIALIZED for performance.

SQL oracle SUM function with conditions

I have a table that looks like this
20194 10 1000 1000 100
20194 10 2354 1100 150
20194 10 1000 1000 200
20194 10 2354 1000 100
20194 20 500 1000 250
20194 20 500 1100 200
How I need the results to be is like this
TIMECODE UNIT_CODE Department 1000 1100
20194 10 1000 300 NULL
20194 10 2354 100 150
20194 20 500 250 200
hopefully that gives you a better image, but basically I would need to do a SUM depending on the distinct value of the other columns. The accounts that were previously in rows would be changed into columns.
any ideas or help with this would be greatly appreciated
Try the following, here is the demo.
sum(case when Account = 1000 then AMOUNT end) as "1000",
sum(case when Account = 1100 then AMOUNT end) as "1100"
from myTable
group by
| 20194 20 500 250 200 |
| 20194 10 1000 300 null|
| 20194 10 2354 100 150 |

Query a table so that data in one column could be shown as different fields

I have a table that stores data of customer care . The table/view has the following structure.
userid calls_received calls_answered calls_rejected call_date
1030 134 100 34 28-05-2018
1012 140 120 20 28-05-2018
1045 120 80 40 28-05-2018
1030 99 39 50 28-04-2018
1045 50 30 20 28-04-2018
1045 200 100 100 28-05-2017
1030 160 90 70 28-04-2017
1045 50 30 20 28-04-2017
This is the sample data. The data is stored on day basis.
I have to create a report in a report designer software that takes date as an input. When user selects a date for eg. 28/05/2018. This date is send as parameter ${call_date}. i have to query the view in such a way that result should look like as below. If user selects date 28/05/2018 then data of 28/04/2018 and 28/05/2017 should be displayed side by side as like the below column order.
userid | cl_cur | ans_cur | rej_cur |success_percentage |diff_percent|position_last_month| cl_last_mon | ans_las_mon | rej_last_mon |percentage_lm|cl_last_year | ans_last_year | rej_last_year
1030 | 134 | 100 | 34 | 74.6 % | 14% | 2 | 99 | 39 | 50 | 39.3% | 160 | 90 | 70
1045 | 120 | 80 | 40 | 66.6% | 26.7% | 1 | 50 | 30 | 20 | 60% | 50 | 30 | 20
The objective of this query is to show data of selected day, data of same day previous month and same day previous years in columns so that user can have a look and compare. Here the result is ordered by percentage(ans_cur/cl_cur) of selected day in descending order of calculated percentage and show under success_percentage.
The column position_last_month is the position of that particular employee in previous month when it is ordered in descending order of percentage. In this example userid 1030 was in 2nd position last month and userid 1045 in 1 st position last month. Similarly I have to calculate this also for year.
Also there is a field called diff_percent which calculates the difference of percentage between the person who where in same position last month.Same i have to do for last year. How i can achieve this result.Please help.
One method is a join:
select t.user_id,
t.calls_received as cr_cur, t.calls_answered as ca_cur, t.calls_rejected as cr_cur,
tm.calls_received as cr_last_mon, tm.calls_answered as ca_last_mon, tm.calls_rejected as cr_last_mon,
ty.calls_received as cr_last_year, ty.calls_answered as ca_last_year, ty.calls_rejected as cr_last_year
from t left join
t tm
on tm.userid = t.userid and
tm.call_date = dateadd(month, -1, t.call_date) left join
t ty
on ty.userid = t.userid and
tm.call_date = dateadd(year, -1, t.call_date)
where t.call_date = ${call_date};

Sum values from Duplicated rows

There's my sql data:
code name total
3 Sprite 2400
17 Coke 1500
6 Dew 1000
17 Coke 3000
6 Dew 2000
But code and name has duplicated values and I want to sum total from each duplicated field.
Something like this:
code name total
3 Sprite 2400
17 Coke 4500
6 Dew 3000
How could I do that in sql?
SELECT code, name, sum(total) AS total FROM table GROUP BY code, name

a Rollup query with some logical netting using Oracle SQL

I have a table "AuctionResults" like below
Auction Action Shares ProfitperShare
Round1 BUY 6 200
Round2 BUY 5 100
Round2 SELL -2 50
Round3 SELL -5 80
Now I need to aggregate results by every auction with BUYS after netting out SELLS in subsequent rounds on a "First Come First Net basis"
so in Round1 I bought 6 Shares and then sold 2 in Round2 and rest "4" in Round3 with a total NET profit of 6 * 200-2 * 50-4 * 80 = 780
and in Round2 I bought 5 shares and sold "1" in Round3(because earlier "4" belonged to Round1) with a NET Profit of 5 * 100-1 * 80 = 420 the Resulting Output should look like:
Auction NetProfit
Round1 780
Round2 420
Can we do this using just Oracle SQL(10g) and not PL-SQL
Thanks in advance
I know this is an old question and won't be of use to the original poster, but I wanted to take a stab at this because it was an interesting question. I didn't test it out enough, so I would expect this still needs to be corrected and tuned. But I believe the approach is legitimate. I would not recommend using a query like this in a product because it would be difficult to maintain or understand (and I don't believe this is really scalable). You would be much better off creating some alternate data structures. Having said that, this is what I ran in Postgresql 9.1:
SELECT round, action
,ABS(shares) AS shares
,COALESCE( SUM(shares) OVER(ORDER BY round, action
, 0) AS previous_net_shares
OVER(ORDER BY round, action
AND 1 PRECEDING) ), 0 ) AS previous_sells
FROM AuctionResults
SELECT round, shares * profitpershare - deduction AS net
SELECT buy.round, buy.shares, buy.profitpershare
,SUM( LEAST( LEAST( sell.shares, GREATEST(buy.shares - (sell.previous_sells - buy.previous_sells), 0)
,GREATEST(sell.shares + (sell.previous_sells - buy.previous_sells) - buy.previous_net_shares, 0)
) * sell.profitpershare ) AS deduction
FROM x buy
,x sell
WHERE sell.round > buy.round
AND buy.action = 'BUY'
AND sell.action = 'SELL'
GROUP BY buy.round, buy.shares, buy.profitpershare
) AS y
And the result:
round | net
1 | 780
2 | 420
(2 rows)
To break it down into pieces, I started with this data set:
CREATE TABLE AuctionResults( round int, action varchar(4), shares int, profitpershare int);
INSERT INTO AuctionResults VALUES(1, 'BUY', 6, 200);
INSERT INTO AuctionResults VALUES(2, 'BUY', 5, 100);
INSERT INTO AuctionResults VALUES(2, 'SELL',-2, 50);
INSERT INTO AuctionResults VALUES(3, 'SELL',-5, 80);
INSERT INTO AuctionResults VALUES(4, 'SELL', -4, 150);
select * from auctionresults;
round | action | shares | profitpershare
1 | BUY | 6 | 200
2 | BUY | 5 | 100
2 | SELL | -2 | 50
3 | SELL | -5 | 80
4 | SELL | -4 | 150
(5 rows)
The query in the "WITH" clause adds some running totals to the table.
"previous_net_shares" indicates how many shares are available to sell before the current record. This also tells me how many 'SELL' shares I need to skip before I can start allocating it to this 'BUY'.
"previous_sells" is a running count of the number of "SELL" shares encountered, so the difference between two "previous_sells" indicates the number of 'SELL' shares used in that time.
round | action | shares | profitpershare | previous_net_shares | previous_sells
1 | BUY | 6 | 200 | 0 | 0
2 | BUY | 5 | 100 | 6 | 0
2 | SELL | 2 | 50 | 11 | 0
3 | SELL | 5 | 80 | 9 | 2
4 | SELL | 4 | 150 | 4 | 7
(5 rows)
With this table, we can do a self-join where each "BUY" record is associated with each future "SELL" record. The result would look like this:
SELECT buy.round, buy.shares, buy.profitpershare
,sell.round AS sellRound, sell.shares AS sellShares, sell.profitpershare AS sellProfitpershare
FROM x buy
,x sell
WHERE sell.round > buy.round
AND buy.action = 'BUY'
AND sell.action = 'SELL'
round | shares | profitpershare | sellround | sellshares | sellprofitpershare
1 | 6 | 200 | 2 | 2 | 50
1 | 6 | 200 | 3 | 5 | 80
1 | 6 | 200 | 4 | 4 | 150
2 | 5 | 100 | 3 | 5 | 80
2 | 5 | 100 | 4 | 4 | 150
(5 rows)
And then comes the crazy part that tries to calculate the number of shares available to sell in the order vs the number over share not yet sold yet for a buy. Here are some notes to help follow that. The "greatest"calls with "0" are just saying we can't allocate any shares if we are in the negative.
-- allocated sells
sell.previous_sells - buy.previous_sells
-- shares yet to sell for this buy, if < 0 then 0
GREATEST(buy.shares - (sell.previous_sells - buy.previous_sells), 0)
-- number of sell shares that need to be skipped
Thanks to David for his assistance