I'm trying to toggle classes for multiple elements in Vuejs 2.0, I have the following set of buttons which has a class of btn-primary. Clicking a button shows a sub-group of that particular element. This is my code:
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" v-on:click.prevent="getTags('investor')">Investor</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" v-on:click.prevent="getTags('research')">Research</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" v-on:click.prevent="getTags('company')">Company</button>
This shows the following element:
<div v-if="tag.investor">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" v-on:click.prevent="selectTags('Investor - Mutual Funds')">Mutual Fund</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" v-on:click.prevent="selectTags('Investor - Insurance')">Insurance</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" v-on:click.prevent="selectTags('Investor - FII')">FII</button>
<div v-if="tag.research">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" v-on:click.prevent="selectTags('Research - Tier I')">Research - Tier I</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" v-on:click.prevent="selectTags('Research - Tier II')">Research - Tier II</button>
I have the following in data():
tag: {
investor: false,
research: false,
company: false,
others: false,
And in methods:
getTags: function (tag) {
this.tag.investor = this.tag.research = this.tag.company = this.tag.others = false
if(tag == 'investor')
this.tag.investor = true
if(tag == 'research')
this.tag.research = true
if(tag == 'company')
this.tag.company = true
if(tag == 'others')
this.tag.others = true
I want to have a class of btn-warning and remove btn-primary once any child element is being selected. Any ideas how to implement this, I don't want to have individual data elements and toggle class.
I'd like to suggest a data driven approach for your Vue. Consider this data structure:
const tags = {
{display:"Mutual Fund", value:"Investor - Mutual Funds"},
{display:"Insurance", value:"Investor - Insurance"},
{display:"FII", value:"Investor - FII"},
{display:"Research - Tier I", value:"Research - Tier I"},
{display:"Research - Tier II", value:"Research - Tier II"},
If you use that, then you can clean up your template considerably and handle any additional tags that you add to your data structure.
<div id="app">
<button v-for="(obj, key) in tags"
#click="currentTag = key"
class="btn btn-xs btn-primary">
<button v-for="tag in tags[currentTag]"
class="btn btn-xs"
Your Vue also looks a lot cleaner.
new Vue({
currentTag: null,
const index = this.selectedTags.findIndex(t => t == tag)
if (index >= 0)
this.selectedTags.splice(index, 1)
const isSelected = this.selectedTags.includes(tag.value)
return {
'btn-warning': isSelected,
'btn-primary': !isSelected
Here is an example.
You can use the v-bind:class directive.
class="btn btn-xs"
v-bind:class="{ 'btn-warning': tag.research, 'btn-primary': !tag.research }"
v-on:click.prevent="selectTags('Research - Tier I')"
Research - Tier I
Vue's reactivity not triggered when using Bootstrap 5's alert div.
See my code:
class="alert alert-info alert-dismissible fade show"
<i class="fa-solid fa-lightbulb" />
<strong> Note!</strong> <span v-html="alertICDMsg" />
<div class="input-group mb-3">
<div class="col-xs-1">
placeholder="ICD Code"
aria-label="ICD Code"
<datalist id="icdsearchlist">
v-for="(disease_option, index) in icd_diagnosis_options"
{{ disease_option }}
class="btn btn-primary mx-1"
<i class="fal fa-plus-circle" />
class="btn btn-primary BtnSaveGroup mx-1"
<i class="far fa-history" />
class="btn btn-primary mx-1"
<i class="fas fa-search-plus" />
class="btn btn-danger mx-1"
<i class="fad fa-times-circle" />
export default {
data() {
return {
watch: {
alertICDMsg: {
handler(val) {
console.log(`Val for alertICDMsg changed to :${val}`);
immediate: true,
deep: true,
methods: {
ICDCodeSearchRequested() {
console.log(`Search by ICD code`);
this.alertICDMsg="Searching in ICD Code box will search only by code. To search by a diagnosis name, type in the Diagnosis box."
console.log(`alertICDMsg is ${this.alertICDMsg}`);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log(`Dismissing alert`);
console.log(`alertICDMsg is ${this.alertICDMsg}`);
}, 5000);
Console log:
Search by ICD code
SubClinicalBlock.vue?d801:291 alertICDMsg is Searching in ICD Code box will search only by code. To search by a diagnosis name, type in the Diagnosis box.
SubClinicalBlock.vue?d801:220 Val for alertICDMsg changed to :Searching in ICD Code box will search only by code. To search by a diagnosis name, type in the Diagnosis box.
SubClinicalBlock.vue?d801:293 Dismissing alert
SubClinicalBlock.vue?d801:298 alertICDMsg is
The problem is that after 5 seconds, though the value of the variable changes, the alert is still visible.
I checked some similiar questions, and have seen this happening when bootstrap's javascript wasnt loaded. But for me, Bootstrap v5.0.1 JS is being loaded from the CDN and appears in the sources tab in Chrome.
Try to change the function inside of setTimeout to arrow function like this
setTimeout(() => { // code here })
The this inside of setTimeout(function () => {}) reference to the wrong context (the function itself) instead of the Vue component.
The arrow function doesn't have the this binding so when you use the arrow function the this keyword will reference the Vue component and change the state.
More info: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions
Looking for some tips on how to nest objects inside objects using a form. My form currently changes the key and value of an object. However, I'm now wanting a second button to be able to create a child (correct termanology?)form input. below you can see an example. I've spent the morning looking at props but I'm unsure if this is the correct way to go, any suggestions are greatly appriciated
"color": "black",
"category": "hue",
"type": "primary",
"code": {
"rgba": [255,255,255,1],
"hex": "#000"
<form id="app">
Title goes here
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-2">
<button type="button" v-on:click="addNewObject" class="btn btn-block btn-success">
(Add +) Parent
<div class="col-xs-10 text_info">
Click 'Add +' to add an object
<div v-for="(object, index) in objects">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<label> </label>
<button type="button" v-on:click="removeObject(index)" class="btn btn-rem btn-block btn-danger">
<button type="button" v-on:click="addNewChildObject()" class="btn btn-rem btn-block btn-success btn-suc">
add { }
<div class="form-group col-xs-7">
<div class="test">
<select v-model="object.type" class="selectBox classic">
<option value="" disabled selected hidden>Choose Datatype</option>
<option v-for="type in types"> {{ type }}</option>
<input v-model="object.name" :name="'objects[' + index + '][name]'" type="string" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter key">
<input v-model="object.dataValue" :name="'objects[' + index + '][dataValue]'" type="string" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter value">
<pre v-if="seen">{{ mappedObjects }}</pre>
<button type="button" class="btn-primary" v-on:click="seen = !seen">{{ seen ? 'Click to Hide the JSON' : 'Click to Show the JSON' }}</button>
const getDefaultObject = () => ({
name: '',
dataValue: '',
type: ''
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
computed: {
mappedObjects() {
return this.objects.map(({
}) => ({
[name]: dataValue,
props: {
data() {
return {
seen: false,
types: ['string', 'character', 'number', 'int', 'floating-point', 'boolean', 'date;'],
objects: []
methods: {
addNewObject: function() {
removeObject: function(index) {
Vue.delete(this.objects, index);
addNewChildObject: function () {
If you want n forms with n children just create a model for it following that same structure and pass props to the form.
parent = {
children: []
child = {
If the forms are too complex (or a little complex really), split them in separate components and pass children as props.
If you want to use the same form both in parent and children take a look at slots, they will allow you to create flexible layouts.
I am new to vue I have component which if the endpoint fails, calls my generic 'Error' modal. All this is working fine but I keep getting the following error:
Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined
This only happens for the else part of my method function.
For this specific issue is I my 'failedPrcess' equals any of the following, this is when I get is, all others are fine:
<div class="modal fade danger-modal" id="errorModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="errorModalTitle" aria-hidden="true"
data-keyboard="false" data-backdrop="static" style="z-index: 99999">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document">
<div class="modal-content danger-modal-content">
<div class="modal-header danger-modal-headerfooter">An error has occurred</div>
<div class="modal-body">
<p v-if="failedProcess === 'appGetAccount' || failedProcess === 'existOrderSearchProdOrders' || failedProcess === 'stockSearchStockLevels'
|| failedProcess === 'cartFetchCouriers'">
{{ contactTxt | capitalize }}
<p v-else-if="errorCount < 3">If the error continues, {{ contactTxt }}</p>
<p v-else>As the error has continued, {{ contactTxt }}</p>
01234 567890
<br />
Open from 00:00 to 07:00
<p>Advising of what you were doing when the error occurred.</p>
<div class="modal-footer danger-modal-headerfooter">
<a v-if="failedProcess === 'appGetAccount'" ref="logoutButton" class="btn btn-primary" :class="logoutButtClicked" #click="logoutClicked = true" href="/site/logout">
<span v-if="!logoutClicked" id="logoutButtonLabel">Logout</span>
<span v-else id="logoutSpinner">
<span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Logging out
<router-link v-else-if="failedProcess === 'fetchOrderReportDetails'" to="/review" tag="button"
ref="existOrdersButton" class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-dismiss="modal" #click.native="closeButton">
Return to existing orders
<button v-else-if="errorCount < 3 && (failedProcess !== 'productsFetchProducts' && failedProcess !== 'existOrderSearchProdOrders'
&& failedProcess !== 'stockSearchStockLevels' && failedProcess !== 'cartFetchCouriers')" ref="closeButton" class="btn btn-primary"
type="button" data-dismiss="modal" #click="closeButton">
<router-link v-else to="/" tag="button" ref="homeButton" class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-dismiss="modal" #click="closeButton">
Return to homepage
import * as params from '../params';
export default {
name: "ErrorModal",
data() {
return {
contactTxt: 'please contact us on:',
errorCount: 0,
failedProcess: '',
mounted() {
VueEvent.$on('show-error-modal', (failedProcess) => {
if (this.failedProcess !== failedProcess) {
this.errorCount = 0;
this.failedProcess = failedProcess;
$('#errorModal').modal('show').on('shown.bs.modal', this.focus);
methods: {
focus() {
if (this.failedProcess === 'appGetAccount') {
} else if (this.failedProcess === 'fetchOrderReportDetails') {
} else if (this.errorCount < 3 && this.failedProcess !== 'productsFetchProducts') {
} else {
</script>`enter code here`
I've tried using v-if before and I also had similar problems and the best solution I found was, instead of using v-if/v-else-if/v-else, use v-show instead to perform conditional rendering.
Also, as the Vue.js doc says:
Generally speaking, v-if has higher toggle costs while v-show has higher initial render costs. So prefer v-show if you need to toggle something very often, and prefer v-if if the condition is unlikely to change at runtime.
I have a Respond Button inside a div with a Modal attached to it.
<div v-if="notification ? notification.type === 'App\\Notifications\\InterviewRequestEmployerReply' : ''">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-right" #click="editNotificationRequest(notification)">Respond</button>
If a User clicks the 'Confirm Interview' button, The Respond Button should be replaced with this <strong class="text-success">Confirmed</strong>.
I have a method called createConfirmedInterviewRequest() that gets called when the User clicks on the 'Confirm Interview' button. So I'd like to create a method that will change the contents and then I would just call that method inside my createConfirmedInterviewRequest() method upon Success, but I don't know how to create this method or how this can be done.
Attached is a scrrenshot of my page with the Respond Button and Modal.
How can I do change the contents of the div using Vue?
data() {
return {
notifications: {
noti: false
return this.notifications.noti ? true:false;
methods: {
this.notifications.noti = true;
My method:
createConfirmedInterviewRequest: async function() {
Modal with button:
<b-button type="submit" variant="success" #click="confirmProcess(`data`)" class="mr-2 mt-2">
<i class="fas fa-handshake"></i>Confirm Interview
Respond button I want to disappear and substitute with <strong class="text-success">Confirmed</strong>.
<div v-if="notification ? notification.type === 'App\\Notifications\\InterviewRequestEmployerReply' : ''">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-right" #click="editNotificationRequest(notification)" v-if="!computedConfirm">Respond</button>
Let me know if you need to know what data properties are inside of notifications.
Use v-if , v-else, condition will change in your editNotificationRequest method:
<div v-if="notification ? notification.type === 'App\\Notifications\\InterviewRequestEmployerReply' : ''">
<button v-if="clickConfirmed" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-right" #click="editNotificationRequest(notification)">Respond</button>
<strong v-else class="text-success">Confirmed</strong>
When I click the button on my modal with an empty field on my input its give me an undefined value on my console. And when I put a value on my input and click the button it is adding to my database. The problem is even the empty field or the undefined value are also adding to my database and the sweetalert is not working. I want to prevent the empty field adding to my database and prevent the undefined. Can somebody help me?
//start of method
checkForm: function(e) {
if (this.category_description) {
return true;
this.errors = [];
if (!this.category_description) {
this.errors.push('Category required.');
addCategory : function() {
method : "POST",
url : this.urlRoot + "category/add_category.php",
data : {
description : this.category_description
}).then(function (response){
vm.checkForm(); //for FORM validation
swal("Congrats!", " New category added!", "success");
}).catch(error => {
//end of method
<form id="vue-app" #submit="checkForm">
<div class="modal" id="myModal" > <!-- start add modal -->
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content " style="height:auto">
<!-- Modal Header -->
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="modal-title"> Add Category </h4>
<button #click="clearData" type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></button>
<!-- Modal body -->
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="category_description" name="category_description" v-model="category_description" placeholder="Enter Description">
<p v-if="errors.length">
<span v-for="error in errors"> {{ error }} </span>
<!-- Modal footer -->
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="submit"#click="category_description !== undefined ? addCategory : ''" class="btn btn-primary"> Add Category </button>
The easiest way to stop this is adding data check. And condition check at top of your method.category_description !== undefined. Btw, move your e.preventDefault() to top too.
First of all do this:
- <button type="submit" #click="category_description !== undefined ? addCategory : ''" class="btn btn-primary"> Add Category </button>
+ <button type="submit" #click.prevent="addCategory" class="btn btn-primary"> Add Category </button>
and then in addCategory:
addCategory() {
if (!this.category_description) {
} else {
// do your stuff here
When you are clicking on Add Category button, it is triggering the addCategory along with your validation method.
The return value of validation method has no impact on triggering of addCategory.
This issue can be handled in following ways.
Call addCategory only when there is some valid data
<button type="submit" #click="category_description != undefined ? addCategory() : ''" class="btn btn-primary"> Add Category </button>
Call the validation method inside addCategory and then proceed.