I am a new user of Webstorm/PHPStorm. Before this IDE, I used Netbeans.
To open a .xds file, that is a kind of text file that you can open it just like a .js file
and edit it in the editor.
In Netbeans you have to option to choose: open in system. Now the associated program gets started and opens it with the selected file.
Is there a alternative way to do this in Webstorm/Phpstorm? For now I just rightclick and choose
for the option: Show in Explorer. And then doubleclick the file .xds.
Thanks in advance!
Use Files opened in associated applications in File | Settings | File Types:
AFAIK there is no such action available in current versions.
Two options:
Assign such extension / pattern to File opened in associated applications in Settings | Editor | File Types. Cons: you will not be able to open such file in IDE itself.
Create custom External Tool entry (Settings | Tools | External Tools) that will launch such file with default application in your OS. For Windows it can be:
Program: cmd.exe
Parameters: /C start "$FilePath$"
Could anyone send the ATN file with only one action -> opening PSD file on Mac?
I've made an action with a lot of steps, it's working good but only on Windows. There is no relative paths in PS actions, and i have no friend that has Mac. Could anyone prepare ATN file (so i will be able to copy "open psd file" step)?
Short answer: this won't work. Even though Photoshop has "shortcuts" paths that are similar for both OSX and Windown (like ~/Desktop is a shortcut for desktop folder no matter of OS and username), Actions don't seem to recognize them. Furthermore, if you record an Open Action on Windows or Mac and open it in a different OS, you'll get a File or folder not found message for this step:
Here're two examples. In bot cases the top Action was made in Windows and the bottom one on Mac. This is a Mac screenshot:
and Windows:
Notice how Action1 on the Mac screenshot has File or folder not found message and on Windows there's the same message for Action2 from fromMac set.
Here's what you can do though.
insert Open as a Menu Item. This way user will be asked for a file you need every time a user calls the Action.
give the file you need to open as a pattern file (.pat) and ask a user to install it. This way you can fill a document with it using the Fill command.
most powerful: use a script. You can convert your action to a script file using the xtools: there's a script within it called ActionToJavascript: this will give you a .jsx file that you can use in Photoshop and that will work exactly as your action. And in this script you can specify a path for your action. Like here I'm specifying a file on my Desktop:
And this script will work on Mac.
I would like to know how I can load my own custom autocad files to the autocad working supported files without options inside Autocad software, but programmatically.
I have these following files that I want to load to supported files of autocad programatically ,
.cuix file
.vlx file
.mnl file
.mnr file
.fas file.
I tried with inno setup.
Honestly, I don't know how to do.
Please guide me or teach me how to do.
As per my understanding, you can achieve this stuff by Autoloading those File, while the AutoCAD is started, there is plenty amount of solution available on internet you may check this link1 Link2
Or you can refer below step(Before following this step read above link)
1.Write a function to load the required file as you mention in Question
(defun Load_File()
;To load CUIX file "<..MyPath.../MYMENU.CUIX>" replace this with you CUIX file path
(command "_MENULOAD" "<..MyPath.../MYMENU.CUIX>" "")
;To load VLX file "<..MyPath.../MY.VLX>" replace this with you VLX file e path
(command "_appload" "<..MyPath.../MY.VLX>")
;Loading a MNU file overwites the corresponding .MNR, .MNS and .MNC files. Keep in mind that if you make any custom toolbars ;and/or buttons using the graphical on-screen method - they will be wiped when you load the MNU
;(I am not sure about MNL/MNR file loading you may try this )
;To load MNLfile "<..MyPath.../MY.MNL>" replace this with you MNL file e path
(command "_appload" "<..MyPath.../MY.MNL>")
;To load Fas file
(load "<your .Fas file path/my.fas>"
2.save this file with name as Load_file.Lsp on trusted path (ie "c:/trusted path/...../Load_File.lsp")
(if lisp file is save in trusted path of AutoCAD so AutoCAD not show pop-up while lisp file is load )
3.make new lisp file so it can Autoload as AutoCAD is started with name "acad.lsp" put below code inside file (this code say that load our first "Load_File.lsp" file)
(load "c:/trusted path/...../Load_File.lsp")
this lisp file must be save in install directory of autocad (Ex. "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2018") this step is for automatically load "acad.lsp"
As soon as acad.lsp is loaded all your files are load in Autocad.
InnoSetup is a very good choice for You. I use it for few years and it let me do anything I need.
If You have InnoSetup installed, just click File->New and InnoSetup Script Wizard will guide you through the process of creation script. One of the steps is Application Files, where just select Your files mnu, cuix, fas whatever You like
After that compile ( just one click ) and You have Your setup.exe
Using Innosetup You may install files, but also manipulate OS registry - which may be helpful for Your application, but also set Acad supported files paths.
You can find more details about how to load Your application to Acad after is installed.
I have established an SFTP connecting between my WebStorm and host.
How can I configure WebStorm to autoupload the current file to the server when I hit save?
Make sure that this deployment entry you have configured is marked as Default for this project (as auto upload will work for default entry only)
Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Deployment | Options
Upload changed files automatically to the default server -- choose another option than Never.
You can read more about deployment in this official manual/how-to -- it's for PhpStorm and written for older version but it's exactly the same for all JetBrains' IDEs (just slightly different path to the actual settings).
Open the settings with Ctrl + , or Cmd + ,.
In the search bar to the top, type in Upload changed and it should take you to the Deployment -> Options page. There, you can choose to upload automatically, upload on explicit save (with Ctrl + S or Cmd + S), or don't automatically upload.
I have a project with *.ts files.
In one folder these files are TypeScript files.
In another folder it's TypoScript files.
The filetype *.ts is registered to the TypeScript Editor.
Is it possible to open a *ts file and force it to a different editor? In this case it would be the TypoScript Editor.
The only workaround i see is to rename the TypoScript files to *.tsc or *.t3s.
TypeScript files with the *.ats file ending will not be compiled from the internal TypeScript compiler.
I am using intelliJ 15.
You can do it by right click on folder or file by using 'External Tools'
In setting search for External Tools.
then add the editor or application you want open file by adding the location of application or editor
This picture shows how to add applications
Then right-click on any file or folder select External Tools then your application
I need to upload currently edited JSPs to server - via scp. I have pscp on my path on my windows machine.
How do I setup inteliij idea to do this with one click for currently opened file?
(I would be able to set this up in eclipse - via 'run tool' and parameter placeholders)
In IntelliJ IDEA this feature is called External Tools. There are various variables that you can pass to the process, including the current file name.