I have checked my company's developer account and checked organization name over there. I have found the company name is proper, that is "MY COMAPANY NAME Inc." but while me and my clients get TestFlight invitations, they see company name with "MY COMAPANY NAME Pvt. Ltd." as following:
I looking for some free open registry or API (preferred way) to find VAT ID for German companies based on company name or national registration number (preferred way).
For example:
Input data: [Company name: "Volkswagen AG"] or [Registration number: "HRB100484"]
Output data: [VAT ID: "DE115235681"]
(example data from https://www.volkswagenag.com/en/meta/provider-identification.html)
I am using a single table to store all my data in dynamodb as such:
Partion Key (PK)
Sorting Key (SK)
{ name: "G.I", lastName: "Joe" }
{ name: "King", picture: "./king.png" }
I am using the preferred_username as a part of the Partition Key, and thus need it to be unique to avoid colliding user data.
How can I garantee that two users in my User Pool cannot have matching preferred_username ?
The answer from #Lukas did it. Note that it required me to drop and recreate my cloudformation stack, which is why it failed on my first tries. Now when I try to edit the preferred_username I get the error I was looking for:
"message": "Already found an entry for the provided username.",
"code": "AliasExistsException",
"time": "2021-01-19T09:36:47.874Z",
"requestId": "7b52dbc2-58c5-4354-aa51-66d4dc7472a0",
"statusCode": 400,
"retryable": false,
"retryDelay": 85.84051584672932
username is unique within single pool. Same with alias. preferred_username may be configured as username alias.
Key take aways:
Developers can use the preferred_username attribute to give users a username that they can change. For more information, see Overview of Aliases.
The username must be unique within a user pool. A username can be reused, but only after it has been deleted and is no longer in use.
You can allow your end users to sign in with multiple identifiers by using aliases.
The preferred_username attribute provides users the experience of changing their username, when in fact the actual username value for a user is not changeable.
If you want to enable this user experience, submit the new username value as a preferred_username and choose preferred_username as an alias. Then users can sign in with the new value they entered.
If preferred_username is selected as an alias, the value can be provided only when an account is confirmed. The value cannot be provided during registration.
Alias values must be unique in a user pool. If an alias is configured for an email address or phone number, the value provided can be in a verified state in only one account. During sign-up, if an email address or phone number is supplied as an alias from a different account that has already been used, registration succeeds. Nevertheless, when a user tries to confirm the account with this email (or phone number) and enters the valid code, an AliasExistsException error is thrown. The error indicates to the user that an account with this email (or phone number) already exists. At this point, the user can abandon the new account creation and can try to reset the password for the old account. If the user continues creating the new account, your app should call the ConfirmSignUp API with the forceAliasCreation option. This moves the alias from the previous account to the newly created account, and it also marks the attribute unverified in the previous account.
I have a multi-company setup in Odoo, and I would like to limit the products that each user (under the group "User") can access (read/write/create/delete) to the products assigned to the company that the user is assigned to.
To be clear, I have:
Company A
Company B
User A (assigned to "Company A" and user group "User")
User B (assigned to "Company B" and user group "User")
Product A (assigned to "Company A")
Product B (assigned to "Company B")
With the default setup, User A has access to both Product A and Product B, and I would like user A to have access exclusively to product A, on all modules (Sales, Inventory, POS…)
I believe that is possible to accomplish using Record Rules, but I haven't been able to do it.
I got the answer I needed from Jerome Guerriat at the the Odoo forums. I only needed to tick a checkbox under the general settings page:
There already is a product.product multicompany rule (but it is
inactive by default): "Product multi-company"
xml id: product.product_comp_rule
You can active it by going to settings => general settings. Check
"manage multi company", then uncheck "share product to all companies"
link here: https://www.odoo.com/es_ES/forum/ayuda-1/question/limit-products-to-company-assigned-to-user-in-multi-company-odoo-9-102686
Odoo's record rules are the way to do it, as you mentioned it by yourself. For example look at the rule for sales order (sale.order). It's global (no group selected/assigned) and it's restricted to companies:
Now create your own record rules for product.template and product.product like the example under Settings/Technical/Security/Record Rules (in Odoo V9 you'll need developer mode to see this) or within a custom module.
Odoo Can manage share partner and product without add rules:
Use multiple company
Don`t forget add parent company at Settings > Users> companies (choose child company)
Uncheck Share partner to all companies and Share product to all companies at Settings > General Settings > Shared resources
So, Difference company can`t read product.....
a customer shops and creates an e-commerce order. there is a customer db table, and a shipping table. a customer can have more then shipping address. if the customer logs in to do another order, the shipping address(es) are pulled from the shipping table based on customer id.
the shipment is boxed, the store admin orders a shipping label and the address is sent to be "verified". when the shipping address is Verified, a new version of the shipping address is returned. There are 4 possibilities here:
1) there is no change at all to the Verified address except the letters might have been changed to upper case.
2) there is some slight change to the Verified address that doesn't affect the original version. maybe Ave was added to a street name field or a 5 digit zip code is updated to the 9 digit version.
3) the original submitted shipping address had a minor error - but the Verification was able to correct it. for example the zip code had a wrong digit.
4) the original submitted address has a major error that cannot be resolved by the Verification. either it can be figured out by the admin and resubmitted or the customer must be contacted.
so the questions are:
A) do we always update shipping tables with the (new) Verified address?
B) or do we do some kind of check and compare the original and verified to see if there is a change and then only update if the address has been changed?
C) or should we update the address AND keep a backup copy of the original address?
choice A seems like the simplest but am curious how people are dealing with this. note that this is probably most relevant for shipping with USPS postal in terms of the rigor of their verification.
====== edit
validating the shipping to address when the customer enters it in is obviously the most optimal but e-commerce merchants can get orders from different "channels" that the merchant has no control over. so validation at the time of creating the shipping label is still required.
D) Interaction with the customer at point of entry.
At that point of creating an eCommerce order - is that where they enter the address? That is the point that you should be validating the details. That is the point that you can ask for more information and clarity.
For example, if you validate afterwards then simple corrections (or changes over time) can be applied, but if there are major changes or the customer did not enter their apartment information there is no way to guess that afterwards and it can be a costly and time consuming task to create (call the customer back etc).
There are a few ways you can do this, I'm not sure what you use at the moment. If you are using third party solutions (such as my company's offering: https://www.edq.com/address-verification) they probably have services you can use which provide the interaction and prompts required. A solution such as this has the advantage that it can speed the capture of an address and ease the check out process but also makes sure that the addresses are validated and corrected at the point of capture.
If you do the above, then you only need to store the one, correct, customer accepted address. If they enter it correctly first time then it goes straight through with a lovely user experience, if there are problems then minor ones are fixed with extra interaction (appending Zip +4 perhaps) or they are prompted and guided to correct their address.
The USPS address validation only corrects addresses if they're positive that it does not actually change the intended address. Whenever the address validation is ambiguous, the address validation service returns the original address (or an error) and usually includes a message such as "ZIP and city are a match, but street address is invalid".
Thus you should be able to go with options A or B. That being said, most carrier APIs (including address validation) are unfortunately not 100% reliable, thus it might be reasonable to go with option C to have a backup.
If you need access to an easy-to-use address validation interface, my company Shippo offers an easy-to-use address validation REST API.
You can try Pitney Bowes “IdentifyAddress” Api available at - https://identify.pitneybowes.com/
The service analyses and compares the input addresses against the known address databases around the world to output a standardized detail. It corrects addresses, adds missing postal information and formats it using the format preferred by the applicable postal authority. I also uses additional address databases so it can provide enhanced detail, including address quality, type of address, transliteration (such as from Chinese Kanji to Latin characters) and whether an address is validated to the premise/house number, street, or city level of reference information.
You will find a lot of samples and sdk available on the site and i found it extremely easy to integrate.
Here is the small sample -
JSON Request -
"options": {
"OutputCasing": "M"
"Input": {
"Row": [
"AddressLine1": "13 milk st",
"AddressLine2": "",
"City": "boston",
"Country": "us",
"StateProvince": "ma",
"PostalCode": "",
"name": "User1",
"value": "Value1"
JSON Response
{"Output": [{
"Status": "F",
"Status.Code": "UnableToDPVConfirm",
"Status.Description": "Address Not Deliverable",
"AddressLine1": "13 Milk St",
"City": "Boston",
"StateProvince": "MA",
"PostalCode": "02109-5402",
"Country": "United States of America",
"BlockAddress": "13 Milk St Boston MA 02109-5402 United States of America",
"PostalCode.Base": "02109",
"PostalCode.AddOn": "5402",
"user_fields": [ {
"name": "User1",
"value": "Value1"
I am trying to send an email with vb and I want to send them to our customers. We have the email as our customer and the "Cc" as the customers accounting department. I can easily get the eamil but I can not get the "Cc" or other alternate contact info. I have tried query through the Icustmomqury object and get anything for the extended contact info,