Output panel too small in Sublime Text 3 with Material Theme - resize

When I use the default theme of Sublime Text 3, the output panel can be resized normally. But when I switch to Material Theme, I can no longer adjust the size of the output panel. It's just one line height, so I have scroll to up to see the whole result, which is really inconvenient. How can I adjust the settings so that I can still resize the output panel with Material Theme?

Just have to Right-click the editing area of an opening file, select Material Theme -> Configuration -> Panels -> tick the material_theme_compact_panel option.


How to change intellij font size globally?

I'm try to decrease the font size of my code and the workbench menus. Doing it by File > Settings > Editor > Font only changes the font size in the code editor. Is there way to do this for the whole IDE?
There are 2 Font settings in Jetbrains.
To set the global scale, Open Appearance & Behavior > Appearance, enable the checkbox Use custom font: and then increase the Size
Editor > Font is only for the editor, so menus are not affected.
short cut may be you can us control button + keyboard wheel OR ctlr+ + or - button . That works in most case

How to adjust the font size for Markdown in IntelliJ DataSpell? (PyCharm)?

I'm trying to enlarge the font for the markdown displayed in the Jupyter Notebooks opened with IntelliJ DataSpell.
I have adjusted anything in the Settings Menu you can think of. But it only affects the Menu or the Editor, never the Markdown shown.
I found an old topic (below) but that does not work.
How do you change the Markdown preview font size in IntelliJ IDEA?
Has anybody another idea how to adjust the font size?
Regrettably, it is not available.
Please vote for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-232254 in order to increase its priority.
To change the font size of the menus and markdown texts:
File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> Use custom font (change font) -> Apply / OK
To change the font size of editor:
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Font (change font) -> Apply / OK
To apply changes on Markdown cells, you have to either double click on the cell and run the cell again or just restart the DataSpell IDE.

intellij idea selecting color for ui

I am using Dracula theme on my IntelliJ idea and I see the dark font on the Find in Path, Tex to find box and search results text which is really difficult to read.
How can I customize these colors
You can update the colors in the Editor Settings. Go to Preferences -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> General.
On the right pane select Text -> Default Text from the list of expandable options. Update the properties as required.

IntelliJ Idea not responding for font size change

Did anyone have the problem when you can change the font size in Editor->Font size but it does not change anything?
I can set even 50 but it does not make any effect. I was trying to restart etc but it does not help.
Font size is also part of Editor display, as well as in 'color scheme' within font it displays the size. But does not work for me either IntelliJ COMMUNITY EDITION 2018 Settings -> Editor -> Font
changed both color scheme font zise and editor font but stays at a small (assume it is default) font approx .11 or.12pt font.
Appears to only change the font size in the Project pane not the Editor's code pane?

Changing the code font size in WebStorm IDE

I can't seem to find a way to change the code font size in WebStorm. I change the font size in options and it changes the menu and toolbar font size but not the actual code. Any ideas?
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | Colors & Fonts | Font, Size:
Before you can change this setting you must click "Save As..." and save the scheme under a custom name.
If you came here because you already found that screen, but the text box was locked...
This is because you cannot modify the current theme.
Click "Save As..." to save a copy of your current theme, now you should be able to edit whatever you want.
There is also an option to enable mouse wheel zooming, like in browsers:
File > Settings > Editor > Change font size with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel.
If you are a new WebStorm 10.0.4 user,
File > Settings > Editor > General > Change font size with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel.
The answer that discusses how to dynamically change the font size via the mouse wheel is partially correct, but leaves out a crucial step:
General (this is the crucial step missing from the previous answer)
Set the "Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+M
The previous answer was missing the crucial step 4, which, when omitted, leaves you wondering where the magic checkbox control is located.