How to create pentaho cde dashbord with convert to pdf button? - pdf

i just want to create a pentaho cde dashboard with convert to pdf button. when i click the button the dashboard should be downloaded as pdf format. i searched couple of blogs they suggested to use sparkl and phantomjs to do so. but currently sparkl is not available in pentaho marketplace. there is any alternative way to do this conversion? please help me.
Thanks in advance,

some time ago a customer of my company asked the same and I was in the same situation as you, phantomjs works, but the customers asked for something a little more complicated, they wanted the graphics to export it will stay with the state they had , That is to say when filtering they will be exported to PDF as well. After giving up with phantomjs, I started looking for other technologies to do this, and so I found the following
I explain what I did, create a new document using jspdf, then add the html page to a temporary canvas with canvg.js, html2canvas.js, html2canvas.svg.js, you have to keep in mind that the graphics are svg, and the treatment to add it to the canvas is different than create and then export it to PDF
I create a component of Pentaho, that you pass the html object that you want to export and export only that, I can not give you the code because it is reserved right for my company, but at some point I will create this component again to share it with the community, Regards


How do I modify Docusaurus appearances of the blog from a component library?

Creating Modified Blog Entries
I am new to React, and very much to Docusaurus, however, I've managed to get a decent looking DS site going. I am trying to capture some simple snippets to as "blog entries", just small factual snippets, etc. simple project summaries. I’ve hit the limit of the Docusaurus.config options and not sure how to expand the out of box components.
How do I begin to alter and edit Docusaurus to change the Blog page to be like "Cards" in component-speak? Ive seen some example in Infima, but not sure how to bridge that gap?
How can I easily replicate the Announcement Bar to also be at the bottom, like a Banner?
Thank You!
One possible arena for you to use is Bootstrap — specifically React-Bootstrap. They have a card component you could use where you link individual blog entries to that card. If you're comfortable with JavaScript, there's probably an automation you can build there, but hand-coded text is somewhat part and parcel with static-site generators.
If you want a different solution with the CSS code in your src file outright, CSSCodeLab has a React Card layout entry with an attached source code file. Some hand-coded text required, and not automatically integrated with a separate blog setup, but YMMV.
Otherwise Docusaurus' Showcase page does provide the card formatting. The source code for the page (coded at index.tsx) as well as the components are available.

Printing a Vaadin Layout

I want to print a Vaadin layout and all of its components (text, tables, html, charts, etc), sending it to a pdf preview, hopefully getting exactly what I see in the screen (for that specific layout)
The solution, seems to me, that is not something Vaadin is able to provide. You have to extract the html specific to you desired layout and, along with the styling, delegate to a tool that might convert it properly to a PDF, like jsPDF, but you need to integrate it into your Vaadin application.
If you're interested I can try to write some code that will help you. If so, let me know.

how to add a pdf file and view it in a Page based application

Actually i want to load a pdf file and view it like similar to page based application.So can anyone suggest me how to do it with sample code.I searched i didnt find any documentation or any sample code.
You want to create eBook type of app. the link example shows how to load pdf file and show. and if you want to add more animation like page curl then refer example here

Is there a way to create reports in PDF for iOS?

I am looking for a way to create a report in an iPad, a lib in c, c++ or objc or something.
What i want to do, is to fill an invoice data, and let the user choose his template from a set. The report must be a PDF.
I actually need something like crystal reports, or a way to have lots of predefined templates and be able to render them.
In the end i had to create an own report-system to handle the creation of the pdf.
Here is the official documentation for creating pdf's.
If you can rely on the internet connection, check out jsreport. It is capable of storing as many report templates you like. It also contains editor where you can prepare your templates using html, css and javascript templating engines.
For actual pdf rendering, you just send data from iPad to jsreport rest api and get back pdf.
Note: I am the author of jsreport

Search and Highlight text in PDF for IPad

I am working on the PDF App for iPad and facing an issue: how to search a text in PDF and also how to highlight that text?
Yours is the same big problem I'm having. My understanding is that, currently on iOS 4.0, the main public API is CGPDF . It allows us to parse PDF, and with it we can search strings in it. See also this Quartz 2D document. It also allows us to render it on the screen using CGContextDrawPage. However, it's not yet possible to get the position of a text in the rendered image. (On OS X it's possible using PDFKit.)
So, I'm afraid that you need to implement the PDF spec yourself to get that info. I think GoodReader etc. is working very very hard to implement these.
I had the same trouble recently and then I found FastPDFKit. Have tested the package and it's working great.