uvm_reg_predictor predict not working - verification

In my environment, I have connected predictor bus_in port to output analysis port of monitor. I have also implement reg_adapter bus2reg function and connect adapter to predictor.
I'm using passive prediction (https://verificationacademy.com/cookbook/registers/integrating). The mirror value of uvm_reg should be updated automaticly as long as there's transaction sent from monitor. However I did not see that happen. When I check the source code for uvm_reg_predictor, it seems like it failed in get_reg_by_offset() function so that it did not get uvm_reg object. Did anyone has similar issue? If so, what's your solution? Thanks.

This issue can be resolved by configuring the offset in the REG map.
Make sure that the transactions (address) received by adapter and the address in the REG map are same. Add set_auto_predict(0) for turning off implicit prediction. The reg_offset failed since there was an address mismatch and Mapping was not happening henceforth the predict method for that register was not getting called implicitly.


Configure .eds file to map channels of a CANopen Client PLC

In Order use a PLC as a Client (formerly “Slave”), one has to configure the PDO channels, since the default values of the manufacturer are often not suitable. In my case, I need the PDOs so send INT valued instead of the default UNSIGNED8 (see. Picture).
Therefore my question: What kind of workflow would you recommend, to map the CANopen Client PDO channels?
I found the following workflow suitable, however I appreciate any improvements and recommendations from your side!
Start by locating the .eds file from the manufacturer. The image show this in the B&R Automation Studio Programming Environment
Open the file in a eds. Editor. I found the free Vector CANEds Editor very useful. Delete all RxPODs and RxPDO mappings that you don’t need.
Assign the needed Data Type (e.g. INTEGER16) and Channel Name (“1 Byte In (1)”).
Add the necessary PDOs and PDO mapping from the database. (This might actually be a bug, but if you just edit the PDOs without deleting and recreating them, I always receive error messages)
Map the Date to the Channels
Don't forget to write the number of channels in the first entry (in this image: 1601sub0)
Check the eds file for Errors (press F5) and copy&paste the eds file to the original location point 1.)
Add the PLC Client device in Automation Studio and you should see the correct mappings.
(PS: I couldn't make the images smaller ... any recommendations about formating this question are welcome!)

Serial communication with Xtralien potentiostat not working?

I am trying to set up a potentiostat Xtralien by Ossila with LabView.
The way the instrument works in a string-in, string-out, so far so good.
The built-in code examples that are provided by the manufacturer contain firstly a string-in, string-out LabView program and secondly a preliminary console to record an I-V sweep (https://www.ossila.com/pages/basic-xtralien-commands-in-labview, https://www.ossila.com/pages/xtralien-x100-command-list). In the string interface, I can enter 'CLOI hello' and the device responds 'hello world', so far so good. If I proceed any further and send i.e. a 'smu1 measurev' command connecting to some photodiode, I just receive a near-zero value back, setting 'smu1 set voltage 0.5' or similar does not lead to an output voltage either. Running the sweep program over said photodiode gives noise in the µA range.
EDIT: All involved hardware components were double-checked.
Where am I doing something wrong? Is the error arising from communication errors or...? Has someone experienced this so far?
Received the answer from the Ossila support. The Xtralien X200 drivers were recently updated (http://files.ossila.com/source-measure-unit/Ossila-X200-SMU-Instr.zip), and you need to switch on each SMU channel sperately. This was implemented in a subVI in the Instrumentation -> X200.
Hope I helped all who get a similar problem in the future!

Assert Failed ipv4-l3-protocol.cc

When running a simulation for a channel assignment algorithm in mesh network in NS3.25 I get the following error:
assert failed. cond="tc != 0", file=..src/internet/model/ipv4-l3-protocol.cc
terminate called without an active exception
I have tried the simulation with different parameter settings. However, I still get the same error. I cant figure out its cause, or what should I try to eliminate it.
Seems to me, just looking at the variable names, that you're missing Traffic Control (tc) layer in the node, since assertion fails. Have you initialized your IPv4 stack on the node using InternetStackHelper?
It sets a simple FIFO TC layer by default if none other is provided. If you initialized your stack manually, without using the helper, that may be the problem.

WCF Catastrophic Failure

I've got a real lemon on my hands. I hope someone who has the same problem or know how to fix it could point me in the right direction.
The Setup
I'm trying to create a WCF data service that uses an ADO Entity Framework model to retrieve data from the DB. I've added the WCF service reference and all seems fine. I have two sets of data service calls. The first one retrieves a list of all "users" and returns (this list does not include any dependent data (eg. address, contact, etc.). The second call is when a "user" is selected, the application request to include a few more dependent information such as address, contact details, messages, etc. given a user id. This also seems to work fine.
The Lemon
After some user selection change, ie. calling for more dependent data from the data service, the application stops to respond.
Crash error:
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.9989999. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.
I restart the debugging process but the application will not make any data service calls until after about a minute or so, VS 08 displays a message box with error:
Unable to process request from service. 'http://localhost:61768/ConsoleService.svc'. Catastrophic failure.
I've Googled the hell out of this error and related issues but found nothing of use.
Possible Solutions
I've found some leads as to the source of the problem. In the client's app.config:
maxReceivedMessageSize > Set to a higher value, eg. 5242880.
receiveTimeout > Set to a higher value, eg. 00:30:00
I've tried these but all in vain. I suspect there is an underlying problem that cannot be fixed by simply changing some numbers. Any leads would be much appreciated.
I've solved it =P.
The WCF service works fine. It was the data service calls that was the culprit. Every time I made the call, I instantiated a new reference to the data service, but never closed/disposed the service reference. So after a couple of calls, the data service reaches its maximum connection and halts.
Make sure to close/dispose of any data service reference properly. Best practice would be to enclose in a using statement.
using(var dataService = new ServiceNS.ServiceClient() )
// Use service here
// The service will be disposed and connection freed.
Glad to see you fixed your problem.
However, you need to be carefull about using the using statement. Have a look at this article:

BizTalk Dynamic WCF-WSHttp Send Port reverting to Http Adapter

I'm trying to send a message to the WCF-WSHttp adapter with a dynamic
send port from an orchestration, but BizTalk seems to always be
reverting back to the HTTP Adapter.
According to the docs that I've been able to find, I should just need
to set the transport type from my expression shape to get BizTalk to
use the WCF-WSHttp adapter, and I AM, but it still seems to be
reverting. Below is an example of my expression shape that's setting
the properties (as you can see, I've tried both
Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.TransportType and
Body(BTS.OutboundTransportType) = "WCF-WSHttp";
SendMessagePort(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.Address) =
System.String.Format("{0}/Accept{1}", "http://myserver/myservice/
myservice.svc/Accept{0}", messageInfo.MessageType);
SendMessagePort(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.TransportType) = "WCF-
Probably are Craig :-)
When using a dynamic send port, BizTalk uses the "scheme" part of the url to decide which adapter to use.
When your url starts with "Http://" or "Https://" BizTalk would always use the HTTP adapter.
Similarly url's begining with ftp:// will use the FTP adapter.
Same works for custom adapaters as well - when you install the adapter's configuration you register the moniker to use; for example - the open source Scheduled Task adapter uses schedule:// (I believe).
Using dynamic send ports with WCF is slightly more involved than most other adapaters because of the various configuration that's required but you can find detailed explanation here, just scroll down to the "Dynamic Send Ports" section about half way down.
I ended up resolving my issue, but am still unsure of the reasoning for the behavior I saw.
The Expression shape mentioned in the question was located inside of an Atomic Scope. Once the Orchestration exited the scope containing the Expression shape, the Transport Type was reset back to its original value. Moving the Expression out of the atomic scope resolved the issue, in that the TransportType was set correctly.