How to group totals - sql

I am trying to group by category - But the SQL I am using is grouping them all by date.
If a user selects a date range of 01/04/17 - 20/04/17 it will show them total number found under category A
Whats actually happening:
The results are showing Category A 10 times and showing me the total number of each date rather than a complete grouped total
Hope this makes sense
SELECT tbl_ComplaintsCoded.CauseManager, Count(tbl_ComplaintsCoded.CauseManager) AS CountOfCauseManager, tbl_ComplaintsCoded.[Account Number], tbl_ComplaintsCoded.TouchCSM, tbl_ComplaintsCoded.[Mail Date]
FROM tbl_ComplaintsCoded
GROUP BY tbl_ComplaintsCoded.CauseManager, tbl_ComplaintsCoded.[Account Number], tbl_ComplaintsCoded.TouchCSM, tbl_ComplaintsCoded.[Mail Date]
HAVING (((tbl_ComplaintsCoded.TouchCSM)=[Forms]![frm_Central_Reporting]![Combo209]) AND ((tbl_ComplaintsCoded.[Mail Date]) Between [Forms]![frm_Central_Reporting]![Text204] And [Forms]![frm_Central_Reporting]![Text206]));

this should get what you want:
SELECT tbl_ComplaintsCoded.CauseManager, Count(tbl_ComplaintsCoded.CauseManager) AS CountOfCauseManager, tbl_ComplaintsCoded.[Account Number], tbl_ComplaintsCoded.TouchCSM, tbl_ComplaintsCoded.[Mail Date]
FROM tbl_ComplaintsCoded
WHERE tbl_ComplaintsCoded.TouchCSM = [Forms]![frm_Central_Reporting]![Combo209]
AND (tbl_ComplaintsCoded.[Mail Date] BETWEEN [Forms]![frm_Central_Reporting]![Text204] AND [Forms]![frm_Central_Reporting]![Text206])
GROUP BY tbl_ComplaintsCoded.CauseManager
HAVING CountOfCauseManager > 0;
Also, please read: WHERE vs HAVING


MAX group by date returns MIN value - SQL

Simple set of data:
B1_PER_ID3 Course Type Course Expiry Date
00AW2 Life and A&S 04/30/2020
00AW2 Life and A&S 02/22/2021
[Course Type],
max([Course Expiry Date])
group by B1_PER_ID3, [Course Type]
having B1_PER_ID3 = '00AW2'
returns for this record. Other records mostly look fine:
B1_PER_ID3 Course Type MaxDate
00AW2 Life and A&S 04/30/2020
Any help will be appreciated.

Query keeps showing all records instead of a criteria

I have a very simple Select query in access. I have created a report from the query, where there are two date fields on the form for the user to fill and then a button to preview that report. But it keeps showing all of the records instead of showing only the ones within the range. What might be wrong with the query?
SELECT Marketics.Agent, Marketics.[Policy Number], Marketics.[Policy Status], Marketics.Decision, Marketics.[Old Premium], Marketics.[New Premium], Marketics.Difference, Marketics.Case
FROM Marketics
WHERE [Marketics].[Date Completed]>=[forms]![Policies Worked]![from]<=[forms]![Policies Worked]![to];
SELECT * FROM Marketics
WHERE [Date Completed] >= [forms]![Policies Worked]![from] AND [Date Completed] <= [forms]![Policies Worked]![to]
SELECT * FROM Marketics
WHERE [Date Completed] BETWEEN [forms]![Policies Worked]![from] AND [forms]![Policies Worked]![to]

Date Range in an Access Crosstab

Trying to get a Crosstab to bring up a prompt when a query is opened to allow a date range (start and end) to be input (dd-mm-yyyy) so that only this data comes back when the query is ran.
Currently sitting on the following code;
TRANSFORM Count(AlphaData.[Invoice]) AS CountOfInvoice
SELECT AlphaData.[Reason], Count(AlphaData.[Invoice]) AS [Total Of Invoice]
FROM AlphaData
WHERE ((AlphaData.[DateRaised]) Between AlphaData.[DateRaised] And AlphaData.[DateRaised])
GROUP BY AlphaData.[Reason]
PIVOT Format([DateRaised],"Short Date");
But cannot for the life of me get around the "MS Access DB engine does not recognise 'Alphadata.[DateRaised:]' as a valid field name or expression" issue.
The "WHERE" portion of the query does work in other queries, but it just goes to pot when it's applied in a crosstab.
Any suggestions?
It seems a bit mixed up. How about:
[From Date:] DateTime,
[To Date:] DateTime;
Count(*) AS CountOfInvoice
Sum(AlphaData.[Invoice]) AS [Total Of Invoice]
AlphaData.[DateRaised] Between [From Date:] And [To Date:]
Format([DateRaised],"Short Date");
You need to add the parameters to the query:
PARAMETERS [Start Date] DateTime, [End Date] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Count(AlphaData.Invoice) AS CountOfInvoice
SELECT AlphaData.Reason, Count(AlphaData.Invoice) AS [Total Of Invoice]
FROM AlphaData
WHERE (((AlphaData.DateRaised) Between [Start Date] And [End Date]))
GROUP BY AlphaData.Reason
PIVOT Format([DateRaised],"Short Date");
(note: parameter added as the first line, and then used in the Between statement).
If you're using the graphical interface you need to look for the Parameter option:
and enter your parameters in the dialog box:
I didn't realise this would happen with a cross-tab as you can just type the parameter in for a select query:
SELECT Invoice, Reason, DateRaised
FROM AlphaData
WHERE DateRaised=[Start Date]

Query to find late parts shipped and list them by quarter

I am having the toughest time getting a query created for this scenario:
I need to list all parts that were late and sum them by quarter.
Here is the query that I have so far:
Format$([InvoiceSub].[Date_Shipped],'\Qq yyyy') AS [Date_Shipped By Quarter]
, Sum(InvoiceSub.Quantity) AS [Sum Of Quantity]
ON (InvoiceSub.[Job #] = Job_Book_Sub.[Job #])
AND (InvoiceSub.[LineItem#] = Job_Book_Sub.[LineItem#])
Format$([InvoiceSub].[Date_Shipped],'\Qq yyyy')
, Year([InvoiceSub].[Date_Shipped]) * 4 + DatePart('q', [InvoiceSub].[Date_Shipped]) -1;
This query works fine to display all parts that were shipped by quarter. However, I want to see all parts that were shipped LATE by quarter.
I have a field in a table named: Job_Book_Sub, and that field is [LineItem_DueDate]. I want to use that in the query so that it will display all parts that were late ([date_shipped] > [lineitem_duedate]). The [date_shipped] is the actual date the parts were shipped, [lineitem_duedate] is the date the parts were due. I know that I need to incorporate these two fields into the query, I just don't know how.
Can someone please show me how to do this? If I add the [LineItem_DueDate] to the query, then it no longer sums the dates by quarter but instead lists every record (so instead of having 45 records with different quarters over the past 10+ years, I all of a sudden have 13000+ records because it is listing each record with date_shipped in the query.
Can someone help please?
Try adding your filter in a WHERE clause:
Format$([InvoiceSub].[Date_Shipped],'\Qq yyyy') AS [Date_Shipped By Quarter]
, Sum(InvoiceSub.Quantity) AS [Sum Of Quantity]
ON (InvoiceSub.[Job #] = Job_Book_Sub.[Job #])
AND (InvoiceSub.[LineItem#] = Job_Book_Sub.[LineItem#])
Job_Book_Sub.[date_shipped] > Job_Book_Sub.[lineitem_duedate]
Format$([InvoiceSub].[Date_Shipped],'\Qq yyyy')
, Year([InvoiceSub].[Date_Shipped]) * 4 + DatePart('q', [InvoiceSub].[Date_Shipped]) -1;

Looking for SQL count performance improvements.

I'm refactoring some older SQL, which is struggling after 4 years and 1.7m rows of data. Is there a way to improve the following MS SQL Query:
SELECT ServiceGetDayRange_1.[Display Start Date],
SUM (CASE WHEN Calls.line_date BETWEEN [Start Date] AND [End Date] THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS PerDayCount
FROM dbo.ServiceGetDayRange(GETUTCDATE(), 30, #standardBias, #daylightBias, #DST_startMonth, #DST_endMonth, #DST_startWeek, #DST_endWeek, #DST_startHour, #DST_endHour, #DST_startDayNumber, #DST_endDayNumber) AS ServiceGetDayRange_1 CROSS JOIN
(select [line_date] from dbo.l_log where dbo.l_log.line_date > dateadd(day,-31,GETUTCDATE())) as Calls
GROUP BY ServiceGetDayRange_1.[Display Start Date], ServiceGetDayRange_1.[Display End Date]
ORDER BY [Display Start Date]
It counts log entries over the previous 30 days (ServiceGetDayRange function returns table detailing ranges, TZ aligned) for plotting on a chart.. useless information, but i'm not the client.
The execution plan states 99% of the exec time is used in counting the entries.. as you would expect. Very little overhead in working out the TZ offsets (remember max 30 rows).
Stupidly i thought 'ah, indexed view' but then realised i cant bind to a function.
Current exec time if 6.25 seconds. Any improvement on that +rep
Thanks in advance.
Is it faster if you turn the CASE into a WHERE?
SELECT ServiceGetDayRange_1.[Display Start Date], COUNT(*) AS PerDayCount
FROM dbo.ServiceGetDayRange(GETUTCDATE(), 30, #standardBias, #daylightBias, #DST_startMonth, #DST_endMonth, #DST_startWeek, #DST_endWeek, #DST_startHour, #DST_endHour, #DST_startDayNumber, #DST_endDayNumber) AS ServiceGetDayRange_1 CROSS JOIN
(select [line_date] from dbo.l_log where dbo.l_log.line_date > dateadd(day,-31,GETUTCDATE())) as Calls
WHERE Calls.line_date BETWEEN [Start Date] AND [End Date]
GROUP BY ServiceGetDayRange_1.[Display Start Date], ServiceGetDayRange_1.[Display End Date]
ORDER BY [Display Start Date]
6.25 seconds for nearly 2m rows is pretty good.. maybe try a count of valid rows (your 1/0 conditional should allow that) as opposed to a sum of values.. I think that's more efficient in oracle environments.