Xcode test target build failing - xcode8

I am using Xcode 8.3.2 for building my framework. My framework project has both xctest and xcuitest target. When i am building my framework target, its building properly but test taget is failing. This is working fine with Xcode 8 version. Following is the error i am getting:
error: cannot parse the debug map for "/Users/chintu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/InAppPurchase-cfkrmkjfogyteqhcvlxfujvetrmb/Build/Intermediates/CodeCoverage/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/InAppPurchaseTests.xctest/InAppPurchaseTests": No such file or directory
Note: I have tried cleaning derived data, restarting xcode again but nothing seems to be working.


Could not build Objective-C module 'ChameleonFramework'

I am trying to include the ChameleonFramework in my project but it shows this message:
Could not build Objective-C module 'ChameleonFramework'
I install the framework using cocoapods and solve like 49 errors in the code because I'm using Swift 5 and Xcode 12.2.
Also, I delete the cache for the project, uninstall the pods and install them from the console, but still not working.

xCode 12 Beta 4, Lexical or Preprocessor issue - header file not found. Simulator only - works on device

macOS Catalina 10.15.5. xCode 11.6, xCode 12 beta 4. Objective-c app with 7 cocoapods. The app runs fine in xCode 11 and in xCode 12 on device. It fails to compile in xCode 12 simulator with Lexical or Preprocessor issue on the first cocoapod it encounters. If I eliminate that one it fails on the next. I've tried the standard steps - clean build folder, restart xCode, delete pod files and reinstall, pod repo update, clean derived data, etc. This was also an issue in beta 3.
Any ideas?
Try upgrading the Project Xcode compatibility to Xcode 11 and change the VALID_ARCHS to $(ARCHS_STANDARD).
It worked for me
you can try: add "x86_64" at "TARGETS ->Build Settings -> User-Defined -> VALID_ARCHS", and it's works too.
I started getting this error with a project when building it with Xcode 12.5 Beta3 for the first time when it was working previously with Xcode 12.4. The error was occurred during the build process when it encountered the Firebase packages that I had installed via the Swift Package Manager (not Cocoapods).
The simple solution for me was to just update the packages to the latest versions via File -> Swift Packages -> Update to Latest Package Versions.

Xamarin.iOS : Native Linking Error: Is there a limit on No. of files in IOS?

We are working on a large Xamarin.Forms project, the customer wanted Android release first, so we complete the entire Android project and delivered it, now when we have started working on IOS project, we are facing challenges as we keep adding more forms to the IOS project. Some of the errors are
Error # 1.
Native linking error: don't know how to convert instruction ec7acce4 referencing _mono_create_corlib_exception_0.island to thumb in
'# _object_System_Type_object_System_Globalization_CultureInfo'
from /#.iOS/1db41bf625bf2eb66083739a668e7273/obj/iPhone/Debug/mtouch-cache/#.dll.armv7.o for architecture armv7 iOS
Error # 2.
Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.
Since we were not making any headway, we started creating a new Solution in Xamarin.forms and started adding one Form in each Android and IOS, it worked fine until a specific number of files count, after that we started getting the same errors again in IOS.
the project works fine with about 867 files. (PCL - 638 files, ios - 107 files, Android - 122 files)
As soon as I add a new set of forms to PCL project, I get the above error #1, or Error # 2 in IOS project. The Android project works fine.
There is no sequence of the error, any of the above error just comes up, after I reduce the file count, the error is gone
Is there a limitation to the number of Forms in IOS? or Is there any limitation on the binary size. As per my understanding, IOS allows up to 100 MB in binaries. My current IOS binary is about 55 MB
I am stuck and not able to find any solution till now. Have already tried upgrading/downgrading Xamarin.forms versions, but no help, currently on Xamarin.forms
visual studio 2015 Professional
Also tried compiling and opening the project on MAC, visual studio 2017 Professional, getting same error
Also tried compiling on Xamarin studio on MAC, still getting same error.
It seems the native code Xamarin generates for one of your assemblies ends up hitting size limitations in the native (Mach-O) file format.
One of the solution from similar cases is adding --mono:framework to the "Additional mtouch arguments" at iOS Platform->Properties->iOS Build.
Then the mono runtime will be included as a framework in the app, instead of linked statically into the main executable.

XCTest linker error for custom cocoa touch framework

I created a custom cocoa touch framework, the custom touch framework uses Kiwi pod and thus uses XCTest.
In my framework target I ensured there are no linker flags for XCTest and I Archived the framework and added that to a new project.
In the new project the app builds and upon launch I get this message.
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/XCTest.framework/XCTest referenced from the framework I added.
I am not sure why the library is still linking to XCTest.
Looks like there were reference to the XCTest framework on my targets. I removed them and I didn't have the issue.

Xcode doesn't create iOS .app release file (products). How to fix this?

I've updated to the latest version of Xcode 4.5.1 and I have some troubles. When I build debug version of the project and run it on iOS simulator everything works just fine. But when I switched to release flavour in project schema and build project nothing happened. I mean project runs on simulator, but Build folder of my project remains empty.
I tried to follow this advice
Why doesn't Xcode 4 create any products?
but in the created folder DerivedData there are only logs and indexes folders and no .app files.
So the question is: How to get executable on real iOS6 device .app file in Xcode 4.5.1? I'm really a newbie and the delivery/deployment process in iOS is unknown to me.
Change your choice of deployment devices to an actual iOS device (don't use the simulator). After that, execute an "Archive" build (Product -> Archive). This option will be grayed out if you don't choose to deploy to an actual iOS device.