Script help - count , total and avg - sql

I have the following script, trying to count how many distinct customers are there , how many distinct orders , what is total of all orders under £15 and its's avg, total of orders above £20 and it's avg.
with consignments as
[Sell-to Customer No_],
[Convert-to Document No_],
ic.[Shipping Agent Service Code],
[Pick Completed DateTime] as [Shipped DateTime],
ROUND((ic.[Amount Including VAT] + ic.Postage + ic.[Gift Wrap Price] +
ic.[Handling Fee] + ic.[Personalisation Fee]),2) as [Document Amount]
from dbo.[Temp$Consignment] ic inner join [dbo].
[Temp$Order] oh
on ic.[Owner Header GuID]=oh.[Order Guid]
where ic.[Shipping Agent Service Code]='secstan' and ic.[Pick Completed
DateTime] >= '2016-11-01T00:00:00.000' AND
ic.[Pick Completed DateTime] <= '2016-11-30T23:59:55.000' ),summary as
(select *,CASE WHEN [Document Amount] > 15 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as 'Over15'
from consignments )select * from summary
I have working script like below, but as I am new to sql I am bit confused how to convert above script to below.
select amountclass,[Shipping Agent Service Code],
count(distinct [Sell-to Customer No_]) as Total_customers,
count(*) as Total_orders,
sum([Amount]) as total_revenue,
avg([Amount] * 1.0) as AOV
select [Sell-to Customer No_], oh.[Original Order No_], [Amount],ic.
[Shipping Agent Service Code],
case when [Amount] <= 20 then 'Under_20'
else 'Over_20'
end as amountclass
from [TBW_BI].[dbo].[Temp$Order] oh INNER JOIN [TBW_BI].[dbo].
[Temp$Consignment] IC
ON IC.[Owner Header GuID]=OH.[Order Guid]
where[order date] >= '2016-09-01' AND
[order date] <= '2016-09-30' AND [COUNTRY]='UNITED KINGDOM' and
[document type] like 'ord%' and ic.[Shipping Agent Service
) dt
group by amountclass,[Shipping Agent Service Code]
order by amountclass,[Shipping Agent Service Code]

It looks like you have a query with a 2 Common Table Expressions (CTE) and you want to convert the CTE to a derived table. First, we can eliminate one of the CTEs.
summary as
(select *,CASE WHEN [Document Amount] > 15 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as 'Over15'
from consignments )
select * from summary
The CTE for summary is unnecessary. We can convert that code to this:
select *,CASE WHEN [Document Amount] > 15 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as 'Over15'
from consignments
Now, instead of using the consignments CTE; we can copy the sql code within it to create a derived table.
select *,CASE WHEN [Document Amount] > 15 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as 'Over15'
from (
select [Sell-to Customer No_],
[Convert-to Document No_],
ic.[Shipping Agent Service Code],
[Pick Completed DateTime] as [Shipped DateTime],
ROUND((ic.[Amount Including VAT] + ic.Postage + ic.[Gift Wrap Price] +
ic.[Handling Fee] + ic.[Personalisation Fee]),2) as [Document Amount]
from dbo.[Temp$Consignment] ic
inner join [dbo].[Temp$Order] oh on ic.[Owner Header GuID]=oh.[Order Guid]
where ic.[Shipping Agent Service Code]='secstan'
and ic.[Pick Completed
DateTime] >= '2016-11-01T00:00:00.000'
ic.[Pick Completed DateTime] <= '2016-11-30T23:59:55.000' ) as t


Why does my record count increase as my denominator for a division performed in a nested query increases?

In my query I'm trying to calculate the total overtime worked by employees by dividing basic salary by 173(hours in a month) which gives me the hourly rate then dividing the total overtime amount of employee by the hourly rate. To my surprise the record count increases as the number of hours in a month increases, should it not decrease?
Here's my script:
select 'Employees that worked more overtime' [CAAT],*
from ( select H.[Month]
,H.[Employee Code]
,H.[Job title]
,H.[Full Names]
,H.[Basic Salary]
,H.[Hourly Rate]
,round(R.[Overtime] / H.[Hourly Rate],2) [Overtime Hours]
from (select [Month]
,[Employee Code]
,[Job title]
,[Full Names]
,nullif(convert(money,[Amount]),0.00) [Basic Salary]
,nullif(round(convert(money,[Amount]) / 173,2),0.00) [Hourly Rate]
from [Salary DB]
where [Field Desc] = 'ED01-Basic Salary') H
left join
(select [Month]
,[Employee Code]
,nullif(sum(convert(money,[Amount])),0.00) [Overtime]
from [Salary DB]
where [Field Desc] in ('ED02-O/Time 1.5','ED02-O/Time 2.0','ED42-Sunday Pay')
group by [Month]
,[Employee Code]) R
on H.[Employee Code] = R.[Employee Code]
and H.[Month] = R.[Month]) [Data]
where [Overtime Hours] > '40'
Order by [Employee Code], [Month] Desc

Failed to convert NVARCHAR to INT, but I'm not trying to

I get this error:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'L NOVAK ENTERPRISES, INC' to data type int.
I've been wrestling with this query for quite a while and just can't figure out in what place that the conversion is being attempted. Using SQL Server 2017.
DECLARE #StartDate AS DateTime
DECLARE #MfgGroupCode AS Varchar(20)
SET #StartDate='2/27/2020'
SET #MfgGroupCode = 'VOLVO_NLA'
CT.No_ AS [Contact Number],
CT.Name AS [Contact Name],
UAL.Time AS [Search Date],
UAL.Param1 AS [Search Part],
CT.[E-Mail] AS [Contact Email],
CT.[Phone No_] AS [Contact Phone],
CT.[Company Name] AS [Search By Customer],
FROM dbo.[Customer] C
WHERE C.No_ = SL.[Sell-to Customer No_]
AND C.Name <> '') AS [Sold To Customer],
SL.[Posting Date] AS [Invoice Date],
SL.[Document No_] AS [Invoice],
SL.Quantity AS [Quantity],
SL.[Unit Price] AS [Unit Price],
SL.Amount AS [Amount],
DATEDIFF(DAY, UAL.Time, SL.[Posting Date]) AS [Interval]
dbo.[User Action Log] UAL
dbo.[User Action Types] UAT ON UAL.[User Action ID] = UAT.ID
dbo.[Item] I ON UAL.Param1 = I.[OEM Part Number]
dbo.[Contact] CT ON UAL.[Contact No_] = CT.No_
dbo.[Sales Invoice Line] SL ON UAL.Param1 = SL.[OEM Part Number]
AND SL.[Posting Date] >= #StartDate
UAT.Name IN ('SinglePartSearch', 'MultiPartSearch')
AND UAL.[MFG Group Code] = #MfgGroupCode
AND UAL.Time >= #StartDate
AND UAL.Param3 > 0
-- AND DATEDIFF(DAY, UAL.Time, SL.[Posting Date]) < 0 -- Uncomment to see Current Searches with Past Orders
-- AND DATEDIFF(DAY, UAL.Time, SL.[Posting Date]) > -1 -- Uncomment to see Searches resulting in Future Order
AND DATEDIFF(DAY, UAL.Time, SL.[Posting Date]) IS NULL -- Uncomment to See Searches with no Order
Interval DESC
Thanks to all of your help and questioning, I was able to identify that the culprit is UAL.Param3.
The User Action Log table stores a variety of different "Actions" and the parameters that are affiliated with each type of action (param1, param2, param3). For one action "RequestForAccess", the "L NOVAK" value is perfectly acceptable. For this query, we're looking at the "SinglePartSearch" and "MultiPartSearch" actions, which will only contain numeric values in UAL.Param3
I replaced this line (AND UAL.Param3 > 0) with (AND ISNUMERIC(UAL.Param3) = 1 AND UAL.Param3 <> 0) in the Where clause and it is now returning the results I hoped for.
Let me know if there is a more correct way of doing this and thank you to all who contributed!

Performance issue with SQL Query

I am pulling data from two tables-Forecast and Orders to compute sales forecast accuracy.
Steps I am taking:
Identifying all exhaustive combinations of product-region-demand month b/w both data sets...let's call this (1)
Identifying different forecast snapshots in forecast data... let's call this (2)
Performing a cross-join of (1) and (2)...let's call this (3)
Performing the "SUMIF()" equivalent on the lines from (3) for both orders and forecast. For example, if I am comparing forecast to actual orders for February,
Jan "INDPOR" Forecast---> For some Product/Region-Feb Delivery Combination: February Forecast (generated in January) vs. Orders booked after Jan 1st with a delivery schedule in Feb
Feb "INDPOR" Forecast---> For the same Product/Region-Feb Delivery Date Combination: February Forecast (generated in February) vs. Orders booked after Jan 27th* with a delivery schedule in Feb
Note 1: Generating multiple forecasts for the same month
Note 2: Fiscal calendar definitions used; that is why Feb starts on Jan 27th
Output is generating correctly. But, it is painfully slow (1 hour +). Please help me fine-tune this and make it faster as I will need to use this for larger data sets too.
Other Details:
I am running this on SQL Server 2014 locally from my desktop.Uploading this using the SQL data import wizard into SQL from an Excel file currently
Input Forecast data: ForecastAggTable
Input Orders data: OrderAggTable
Input and Output Files
Select *
Select *,
(Select isnull(sum([Forecast Qty]),0) from ForecastAggTable t2 where t2.LOB=D.LOB and
t2.[Demand Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t2.Class=D.Class
and t2.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t2.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
t2.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t2.Country=D.Country
and t2.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t2.[INDPOR Version]=D.[INDPOR Version])[Forecast Qty],
Select isnull(sum([Order Qty]),0) from OrderAggTable t1 where t1.LOB=D.LOB and
t1.[SAD Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t1.Class=D.Class
and t1.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t1.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
t1.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t1.Country=D.Country
and t1.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t1.[Book Date]>=D.[INDPOR Timestamp]
Select isnull(sum([Order Revenue]),0) from OrderAggTable t1 where t1.LOB=D.LOB and
t1.[SAD Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t1.Class=D.Class
and t1.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t1.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
t1.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t1.Country=D.Country
and t1.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t1.[Book Date]>=D.[INDPOR Timestamp]
Select isnull(sum([Order Qty]),0) from OrderAggTable t1 where t1.LOB=D.LOB and
t1.[RDD Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t1.Class=D.Class
and t1.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t1.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
t1.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t1.Country=D.Country
and t1.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t1.[Book Date]>=D.[INDPOR Timestamp]
Select isnull(sum([Order Revenue]),0) from OrderAggTable t1 where t1.LOB=D.LOB and
t1.[RDD Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t1.Class=D.Class
and t1.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t1.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
t1.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t1.Country=D.Country
and t1.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t1.[Book Date]>=D.[INDPOR Timestamp]
Select distinct LOB,[INDPOR Version],[INDPOR Timestamp],[Demand Month],
[Demand Quarter],[Min Date],Class,[Item Type],[Offer PF],
[LoB Region],[Key Account],Country,[Master Customer]
Select V.LOB,V.[SAD Month][Demand Month],V.[SAD Quarter][Demand Quarter],V.[SAD Min Date][Min Date],V.Class,
[Item Type],[Offer PF],[LoB Region],[Key Account],Country,[Master Customer]
from OrderAggTable V
Select Z.LOB,Z.[RDD Month][Demand Month],Z.[RDD Quarter][Demand Quarter],Z.[RDD Min Date][Min Date],Z.Class,
[Item Type],[Offer PF],[LoB Region],[Key Account],Country,[Master Customer]
from OrderAggTable Z
Select LOB,[Demand Month],[Demand Quarter],[Min Date],Class[Class],[Item Type],[Offer PF],[LoB Region],
[Key Account],Country,[Master Customer] from ForecastAggTable
cross join
select distinct [INDPOR Version],[INDPOR Timestamp]
from ForecastAggTable
where [Min Date]>=[INDPOR Timestamp]
where ([SAD-OrderQty] + [RDD-OrderQty] + [Forecast Qty]<>0)
How about simplifying, and doing less passes of your tables.
In this example I do two scans of the forecast table, one for the distinct, and one for the union, and one scan of the orders table.
with cte as
select distinct [INDPOR Version],[INDPOR Timestamp]
from ForecastAggTable
,cte2 as
,iif(DUP=0,V.[SAD Month] ,V.[RDD Month] ) [Demand Month]
,iif(DUP=0,V.[SAD Quarter] ,V.[RDD Quarter] ) [Demand Quarter]
,iif(DUP=0,V.[SAD Min Date] ,V.[RDD Min Date] ) [Min Date]
,V.[Book Date]
,V.[Item Type]
,V.[Offer PF]
,V.[LoB Region]
,V.[Key Account]
,V.[Master Customer]
,null [INDPOR Version]
,null [Forecast Qty]
,iif(DUP=0,v.[Order Qty] ,null ) [SAD-OrderQty]
,iif(DUP=0,V.[Order Revenue] ,null ) [SAD-OrderRevenue]
,iif(DUP=1,V.[Order Qty] ,null ) [RDD-OrderQty]
,iif(DUP=1,V.[Order Revenue] ,null ) [RDD-OrderRevenue]
from OrderAggTable V
cross join (select dup from (values (0),(1))a(dup)) a
union all
,[Demand Month]
,[Demand Quarter]
,[Min Date]
,[Min Date]
,[Item Type]
,[Offer PF]
,[LoB Region]
,[Key Account]
,[Master Customer]
,[INDPOR Version]
,[Forecast Qty]
from ForecastAggTable
,cte.[INDPOR Version]
,cte.[INDPOR Timestamp]
,cte2.[Demand Month]
,cte2.[Demand Quarter]
,cte2.[Min Date]
,cte2.[Item Type]
,cte2.[Offer PF]
,cte2.[LoB Region]
,cte2.[Key Account]
,cte2.[Master Customer]
,isnull(sum(cte2.[Forecast Qty] ),0) [Forecast Qty]
,isnull(sum(cte2.[SAD-OrderQty] ),0) [SAD-OrderQty]
,isnull(sum(cte2.[SAD-OrderRevenue]) ,0) [SAD-OrderRevenue]
,isnull(sum(cte2.[RDD-OrderQty] ),0) [RDD-OrderQty]
,isnull(sum(cte2.[RDD-OrderRevenue]) ,0) [RDD-OrderRevenue]
from cte2
inner join cte
on cte2.[Book Date]>=cte.[INDPOR Timestamp]
where isnull(cte2.[INDPOR Version],cte.[INDPOR Version])=cte.[INDPOR Version]
group by
,cte2.[Demand Month]
,cte2.[Demand Quarter]
,cte2.[Min Date]
,cte2.[Item Type]
,cte2.[Offer PF]
,cte2.[LoB Region]
,cte2.[Key Account]
,cte2.[Master Customer]
,cte.[INDPOR Version]
,cte.[INDPOR Timestamp]
isnull(sum(cte2.[Forecast Qty] ),0) +
isnull(sum(cte2.[SAD-OrderQty] ),0) +
isnull(sum(cte2.[RDD-OrderQty] ),0)

Meeting 2 conditions in 2 different columns

I'm trying to run a query where I need very specific conditions to be met:
Sales code is All
Item has Original Price flag set
Item has a price with no Original Price flag set that is the same as the Price with Original Price flag set
Price without Original price flag set must be created after the price with Original price flag
Currently I am using the following query to get the information I need;
select [item no_], [variant code],[unit price including vat],
[original price], [Starting Date], [Ending Date] from [Sales Price]
where [Sales Code] = 'all'
and [Ending Date] = '1753-01-01 00:00:00.000'
This is the example result:
1 means Original Price flag is set and 0 means it is not
The result I need from this query would be to only show these two:
I am assuming you are working with SQL Server as your current query syntax suggests.
If, so you can use lag() :
select sp.*
from (select sp.*,
lag([original price]) over (partition by [item no_] order by [Starting Date]) as prev_price
from [Sales Price] sp
where [Sales Code] = 'all'
) sp
where ([original price] = 1 or prev_price = 1);
let me know if you need me to explain; else its pretty straight forward.
select a.*
from (
select [item no_]
, [variant code]
,[unit price including vat]
, [original price]
, [Starting Date]
, [Ending Date]
,Column_Test = case when ( [original price] = 1 and [original price] = 0 ) and ([Starting Date]<[Ending Date]) then 1 else 0 end
from [Sales Price]
where [Sales Code] = 'all'
and [Ending Date] = '1753-01-01 00:00:00.000'
) a
where Column_Test = 1

SQL Result Set Merge

I have a limitation where I can only send one result set to a reporting application at any one time, to produce an end report for a customer.
So a query like this
From [Customer] C
However I need lots of totals at the bottom such as this query for some of the columns. I cannot make any changes to front end due to it being a legacy reporting application.
From [Customer] C
Obviously I simplified the queries I am using. So the question is how to make 2 results sets one result set in SQL?
Union and union all failed due to date columns being defaulted if you use blank for a column in end application.
Rollup or Pivoting or CTE I kinda thought of but cannot see a solution yet.
what about windowed functions?
Sum ( QUANTITY ) over () as [SUM OF QUANTITY] ,
From [Customer] C