Azure ACS: Multiple SSH Keys for kubectl - azure-container-service

I work as part of a small team, and we would like to use our own ssh keys to administer the kubernetes cluster.
I use --generate-ssh-keys which picks up on my is ~/.ssh, and I then use az acs kubernetes get-credentials --resource-group $group --name $k8s_name to get my update kubectl config file.
My colleague can do most things with this, but can't kubectl exec as it requires ssh access to the minions/agents.
With my key, I can get into the master, but then can't seem to get to the agents to deploy the additional authorized_key.
Is there a way to do this? Even if it requires some manual work?

You can access the agents through the master by using the primary ssh key you entered when created the cluster (in case you already deleted that key in the master, you'll need to add it again).
Try following this guide: How to login into DC-OS slave through Master

The way we did it was by having your colleague update the k8s user account's authorized_keys on the master using:
az vm user update -u azureuser --ssh-key-value "$(< ~/.ssh/" -n <<master vm name>> -g <<k8s acs resource group>>
They should then be able to run kubectl commands.
I haven't run into any kubectl commands needing to do this on the agents yet, but you could script this up by getting the vm names and running through each. Something like the following will give you the list of vm names (so long as your ACS cluster is the only thing in the resource group):
az vm list -g ONEKAY --query "[*].osProfile.computerName"
You should be able to run through this list using the first command to add the public key.
I'm not sure this is the 'prescribed' way to do this, but it would work.


How to SSH between 2 Google Cloud Debian Instances

I have installed ansible in on of my GCE Debian VM Instance(1). Now I want to connect to another GCE Debian VM instance(2).
I have generated the public key on Instance 1 and copied the .pub key manually to the the authorized key of instance 2.
But, when I try to do the ssh from 1 to 2 it gives permission denied.
Is there any other way round? I am a little new to this, trying to learn.
is there any step by step guide available? and also what is the exact ip address to do ssh on? will it be the internal IP or the External IP taken by GCE when the Instance is started.
I'm an Ansible user too and I manage a set of compute engine servers. My scenario is pretty close to yours so hopefully this will work for you as well. To get this to work smoothly, you just need to realise that ssh public keys are metadata and can be used to tell GCE to create user accounts on instance creation.
SSH public keys are project-wide metadata
To get what you want the ssh public key should be added to the Metadata section under Compute Engine. My keys look like this:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3<long key sequence shortened>Uxh bob
Every time I get GCE to create an instance, it creates /home/bob and puts the key into the .ssh/authorized_keys section with all of the correct permissions set. This means I can ssh into that server if I have the private key. In my scenario I keep the Private Key only in two places, LastPass and my .ssh directory on my work computer. While I don't recommend it, you could also copy that private key to the .ssh directory on each server that you want to ssh from but I really recommend getting to grips with ssh-agent
Getting it to work with Ansible
The core of this is to tell Ansible not to validate host checking and to connect as the user specified in the key (bob in this example). To do that you need to set some ssh options when calling ansible
ansible-playbook -ssh-common-args='-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -u bob
Now Ansible will connect to the servers mentioned in your playbook and try to use the local private key to negotiate the ssh connection which should work as GCE will have set things up for you when the VM is created. Also, since hostname checking is off, you can rebuild the VM as often as you like.
Saying it again
I really recommend that you run ansible from a small number of secure computers and not put your private key onto cloud servers. If you really need to ssh between servers, look into how ssh-agent passes identity around. A good place to start is this article.
Where did you say the metadata was?
I kind of glossed over that bit but here's an image to get you started.
From there you just follow the options for adding a public key. Don't forget that this works because the third part of the key is the username that you want GCE and Ansible to use when running plays.
It's quite simple if you have two instances in google cloud platform, automatically you have the guest environment installed (gcloud command line), with it you can ssh through all you ssh inside your project:
Just run the following command line for inside your instance A to reach the Instance B
[user#Instance(1)]$ gcloud compute ssh Instance(2) --zone [zone]
That it, if it's not working let me know, and verify if your firewall rule let internal traffic.

gcloud compute ssh with local key & project restrictions

We have a user that is allowed to SSH into an VM on the Google Cloud Platform.
His key is added to the VM and he can SSH using
gcloud compute ssh name-of-vm
However connecting in this way will always have gcloud try to update project wide meta data
Updating project ssh metadata...failed
It fails because he only has rights for accessing & administrating this VM
However it's very annoying that every time he has to connect in this way he has to to wait for GCP trying to update metadata, which is not allowed and then check the sshkeys on the machine.
Is there a flag in the command to skip checking/updating project wide ssh keys?
Yes we can 'block project wide ssh keys' on the instance, but that would mean that other project admins cannot log in anymore.
I've also tried to minimise access to this user.
But, ideally, what rights should he have if he is allowed to SSH to the machine, start & stop the instance and store data into a bucket?
What you can do is to enable-oslogin for all the users you need including admins, enabling OS Login on instances disables metadata-based SSH key configurations on those instances.
The role to start, stop and connect via SSH to an instance would be roles/compute.instanceAdmin (take in account that this role is currently in beta) you can check here a list of the Compute Engine roles available so you can choose the one that better suits your needs.
To store data into a bucket, I think the most suitable role is roles/storage.objectCreator that allows users to create objects but not to delete or overwrite objects.
I found this solution very useful.
Create a file called config under ~/.ssh
Add the following to it. Change nickname to anything you prefer, $IP_OF_INSTANCE to the public IP of the instance, and $USER to your machine username.
Host nickname
Port 22
User $USER
CheckHostIP no
StrictHostKeyChecking no
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
Now, you can simply SSH using:
ssh nickname
Note that the path on Linux and Mac is ~/.ssh while the path on Windows is something like C:\Users\<user>\.ssh
Re: #1: There's no flag on the command to change this behavior on a per-command level instead of a per-instance level ('block-project-ssh-keys', as you mentioned) but you could file a FR at

Openshift 3 SSH

In the OpenShift 2 I was able to just add my public key to the authorized keys set and do a simple ssh to my server. Now I am trying to migrate my app and just doing some test with simple deployment and ssh doesn't work. I would like to have ssh access to check what is wrong. But it seems ssh changed here - I cant find the info about where can I add a key or the info how to ssh (both of these infos were visible on OpenShift 2)
Is that possible or they closed possibility to do a simple ssh to them?
Instead of using ssh, you need to use the oc rsh command to connect to the pod running the application you want to access. You can also use a terminal in the web console by going to the pod for the application. Both provide an iteractive shell prompt. If want to execute a command only, you can also use oc exec.
Is there a specific task you are trying to do which you think requires ssh rather than oc rsh or oc exec?

SSH into staging machine from docker instance using Bitbucket Pipelines

Using the new Bitbucket Pipelines feature, how can I SSH into my staging box from the docker container it spins up?
The last step in my pipeline is an .sh file that deploys the necessary code on staging, however because my staging box uses public key authentication and doesn't know about the docker container, the SSH connection is being denied.
Anyway of getting around this without using password authentication over SSH (which is causing me issues as well by constantly choosing to authenticate over public key instead.)?
Bitbucket pipelines can use a Docker image you've created, that has the ssh client setup to run during your builds, as long as it's hosted on a publicly accessible container registry.
Create a Docker image.
Create a Docker image with your ssh key available somewhere. The image also needs to have the host key for your environment(s) saved under the user the container will run as. This is normally the root user but may be different if you have a USER command in your Dockerfile.
You could copy an already populated known-hosts file in or configure the file dynamically at image build time with:
RUN ssh-keyscan
Publish the image
Publish your image to a publicly accessible, but private registry. You can host your own or use a service like Docker Hub.
Configure Pipelines
Configure pipelines to build with your docker image.
If you use Docker Hub
name: account-name/java:8u66
username: $USERNAME
password: $PASSWORD
email: $EMAIL
Or Your own external registry
Restrict access on your hosts
You don't want to have ssh keys to access your hosts flying around the world so I would also restrict access for these deploy ssh keys to only run your deploy commands.
The authorized_keys file on your staging host:
command="/path/to/your/deploy-script",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding ssh-dss AAAAC8ghi9ldw== deploy#bitbucket
Unfortunately bitbucket don't publish an IP list to restrict access to as they use shared infrastructure for pipelines. If they happen to be running on AWS then Amazon do publish IP lists.
from="",command="",no-... etc
Also remember to date them an expire them from time to time. I know ssh keys don't enforce dates but it's a good idea to do it anyway.
You can now setup SSH keys under pipeline settings so that you do not need to have a private docker image just to store ssh keys. It is also extracted from your source code so you don't have it in your repo as well.
Settings -> Pipelines -> SSH keys
You can either provide a key pair or generate a new one. The private key will be put in the docker container at ~/.ssh/config and provide you a public key you can put in your host to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The page also requires an ip or name to setup the fingerprint for known hosts when running on docker as well.
Also, Bitbucket has provided IP addresses you can white list if necessary for the docker containers being spun up. They are currently:

Calling SSH command from Jenkins

Jenkins keeps using the default "jenkins" user when executing builds. My build requires a number of SSH calls. However these SSH calls fails with Host verification exceptions because i haven't been able connect place the public key for this user on the target server.
I don't know where the default "jenkins" user is configured and therefore cant generate the required public key to place on the target server.
Any suggestions for either;
A way to force Jenkins to use a user i define
A way to enable SSH for the default Jenkins user
Fetch the password for the default 'jenkins' user
Ideally I would like to be able do both both any help greatly appreciated.
Solution: I was able access the default Jenkins user with an SSH request from the target server. Once i was logged in as the jenkins user i was able generate the public/private RSA keys which then allowed for password free access between servers
Because when having numerous slave machine it could be hard to anticipate on which of them build will be executed, rather then explicitly calling ssh I highly suggest using existing Jenkins plug-ins for SSH executing a remote commands:
Publish Over SSH - execute SSH commands or transfer files over SCP/SFTP.
SSH - execute SSH commands.
The default 'jenkins' user is the system user running your jenkins instance (master or slave). Depending on your installation this user can have been generated either by the install scripts (deb/rpm/pkg etc), or manually by your administrator. It may or may not be called 'jenkins'.
To find out under what user your jenkins instance is running, open the http://$JENKINS_SERVER/systemInfo, available from your Manage Jenkins menu.
There you will find your user.home and E.g. in my case on a Mac OS X master:
user.home /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/ jenkins
Once you have that information you will need to log onto that jenkins server as the user running jenkins and ssh into those remote servers to accept the ssh fingerprints.
An alternative (that I've never tried) would be to use a custom jenkins job to accept those fingerprints by for example running the following command in a SSH build task:
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" your_remote_server
This last tip is of course completely unacceptable from a pure security point of view :)
So one might make a "job" which writes the host keys as a constant, like:
echo "....." > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
just fill the dots from ssh-keyscan -t rsa {ip}, after you verify it.
That's correct, pipeline jobs will normally use the user jenkins, which means that SSH access needs to be given for this account for it work in the pipeline jobs. People have all sorts of complex build environments so it seems like a fair requirement.
As stated in one of the answers, each individual configuration could be different, so check under "System Information" or similar, in "Manage Jenkins" on the web UI. There should be a user.home and a for the home directory and the username respectively. On my CentOS installation these are "/var/lib/jenkins/" and "jenkins".
The first thing to do is to get a shell access as user jenkins in our case. Because this is an auto-generated service account, the shell is not enabled by default. Assuming you can log in as root or preferably some other user (in which case you'll need to prepend sudo) switch to jenkins as follows:
su -s /bin/bash jenkins
Now you can verify that it's really jenkins and that you entered the right home directory:
echo $HOME
If these don't match what you see in the configuration, do not proceed.
All is good so far, let's check what keys we already have:
ls -lah ~/.ssh
There may only be keys created with the hostname. See if you can use them:
ssh-copy-id user#host_ip_address
If there's an error, you may need to generate new keys:
Accept the default values, and no passphrase, if it prompts you to add the new keys to the home directory, without overwriting existing ones. Now you can run ssh-copy-id again.
It's a good idea to test it with something like
ssh user#host_ip_address ls
If it works, so should ssh, scp, rsync etc. in the Jenkins jobs. Otherwise, check the console output to see the error messages and try those exact commands on the shell as done above.