LDAP users are not getting listed under WebSphere manage user? - ldap

I am doing LDAP with websphere setup. I did all the priamary setps in the DN am using OU=Users, O= O=IN.
for the federated repository in websphere for PersonAccount i gave the same DN name and in filters i used (objectclass=user). But in the manage user, no user is getting listed.

Turn on the following trace: com.ibm.ws.wim.*=all.
Restart your server. Go to admin console and click Manage Users.
Look in the logs for "JNDI_CALL search"
You will see the filter being used, eg. (&(objectClass=inetorgperson)(uid=*)) and the baseDn being searched on. Verify these are correct by comparing to your ldif of a user you expect to see or by using the ldapsearch utility. It is probably not correct, so take action to fix the filter.


IBM Cloud Private ... LDAP ... no go

I am working for an IBM Business Partner and I am trying to complete a first PoC ICP installation. The basic installation has worked. I did not configure LDAP during the deployment but I am trying to add an LDAP connection in the console now, afterwards.
Unfortunately, I always fail. And there seem to be a number for limitations and/or bugs in the LDAP connection of ICP to the point of making it unuseable.
First, I would like to connect to an IBM Domino Directory as my LDAP server. Anyone who has worked with a Domino directory before knows that many Domino deployments have an O=Org suffix where Org is a company name containing spaces. For example, in our case it is "O=ARS GmbH". I would normally need to use this as the base DN (search base). However, ICP does not allow spaces in this field ... that need to be fixed! Any other LDAP client product I tried to connect to our Domino directory over many years was able to deal with spaces in the base DN.
Next, in a Domino directory usually the groups do have a different suffix (e.g. search base) than users. But ICP only offers ONE base DN field and not separate base DN fields for users and groups. Any other LDAP client ... DOES offer this. This needs to be fixed in ICP as well.
Next, the bind DN field does not allow some commonly used special characters which are often found in account names, such as the - character. This needs to be fixed as well (as it happens, the special user ID we have in our Domino directory which we use for LDAP binding is named dir-client ...).
Well, after hitting all those blocking problems, I finally tried to connect to our Microsoft Active Directory. This time I could successfully complete the LDAP connection. After doing so, I turned to "Users" and discovered I need to "Import group". However, no matter what I try to enter as (correct) values into the CN and OU fields, I only end up with an "internal server error".
Further more, after I could save the LDAP connection to Active Directory, I could no longer log in to the console with the builtin admin account! But since I could not import any users/groups, I could not assign that role to an LDAP account ... luckily, I had a VM snapshot of the master server and could thus revert to the state before.
This is really frustrating ...
I ran into identical issue when hooking up to an openldap server running in a docker container. It took me awhile to figure out the ICP pod and container where the log file is to get more information than "Internal Server Error".
Here is how to find the relevant ICP pod/container log:
Look for the "auth-idp" pods in the kube-system namespace. I use:
kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system | grep auth-idp
If you are running an HA cluster, you will have a pod on each master node.
In my case I have 3 master nodes. If you are running only a single master, then you will have only one auth-idp pod.
Again, in an HA scenario, you need to figure out which is your current master node. (The easiest, crude way to do that is ssh to your master VIP and see which node you land on.)
Now figure out which pod is running on the current master node. On each pod I use:
kubectl describe pod auth-idp-vq5bl --namespace=kube-system | grep IP
kubectl get pod auth-idp-vq5bl --namespace=kube-system -o wide
The one on the IP that is the current master node is where the log of interest will be.
The container in the pod that has the log of interest is: platform-identity-mgmt
To actually see the log file use:
kubectl logs auth-idp-vq5bl --namespace=kube-system --container=platform-identity-mgmt
At that point you will be able to scroll through the log and see a more detailed error message.
In the case of my error the log indicated my search filter for the group was not working properly. I decided to mess with the user ID map and user filter so I used a user ID map of *:cn and a user filter of: (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) Once I changed those in the ICP LDAP configuration, the user import succeeded. However, later I realized the logins were not working because the login is based on a search on userid or uid. So I changed the user ID map back to *:uid and the user filter back to (&(uid=%v)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)). That corrected the login issue. I added some users to my LDAP group and reimported the group and the import worked as well. At this point, I'm not sure what was going on with the original import not working until I messed with the user ID map and user filter. Go figure.
In my OpenLDAP directory instance my groups are all under ou=groups and each group member is listed as, e.g., cn=Peter Van Sickel,dc=ibm,dc=com. I had to edit the group member to get it using the full DN of an actual user.
My users are all directly under the root DN: dc=ibm,dc=com.
As to specific issues with other LDAPs, it is my experience that each has its own set of idiosyncrasies to get things working as desired.

Sonar with ldap plugin does not use LDAP without domain prefix

I'm using sonar 5.6 LTS with LDAP plugin 2.1.0.
The basic LDAP configuation is working fine. Sonar can connect to LDAP (in my case active directory). sonar.log:
Test LDAP connection on ldaps://ldap.mycompany:636: OK
My user mapping is
When I try to login with mycompany\tobi sonar logs:
DEBUG web[o.s.p.l.LdapUsersProvider] Requesting details for user mycompany\tobi
DEBUG web[o.s.p.l.LdapUsersProvider] User mycompany\tobi not found in <default>
This makes sense as sAMAccountName contains the value tobi and not mycompany\tobi. But when using just tobi as login, sonarqube does not connect to LDAP for authentication. I just get "Authentication failed" and the log file contains only
DEBUG web[http] POST /sonar/sessions/login | time=235ms
Any ideas why sonarqube does not always use LDAP? Thanks, Tobi
Thanks to Godin, I've finally found the answer:
The root cause is that I had a local account with the same login credentials before using LDAP. When removing users using the web interface, they are not removed permanently from the database. Instead, they are just deactivated.
I connected to the (postgresql) database and in the users table there were still all old local accounts. So I just changed the login column of all deprecated local accounts with
UPDATE users SET login='username_local' WHERE login='username'
As those accounts are deactivated, they cannot be used to login into sonarqube but should not be removed as some other tables might still have references to them.

Liferay LDAP Authentication does not work properly

I am using Liferay 6.2 and I am trying to do LDAP Authentication. The LDAP Server is provided by another organization and I do not have access to any configuration, I just have credentials for a system account to look up the directory. When I try to log in Liferay with user credentials from the LDAP Server the authentication fails with the following error code:
13:54:05,738 ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-3][LDAPAuth:341] Problem accessing LDAP server
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - 0000208D: NameErr:
DSID-0315270B, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
'O=uni,C=de' remaining name 'ou=people,o=uni,c=de'
The same error that occurs when trying to log in with a user that does not exist in the LDAP directory. Nevertheless, the mapping still works. After trying to log in with valid user credentials there is an entry in the liferay database with the corresponding user data. Accessing Liferay is not possible though.
These are my settings in portal-ext.properties (Test LDAP connections returns success, connection settings are pseudonymised):
Check the FQDN on the LDAP side, including the prefixes (cn, ou, etc.), and ensure that it matches the directory configuration within Liferay.
You can try configuring it from the control panel it will be easier for you as it allows to check whether the connection is made or not. You can check the users are fetched or not and it doesnt even need a server restart.
It works now. There were two issues:
I changed ldap.base.dn=ou=people,o=uni,c=de to ldap.base.dn=o=uni,c=de and
ldap.import.user.search.filter=(objectClass=inetOrgPerson) to ldap.import.user.search.filter=(objectClass=*)

TeamCity LDAP configuration problems

I'm trying to configure LDAP authentication for teamcity but can't get it to work. I already configured some other services on this server to authenticate using LDAP and had no problems (so it's not fault of the DC).
Following describes my config file:
When I set authentication to 'none' it works (but I can't restrict access to a specific group). I also tried using the full user name (incl. domain; i.e. DOMAIN\ldap-user) and also tried to use full DN instead, but it didn't change anything.
In log i see that the ldap server returns error code 49, which means that the binding failed. Like mentioned before I already configured other services on this server to authenticate with the same ldap server and the same binding user and had no problems.
Does anybody know how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance!
This is my configuration and It working fine. The synchronization is allowed so information like email and name there are no available but enable the login with NT Id and Credentials
I Hope help you

Unable to get Apache Archiva working with LDAP

I have uncommented the LDAP and UserMapper connectors in application.xml
I know my LDAP credentials (binddn, hostname, etc) are all working, because I use LDAP authentication and authorization for other apps on my server.
All I've done, is make the changes to application.xml and security.properties. Is there something else I'm supposed to do?
When I try to login with a user from LDAP, it is unsuccessful. Is there a log file I can check to see what's going wrong? I find the archiva documentation to be sparse and laconic.
Here is my security.properties file - some values have been altered, maybe someone can verify the structure is in-tact:
Also, the config.mapper.attribute.user.base.dn confuses me. The basedn of my users is here:
So does that mean for base DN I put: domainName=scoresecret.com,o=domains,dc=scoresecret,dc=com
and for config.mapper.attribute.user.base.dn: ou=Users
Let me know if I'm doing something wrong, if I'm forgetting to do something to "switch LDAP on", and if I can find some logs to point me in the right direction. Thanks a ton
Make sure you have configured an admin user that exists in LDAP - at the moment there's no way to use an internal user for that.
Replace admin with a role account in your LDAP server that can be used for this.
Here is a configuration template I use which should show the values you'd need to populate:
It seems the main difference could be the user filter being empty?
(See also thread on users#archiva.apache.org: http://s.apache.org/KDj)