change direction of nativescript slider - slider

is there a way to make the native script slider RTL?
I want it to move from right to left like this pic

For you case, you could use Slider rotate property. For Example:
<StackLayout class="p-20">
<Slider rotate="180" loaded="slloaded" minValue="0" maxValue="100" value="" />


NavigationView icons + text in compact mode

I'm trying to accomplish something similar to the image below where in compact mode you have the icon and the text displayed under it.
I'm not that familiar with modifying the underlying template for the NavigationView to make this work. Can you give me an advice on how to do this?
The code for the NavigationView is pretty much the default one:
Background="{ThemeResource SystemControlBackgroundAltHighBrush}"
SelectedItem="{x:Bind ViewModel.Selected, Mode=OneWay}">
<winui:NavigationViewItem x:Uid="Shell_Main" helpers:NavHelper.NavigateTo="views:MainPage">
<FontIcon Glyph="" />
<winui:NavigationViewItem x:Uid="Shell_WorkOrders" helpers:NavHelper.NavigateTo="views:WorkOrdersPage">
<FontIcon Glyph="" />
<winui:NavigationViewItem x:Uid="Shell_Materials" helpers:NavHelper.NavigateTo="views:MaterialsPage">
<FontIcon Glyph="" />
<winui:NavigationViewItem x:Uid="Shell_Documentation" helpers:NavHelper.NavigateTo="views:DocumentationPage">
<FontIcon Glyph="" />
<ic:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="ItemInvoked">
<ic:InvokeCommandAction Command="{x:Bind ViewModel.ItemInvokedCommand}" />
<Frame x:Name="shellFrame" />
NavigationView icons + text in compact mode
it's hard to make interface like the screenshot that you mentioned above, you need to edit the default NavigationViewItemPresenter style, and set icon above and content bottom.
For making navigation like above, we suggest you custom side navigation with SplitView to replace default NavigationView. and set ListView as pane content. Then you could design the nav item flexibly by customizing ItemTemplate .
For more detail please refer to Xaml-Controls-Gallery here.

How do I add padding to a Xamarin Forms CollectionView?

The CollectionView in Xamarin Forms does not support the Padding Property. Therefore the last item in the collection can be hidden behind overlaying items higher in the z-stack, like floating action buttons. Is there a workaround for this?
The best workaround I found is to use the Footer property of collectionview and add an empty, fixed height, transparent StackLayout to act as the missing padding.
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" ... >
<!--A fixed height footer,to simulate bottom padding and keep the last item in view when scrolling-->
<StackLayout Padding="0,0,0,70" BackgroundColor="Transparent"/>
A simple workaround for that is to create a view that contains it, and create padding on this View. I think it is better than placing a footer.
I wanted to use a floating button in a project but used the Footer also for a button.
Then there is no problem with overlaying .
<StackLayout BackgroundColor="LightGray">
<Button Margin="10,0,0,0"
Text="Friends of Xamarin Monkey"

Search Bar inside ViewCell doesn't allow input from keyboard in Android

I'm using Xamarin.Forms and I wanted to put some controls inside a TableView. One of them is a SearchBar, which is inside a ViewCell.
I tested this one in my Android phone and it doesn't allow me to input from keyboard, I tap on it and it doesn't bring keyboard.
Perhaps is bug or I am using the wrong Cell type for a SearchBar.
<TableSection Title="Cliente">
<SearchBar x:Name="txtBusquedaCliente" Placeholder="Seleccione..." />
<SwitchCell x:Name="swFormato" Text="Shor Format: " ></SwitchCell>

Native Script ScrollView and AbsoluteLayout

Im new to NS and I have a project. I want a Button floating inside a ScrollView.
<StackLayout orientation="vertical">
<AbsoluteLayout >
<Button top="0" left="0" right="0" text="Test" style="font-size: 10; margin:5; " />
<Label text="Trending Now: " cssClass="trending-label" />
<Repeater items="{{ categories }}">
But its not working. The Button is also scrolling. I want the Button to be floating on ScrollView. Thank you.
The reason why the button is scrolling together with the other items is that everything is situated in a ScrollView. In order to have only the Label and the Repeater scrolling, the Button should be placed outside of it.
Another thing I have noticed is that on the Button, simultaneously are applied left and right alignment, which might cause a problem.
I made a possible implementation of the float button, which you can check here.

right dockpanel

i a newbie in xaml and i need your help about tabcontrol
i want to make a tab control with tab panel or dock panel in right..
if we follow this :
<TabItem Header="first" />
<TabItem Header="Second" />
will automatically create left top dockpanel or tabpanel, how to make itu top right..
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but have you tried setting the TabStripPlacement property?
<TabControl TabStripPlacement="Right">
<TabItem Header="first" />