Node-sass what is the diffence between these versions? - node-sass

There are multiple node-sass binary versions at their release page.
What is the difference between win32-x64-48_binding.node and win32-x64-51_binding.node?

The "48" and "51" are the node versions that the binaries are compiled against. You can see what version it refers to by looking at


How to install specific version of Cap'n Proto (v0.8.0)?

sudo apt install capnproto
This installs v0.7.0 in my ubuntu 20.04. However, i require v0.8.0 to be installed.
Also, i need v0.6.1 to be installed additionally for backward compatibility.
Any solution for these two cases ?
You will probably need to install from source rather than use a distro package. Unfortunately, it sounds like the Ubuntu distro package hasn't been updated in a while.
Instructions for building and installing from source can be found here:
Old versions are available by changing the version number in the download URL to whichever version you need.
Note that all versions of Cap'n Proto are backwards-compatible, so there should be no need to install older versions, unless you need to run a specific complied binary that was linked against a specific old version.

What is the safest way to get a newer version of a repo from yum on Amazon Linux?

I need a newer version of binutils on Amazon Linux to compile a piece of needed software. This is due to a bug in version 2.29 which is the latest available in their repo. What would be the best way to add another repo, and will this mess up future uses of the yum command as I add and remove non-approved repos? Can I just add in a repo from a similar flavor like CentOS? Does Amazon have a less "Safe" version that has up to date software in it?
For me the safest way to get newer version on your VM is to compile it and install it in different place like /opt/binutils or /usr/local/binutils and use absolute paths for utils.

Elm version 18, temporary upgrade?

I'm currently using Elm version 17.1 and want to try an application that uses version 18. I'm on Ubuntu.
Is there a way to temporarily upgrade to version 18 and then revert afterwards?
Otherwise what is the best approach?
You can use the npm package elm-version-manager to install multiple versions of Elm alongside each other (with the command evm install 0.18.0 or evm install 0.17.1) and switch which one is 'active' (with evm use 0.18.0 or evm use 0.17.1) systemwide.
you can use npm. As without global flag, npm packages can be installed for local project folder.

how to install the latest version of redis?

I'm trying to install the redis.2.6.0-rc7 cause i need the BITCOUNT command.I downloaded the package from redis-2.6.0-rc7.tar.gz
when I finished the make && make install,I checked the version of redis-cli,it shows
redis-cli 2.5.13
why isn't be 2.6.0?
Because 2.6 has still to be officially released. With Redis, odd version numbers are development versions, even numbers are release versions. 2.6RC7 is still a development version, and therefore labeled as 2.5.something.

Installing older version of Maven 2 on Ubuntu?

Is there an easy way to use apt-get to install an older version of Maven 2 on Ubuntu Maverick?
I'd like to use 2.0.9.
Try downloading from launchpad:
Double-click on it and GDebi should do the rest.
This package is no longer maintained on LTS and newer versions. Be careful, I haven't tried it because I have a newer version.
Anyway, why would you use an older one?
More info here: