Parsing file with sscanf - printf

I am currently trying to parse file with contents something like this using sscanf:
param1 = value1
paramn = valuen
I need to extract values by param name.
For example:
sscanf((char*)rtext, "param5=%s", label)
I am trying to get "value5" into string variable "label".
This example returns 0 coincidences. I have tried various specificators with no luck. Looks like this not working because there is another symbols including new line before "param5". How to tell sscanf to skip this until "param5" will be found? Thank you.

Read file line by line until you will get the successful scan.


how do I filter out errant integer data in pentaho data integration

I have a fixed position input.txt file like this:
4033667 70040118401401
4033671 70040/8401901 < not int because of "/"
4033669 70040118401301
4033673 70060118401101
I'm using a text file input step to pull the data in, and I'd like to load the data into a database as int's and have errant data go to a log file.
I've tried to using the filter step and the data validator step, but I can't seem to get either to work. I've even tried using the text input field to bring it in as a string and then converting it to an int w/ the Select/Rename values Step, and changing the data-type in meta-data section.
a typical error I keep running into is "String : couldn't convert String to Integer"
Any suggestions?
So I ended up using...
Text file input > Filter Rows (regex \d+) > select values (to cast string to int) > table output
...and the error log comes off of the false result of the regex filter.
I understand you problem.
Let do it simple.

pandas read_csv with multiple separators does not work

I need to be able to parse 2 different types of CSVs with read_csv, the first has ;-separated values and the second has ,-separated values. I need to do this at the same time.
That is, the CSV can have this format:
or this:
or even mixed:
I tried many things like the following regex but nothing worked:
data = pd.read_csv(csv_file, sep=r'[,;]', engine='python')
Am I doing something wrong with the regex?
Instead of reading from a file, I ran your code sample
reading from a string:
txt = '''C1;C2,C3;C4
data = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(txt), sep='[,;]', engine='python')
and got a proper result:
C1 C2 C3 C4
0 some csv values here
1 some1 csv1 values1 here1
Note that the sep parameter can be even an ordinary (not raw) string,
because it does not contain any backslashes.
So your idea to specify multiple separators as a regex pattern is OK.
The reason that your code failed is probably an "inconsistent" division of
lines into fileds. Maybe you should ensure that each line contains the
same number of commas and semi-colons (at least not too many).
Look thoroughly at your stack trace. There should include some information
about which line of the source file caused the problem.
Then look at the indicated line and correct it.
To look what happens in a "failure case", I changed the source string to:
txt = '''C1;C2,C3;C4
i.e. I added one line with 5 fields (one too many).
Then execution of the above code results in an error message:
ParserError: Expected 4 fields in line 4, saw 5. ...
Note words in line 4, precisely indicating the offending input line
(line numbers starts from 1).

Import text from a .txt file using keywords in random positions

I'm new in this great platform and I have a question in Visual
I would like to import data from a txt file (or if you prefer a richtextbox!) using keywords that can be placed in a random position within the txt file. For example a txt like this:
keyword 25
or like this:
keyword 25
In both cases the application should be able to recognise the line because of the presence of the keyword and get the number (25) that will be saved in a variable. Of course this number can vary in different files.
I was thinking to use a code similar to this one:
If line.StartsWith(keyword) Then
End If
but the problem is that the keyword is not always placed as first char (there can be spaces before) and I don't know the line where this keyword is placed int the txt file.
Then I would even ask you how to get the number 25 that can be also placed in random position after the keyword (but for sure on the same line).
I hope everything is clear and thanks if you can help me.
You may consider using .TrimStart() on the lines as you read them, like so:
If line.TrimStart.StartsWith(keyword) Then
End If

Removing blank line at end of string before writing to text file?

Been searching around for this for a couple hours, can't find anything which will do this correctly. When writing a string to a text file, a blank line is outputted at the end.
writeString = New StreamWriter(path, False)
writeString.WriteLine("Hello World")
This will write the following to file:
Hello World
(Blank Line)
I've tried removing last character of string (both as regular string with varString.Substring(0, varString.Length - 1) and also as a list of string with varList.RemoveAt(varList.Count - 1)) but it just removes the literal last character.
I've also tried using Replace(vbCrLf, "") and many variations of it but again, they only remove literal new lines created in the string, not the new line at the end that is magically created.
Preferably, I'm seeking a method which will be able to remove that magical newline before the string is ever written to the file. I found methods which read from the file and then write back to it which would require Write > Read > Write, but in all cases the magical new line still appeared. :(
If it's important to note: The file will contain a string which may contain actual new lines (it's 'Song Artist - Song Title', though can contain other information and new lines can be added if the user wishes). That text file is then read by other applications (such as mIRC etc) of which output the contents by various means depending on application.
Eg. If an application were to read it and output it into a textbox.. the new line will additionally output to that textbox.. which is a problem! I have no control of the applications which will read the file as input considering it's the client which decides the application, so the removal of the new line needs to be done when outputted.
Help is appreciated~!
Use the Write method instead of WriteLine. The WriteLine method is the one adding a blank 0 length line to the file because it is terminating the "Hello World" string with a newline.
writeString.Write("Hello World")

inserting character in file , jython

I have written a simple program where to read the first 4 characters and get the integer of it and read those many character and write xxxx after it . Although the program is working the only issues instead of inserting the character , its replacing.
file = open('C:/40_60.txt','r+')
while 1:
char = int(
if not char: break
print 'done'
I am having issue with writing data .
considering this is my sample data
and expected output is
but actually my above program is giving me this output
ie. xxxx overwrites 0010.
Please suggest.
Files do not support an "insert"-operation. To get the effect you want, you need to rewrite the whole file. In your case, open a new file for writing; output everything you read and in addition, output your 'xxxx'.